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Chapter 2: The Cheerful Princess Shopping, Emily

As the moon rose high in the sky, casting a pale glow over the quiet room follow through the window and penetrate the curtains. Emily walked into her room and looked at the calendar. It was Saturday, and she had nothing planned.

Emily found herself unable to resist the temptation of a late-night shopping spree. She had been cooped up in her home all day, the monotony of routine weighing heavily on her mind, she picked up her phone and scrolled through her contacts, looking for someone to hang out with.

Ah, there! Her friend Sarah had just texted her asking if she wanted to go to the mall. Perfect timing!

Emily quickly texted back, "Sure, what time?"

"Let's meet at the shopping mall entrance Another half hour," Sarah replied.

Emily is a disciplined and kind-hearted person, Correct, she is a university graduate degree in business administration course.she also has a cheerful demeanor except for her stubbornness and difficulty in following instructions. She often believes that she is right and refuses to admit her mistakes. Well, that's just how women are.

Despite spending most of her days at home, Emily craved the freedom and excitement of exploring the outside world. When her family mentioned their plans to return to their village, Emily couldn't resist the opportunity to sneak out with her friend, Sarah for a shopping spree at the mall. Her desire for adventure blinded her to the potential risks and dangers of going out late at night without her parents' knowledge.

If her parents were to discover her disobedience, Emily would undoubtedly face severe consequences for her actions. However, Emily was determined to take control of her life and make her own decisions, even if it meant going against her parents' wishes.

Emily grinned to herself. She loved going to the mall with Sarah - they always had so much fun together. She quickly got dressed and headed out the door.

Despite the nagging voice in the back of her head warning her of the potential dangers, Emily slipped on her coat and stepped out into the chilly night air. The sound of her footsteps echoed through the deserted streets, and the flickering streetlights cast eerie shadows on the pavement.

She took a Grab car to go to the shopping mall district. She settled into the backseat and gazed out the window, admiring the twinkling stars in the sky. The gentle hum of the car's engine and the quiet music playing on the radio made for a peaceful ride.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice when the Grab driver spoke up.

"Ma'am, are you heading to the mall for some shopping?"

Startled, Emily turned towards the driver and smiled. "Yes, I am. It's been a while since I've had a chance to do some shopping."

The driver nodded. "Ah, I see. Well, there's plenty of shopping to be had in this district. I hope you find what you're looking for."

As car approached the mall district, the streets became busier and the neon lights of the stores grew brighter. When the driver announced that they had arrived, she paid him and stepped out of the car and turned towards the driver. "Thank you for the ride. Have a good night."

The driver smiled back at her. "You too, ma'am. Stay safe and happy shopping." Emily watched as the car drove off, feeling grateful for the friendly exchange with driver.

As Emily walked onto the bustling sidewalk, she took a deep breath and took in the sights and sounds of the city. The honking of cars, the chatter of people, and the scent of street food all added to the vibrant atmosphere that surrounded her. She adjusted her bag on her shoulder and made her way towards the entrance of the mall.

As she walked towards the entrance, Emily couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. She had made plans with Sarah to meet there for a much-needed night of retail therapy.

Shopping at night was always a little bit more thrilling, and she was looking forward to having the stores practically to themselves.

When she arrived at the mall, Sarah was already waiting for her near the entrance.

"Hey, Emily!" Sarah called out, waving.

"Hey, Sarah! How was your new work?" Emily asked as they hugged.

"It was alright, nothing too exciting. When do you plan to have an interview for secretary at that Investment company that you're proud of? I heard that the CEO is a cold devil," Sarah replied.

Emily let out a heavy sigh and rubbed her temples. "Don't talk about that now," she said, her voice strained.

"I really don't want to think about it anymore." She flashed a forced smile and turned to her friend.

"But hey, let's not let that ruin our day. Ready to hit some stores and do some serious shopping?"

Sarah chuckled, her eyes scanning Emily's tired expression. "Looks like you had quite the day," she said.

"But we're here to have some fun, right? Where shall we begin?" Her voice was light and bubbly, full of excitement and anticipation for the shopping spree ahead.

"I was thinking we could check out the new makeup store that just opened up," Emily suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Sarah agreed. "Let's go!"

As they walked through the mall, they chatted about their week and caught up on each other's lives.

"So, how was your doing at work?" Emily asked.

"It was nerve-wracking, but I think it went pretty well," Sarah replied. "I just hope I didn't forget anything important."

"I'm sure you did great," Emily said reassuringly. "And how's your boss? Is he as tenacious as they say?"

"He's definitely a stickler for details, but he seems fair," Emily said. "It's just taking some time to adjust to his management style."

As they continued talking, they moved on to other topics such as their upcoming vacations and plans for the weekend.

They made their way to the makeup store and began browsing through the products.

"Ooh, this lipstick looks nice," Sarah said, holding up a tube of lipstick.

Emily looked over her shoulder. "Oh yeah, that color would look great on you. You should definitely get it."

Sarah grinned. "I think I will."

As they continued to shop, they came across a clothing store that was having a discount sale.

"Let's check it out," Emily suggested.

Sarah nodded and they made their way inside. They browsed through the racks and tried on a few outfits, helping each other pick out the perfect items.

"I love this dress on you," Sarah said, admiring Emily's reflection in the mirror.

"Thanks, girl," Emily replied, twirling around. "You look amazing in that top, too."

As they finished up their shopping, they headed to the food court to grab a bite to eat.

"I'm starving," Sarah said, scanning the options.

"Me too," Emily agreed. "How about we split a pizza?"

"Sounds good to me," Sarah said, smiling.

They sat down at a table and enjoyed their pizza, laughing and chatting about their purchases and plans for the weekend.

As they want to left the mall, Emily felt a sense of contentment wash over her. The night had been a much-needed break from the stresses of daily life, and she was glad to have spent it with her friend.

"Thanks for coming out with me tonight," Sarah said, turning to Emily.

"Of course," Emily replied.

"Anytime. We should do this again soon." Sarah suggested

Emily nodded, feeling grateful for the friendship she had with Sarah. As she walked towards her new order grab car, a shiny black sedan pulled up beside her. The driver, a middle-aged man with a friendly smile, stepped out of the car and opened the door for her.

"Good evening, miss. Where to?" he asked politely.

"To my home, please," Emily replied as she handed the address to driver and settled into the comfortable leather seat.

The driver started the car and smoothly merged into the busy traffic. Emily leaned back and closed her eyes, enjoying the peaceful sound of the car engine.

After a while, the driver spoke again, breaking the silence. "It's a lovely night, isn't it? Did you have a good time at the mall?"

Emily opened her eyes and smiled. "Yes, it was great. I went shopping with my friend. We had a lot of fun."

The driver nodded. "That sounds wonderful. I have a daughter around your age, and I always enjoy hearing about young people having a good time."

Emily nodded politely, and they continued to chat amicably for the rest of the journey. As they arrived at her house, the driver helped her with her bags and wished her a good night. Emily thanked him and walked towards her front door, feeling grateful for the pleasant ride home.

She went straight to her room and quickly changed into her comfortable pajamas and collapsed onto her bed, feeling the weight of the day's activities finally catch up to her. Unbeknownst to her, she was lured into the dream world.

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