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Author: Larry_Moore_9883

© WebNovel


One night, a young man sits at a bar, staring at his phone all night. The bar tender with red hair, green eyes and glasses puts down his glass infront of him.

"Here you go. Scotch on the rocks." She says with a smile.

The young man picks it up without looking.

"Thank you." He says, eyes glued to his phone.

As he finally looks up from his phone, he is surprised by how beautiful she is.

"Wow." Jason says with a smirk.

The woman chuckles.

"So he finally looks up from his phone and notices me." She says.

The young man laughs.

"Sorry. I've just been busy with work. The guy who hired me is being a pain in the ass about a job."

"Yeah, I know how that feels, the boss here isn't exactly a cakewalk. What do you do?"

"I'm a private contractor. But lately, I've been- thinking about a career change." He says.

"Really? Why is that?"

The man thinks for a moment.

"Things have just gotten- more demanding recently."

The bartender nods as he gets another message on his phone.

"Welp, duty calls." He says.

When the man starts to leave, he stops to look back at the bartender.

"Hey- would it be ok if I- you know, comeback here when you got off? Maybe treat you to dinner? I feel kind of bad for ignoring you at first."

The Bartender smiles.

"I don't know. I mean, you did hurt my feelings a little. You didn't even tell me your name." She replies.

The man chuckles.

"My names Jason. Jason Snow." He says, offering her a handshake.

"Rose Buchanan."

The two shake hands while smiling at each other.

"I get off at eleven. If you're not too tired from work, then- stop by. I know a great taco truck nearby." Rose says.

Jason smirks.

"I will."

Jason then leaves, as Rose smiles happily.

Meanwhile at a heavily guarded mansion nearby, two armed guards stand at the front entrance. In an instant, both of the guards are dropped with shots to the head. A few seconds later another guard walks over and finds the two bodies.

"Oh shit."

He goes to talk through his radio but Jason comes out of nowhere, grabs him by the wrist and breaks his arm while covering his mouth so no one would hear him scream. He then breaks the guards neck and pulls out a gun with a silencer.

Meanwhile inside the mansion, a guard radios into the outside team.

"Outer perimeter team. Report."

The guard is then alarmed by the silence on the other end of the radio. They then hear a knock on the door, causing all the guards inside the mansion to quickly draw their weapons as one of them slowly approach the door to open it. The guard swings opens the door and immediately gets shot in the head. Jason barges into the house, using the dead guards body as a shield from the gunfire from the rest of the guards.

Jason then shoots down four of the guards perfectly. Another guard runs at him, but Jason throws the dead body into him then shoots him in the head. Another guard grabs Jason by the wrist, trying to disarm him, causing him to drive his knee into his gut, and punches him in the throat. A guard runs at him, but Jason kicks him in the chest and to the ground and throws the other guard to the ground, shooting them both.

As Jason slowly walks through the mansion, making sure there's no other guards around, he is grabbed from behind, causing him to drop his gun. Jason then headbutts the guard and elbows him the gut, breaking his grip on him. The guard pulls out his gun, but Jason kicks it out of his hand and punches him across the face. The guard swings at him, but Jason is able to catch it and flips him onto to the ground, puts him in a choke hold, and snaps his neck.

As all the guards are dead, Jason grabs his gun and makes his way upstairs. Two men are guarding a room, but Jason kills them both with shots to their heads. He then slowly walks through the door to the room, and sees a man in a bed with three women, sleeping.

"Excuse me ladies." Jason says.

No one wakes up, causing Jason to sigh.

"Wake up!" Jason yells.

The man and the women wake up, scared at the sight of Jason aiming a gun at them.

"Get up. Get out. And put some clothes on."

As the women run out of the room, the man tries to follow but Jason stops him.

"Not you, Richard."

Richard quickly puts his hands up in the air.

"Did Sebastian send you?"

"That's right. And if you know that, then you know why I'm here, and you should know there's nothing you can say to make a difference." Jason replies.

Before Jason can pull the trigger, Richard starts to plead for his life.

"Wait! Wait! I got money. See all this? We can work something out, just give me a number."


Jason then shoots Richard in the chest and then in the head. He then takes a deep breath and makes a phone call.

"It's done." He says.

Seconds later, a team shows up to clean up the bodies. An old man named Frank, one of Jason's closest friends and head of the clean up team, soon approaches Jason who is standing in the kitchen.

"You know what I like about ya kid? It's never hard cleaning up after you. I mean sure, there's a lot of bodies, but ignore all that and you can barely tell that a massacre just happened." Frank says, while reaching into the fridge and grabs two beers. He hands Jason one and the two drink them outside.

As the two share a drink together, Jason is notably silent.

"You alright kid? You've been off like this for a while now."

Jason thinks for a moment.

"It just- starts way on you... Afterall. So many people. So much blood, and for what? Just because Sebastian wants it? I don't know, I'm just realizing that this life is pointless." Jason says.

Frank thinks about what he's saying while he takes another sip of his beer.

"This is who we are, kid. There's no- changing us, it's just our nature. Who we were molded into." Frank says.

Jason sighs.


He then looks at his watch and sees that it's almost ten thirty.

"I gotta go." Jason says, handing his half full beer bottle to frank.

As Jason walks off, Frank is confused.

"Go? Go where?" Frank asks.

Jason starts to grin

"I'll tell you about it later."

Frank smirks.

"Is it a girl?" He asks.

Jason chuckles and waves.

"See you tomorrow, Frank."

Frank smiles as he drinks both his and Jason's beers.

Meanwhile as Rose is locking up the bar, three men, who were at the bar tonight, soon approach her.

"Hey, you closing up?" One of the men say.

Rose quickly turns around, getting startled by him.

"Uh, yeah. Calling it a night."

At that moment the man starts touching her arm.

"You know, it's not safe for a girl to be out alone at night. Why don't you hang out with us for a minute. I'll show you a good time."

Rose quickly snatches her arm away from him.

"Don't touch me, please."

"Woah, relax gorgeous. Just trying to give you the best night of your life."

At that moment Jason shows up, surprising both the group of men and Rose.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. I got stuck at work. You ready to head out?"

After Rose and Jason share a smile, he turns and glares at the group of men.

"Why are you still standing here?"

The men get angry steps up to Jason.

"What did you say?"

Jason, not afraid at all, gets into their face and intimidates all three of them with just a look.

"I said. Why are you still standing here? Walk away."

All three of the men are visibly scared of Jason.

"Whatever. We're out of here."

The men walk away and Jason's smile returns when he turns back to Rose.

"You know, I can take care of myself." Rose says with smirk.

Jason chuckles.

"Trust me, I know. I was tempted to let you give that guy a face full of mace."

Rose looks down at her hand, hiding her mace spray so that no one would see it. She confused as to how Jason saw it, but let's it go.

"So. Where to?" Rose asks.

"Well, if I'm not mistaken, you did promised me tacos from a truck."

Rose laughs.

"I did promise, didn't I? Alright, follow me."

As the two start walking, Jason notices small details in Rose's body language that tells him that she's cold. He takes off his jacket and puts it around Rose. She looks up at Jason and smiles at him.

"Thanks."Rose says.

Jason nods and the two continue to walk together.

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