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Chapter 2: Disturbing Life

Sixteen years ago before the main story Begins.

Allena: "Hey My Baby Axel get ready. Today we are going on a picnic with papa. YAY..."

Baby Axel: "YAY... Picnic... Picnic... Picnic..."

Matt: "My son is so energised today to go on a Picnic. Come to papa, my boy."

Baby Axel: "Papa let's go to the picnic."

Matt: "Sure Son. Let's go. Allena let's go."

Allena: "Sure Honey."

A sweet and happy family of three is going on a picnic after a very long time as the papa of the house works in Marines and he doesn't get much leave from his job.

And his line of work has kept him away from his family for a very long time. But finally the husband has got his leave and now the three of them are going on picnic to enjoy their happy and lovely vacations.

But for now this family is going on their happy vacation. Matt, Allena and Alex got in their car with Matt taking over the driving position of the car and driving his family towards their vacation destination.

They have crossed half way of their destination with the family singing and playing happily inside their car just like a normal happy family would do.

But their happiness only remained for a very short time as a sudden road block appeared in front of their car in the form of a large tree lying on the ground.

Matt: "Why is there a tree lying on the ground ?"

Allena: "It must have been some kind of tornado in this area."

Although the words of Allena carried some kind of possibility in them but Matt was still not convinced with those words.

It's not like he doesn't trust her wife but it's just that his inner Marine Officer instinct is kicking hard making Matt to take this matter very cautiously as he doesn't want his family to be in any kind of danger.

Matt: "Honey please keep an eye on our son, I am going to check the condition outside and remember after I step out of car, lock all the doors immediately."

Allena: "Sure Matt darling. Take care."

Matt: "I will."

After that Matt got down from his car and as per his request, Allena locked all the doors of the car and soon enough Matt reached near the fallen tree.

As soon as he reached there at first he studied the entire surrounding area of that particular place for any kind of suspicious activities and after looking for about ten minutes, Matt didn't found anything.

And this made him to be relieved that all of this was his just instinctive imagination. After his relief, Matt began to sideline the tree from their path and soon he was able to put the tree at one side of the road.

Allena who is sitting inside the car became very happy after seeing her husband successfully sidelined the tree. Then Matt looked at his wife and showed his muscles to her as to showing his strength and Allena just give her husband a flying kiss from inside of the car.

Soon enough Matt began to return to his car and when he reached near his car, he heard a voice from his behind.

Masked Man #1: "Why so hurry Officer Matt ? Have some chat with us."

Hearing the voice, Matt turner around and as soon as he turned, he saw five masked men standing in front of him all equipped with modern guns and knives.

Matt: "Who are you all ? What do you want from me ?"

Masked Man #1: "Let's answer your second question first Matt. We want you and your family dead. And as to your first question, we all are hired to kill you."

As soon as the last words were uttered, the five masked men took out an emblem from their pocket which have an snake bidding a gun image carved on it.

And seeing that emblem Matt got surprised as he never thought these people will come to him very soon.

Matt: "So the Table Of Order has finally come for me."

Masked Man #1: "Oh. You know us. We are flattened that the most efficient and capable Marine know about us."

Matt: "Yes I know about you all after all you all are the infamous assassin group who kills their target mercilessly yet follow a code of conduct."

Masked Man #1: "We are really glad. But at the same time we are sorry Matt. We have to kill you. But since you are special, we will give you and your family a very pleasant death."

Matt: "Before that I will kill you all."

Saying these words, Matt made fists of his two hands and then he rushed straight towards the men standing in front of him but before he could do more, he was already pierced by a sword in his heart.

And soon...


A loud gun shot revered in that silent and open place as it is clearly seen by Allena that her husband has now been shot dead in his head.

Allena: "No. No. No. I have to run away from here. Yes I have to run away from here. I have to protect my Axel."

Allena clearly knew that she can't do much now and fight back is clearly not an option for her either but at least she wanted to protect her son.

So immediately she thought of a plan and created a camouflaged small child using towels and then taking that in her arms she flew from her car while taking the attention of those assassins towards her.

Masked Man #1: "Follow her. We have to kill her and her son. Let's go."

Allena has ran towards the forest and those five masked men followed behind her and with this she was able to protect her son.

But while fleeing from there, the only thought that crossed her mind was, "My Son, please forgive this mother of yours. All the things that I have done today was to protect you. Please forgive me and remember that your father and mother loves you very much."

And soon...

"BANG... BANG..."

Some gunshots came from the forest and this indicated the death of Allena....

Five years later...

John: "You Bastard. I had told you to clean the house properly but you can't do a small thing like that."





John: "Don't forget that I am the one who is spending all the money for your education and clothes. The food you eat are also bought by me."

Axel: "I am sorry uncle. Please don't hit me more. From the next time I will not become disobedient. I promise."

John: "For you to learn about obedience, I have to teach you the lesson well."





It's been five years since the death of Matt and his wife Allena. And after their death, John, Matt's younger brother got the custody of of their son Axel.

But once Axel became old enough to walk and talk properly, John and his family has made him their personal slave.

They have been beating him and keeping starve for food if doesn't listen to them or makes a small mistake.

To show the people that they are taking good care of Axel, John and his wife has admitted Axel in the same school as that of their own son Sam.

But in that, Sam and his group of friends bully and harass Matt all the time be it in the class or outside of the class.

And the teachers of that school also harass Axel as the leader of Sam's group is the son of the school's chairman.

And since no one wants to go against the powerful people, hence Axel has to bear all the bullying and harassment all by himself. He just cries at nights that also silently so that his uncle and his family won't get disturbed.

A little child who doesn't have anyone to support to him, is slowly going to a path where anyone's life can become anything but the chances of becoming are not good even if it's not zero but very close to zero.

Present Time...

Eleven Years Later...

The time has been cruel to Axel as he has been treated like a shitties piece of person. He has literally became slave dog for John and his family.

If anyone comes to fight with Sam, then Sam will keep Axel in his place to take the beating for him and after that Axel will get beaten by Sam and his friends.

In all of these sixteen years of his life, Axel tried to get help from anyone possible but no one gave him an eye of saving. All he got from people was look of disgust and hate.

All of the people whom he has came across never listened to his crying pleadings help and saving and just threw him away from their sides like some garbage.

And this continued behavior of the society slowly slowly began to turn Axel away from the very concept of good and bad and the very nature of humanity.

He has turned into a living corpse who now doesn't give a fuckinh shit about this blody damn world and the people of this world.

A new day in the life of Axel...

John: "Hey bastard have finished making the breakfast for all of us ?"

Elie: "You son of bitch answer my husband."

Sam: "Fucker answer my dad."

John: "It looks like he needs some good medicine of obedience from the early morning. Sam bring my belt."

Sam: "You got it dad."

In the early morning Axel is busy in the kitchen making the food for John and his family and in his work he didn't answer John for which John decided to beat him.

And as per his command Sam brought his belt from his room and gave it to John and soon holding the belt John moved towards the kitchen.

But before he could reach at the kitchen Axel got out of the kitchen while holding all the food and drinks in his hands and seeing him, John just stopped on his way.

Soon Axel put down all the things on the dining table and then served the food and as soon as it was done he went out of the house taking his school bag with him.

But this attitude of Axel didn't go well with John and his family especially his wife Elie.

Elie: "Did you see that husband ? He has become so much rude and wild."

Sam: "Don't worry mom and dad. Today I will teach him a good lesson with my friends. It has been quite a sometime since we have had some fun. Today will be very much fun."

John: "I am looking forward to the good news son."

Elie: "Yes me too son."

The three of them: "Hahhahahahaa..."

All of them laughed together after hearing the words of Sam and thinking about the things that Sam and his friends will do to Axel.

From that moment some time has passed with Sam and Axel both finished their classes and Sam has already discussed with his friends about beating Sam.

And after hearing this their leader Smith became very elated and planned everything that needs to be done.

And for this purpose they hired a girl from their school.

It's already the last class of their school and it's also reaching to it's end and with this Smith signaled that girl to begin her part.

Ema: "Excuse Mr. Williams."

Mr. Williams: "Yes Ema tell me."

Ema: "Mr. Williams I want to complain about Axel."

Mr. Williams: "Axel what have you done ?"

Axel: "I have done nothing."

Ema: "No Mr. Williams. He is lying."

Mr. Williams: "Tell me Ema what have he done ?"

Ema: "Mr. Williams he has taken some nude photos of mine while I was in the bathroom."

Axel: "Why are you lying Ema ? I haven't done this."

Ema: "I have proof."

Mr. Williams: "Show the proofs Ema."

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