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Chapter 2: Future Pups

His trip through space and time was... weird.

He was floating through the space and time gap, though he was flying.

Plus, there was so many colors that it hurt his eyes, so he had to cover them.

After what seem like forever, he appear yet again in a unrecognizable world. He was in a forest, at least, with no broken buildings.

"So it seems I'm in a forest," Chase told himself as he look at his surroundings. "Maybe I should see if I could find a road to town."

He start to walk, looking for a road. Every now and then he would hear growling, so he hide until they past by.

After a while, he spotted something. "A road!" yelled Chase as he ran at lightspeed to the road.

Unfortunately for him, though, he hit his head on a sign while running too fast, making him fall to the ground.

"Ow!" yelled Chase as he hold his head in pain. "Hum, what does this sign read."

As he read the sign, he was in shock by what it read, for it readied,

"Adventure Bay, population: 100,000"

"That's weird," said Chase, "Adventure Bay isn't a city."

He rubbed his eyes to make sure he was reading it right and sure enough, it was true.

"Things can't get any weirder," said Chase, shaking his head.

Even though he was really confuse, he decide to go to town, hoping to find this universe's paw patrol to recruit them.

He walk towards town, signing a tone from his Mp3 player. After a short walk, he arrive at the city limit and stared in total shock.

There was many more buildings then Chase remember and they were taller. "The sign wasn't kidding," said Chase.

He walk into the train station. He knew there was a map of Adventure Bay in the lobby. The first thing he notice was the interior was made from white marble. Two, there was a lot more people.

"Adventure Bay surely got a population boom," said Chase as walk along the loading area.

Soon, the train arrive... or it look like the train.

It was super high tech and it look like models from China and Japan. "Wow," said Chase.

He reach the lobby and look at the map for a long time, memorizing the locations. The lookout was still were it always was. But between him and the lookout was a huge highway network. He need a ride, but driving through the highway network was going to be impossible.

He only had one option. He had to buy a ticket and go with the subway over the highway network. He walk off, looking for the subway booth.

Back at the forest, another portal formed. When it vanish, it left a pup and 12 soldiers. This pup looked like Chase, expect he was VERY different.

For example, instead of his usual brown color eyes, his eyes were black, with red, bloody pupils. Also, menially, he was a mess.

He only had one duty: To serve his leader. 666 had promise him compete control of a universe if he did his bidding and he wanted power, so he expect the offer.

His name was Chase EXE.

"Start searching," growled Chase EXE. His men started to look around the area, while some got out equipment to help them.

"Any sight of him?" Chase EXE ask one of his soldiers. "No sure, but we think he went into town," said the soldier.

"Alright, lets go to town, but we need a truck," said . "I saw a log cabin over there," said one of the soldiers. "We can get one there."

The group silently walk over to the cabin, making sure not to make a noise. They look around until they found it.

"Perfect," Chase EXE said with an evil laugh. Two of his men ran to the truck to try to hot wire, but was stop by a farmer armed with a shotgun.

"Get away from my truck," said the farmer, pointing his shotgun towards and his group.

"We won't, "Chase EXE said with an evil grin. "Boys, show him what we can do."

The soldiers pulled out their advance guns and pointed them at the farmer and before he could even scream, his blood was everywhere.

Meanwhile, back at the train station, Chase had just bought a ticket and boarded a train. He decided to look through the photos on his phone of him and Skye.

As he looked through the photos, he started to tear up. He was worried about Skye and her going to be born pups. He was worried that Chase 666 did something to her.

After a few minutes, the train started moving. Chase look out the window at his amazement. The city was big. This made him wonder what the actual paw patrol of this universe was like.

After a ten minute long ride, Chase, along with the rest of the passengers, got off of the train. But unknown to them all, someone else was watching them from a distance. Thrasher watch as Chase disappear, reappeared on the roof and again disappearing.

"He is the one. The war has just began," said Thrasher. She pulled out what look like a grenade and toss it, opening a portal. When she jump through, she and the portal vanish into thin air.

Meanwhile, at a nearby bar, Chase EXE and his gang had stop their for drinks and while his soldiers were drinking and getting highly drunk, was not.

He was muttering about there new money problem. They had to waste their money they already had to clean the pickup truck of the farmers blood and now they had no money.

"Sergeant Blood," said Chase EXE . "Get your ass over here!"

A middle age man walk over and sat down. He was a expert at mass murder, note to his code name.

"So, do you have a solution to are money problem?" ask the sergeant.

"Yes, I do," said Chase EXE, rolling out a map onto the table.

"We need to get into this vault," said Chase EXE, pointing to a room on the map.

"Easy, just do some mass murder," said Sergeant Blood, pulling out his plasma VK-47 assault rifle.

"This is why I choose you for the team," Chase EXE said with a wicked smile.

Meanwhile, Chase had just arrive at the lookout and stared in shock.

The lookout was hugely modernize and was much bigger then his universe's lookout.

"I sure hope I can recruit them," said a nervous Chase as he walk towards the lookout.

As he got closer to the lookout, he could hear rumbling inside and some playful growls, so he went to investigate.

He teleported himself inside and look around. He appeared to be in someone's bedroom. He didn't want to disrupt their stuff, so he decide to leave.

But when he was about to teleport, the strange growls got so loud that it made him jump, causing him to loss his teleportation control.

After he teleported what seemed like a million times, he crash into the living room, hitting his head off the treat holder.

"Was Zum Teufel!?" yelled Chase, rubbing his head in agony again. His head was hurting so much he didn't even notice this universe's Chase and Everest, who were playing, watching him in aw.

"Who the heck is he?" Everest 2 whisper to Chase 2. "He looks just like you."

"I don't know," Chase 2 whisper back. "I go find out."

Chase 2 slowly approached Chase, who was still cursing in German and rubbing his head.

"Hey, pal," said Chase 2. "Who are you?"

This immediately spook Chase and he swung his sword around, barely marking his neck.

"Wow, dude," said Chase 2, now a little scared. "I'm not going to hurt you."

This made him realize this was who he was looking for and Chase put down his sword.

Soon, they were sitting in the living room, Everest was drinking a soda while Chase drink his last beer bottle.

"Sorry about that," said Chase as he toss the bottle into the bin. "Got spook."

"I get it," said Chase 2. "But if you are from another universe, why are you here?"

"That's why I was looking for you guys," said Chase. "I need your help."

"Need are help with what," ask Everest. "To fight a dangerous enemy," said Chase.

"Why, you are clearly more powerful than the both of else," said Chase 2. He was really confuse.

"That's it," said Chase. "Because he is me." "A evil version of me."

The two sat their in shock. "So you have a deadly, evil version of yourself running around," ask Everest.

"Yes, he wants to take over the multiverse," said Chase. "This is why I need you two badly."

The two sat their in silence for a while. Then, Chase 2 and Everest 2 spoke up.

"We'll do it, all three of us," said Chase 2. This puzzled Chase.

"There's three of you here?" said Chase. "Whos the third?"

Just then, a blue, German shepherd walk out of a nearby room. When she saw Chase though, she drop the wrench she was carrying.

"Lady!?" cried Chase.

"Chase!?" cried Lady.

Lady couldn't say anything because just then Chase crash into her, knocking them to the ground.

"I thought you were dead!" cried Chase. He hug her as tears fall from his eyes. Lady begin to cry too.

"Luke save me and brought me here," said Lady. "But I lost my memory. You trigger my memories."

"Family reunion," Chase 2 told Everest 2. "Weird, right?"

"Somewhat," said Everest 2.

Suddenly, Chase's ears perk up. "Get down!" yelled Chase. As they did, the door exploded, followed by talking.

Soon, 3 soldiers enter the room to find Chase not scratch one bit. "Run," said one of the soldiers as Chase leap at the soldier.

The soldier didn't even last as Chase's blades shove into his chest. The other two started to run away. "Fuck this!" yelled one of them.

Chase throw his other blade like a boomerang, striking one of the soldiers in the back, killing him.

"Nice," says an impress Chase 2. After killing the other soldier, the four ran off into the basement and lock the door.

"This door won't hold them for long," said Lady. "Were to, Chase?"

"Earth 3, why?" ask Chase as he stared in total shock. There was a spaceship sitting right in front of him.

"Get in, but it will take me a while to power up to make the jump," said Lady.

Chase 2 and Everest 2 ran in, but not Chase. "I'll hold them off," said Chase as he disappeared.

"Thanks, now come on," said Lady, messing with the buttons.

Outside, was furious. "Where did they go?" growled Chase EXE .

"Right here," said a voice. turn to look and got a slam kick in the jaw, sending him flying out if the back of the pickup.

"You must be one of 666's minions," said Chase as he landed, swords drawn. "Yes, and you're the one I am looking for," said Chase EXE .

"Then I get to kill you," said Chase. He charge at superspeed at Chase EXE , who was not ready for the attack and got a huge swarm of pain as he was sent into a tree.

Still inside the basement, Lady finally power up the spacecraft. "Hold on," yelled Lady as the spacecraft took off.

The spacecraft rip through the earth and to their surprise, the whole yard was a mess of fire, bodies and a burning pickup truck. They also saw Chase fighting someone else down there.

"Come on!" yelled Lady out the window. "We got to go now!"

Chase heard Lady calling him and after giving a quick stab, he flew up to them.

After getting inside, Lady fired up the hopper and was about to make the jump to the Earth 3 universe.

The ship increase in speed as it got ready to make the jump.

But below, Chase EXE had recover and was holding a RPG.

"Goodbye," said Chase EXE with an evil laugh as he fired the rocket.

The rocket speed toward the spaceship, which was detected. "We got a rocket coming right for us!" yelled Lady.

"Go faster!" yelled Chase. With no choice, she increase the ship's speed, making it through the portal, with the rocket following.

"Its still coming!" yelled Lady as it hit the spaceship. For Lady, Chase 2 and Everest 2, they were ok, for they had seatbelts, but Chase didn't.

"Chase!" yelled Lady as he flew out of the spaceship. The ship begin to read IN DANGER mode as it enter Earth 3. It flew at incredible speeds, finally crashing onto the beach of Adventure Bay.

Chase, though, fell through the sky until he crash into a building and fell to the street. He looked around his surroundings. He had no idea where he was.

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