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Chapter 4: Chapter 4: A New Mission & Power Leveling

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson


"Easy now, I am just here to take a glance. Nothing more." The figure spoke in a voice that sounded gender-neutral in tone. Slowly, their body began to float backward and Gaia's aura slowly calmed down once the figure began to leave the world.

The figure flew away, but left Gaia with these words, "It seems this world is a special one, good luck young spirit. Don't be afraid to seek the Army of the Pure Ones for help." Gaia frowned ever so slightly but her aura finally calmed down.

"You have a year before the real storm hits Percy, don't waste it." Gaia disappeared from space, but suddenly another figure seemed to walk out of a fold of space. They brushed themselves off a bit and looked around. Oddly enough, they wore a sophisticated set of dark blue knights' armor that covered them head to toe, intricate designs covered the armor as well but one main design stood out: The design of a black hole lay directly in the middle of their chestplate giving them a very demeaning look.

"Hmm… it seems a lucky rat found this place and snuck away, we can't have them get away now, can we," They spoke muffled by their helmet but their eyes followed the path of the figure in the white cape. One step later, the figure was once again consumed by the folds of space leaving not even dust behind.


TIME: The next day


As soon as the sun rose from the horizon people started to move in the battlement. Everyone appeared exhausted as they started to move about, Fallon and Tristy were already taking up their new roles as they set up a tent to help feed and distribute supplies to those who needed them. Several people helped them as the twins documented everything from food, water, weapons, armor, and even stuff like Tobacco or herbs. The battlement seemed like a bee hive yet a part of it remained clear from any activity as a building holding a meeting between the higher-ups was left alone.

Inside were Trista, Jake, Percy, Becca, and several other higher-ups who had survived the night, but in total only amounted to 10 people. They stood around a table with a map of the area on it. The plains of grass could be seen from above past the members currently detailing the map and drawing on it. A clear and concise picture was starting to come together so when they finally seemed to complete the map, the room grew silent. Now that the map was completed, the most important topic at hand needed to be addressed, where would they all go?

"Does anyone have a suggestion?" Jake asked the bystanders and one of the old leaders raised his hand. Everyone turned to him.

Trista asked, "What did you have in mind, Lell?" The man pointed to a large city on the edge of a large river far to the East.

"I suggest we go to Heul, it is surrounded on three sides of water and is easy to defend. The population is a bit large but it has an amazing city guard system. Even under siege, it would not fall easily." Others nodded in understanding but Percy thought that it was dubious. But before he could say anything, Jake spoke, rejecting it with a shake of his head.

"You might be right about their efficacy, but the city guard is controlled by the Given clan. If the city did not fall to zombies or other beasts, they would be our next obstacle. Heul is one of the biggest port cities in Turf and the biggest for the slave trade run by the Given clan. That clan is likely going to take over the entire city and control it with an iron fist. So, if you want to go to Heul for protection, you will need to submit to them, losing all your freedom and more than likely being treated like a slave." Jake explained to a crowd of frowns, his explanation made sense.

Another person pointed and suggested, "Then what about Skith, the fortress city?", talking about another city to the south that lay upon a piece of land between a small river and a forest. The city itself appeared to be resting on a large hill that had a higher elevation than the surrounding area.

"Aren't you from there Derik?" Trista asked, but she already knew the answer.

"I am and I know that there are no clans that run the city, the Turf empire itself runs it due to its location being so crucial to the swift sands of the south."Trista and Jake seemed to think about his proposal.

Trista suddenly spoke out, "You said the empire runs it, I doubt they put their actual men in the city since it is so far away from the borders. That means a noble house that is under the Turf Empire's foot must be there." 

"Indeed, but it is a simple Baron house that runs it due to the small size of the city, they hold no real power other than simply making sure the citizens are well off and the economy in the cities is sustained. But in times of duress, such as now, the empire's troops fall back to Skith and reorganize. If we can manage to get there soon, we will be able to work with the empire's troops, who are loyal men and women who follow only the empire's orders. We may even be able to join their ranks and obtain their support," he explained to the silent room once more.

"It does offer a suitable amount of protection, but who knows what is happening with the empire at this moment? For all we know, the Emperor himself could have turned into one of those flesh bags," Grettasald rebutted. "Besides the emperor's forces and mercenaries never got along well, they would take us in in this time of need but we would be no better than dogs to them. Simply disposable forces if issues arrive." The giant woman leaned against the back wall, and after listening to her, people started to think once again.

"What about Cress? The neutral city to the west just inland of the stormy seas? It is a mid-sized city that is surrounded by mainly farmland and fishing communities on the coast so it should have plenty of food. It is also said to have walls two times as thick as normal due to the sea's winds. Also, no noble houses, clans, or even the empire are occupying it." Becca pointed out the city to the west while also looking around for any dissent.

A man jumped into the discussion, "What about the myth of Cress though?" Becca tilted her head, confused.

"What myth?" Percy spoke up, his eyes twinkling. The sea green color shimmered magically in the dim light of the room allowing the older man to speak.

"There isn't much to go by, but there is a story that is passed down every year in the city. It tells of a creature that crawled out of the sea and onto the land. Its body was covered with thick plated armor and its massive feet were so large they could crush 3 carriages with ease. It is said the ground was mad at the beast because it was so heavy that each of its steps split the ground," the old man explained. 

"So the ground swallowed the beast whole and buried it within itself, trapping it underneath the very earth we walk on today. It is said that on the very rare nights when the wind is not blowing there, you can hear a very light drumming of the beast's heart." Some people laughed at the story and its ridiculousness, and even Trista and Jake seemed amused by it. But Percy fell into thought, considering the tale.

"Percy, there is no need to take it seriously. It's just an old man's story to scare children." Becca reassured him, but Percy looked up at her, freezing her under the seriousness that his eyes held.

"Perhaps… but are we truly willing to ignore even a myth after seeing everything that has happened in the last 24 hours? Mutated and monstrous animals and beasts now roam this world as we stand here and talk. Who is to say that countless years ago, these monsters didn't exist?" The whole room's atmosphere changed and a cloud of doubt and curiosity filled the room.

Gretta was still in disbelief, asking, "You truly believe that myth boy? You think there is a monster buried under Cress?" Percy looked over to her, a faint smirk present on his lips.

"I honestly don't know, but I feel it still isn't worth taking the chance. In my eyes, if the Akashic system can exist, then why can't that beast?" Percy questioned everyone, who couldn't come up with a response.

"I say we put Cress to the side for now, just in case we can't find another decent city." Jake placated everyone, who couldn't help but nod in agreement. Percy smirked to himself, not showing it. If there was one thing he was a professional at, it was myths.

'And pissing people off with your words.' Gaia's mocking filled his ears, giving him the urge to look at Gaia who floated silently behind him. She could talk all she wanted, but Percy had learned that only he could hear and see her for now. He had to keep himself on his toes to not react or talk to her when he was out and about, or it would make him seem even more crazy than he already was.

'So you admit it, you are crazy.' He felt like punching Gaia, but he knew if he did, he would lose all his credibility.

'Stop reading my mind… please.' Percy mentally pleaded for the 3rd time this morning, only receiving Gaia's snort and rolling her eyes. Her silence thankfully returned after that to which Percy heaved an internal sigh of relief. With the little devil out of his head, Percy focused on the room once again where everyone continued to talk about possible locations they could go to. As everyone continued to argue, Percy noticed his mother never submitted a location herself.

He couldn't help but ask her, "Mom, what about you? Do you have a place in mind?" Trista jolted awake once she heard his questions. The whole room grew quiet as people all turned to Trista and everyone focused on her.

"I… I might." She said, while her fingers tapped on the table she looked over it, and soon Jake seemed to pick up on what she was thinking because a tiny frown crossed his face.

"You couldn't possibly mean…" Jake hesitated short of asking her but Trista knew and nodded. Jake let out a reluctant sigh. Seeing their interaction, everyone started to become confused. They tried to rack their brains in silence to see what they were talking about, using the map to guide them. Yet, nobody was able to find anything until Trista finally stopped tapping on the table and let out a mildly frustrated sigh. She then started to walk around the table to reach a certain portion of the map, causing people to move out of her way. Finally, she reached her destination, pointing outside of the Turf Empire and the plains of grass.

"I say we go to Bross, the city of steel. It lies outside of the plains of grass and outside of the Turf Empire's reach, so we wouldn't have to worry about anything to do with them. Not only that, but it resides on the edge of the dragon spine mountains and right before you reach the wildlands," she said, and the room grew quiet. Percy stared at the spot his mother pointed, tilting his head a little. There was nothing on the map to even see so he wondered just what she was talking about.

"I am afraid I don't know of this place," one of the men spoke with the support of several others. Trista stood there in silence.

Jake responded for Trista, saying, "That would make sense, as none of you have ever gone in that direction, and Bross is not listed on any maps that I know of. It is a hidden clan city, one made hundreds if not thousands of years ago. Furthermore, it is a fully self-sufficient city; it does not rely on any trade from other places to keep moving. Everything it needs is in the mountains surrounding it, from food to material, everything is there." The room grew tense, and worry began to spread through everyone present.

"Then how do you and Trista know of it?" Gretta had to ask her, eyebrows raised at the two. They stood in silence until Trista turned to her. As she did, an invisible air seemed to wrap around Trista, and her aura shifted from a woman of intensity to that of royalty. Even her green eyes seemed to sparkle brighter, and then she took a deep breath and spoke.

"Because the clan ruling this place is none other than the clan that I come from. My true name is Trista Rose Alinta. I am the first daughter of the Alinta clan matriarch and rightful heir to the throne." The instant the words left her mouth, the room grew so silent that you could hear even a dog fart. Everyone stared at Trista in shock who was waiting for the people to speak. But despite the seriousness of the situation, the first one to do so was an elated Becca.

"D-Does that mean I am a princess?" She asked with an eager expression. She then realized what she just said, so a blush crossed her face and embarrassment tore her apart on the inside. With her question, the tensions in the room were released and a few people met her with awkward smiles to reassure the embarrassed Becca.

"Not technically, since I hold no position in the clan at the moment. If we return though, the position of matriarch is rightfully mine, so yes, you would be a princess," Trista said with a cheeky smile that kept Becca blushing.

"Are you sure that this place is safe?" Gretta seriously asked her, and Trista nodded in response to her question.

"Alright, I'm in," she said instantly. People were surprised by her quick decision but Gretta gave them a weird look.

"What? I've been following Little Miss Firemane here for more than two decades. I trust her decision on this. Besides, even if we make it to Bross, we might have a succession battle on our hands. What better place to be than on the side of the future matriarch of the Anita clan?" she asked with a wide grin. Trista lost her royal aura and blushed a bit at her new nickname. Soon, people began to talk with one another, and the mood in the room brightened.

"Would that make us her personal guards?" 

"Maybe we could get some matching armor then?" 

"I'm in! If Trista takes the matriarch position, that would make us her council members!" 

"What about Jake, though? Would that mean he would be married into her family?"

"Ehh... I say he just goes with the flow. I mean, do you honestly think Trista would let him do anything otherwise?"

More people chimed in on the possibilities of the situation which made Trista and Jake look around in surprise. Hearing their positive response about her true identity was a weight off her chest. Jake, on the other hand, seemed ready to fight some of the men who suggested he should just man up and marry into Trista's family. Seeing this, Percy laughed and shook his head, drawing everyone's attention. Only a grin was plastered on his face when he spoke.

"So, whose ass do I have to kick to get you on that throne, Mom?"

After the meeting, everyone went their ways to discuss the plan. Since Bross was nearly three months away by carriage, they needed to make preparations for the journey. Thankfully, due to the Akashic system, everyone in their group had the chance to improve their stamina and strength. Percy estimated that if everyone reached at least level 10, they would make it there in only a month and a half.

Percy tried to talk with his sisters about everything in the meeting but was stopped by Trista and Jake, who both had serious looks on their faces. Seeing their expressions, he stayed behind in the room with them. Soon, only Trista, Jake, and Percy were left in the meeting room as the doors were closed yet again.

"About the situation last night with the loot distribution, what was that all about? Also, Tristy and Fallon both said they received orders from you to take up the head of logistics in the camp. We... We are just worried. We've never seen you like this before," Trista said. Percy smiled a little, looking at his parents with love in his eyes.

"When I killed my first monster after the system arrived in the forest I woke up in, I obtained a certain rainbow-colored skill scroll. It was a huge snake that I barely managed to kill, almost taking my life. The skill itself is called Taiji Will, a Tier 5 passive skill. As soon as I learned it, I felt a significant change in my mentality and decision-making. I felt like I could see the world from a different point of view. Everything made so much more sense, and I knew I needed to be different to survive."

"That's what you saw when we were distributing loot. I felt that we could use the resources better than simply funneling them into our warriors. We need to create a group that won't fall apart in this new world and survive together until the very end. I know I don't have any credibility as a leader, only my skill as a warrior, but give me the chance to lead us to Bross. If you and Dad feel like I'm not doing a good job, you can take back command, and I won't complain. Let me have this, I beg of you!" Percy finished, bowing to Trista and Jake who both stared at him in surprise, digesting the information.

A silence pervaded the room, with both of them continuing to stare, and Percy remained bowing. They had never actually seen Percy bow like this to them. Never before had this stubborn and frustrating child of theirs begged for anything. Even Gaia, who floated nearby, blinked in surprise at the sight of a premier war master himself, begging to lead a troop of fewer than 200. Still, she didn't say a word to him while he remained bowing. Finally, after a full minute, the silence broke when Jake spoke.

"Your skill may give you the decision-making skills of a leader but it will not give you experience of one. Without experience, you are like a blade without an edge, completely useless for cutting someone down." Jake calmly responded, and Percy felt his gut roll, Jake had pointed out an obvious flaw in his small lie.

He couldn't tell them he was reincarnated and had a load of memories about leading armies in battle, so Percy began to think, how to convince them? But before he thought of anything, he felt a heavy hand land on his shoulder, forcing him to stand upright. As he stood, he saw two clear cool brown eyes, like pools of coffee, looking right into his soul. Jake's aged face remained calm even when he continued to hold Percy's shoulder and stare at him. At 16 years old, Percy stood 5 foot 11 and the same height as Jake, so they were on equal standing.

"So let us sharpen this blade, shall we? You have until we are halfway to Bross. If you mess up or we feel you are not doing the leader's job correctly then we will take over. Your mother and I will sit back and point the way you need to go. It will be up to you to lead us there safely. We are placing our lives and the groups in your hands." He spoke firmly, and under this revelation, Percy burst out into a smile and nodded to Jake, who gave a satisfied grin to himself.

"There you go, making decisions on your own again," Trista suddenly said with a sigh, making Jake and Percy turn to the fiery woman. Though each of them had to look down at the 5-foot-8 woman, both felt she was somehow taller than them.

"This is true, but have you ever seen this idiot bow like that? That is what I like to call a man's sincerity. I simply couldn't say no," he said with the tiniest quiver in his voice, trying to explain to his wife. Listening to him, Trista's brow scrunched up before she turned to Percy, who felt his body stiffen a little under her intense gaze.

"You do realize the importance of your position if you do this, don't you? You can't be the Crooked One while you lead an army; you will be seen as incompetent," she told him, almost like she was trying to see if he would crack. Percy only put on a serious look and nodded.

"Of course, I realized that as soon as I got this skill. Though I can't promise I will be able to maintain a calm state on a battlefield, I do promise that I will do my best to keep you two, my sisters, and everyone else safe no matter what. Until the last breath is drained from my body, I will never stop fighting to protect all of you," Percy pledged, entirely serious. Trista just stared at him, letting her emerald green eyes pierce into him.

She broke her stare and conceded, "Very well, you have until we get halfway there to prove yourself as a competent leader. But if you make even one stupid decision, then you're done! Also, don't go getting yourself killed for us. The last thing a parent wants to do is bury their child." Percy nodded, and his serious face broke into a smile, feeling happiness spread through him.

"You think just anything can kill me? It would probably take dropping a mountain on me to do that," Percy joked, but Trista and Jake's stern faces full of worry told him it was no joke. He reached over and pulled the two into a hug, burying his face between them.

"I promise I will be okay. This world may have changed, but that will not stop me from becoming strong enough to crush anything in my way," Percy whispered his promise to them. Trista blinked away a few tears and let out a breath, while Jake only tightened his hug on Percy. The loving family stood in silence for several moments.


A crowd gathered in the open area of the battlement, filled with the sounds of people whispering and talking to one another. Everyone had been notified to gather at noon to learn about the future of their group. The group chatted about what they thought was going to happen, but when a trio began to walk to the highest point of the battlement, the chatter began to quiet down. The trio stopped, and the chatter ceased. A wave of surprise passed through the crowd. Before them stood Jake, Trista, and Percy. Jake and Trista both stood behind Percy standing tall and unwavering under everyone's stares.

The people's murmuring grew once again under Percy's scans of the crowd, taking in all their faces. His eyes landed on a familiar pair of brown eyes, Becca's coming into view. Surrounding her were Summer, Winter, Fall, Tristy, Fallon, and a conspicuous small tree that Fallon was carrying. Seeing them watching him in surprise nearly brought a shit-eating grin to his face, but he was able to hold back. He then cleared his throat before he unleashed his skill War Cry.

"SILENCE!" Percy's voice roared through the entire battlement, so loudly that everyone jumped, and some even screamed in surprise. The unfortunate ones who were right in the front were left with their ears ringing. An echo of the shout still reverberated in the air, but everyone shut up and stared at Percy, and Percy stared back at them.

"We have decided that we will be going to my mother's and father's birth city, by the name of Bross, the city of steel, which is located in the Dragonspine Mountains! This journey will take about 3 months normally, but may take longer," he shouted down to the people who listened to him quietly. Some people began to whisper once again, but one look from Percy made them shut up allowing him to begin to talk again.

"Lastly, for the first portion of this trip, I will be the leader, with the consent of Trista and Jake! I want to make one thing clear! This was not a decision based on a whim. I possess the skills needed to be a leader! Trista and Jake will only give directions, and I will lead! Yet, if something goes amiss and my orders put us in danger, then they will resume control! Until then, my word is LAW, and there will be consequences for disobedience!" Percy boomed out his final words, reverberating in the walls and people's minds.

Some people wanted to shout out and argue against him, but the instant they saw his stern face, they couldn't even speak. His aura was like that of a long-standing general who had lived through years of combat. His presence was no longer that of the crazy battle junkie boy, but instead, a mountain, unwavering and unmoving in the face of anything thrown his way. They instead turned to Trista and Jake, and even then, they could not speak to the two who had stern and semi-proud looks on their faces. Seeing the two had agreed to let Percy take control, not a single word was said.

"If you have any concerns, please tell Jake and Trista! I will see to it that none of you are left unheard and all problems are addressed! A chain is only as strong as its weakest link and I don't plan for any of us to break! I plan to get us to Bross as quickly and efficiently as possible with as few injuries or deaths as I can!" Percy finished his speech which made the tension in the crowd loosen greatly. Some people even began to cheer a little. Percy only raised his hand as the cheering stopped.

"Now, we must address a few things before I finish speaking. First things first, you must all be aware of the Akashic system, and the stats and levels it provides. For the first 12 levels, you are to allocate your stat points to stamina and strength! With this additional strength and endurance, we can make the journey to Bross even faster than 3 months! Secondly, we need the resources to make the journey, so everyone in this battlement will return to our old camp and scavenge everything we can!"

"I don't care if you are old, young, or even level 0! You will still participate! During this time, the warriors on our side will render any Zombies left immobile for you to kill! Everyone will kill these Zombies until you can fight on your own or until there are no zombies left! During this time, you will gather the necessary resources for our departure in 3 days. Tristy and Fallon will lead a group to categorize everything and monitor all resources, Gretta is going to be the head chef as well as in charge of any cooking that needs to be done, Jake will be in charge of the warriors and Trista will monitor any activities in the group!"

"Any drops from the zombies must be handed over to Fall, Winter, or Summer, but worries aside, you will be compensated for anything turned in! We need to have these resources allocated properly to make our journey smoother. Anyone showing promise will not be overlooked either and resources will be sent your way! Any skills people have must also be reported as well, Becca will handle this and if you are caught lying you will be punished! Finally, anyone caught raping, stealing, or murdering any fellow people in the group or any innocent people we find will be executed! I will see to it that you will not die a pleasant death." Percy finished and rested his hand on his sword as a threat to anyone with ideas of circumventing his authority, his aura even changed to suffocate the air.

"Now get ready to head to our old camp!"


"Don't you think you're being a little cruel?" Gaia questioned Percy who stood silently outside the ruins of his old camp. The fire had done a great deal of damage to the area, yet a good portion of the area was still intact. Warriors did their job to disable any zombies left in the camp so people could use summoned swords to deal with them.

"Cruel? I don't care if it is cruel, we only have so much time and these things only seem to be getting stronger. If these folks want to even have a chance of survival, then they need to adapt to this new world," Percy said with a straight face but Gaia's eyes remained locked on him while she floated beside him.

Gaia seemed to reevaluate her beliefs, saying, "I see why they made you a war master back on earth." Percy stared at her from the corner of his eyes.

"Would you believe me if I said I never wanted the post in the first place?" he asked her with a chuckle. Gaia's eyes seemed to shimmer as she responded.

 "I actually would, if it counts for anything. You are an excellent leader, a born leader, in fact," she complimented him. Percy continued to look at her for a second longer before turning away.

"Annabeth and Piper said the same thing to me after I accepted the war master position. Now, Miss Wikipedia, do you perhaps have a map or locate function?" Percy asked her, raising an eyebrow.

 "Why? What do you want?" she asked him. Percy slowly stood up, stretched, and popped his neck and hands. 

"Point me in the direction of the highest-level monster around us," he said simply, hoping to get going quickly. He picked up his War Sword and gave it a few twirls. 

"Sorry, I can't do that," she said. Percy seemed to trip over nothing before turning to her, looking confused. She hit him with her smirk as she floated around him. 

Percy was bewildered, asking, "What? Why not?"

"Because if I did, then you and I would be struck down by lightning right now," she said mischievously. Percy felt his eyebrow twitch a little before letting out a large sigh. Suddenly, he regretted asking her for help. "Hey, hold your horses. I may not be able to tell you where the highest-level monster is around us. What I can tell you is that if you go south for a while, you will find something interesting," Gaia finished. Percy stood still and stared at Gaia who gave him a mischievous smile.

"So, no specific locations or details, only general locations with positive or negative effects?" Percy asked. Gaia approved his guess, making Percy grumble before sighing with reluctance. "It is what it is, I guess," Percy said regretfully. Gaia's annoyance with his response was clear. 

"Well, if you get a skill that has a map function, tracking function, or a treasure-finding tool, I would be able to be a lot more specific," she said, sounding irritated. Percy's face brightened up.

 "Is that so? Interesting..." he said, putting on a thinking face. Gaia felt the urge to slap him, but instead, she angrily floated away, huffing and puffing in an annoyed tone.

"Percy, what did you want to talk with me about?" Suddenly, a new voice cut through the air, and Percy turned to see Jake walking towards him on the hill. He smiled at his father before answering him.

"I will be leaving for a few days to go hunting so I can level properly. I will be back before you all leave for Bross, so I just need someone to make sure everything is running smoothly per my orders." Jake frowned with disapproval and tried to give his advice.

"Wouldn't that look bad as the new leader of our group? Besides, it is too dangerous out there all alone." Percy met his father's eyes and shook his head a little.

"I need to grow stronger and faster, the monsters and zombies here are all low-level and can't help me level up properly. And a leader who cannot protect his group is not a proper leader," he explained. "I assure you I will be fine, I will simply be inside the forest behind us for two nights," Percy reassured Jake, who looked back at the now eerie forest, his gaze lingering on the deepest part of the woods before turning back to Percy. His eyes only met pure confidence from Percy, as he let out a deep sigh.

"...Fine, but come back quickly. Also, take care of yourself, you have people here who are depending on you now. Not to mention, your mother would lose her mind if something did happen." He said with lots of concern. His soft brown eyes bored into Percy's sea-green ones. Percy smiled before suddenly hugging his dad, who blinked in surprise before returning the hug. A few seconds later the two patted each other's back before nodding to each other.

"I will take care, I promise. See you in a few days," Percy gave him a farewell before taking one long last look at his father and the destroyed camp before he turned and then proceeded to walk inside the forest.


I continued to go further into the forest, with the trees thickening and the ground becoming more uneven. I remembered a good portion of the forest, but after the Akashic system, the entire thing had changed. Some trees had grown nearly twice their size while others seemed to change colors and mutate. I could see razor-sharp thorns that seemed they could easily tear through flesh with ease covering their trunks. Yet what made me the most cautious was there was no noise, not a single bird or animal could be heard even when I continued further in.

"Gaia, what happened here?" In such a strange circumstance I had to ask Gaia, who was weaving around trees gracefully like a fairy. She didn't respond, so I looked up to see her still pouting.

"I was joking earlier, you don't have to be petulant. Even if you can't tell me everything, it's ok, I need all the help I can get at this moment." I told her. Gaia glanced at me for only a few seconds before flying forward without continuing to say a word.

"Gaia!" I shouted but she still didn't turn my way and only continued deeper and nearly out of my sight. I began to give chase, but I only ever saw the flickering of her emerald green dress in the air. The wind swept through my hair as I rushed, but I soon found my body was not used to the speed, nearly crashing into several trees.

"Fine, if you want to play that way, then I will play," I said before I activated Asura Rage. Instantly, I felt my muscles get a rush of energy into them and a wave of rage passed through my mind. Thankfully I was ready this time, so I reeled in my emotions and let out a hot breath that left a cloud of steam in the air. I shot forward with all my strength and right towards Gaia, but in a single second, I was already colliding with a tree.



With the boost from Asura Rage and Leviathan which had been added last night, my body was now much stronger, so I tore right through the tree and continued to chase Gaia. I felt my emotions beginning to burn hotter inside me as I tore through another tree and even crushed a boulder under my feet after landing. But as time passed, mental cool began to spread through my mind, my rage-filled emotions remained, but my control over them strengthened.

[Taiji Will has lessened the burden on your mind from Asura's Rage]

Taiji Will: (Tier) 5 Level 1

Description: An ultimate will born from both light and darkness of the soul and mind, made to bear the weight of endless madness and soundness. Let the body and mind fuse into one to create the perfection of one's self that can stand the endless waves of time. Let all things flow through you and with you, your will is the cosmos and the cosmos is you.

Primary Passive effect (Calm mind): 25% to 80% protection against negative effects of the mind, depending on the mental state

Secondary Passive effect (Corrupted mind): Reflect 25% to 75% of any mental attack damage back to the attacker, depending on the mental state

Third Passive effect (????): ????

Fourth Passive effect (????): ????

Fifth Passive effect (????): ????

Skill Level up requirements:

Must be tier 4 and discover the fifth passive to see level-up requirements

A box flashed before my eyes but I simply ignored it, opting to focus my mind on my body and continued to plow my way through the forest. I kept going deeper, slowly catching up to Gaia, but I felt the calm rage inside me grow. Up ahead, a large patch of bushes and overgrowth blocked my vision but I narrowed my eyes and rushed forwards. The plants stood no chance, torn and ripped apart. But now, I suddenly found I was in a clearing.

My feet hit the ground hard and fast, trying to slow down. I left two trenches in the ground for several feet before I finally skidded to a stop. Floating in the air in the clearing was Gaia, staring at me with a cool stare and crossed arms, yet below her was another thing entirely. A garbage truck-sized red wolf currently stood over a fresh kill of an equally big deer that had two sets of antlers. I stood still, looking at the beast staring in my direction with bared teeth.

"Here you go, the level-up material you asked for," Gaia said calmly. I didn't even have a chance to respond, but I slowly unsheathed my War Sword, and the wolf began to let out a snarl. The two of us seemed to tense up, waiting for the other to move first. I watched the blood drip down from the wolf's mouth as we waited. Seconds began to tick by and I let out a cloud of hot breath, feeling a surge of rage building inside me.

"Come on, fight already!" Gaia seemed to cheer us on like a crazy fan at a colosseum, ready for violence. I ignored her and decided to make a move.

In the flash of an eye, both the beast and I charged at each other, ready to kill. The wolf was fast, though, its huge paw swung at me so fast I barely had time to react. My blade moved as fast as it could, meeting the claws on the paw, and sparks flew. I half expected to get blown away by the strike, yet it didn't even make me budge. Instead, the wolf was thrown back, sliding about 15 feet. I blinked in surprise; while the speed of the beast was so fast I could barely keep up, its strength must have been far below mine.

Not waiting around for it to recover, I dug my feet into the ground and burst forward, causing the earth to break apart beneath me. The wolf roared and lunged at me with its huge gaping maw, attempting to bite me. I moved my body just in time, narrowly avoiding its jaws as they snapped shut, the incredibly loud snap making all the hairs on my body stand up. I gritted my teeth, biding my time while rage continued to boil up inside me, and then I struck at the beast. My fist slammed right into its face with incredible force, sending the beast tumbling several yards and eliciting a whimper of pain.

I didn't wait; I brandished my sword and gave chase as the wolf tried to return to all fours, but it was too slow. I swung my sword down, aiming to strike, and the wolf barely managed to move its neck out of my reach. Instead, a paw got in the way, and my sword cleaved right through it, bone and all. A huge amount of blood spurted out of the wound, covering me and the ground as the wolf stumbled and let out a cry of agony.


Eyes full of malice looked my way, and I couldn't help but let a maniacal grin spread across my face. The stench of blood and the intensity of the battle got my heart pumping even faster. Just then, a wave of green mana burst from the beast, and my eyes widened in surprise. In the air around him, three huge crescent-shaped blades, infused with mana, floated menacingly, all pointing right at me, which made my excitement grow faster.


With a booming howl, the three crescents shot forward, heading straight towards me. My body and blade moved. I reached the first blade, cutting towards it with my blade, only to feel a huge impact as our edges met. I turned my body and used all my strength to deflect the first blade, sending it flying behind me and cutting through the trees and foliage. Both my arms shook from the impact, but I didn't have time to rest, as the second and third blades were already upon me.

Twice more I was forced to deflect wind blades, feeling the sting of pain. Even the skin between my thumb and pointer finger started to split. I took a moment to swap my sword to my other hand, the uninjured one before I revealed a crazed grin and charged towards the wolf. As I approached, more wind blades began to form around the beast, and I saw its energy visibly draining. The loss of blood from its severed limb and its mana consumption were catching up to it.

"Fuck him up, Percy!" Gaia yelled from the background. He was on the ropes, and my battlelust completely consumed me. I took in a deep breath and activated War Cry.

War Cry: (Tier 2) Level 2

Description: Put everything you have into your voice and let the world hear your cry of passion. Be it full of madness for blood or your enemies or filled with dominance to help your allies.

Primary Passive effect (Scream of madness): Your scream has a 0% to 100% chance to inflict fear, and madness, or Paralyze your enemies. % depends on shout volume, mana used on the shout, mental state of the enemy, and Tier and Level compared to yours.

Secondary Passive effect (Commanding shout): Your shout has a 0% to 100% chance to buff allies with abilities to better listen to and follow commands, mental resistance, and teamwork with others who were affected by the shout. % depends on shout volume, mana used on the shout, mental state of Allie, and Tier and Level compared to yours.

Third Passive effect (Attention Seeker Scream): Your shout has a 30% to 100% chance to taunt all monsters who can hear your shout. % depends on shout volume, mana used on the shout, mental state of the enemy, and Tier and Level compared to yours.

Skill Level up requirements:

Absorb 100 Tier 0 Cores (0/100)


My mana poured into my lungs, reverberating loudly before the shout shook the entire forest and even seemed to shake the air around us. The wolf was hit with the force of a hammer making it wince in pain. At the same time, his three wind blades seemed to dissipate due to his struggle to focus on them. I then seized the moment and continued to scream, but the wolf seemed to regain its focus and growled in anger, completely abandoning one blade and firing 2 complete ones, tearing through the air aimed right for me.

But in the short time before they reached me, an idea popped into my head. I felt a small pull from my gut before my mana flooded into my hand holding my sword. In a split second, my blade was suddenly covered in a blue shine, illuminating the ground around us, and the blade seemed sharper than ever before. With this new addition, I cut with all my might on the first wind blade, and like a knife through butter, my blade sliced through the wind blade, breaking it apart into two light breezes that swayed the grass and the plants.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" A laugh of pure elation and madness came from my lips as I sliced at the second blade and shattered it the same way I had before. My body moved even faster, rushing towards the beast in front of me, forming craters in the earth. Even though he looked like he had one foot in the grave, pun intended, he still had the power to lunge and try to bite me. As it bared its vicious teeth at me, my blade moved faster than it could, with one final swing upwards.



The sharp cut was followed by a sonic boom before the two of us separated. I slowly came to a stop before I turned back to see the loser of our exchange. The entire snout, lower jaw, and another foreleg of the beast now lay several yards away from the rest of the body. Ruby-red blood pooled on the ground, seeming like it could fill a whole bathtub, but the dying wolf could only let out cries of pain despite its eyes filled with unwillingness and madness. I just walked up to the struggling beast as its eyes met mine, sweat dripping down my forehead.

"Better luck in your next life, big guy," I taunted before thrusting my blade deep into its head. its whole body shuddered and finally stopped moving, and simultaneously a wave of energy then filled my limbs coming from the records of the beast and myself taking its strength. Along with the energy came one orange shining chest that appeared beside it, and this prize made my maniac-like grin spread into one of happiness before picking up my prize.

[You have obtained Wind Wolf level 25 (⅓) records, Agility +20, Strength +11, HP +10, Mana + 24]

[You have leveled up and reached level 13, you have gained 3 usable stat points]

[You have leveled up and reached level 14…]

[You have leveled up and reached level 15…]

[You have leveled up and reached level 16…]

[You have leveled up and reached level 17…]

[You have leveled up and reached level 18, you have gained 3 usable stat points]

"Nice fight!" Gaia congratulated me with excitement, but I didn't pay her any attention and pulled out my War Sword, with a single flick, most of the blood on the blade was gone so I sheathed it on my back. I then went through my messages, discovering that I leveled up to 18 in one go! I wolf-whistled, hehe, power leveling was the way to go! Though something felt off, wasn't this guy a bit too easy to kill?

"Don't you have something to say?" Gaia teased while looking pleased with herself. I finally turned to her and met her stunning face, which was floating only a foot away from me. Thankfully thanks to Taiji Will, I seemed to have a better resistance to her looks so it only took me a second to collect myself.

I thanked her, offering her, "Thank you for leading me to a monster that was a high level, though the way you did it was a bit roundabout." Gaia rolled her eyes at me.

"Like I said, I can't tell you where these monsters are without certain items. However, that doesn't prevent me from flying in a certain direction with you hot on my tail. It might be a roundabout way, but it works," she explained while bobbing up and down. I was slightly stunned by her explanation, part of me wanted to say that was the same thing. But I knew they technically weren't, and if there were loopholes to this system? Leave it to us earthlings to figure them out.

"Wasn't it a bit easy to kill though?" I asked her, but she tilted her head as if she just heard the most ridiculous thing.

"Easy to kill? That was a level 25 Wind Wolf that was a third of the way through its evolution to Tier 1. That beast shouldn't be anything a Tier 0 at your level should be able to dispatch. I know you're super talented with your sword skills and instincts, but you should have at least struggled a little." She answered but as I slowly shook my head, her expression of confusion only seemed to grow.

I answered, "Sure, but they can only help so much. Besides, can't you see my stats and stuff? You should be able to determine if a fight is gonna be easy or hard for me." Gaia paused for a second before her eyes slowly narrowed towards me like she was trying to read something.

"Your stats are going up and down in real-time? What is going on? Percy, what is your health right now without items?"

"Umm… it is 39."


"Something wrong?"

"Hold on a second… What is the first passive for your skill Leviathan?"

"It's a +5 stat boost for all of my skills."

"And Asura Rage first active?"

"Increase all physical attributes 1% per minute up to 75%. Gaia, is everything okay?"

"I-I… WAIT! 75%!" She screamed, shocked. She even floated up a meter. I blinked a few times at her sudden reaction, what was going on with her?

"I can still hear what you're thinking, you big idiot! Something is wrong here, your stats aren't matching up with anything I can see. Even your skills effects don't match the information about them I got from the Akashic System! Percy, tell me all of your stats and skill information." Gaia demanded worriedly. I slowly nodded and began to relay everything to her, just watching her face grow more and more shocked. After a few minutes, I finished telling her everything and her shocked expression seemed to have changed into a numb emotionless state..

"This is insane." She mumbled out, but I kept my eyes on her. She slowly looked up at me like I was some sort of monster.

"Every single one of your skills is vastly more powerful than it should be, your stats are stupidly high for a Tier 0 at your level. Of course, that wolf would be an easy opponent with these stats, you are a monster in human skin at this point! A 75% boost to physical abilities is something even a Tier 5 wouldn't have! Something is either interfering with my ability to see your stats or the Akashic system itself is wrong! Which shouldn't even be possible!" Gaia managed to get out her concerns with worry-filled eyes, and I felt a huge wave of surprise cover me.

I figured that my stats were high but not by that much. But like it had before, my eyes slowly wandered to the ???? next to the 'human' by my race, I wasn't sure what drew my eyes there, but part of me had a feeling this was the cause of our current issue.

"So what now, I still have Asura's Rage activated and I'm only getting stronger by the minute," I said, and as Gaia looked at me, I could see the wheels turning in her head. With all this new information it was clear it had disrupted her plan.

"There are a few more beasts and creatures in this forest that we can use to power-level you," she said, trying to calm down. 

"Why do I feel a 'but' coming?" 

"Oh? Do you know?... However!!! There is one more monster here, a much stronger one that has already completed its evolution to Tier 1 in this forest. It is the reason why the forest is so quiet as you asked earlier. The possibility of you defeating it with your stats and skills is around 15%, yet the rewards for a Tier 0 like you, at your level, killing a Tier 1 are immeasurable. Even though the choice is yours, I highly suggest you avoid it at all costs or, at least, until you are stronger. I can't have you dying now, more than ever. Your importance is simply too great!" She finished, and I felt a well of curiosity building up inside me. But I didn't make a choice right away; instead, I weighed my options.

As the seconds ticked by, I opened my eyes and met Gaia's gaze. I deactivated my Asura Rage skill, feeling the burden on my mind lessen significantly. Gaia even let out a soft sigh, and the tension seemed to melt away from her body. Then, ever so slowly, a grin spread across my face, causing Gaia's tension to immediately return.

"What are you planning?" she asked me, narrowing her eyes. I began to chuckle a bit.

"I don't think I can kill whatever it is so easily without any help, so the most obvious option is to train! During the few days I'm here, I'll use that time to develop a technique skill with Greek swordplay while hunting down those other high-level beasts. If I can't develop it, I'll abandon the Tier 1 and leave the forest. But if I can create it, I'll challenge the stronger monster," I finished, and Gaia's gaze remained fixed on mine for a moment before she nodded.

"That sounds reasonable to me. A technique skill would greatly boost your chances and might even give you the chances you need. Still, good luck developing a technique in such a short amount of time, it's practically impossible," she said, unaware that my smile grew wider.

"Why, Gaia, don't you already know? Anything that's practically impossible simply isn't true for me. Call it a talent, if you will, or pure stubbornness. It's the Jackson way!"

A/N: Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed the story! I think some of you have noticed that the levels for everything are pretty high for 2 days after the system. This will be explained later so no need to worry! Also, I hope you all enjoyed a bit of world-building I performed and some backstories hehe. Also, Percy finally is leading the group, the War Master is back in action and he has a mission! Regardless I hope you leave a review!

Happy Memorial Day as well!

Name: (Percy) Percival Jacob Jackson

Age: 16

Race: Human/????

Constitution: Primordial Emperor body (Tier 7) Level 1

Tier: 0

Level: 18

Health: 39(+35) / Mana: 132(+5) / Strength: 47 (+25) / Stamina: 33(+5) / Agility: 44(+20) / Luck: 68(+5)

Stat points: 54

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