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Chapter 6: Infiltration/Date 2?

[August 8, Mount Justice]

It was in the early afternoon of august at mount justice when all of a sudden I hear knocking at my door with M'gann telling asking "Do you want to come hang out with me and the rest of the team out on the beach Tyler" as I went to open the door I saw her and the others excluding Wally because he had school I look and with a smile on my face I say "Yeah sure why not I was a good stoping point on my new project anyways let's do it" and with that I got my swimming trunks on and a towel and headed out to the beach with the team while without the team and Wally knowing Speedy or his soon to be be new hero name Red Arrow is get Dr. Roquette from infinity island.

Once we had hang out at the beach all day we got a call from Batman to head back into the cave for our new mission but before we did the team asked what I was working and told them that I was working on these contact lenses so that my A.I. Jarvis can see what I see when I don't have my suit at the time. And they were all stunned and wanting to get one as well but I told them I only have enough for myself right now and would do a field test to see if they even worked and then give them out to the team.

When we got inside the cave Batman told us to suit up and get ready for briefing for our mission and on our way to suit up Conner asked me something I thought that he would never ask me he said "Hey do you like Artemis by any chance" I look back at him stunned and say to him while both Kaldur and Dick were behind us saying "Wait why would you ask me that Conner" Conner shrugs and says "Ever since she joined she seems to only have eyes for you and vice versa and also both your hearts beat fast when you look or talk to each other."

Then Dick says to me in a teasing fashion "Oh so big old Captain America likes the teams new archer is that right oh man Wally is gonna have a field day with this one" then Kaldur buts in saying "Well I hope you and Artemis have a good relationship if you to ever start to date" I look at all three of them and just say "Look just shut up and get suited up and not a word of this to the girls I mean it or I will kick all three of your asses" with that being said we got suited up and headed to get briefed on our Mission.

Once all of us were about to get briefed with all of the team in our suits with Batman, Green Arrow, and Red Tornado, all of a sudden we hear the zeta tube go off with with Wally making his big entrance 'Recognized Kid Flash B0-3' with him saying "The wall man is here lets get this party star-" but before he could say anything he fell on face with a bunch of beach supplies that made me chuckle a bit.

I looked at Wally and said "Sorry Wall man but play times over it's time to get to work" with him looking sad that he missed beach day but popped up when he heard Batman give us the briefing until Batman paused when the zeta tubes chimed back in with Red Arrow making his entrance 'Recognized Speedy B0-6' he looked at all of us with a stern look and said "First off I don't go by Speedy anymore call me Red Arrow", with his declaration of his new hero name Green Arrow tries to go up and talk to his ex protege to no avail with Red Arrow saying that he was just replaceable talking about how Artemis as the newest member of the team and protege of Green Arrow.

Now me not wanting to hear Red Arrow talk about being replaced when he quit on his friends I steeped in and told him "Look Red Arrow no one replaced you the team would have been happy to have two archers on the team but you refused you made that choice not us" and him now looking at me he widens his eyes for just a slight second but I caught meaning he would be wary of me when he said to me "Well Captain America right look I don't have any beef with you or the team but can she even use that bow" at that point Artemis was about to blow before I came in and told Red Arrow "Yeah she does any other questions Red" and with my stare and tone getting a little harsh he backed off the subject.

With that interaction out of the way Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Robin still tried to get him into the team but to no avail after that the team and I set off to happy harbor high school where Dr. Roquette was stashed at once we got there I gave my orders to the team with Miss Martian and Superboy with Kid Flash on the perimeter of the school outside with Robin and Aqualad cover the school floors while Artemis and myself protect Dr. Roquette.

After my orders were given I asked Miss Martian to put the link on except Dr. Roquette until I say to put the Doc in our link which prompted Artemis to say mentally to all of us "'Wow this is so weird and you guys do this all the time'" with me smirking at her and said "'Yep this is what we use so the enemy doesn't pick up on any strategies we want to plan out and other things'" she looks and smilies at me but was interrupted by Kid Flash saying "'Man we could of had Speed-I mean Red Arrow with us but Artemis here drove him off the team'" which prompted Artemis to defend her self and say "'Okay that is so not on me'" which Kid Flash said "'Yes it is'" then I came in to cut it down before it gets worst telling Kid Flash to keep eyes out for any league of assassins which he did but with an attitude about it now.

Once their argument was over Dr. Roquette spoke up saying "Is there a problem" I spoke to her saying "No it's nothing but can you track the fog" she gave me a nod and said to me "Will you be able to protect me though" I gave her a smile and say "Of course we will protect you" with that she blushed and turned away making Artemis looking at her and then at me with a look of jealousy that I caught out of the corner of my eye and just smirked but I was brought out of it when the Doc said "Okay tracking the fog now" once she was tracking it she got a hit in Florida which I ordered Robin and Superboy to head to the bioship to Florida to intercept the fog.

A few minutes go by and I did a sound check on the team to make sure that my team was doing fine so I started "'Captain America here'" then Artemis went "'Artemis here'" then Miss Martian "Miss Martian here" the Aqualad "Aqualad here" then Kid Flash but we got no answer which worried everyone which prompted Aqualad to investigate which lead him to the pool where Miss M joined him and found Kid Flash drowning in a pool which Aqualad informed that someone is here for the Doctor and to be careful which me and Artemis were on high alert with me bringing out my shield and her bringing out her bow.

A few seconds then passed with nothing but silence with Dr. Roquette knowing what were gonna throw down got to a safe spot when from the roof something was shinning then a projectile came coming at me but in a split second I put my shield up and blocked the object which was some type of poison then I looked up at the ceiling and with a smirk I said "Hey Cheshire if you wanted another date you should have called" after I said that I got three reactions Artemis with a reaction of jealously, Cheshire with a reaction of flattery, and Dr. Roquette with a reaction of confusion.

After that comment Cheshire came out of the ceiling with her signature Cheshire Cat mask smile with her saying "Hey pretty boy I would have but you didn't give me you contact info on our first date" I looked at her with a smirk still on my face and said while moving towards her saying "Well here the prefect chance to exchange contact info huh" while I moved into fight Artemis stood there Bow drawn ready for an opening I would make which were few of her to help out with both me and Cheshire exchanging blows at each other which went on for a while until the rest of the team came in which prompted Cheshire to make and exit not before she said her final words to me before leaving "Well Captain see very soon and I will kill the Doc you may have stopped me here but won't again."

Once she left the team came in wanting to know what happened and vice versa with them asking why that she was so flirtatious with me and I told them it was just your villain and hero banter to keep things interesting which they believed because they have seen it before but Artemis was still skeptical about my interaction with her sister and thought me and her sister have something between us but before she started drawing conclusions I told her "Hey trust me your sister is not the one I am after if you want to know I will tell you" which she blushed and turned around saying "Look idiot whatever just we can talk after the mission."

After me and Artemis's talk the team looked at us with some knowing what was going on while Kid Flash was clueless about the situation which at that time I planned out what we were going to next same as in the show with me going to the cafe while the team stays with the fake Dr. Roquette after that I told my team good luck and be safe.

An hour later silence as the Doc was making a virus to put in the fog when Superboy and Robin told us that they couldn't stop the fog at Star Labs and was moving on Wayne Enterprises as I was mulling all of that over I got and alert from Jarvis say that "Mr. Rogers the target known as Cheshire is coming and Artemis is right on her tail sir" I nodded and told Jarvis "Alright let me know when she gets here alright Jarvis" which he just says "Yes sir."

Once the Doc told me that the virus is uploading to the fog I just nod in her direction when Jarvis alerted me to Cheshire's arrival I immediately pull my shield out and block her poisonous shuriken's after that she drops in and we started to get into a fist fight once she made me drop my shield to the side with her saying to me "Well can you fight without your precious shield" which I respond with "Yeah I can but can you keep up sweetheart" after us bantering we went on the attack with no one getting the edge until the doctor shouted out "IT'S DONE THE FOG IS DISABLED" after she said that we stopped and I looked at her and she looked at me saying "Well I guess our date comes to an end I will see you around Cap" and at that she was gone with a smoke bomb.

After all that the team regrouped with the captured villains they asked me what happened with Cheshire "So what happened between you and 'your date'" I look at Kid Flash who made that comment and tell him "Yeah it went well how about you and the others Kid Flash" they all said it was fine and the worked well together but after all that we went back to the cave to give Batman the debrief on what happened after that everyone went home to get some rest but not me and Artemis yet.

Tyler:"So you said you wanted to talk after the mission right."

Artemis:"Yeah what is it with you and my sister and I want the truth okay no lying."

Tyler:"Wow Artemis you sound very jealous of your sister why is that."

Artemis:"Look it's not that it's just you are someone that has been there for me and helped me out of a path that I didn't want to take so you are special to me okay."

Tyler:"Ah I see and Artemis if you haven't noticed I really do care about you more then a teammate and more then a friend."

Artemis:"W-what are you talking about do you even know what you are saying Tyler."

Tyler:"Yes I do know what I am saying and doing that is why."

After I said that last sentence I closed the gap between us and kissed Artemis which she did not pull away she even deepened this kiss making it obvious to both of us we had the same feelings for each other in the end making our relationship with each other deeper.

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