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Chapter 13: Chapter 11: Changing Fates

AN: comments on description about characters are in the pov of the MC)

"Calm yourself and explay boy!" Said Robert. Exhausted the young guard said "Your Grace, my lord, I am here to report at your request to inform you that the travellers you were expecting have just passed winter town and are arriving!" "Are you daft boy we're already here!" Said Robert in a anoyed tone as he was once again delayed from paying his respects, but was cut off by Eddard. "No Robert the one coming here at the moment, is my long lost cousin." "COUSIN!!!!????" Exclaimed Robert surprising every person in the courtyard once again.

Soon after the young guard was dismissed back to his post and Robert couldn't contain himself and asked "You have a cousin, besides those of the Karstrak line?" "Yes" Replied Eddard. "How, when?" asked Robert and so Eddard started to explain the events that lead up to this event, to say Robert and even the Queen were surprised that I was the supposed wolf king, but Cersei was more pissed off at me than curious for the events that lead to Tyrion getting his durin's axe.

In the meantime, while everyone was listening to Eddard explain they started to hear the rhythmic sound of heavy warhorses matching in perfect syncronised formation, each step taken in perfect sync, crashing onto the ground like a hammer on an anvill, ans as the sound grew closer and closer, people started to witness the riders, some of them grew with curiosity, others with fear hoping such imposing riders werenot here to attack them but most warriors and fighters in Winterfell were in awe of their perfect march, dicipline and imposing stature as none of the riders were lower than six feet in height, with a perfect physique, all armed with a large shield, with not only a spear and sword but on each horse was also a bow with a quiver and arrows. As the royal family and the Stark family were viewing the four leeding horses as the came to a halt in front of them they rythmically split like water being parted, once again in perfect sync, leaving everyone there who knew about war shocked at the level of dicipline and control this army displayed with their horses.

As they split you could hear the sound of six horses and one dwarven wargoat the sise of a pony but with ten times the stamina and power of a warhorse approaching, the first to approach and dismount was Zhuge Liang along with Guan Yu, Legolas and Gimli, followed by me with Leona and Fiora on eacht of my sides. To say the were surprised at the way we looked was a understatement as they stared in awe at us and were amazed from the elegance of Zhuge with his phoenix fether fan and traditional Han dynasty armor, to the war god Guan Yu's imposing presence and Legolas and Gimli's, Strange but strong looking features especially Gimly who was riding a wargoat moments before dismounting, but what surprised them even more especially the sutherners was the beauty of the two warrior women dismounting their warhorses not that i can blame them, both ingame Fiora and Leona couldn't compare to their inlife beauty, then their was me, with my imposing figure that screamed power, presence and charisma with clearly Stark features, i stood a 6 feet 9, with a godlike bodybuild, raven black hair, a black beard and almost flurecent green eyes.

As we were all done dismounting, Legolas, Gimli, Zhuge Liang, Fiora and Leona stood at attention while Guan Yu walked up to king Robert and Lord Stark to anounce my arrival with his Green Dragon Crescent Blade in hand he looked both men in the eyes an from one warrior to another he gave a courtesy bow to both men and they as warrior's themselves understood and game a courtesy bow in return. Guan Yu stepped a bit to the side as i approached and slammed the back end of his Green Dragon Crescent Blade on the floor actually creating a spider cobweb crack on the paved courtyard ground and gaining total silence in the courtyard and started to anounce me.

"Presenting the arrival of my my lord and King of sparta Jarven Stark, the wolf king, son of Leonidas Stark and decendant of Erik Stark, the rebelious wolf and the stark who denied Aegon the winter crown, traveler of the sunset sea, Hero and champion of Middle earth!!" Just as Guan Yu finished and i was in front of Robert and Eddard ny spartans roared with such ferocity the ground shook "AHHOO!!! AHHOO!!! AHHOO!!" It had even surprised me but i did not let it show on my face but it sure was funny to see the scared look of everyone but especially so for Cersai and the rest of the Lannister men and women. I returned my gaze back to Robert and Eddard and slowly removed my helm revealing my face to the north for the first time in Westeros and all people present there from teen to adult were both surprised by me looking more like a Stark of old than the Starks currently in the north as wel as my handsome chissled face, not to brag but i am hot as fuck boy.

With a small smile that made most women there blush i said in my best Obi-wan kenobi impersonation "Hello there!" not getting a reaction from anyone, i played the confused part and asked "Are my words not correct, i could have sworn i was speaking the common tongue?" At my question Eddard finally composed himself and said "Ah..My appologies cousing, i was just startled for a moment." Robert himself was still stunned but soon recovered and burst out laughing at my responce to Eddard. "Startled? Cousin i know i look like a horses ass but come on!" "PPPPRRRRFFFFFFFHAHAHAHAHAAH." I then turned my gaze to him and said "So you are the demon of the trident? i thought you'd be taller!" and at my comment Robert complained with "HEY!" causing Eddard to burst out laughing "HAHAHAHAH!" "Don't you dare laugh Ned, why are you laughing any way i wasn't that funny." "Because, that's exaclly what i thought when i heard that outlandish nickname hahahah." said Eddard. "At least mine is fierce, quiet wolf or was it shy wolf?" Retorted Robert causing Eddard to sigh in responce. "Anyway a pleasure to meet you both." I said extending my hand to them in a greeting, shaking both their hands.

"King Jarvan, I offer you guest rights, to you and your men." Said Eddard. " Call me Jarvan, cousin and allow me to introduce to you some very inportant people, their relationship with me is the same as with you and Robert." I signaled Legolas, Gimli to come over but the biggest surprise i had planned to shock them came running at me after they went hunting in the wolfswood, i had actually forgot about them as two large shadows came bursting from outside the gate and came to a grinding halt shocking the king, eddard, their families, knights, guards and regular people into a panick when they saw two elephant size Fenrir wolves bearing their fangs in my direction. I sighed and facepalmed at my own forgetfullness and looked at Skoll and Hati with a deadpanned look and walked up to them, shocking everyone into a paénick except my people, Ser Barritan Selmy actually started to order his men and archers to get ready to attack but thankfully Zhuge warned him in time. "Wait ser, don't attack those are Skoll and Hati, my kings wolves, don't attack those arrows will do nothing but annoy them." Ser Barritan and the rest looked sceptical at this and he asked "Are you sure, ser? Not that i am doubting you but they dont look like pets." "They are throwing a fit, only our king can calm them."

As i walked up to Skoll and Hati they growled at me and i once again deadpanned at them and proceded to walk up to them and they actually got in a pouncing possition so i looked at them again but this time sternly causing them to flinch and lie down on the ground, so i headpatted them, as appearently i gave good headpats and i asked them "hey, where were you guys?" And they actually whined in responce saying they were hunting and i had left without them. "Well, who told you to be late? I always tell you to be on time or early but never late don't i?" I asked them but they whined again. "Alright, alright stop pouting i will give you some treats later, now behave ok?" i said giving them headpats making them happy. As i turned around i couldn't help but feel the stares of shock that could actually burn a hole in tank armor, but only Robert gave words to descripe what every person there was thinking "What in the seven hells is going on here?" I scrached the back of my head while drylaughing "ahahah sorry about them, they are a bit spoiled." 2 X "SNORT!!" getting to snorths in responce from Skoll and Hati when they heard me.

I walked back to Eddard and Robert as everyone settled their nerves and calmed down seeying Skoll and Hati lying on the floor resting and catching their breath from running all the way to Winterfell. Unsurprisingly A rya was over the moon, but if it was because of both Fiora and leona or seeying Skoll and Hati i dont know but it clearly seemed she wanted to go pet them but poor her was being held back by her mother Catelyn who was still restless.

"As i was saying before my pups interrupted us, allow me to introduce to you two people who are family to me in all but blood." I said as i waved Gimli and Legolas to comeforward. "The pretty boy on my left is Legolas prince of the woodland realm, Lord greenleaf, my second sworn brother, son of Thranduil the King of the Woodland Realm of the Northern Mirkwood, greatest bowman of the age and ambasator of the Woodland realm. And to my right, the stout looking dwarf is my first sworn brother Lord Gimli, son of Glóin, Elf-friend, Lockbearer, Lord of the Glittering Caves city, sworn brother to king Jarven Stark and ambassator of the people of Durin." "Jarven, you have been calling me that sinds we first set out of rivendell, i still don't know what that means, Greeting King Robert, Lord Stark." Said Legolas bowing his head lightly. "Hahahaha, brother even after all these years our dear brother is still irony impaired, hahaha, greeting King, Lord Stark." Said Gimli walking up to us and they both were met with two greeting from both Robert and Eddard 2X"Greeting!" "I know Gimli, despite our brother being and elf, the wisest of all people he is still clueless about irony." I said making Gimli burst out laughing "Hahahaha". "I will introduce the others with me." I turned and looked at Kongming and introduced him. "The man with the phonix feather fan is Lord Zhuge Liang, style named Kongming he is my as you would call it here hand of the king/strategist and the greatest intellectual mind i had ever met." I said as he stepped forward. "Come now my king, your intellect is not even beneath mine, Greetings King Robert, Lord Stark." Zhuge Liang said cupping his hands together and bowing in a formal manner. I smiked at his comment and turned to Guan Yu Yunchang to introduce him. "The Imposing warrior who introduced our arrival is my greatest warrior and brother in arms Lord Guan Yu style named Yunchang, he holds the equivelant in possition as your ser Barristan Selmy, he is also known in sparta as Lord magnificent beard." The imposing Guan Yu slamed his green dragon on the floor once" again and said roughly "Greetings!" Resulting in everyone outside of my party to be in awe of his stature and demeanour. An laastly i turned to the two beauties in my party and introduced them "And the two ladies in armor, the one on the left is Dame Leona Solari, of house solaris and the greatest paladin of her house and i dare say in all of Sparta!" "Greetings" said Leona in a beautifull voice. "And on my right is Dame Fiora Laurent, of house Laurent and she is known as the most feared duelist in all of Sparta. "I am always up for a worthy challenge, my king." Said Fiora in a playfull but seductive manner. I grinned and the rest sighed in exasperation as both i and them knew she wanted to fight again. Most people were in awe of both women but i noticed two people had a skeptic look about them, Jaime Lannister and Sandor Clegane.

As we were done with the introductions Robert had asked me why i was here and i explained that i was on the way to essos with supplies for the company of roses and passed through Winterfell at the request of lord Eddard to meet me and would stay for a couple of days, to wich they accepted and after introducing us to the rest of both families, after Eddard and Robbert proceded to the cripts and after we proceded to feest at sundown where a couple of interesting things happened.

One was the events and debauchery of King Robert during the feast were much worse to view live than read about and see on a tv show.

Second was that most children actually got over their fear of Koll and Hati who were present in the hall and were playing with the children in a friendly manner much to the worry and dismay from the mothers but with a little calming magic they soon forgot the worries.

third was the most amuzing of them all as it was the Local hell raizer and wild child Arya stark as she was constantly and with great exitement jumping arround Fiora and Leona asking all sorts of questions about them and me, who were more than happy to indulge her.

fourth was my meeting with both Tyrion who had surprisingly statred to pack on muscles and started getting closer and closer to a true dwarven physique due to the enchantments i had placed on Durin's axe and the infamous bastard of Eddard Stark, the main man himself John snow, it was much better seeing it live than a tv show. But the main point of meeting them is that i changed John's fate after the conversation with them.

I had passed them by just as the famous quote from Tyrion fell. "All dwarves are bastards in their fathers eyes" Said Tyrion. "Haha, dont let Gimli hear you say that Tyrion." I said coming over to them. "Wolfking!" He said walking up to me as we clasped forearms to the surprise of John. "Wel it seems Durin's axe has awakened the dwarven blood in you my friend." I said knowing full wel it was due to my enchantments. "Is that why i feel stronger?" He asked surprised. "Ofcourse my friend, when a dormant magical bloodline comes into contact with the same type of magic, it awakens, so how is your father?" i asked after explaning his changes. "The same, shitting gold but after our meeting he started looking into what you said." He said. I looked at John and asked "And you are?" "Just a Bastard, my lord" He said. "Bastard? What do you mean? You are clearly a Stark!" I said. "Allow me to explain Wolf king, when a man has a child out of wedlock they are considerd a bastard in the faith of the seven" Explained Tyrion. "WTF, that is complete bullshit Tyrion, how could any decent person blame a newborn child for something that is beyond any persons control? besides i can clearly see that he has more ancient magic in his blood than lord Eddard, magic that is clearly in line with my own." I turned to John and said "Boy you are clearly my nephew, a Stark by blood, and no family of mine wil ever be treated as a bastard, besides this is the north, we follow the old gods not the south and their nonsence." "I don't care about being a bastard, and what do you mean magic? there is no such thing." John said. "Uhm John?" Tyrion wanted to explain but i cut him off by raizing my hand to stop him and looked at John. "Hand me your sword, boy." He looked at my stern expression and handed me his sword and i started explaining. "Magic is very real boy, magic is one of the buildingblocks of life, it is a force of nature that can heal, kill, strengthen and prety much do anything you can imagine, infact one such magic is imbuement, it allows those with magic to do this." I explained as i imbued the sword with wind aura and slashed towards the training dummy John was using, launching an airblade splitting the dummy in tow perfect pieces shocking him and again i proceded to explain "You see boy, magic is all around us and altough there is very little of it here in westeros due to the grey rats, it is still very real as it's impossible to get rid of magic." "Grey rats?" He asked. "Ah a story for another time, the point is "You" are a Stark , boy. There is no question about that, question is your father is from the north, so unless he himself ordered it, that i highly doubt he did, who would dare to treat you as a bastard, and the only one i know had that capability would hyave to be lady Stark. HUh so much for her family's words Family, Duty, Honor. What a joke. I will take care of this boy. You go back to training." I said to John while walking back inside. "Interesting man is he not?" Said Tyrion smirking at John. "Aye!" He responded as he walked into the feest hall with Tyrion completely forgeting about going back to training.

And fifth was the several questions people had about Middle earth and the elven and dwarven kingdoms, and at the responce and tales about them, most grown people and children grew both interested and facinated by them but there were some who had a couple of negative thoughts about the explanation about them but none so more than Cersei, I could clearly feel her hate for Tyrion and Gimli but surprisingly lust directed at both me and Legolas. So i decided to once again play the bullshit game on a Lannister and spoke up about it after she made a snide comment about Tyrion at Gimli.


As we were feesting Gimli had sat next to Tyrion and were talking about how a dwarf fights when Cersei cut in "So you are the one who gave that little beast that axe, how dare you give such a worthless beast such a thing, that should have been given to Jaime!" causing silence in the hall and shock on everyones faces. Gimli and Tyrion actually started shaking in anger and were about to react when i slammed my palm on my armchair with a bit of magic causing a loud bang cutting everyone off of saying something!" "NOT ANOTHER WORD!" I said sternly with a haki infuced voice cutting off all possibility of someone trying to argue back at me especially Cersei and her vile voice.

"Cersei Baratheon nee Lannister, you, lady have balls larger than a dothraki warhorse speaking in such a way and tone to a foreign Diplomat with royal ties, especially the dwarves who's kingdom actually surpasses the continent of Westeros in wealth, size and military might. Zhuge correct me if i am not misstaken but isn't the kingdom of the dwarves around four times the size of Westeros?" I asked knowing full wel that it was larger but wanted to use zhuge to apply even more pressure on Cersei, and Zhuge immidiately picked up on and said "Actually its seven times it's size, it's standing armies spread out over the nine provinces are each five times larger than all the levies that could be raized by the Baratheons, Tyrell's and Lannisters combined, add in all seven kingdoms at it woud still be 4 to one with just one of their standing armies, with all of them plus reserves it would be fifty to one, and given that the dwarves annuall income from trade and their massive mines that make Casterly rock and gold tooth look like a joke, they could outlast all of Westeros in a 100 year war, and there is always the possibility that they would contact their allies that consist of the elven kingdom of woodland relm, the human kingdom of Gondor, the human Kingdom of Rohan, the shire and ofcourse your Kingdom of Sparta, my lord." He explained getting stunned looks from every person in the hall. "Lies!!! That is not possible?" Shouted Jaime in shock and i looked at him like he was stupid and asked "Are you dumb or just stupid? Why would i lie? Or better yet do i have any reason to lie?" Causing them to come to the startling realization that if war broke out with the dwarven kingdom Westeros would have been doomed.

I turned to Jaime and Cersei Lannister with a stern look but directed my question to Tyrion. "Tyrion Lannister, due to your sister's actions i think i might need to consider canceling the trade agreement between house Lannister and Sparta and it's allies" Tyrion panicked and said "Wait! Jarvan please, i know my sister's outburst was beyond uncalled for but.." but he was cut off by me saying. " Don't tell me your father did not inform your siblings?" I asked knowing full well he didn't. Tyrion looked doubtfull and said "I am not sure Jarvan." i sighed in frustration and said "Typical of the old lion of the Rock." Cersei Lannister and the rest looked confused and Robert asked the question everyone was thinking "What are you talking about?" I looked at everyone and settled my eyes on Tyrion and said to him "Would you care to do the honor and explain everythink?" I smirked at him and he knew what i was thinking and smirked back saying "Sure Jarvan!" And so Tyrion explained about his meeting with both Tywin and Kevan, their travel to Sparta, the amazing sights of the capital of Sparta and ofcourse the meeting between us and the bullshite i made real with the help of the system and reality stone, causing shock amongst everyone and when the explenation ended i could sense shock, doubt and amazement.

Ser Barristan Selmy was a man of the faith and a knight through and through and grew fearfull and disgusted at the mention of magic and i could feel it, i looked at him in the eyes and he said with conviction "why would you use magic, it is a abomination that uses the blood of the innocent to gain power." I looked at him with a reasuring smile and in a calm voice asked him. "Ser Barristan, as a man of honor and integrity would you allow me to explain why that thinking is wrong?" He responded saying "Very well. But know this if you can't convince me i will do anything to kill you for harming the innocent." I smiled and said to ser Barritan and then turned to my cousin asking in a formal manor. "I would expect nothing less from a knight of your honor ser." "Lord stark you you have a prisoner here for the wall who claimes he is innocent but you know for a fact that he is guilty?" And he responded in a formal manor. "Yes King Jarvan, we actually do, why?" "I will need him to prove that magic is not what you think, so can you bring him here?" I asked. He noded and asked ser Rodrick to bring the bandit here.

When he returned with a man in rags who was scared and trembling in fear ande had the man kneel in the middle of the hall. I walked up to him and asked to confirm his lies. "Who are you, boy?" But the man was still shaking in fear. "'Answer me!" "S.. Sv.. Sven m'lord!" "Why were you detained by lord Starks men?" "I ..I...I was accused of raping a farmers daughter and killing her family, but i am innocent my lord, i swear by the old gods and new." He said. I looked at him sternly with narrowed eyes and said "We will see!" Knowing full well he was guilty. "Fiora, go get me two vials of Veritaserum." I asked and she said "Yes my king." and she left and came back in ten minutes handing me the two vials. and i laid them on the lord's table and everyone was surprised at the small viles, i looked at ser Barritan and said "I wil use this man and these two vials to prove to you that magic is not what you think." Arya Stark was extremely curious and looking at the vials with big eyes and could not help but ask "What are these?" I smirked and said "These little niece are two vials of veritaserum, water destiled twenty times from several plants but mainly the Veritas plant that has a very unique effect when someone drinks it, it would make one be unable to lie for half a day and fighting it would make it even more impossible to lie as the effect would grow stronger. We use it to find out the truth when it comes to criminals, traitors and spies as even if you can use magic it won't help you." And everyone was shocked at the explanation of its use as I grabbed one and walked up to the shit stain on the floor who was shaking on the floor uncontrolably and forced his mouth open and dumped half of the vial down his throat as he struggled to fight me off. As the veritaserum took effect the man was trembling but silent, i turned to Ser Barritan and asked him "Ser Barristan could you please do the honors and ask this man the truth?" He looked at me surprised i had asked him but nodded and walked forward. He looked at the man and asked "Is your name Sven?" "N...No.. aarrrgg!" He answered in pain and Ser Barristan and the rest looked at me for an explenation as to why he was in pain. "He tried to lie, but the effect grows stronger while causing pain, try asking his real name and where he is from." Ser Barristan noded and asked "What is your name and where are you from?" the man shook in pain for trying to lie again but still answered. "Grrraa, my name is Randle Frey, ahhr i am a s...son of Walder Frey." and everyone's eyebrows rose in surprise, but i took advantage of it and asked "Are you guilty of what you are accused of?" "Y..Yes!" He said "Why did you do it?" I asked in disgust. " that bastard father dared to deny me his daughter, who is he to deny a Frey what he desires! So when he said no that night i snuck into his homstead and as they sleept i started by crippeling the old man and his wife and tied them to their chairs and as they watched i tortured and ra****aaahhhrrr" He was about to continue but was cut off as Ser Barritan Selmy grew beyond furious at his tale and split the man in two with a single powerfull and fast swing that would put any swordman half his age to shame. "Disgusting bastard!!!!!! hah hah.." Ser Barristan yelled catching his breath after killing the shit stain. "Impressive swing ser" Said Guan Yu impressed with his swing. "Indeed but the disgusting worm deserved worse!" Said Gimli.

As the comotion of the sudden execution of the man by ser Barristan settled down, Robert turned to me and asked. "Alright you have proven that this drink does as you claim but how does that prove magic is real?" I smirked at him and said "like so!!" and i grabbed the second vial and drank it completely, not that it would work on my but they did not need to know that but i shook a bit to make a show. "Ask you questions about magic ser Barristan." I said shaking but not in pain. Ser Barristan nodded and asked the first question. "Is magic real?" and i responded "Yes." he knew this already, but asked the question that felt like a ton of weight on his chest hoping i answered as he expected due to his faith in the seven."Do you use innocent lives or any life for that matter to fuel your magic?" "No" i responded and everyone was shocked and Eddard asked "How? just what is magic cousin?" and i started to explain "Magic is all around us, it is in the air we breath, the food we eat, the water we drink, in the blood stream of every man woman or child, it is a building block of life. It gave birth to elves, men, dwarves and every speacies in the world. As to how i can use it, the answer is simple, everyone can learn and use magic, if you have the talent for it or not it depends on your talent and perseverance. As for using innocent people to gain magic that belongs to a certain branch of dark magic that is only done by the most vile and cruel scum who either use the innocent to boost their poor talent or extend their life. It is a banned part of magic because the souls of both the innocent and the one's who cast it are ripped apart and completely destroyed." i answered and proceded to answer any other questions they had when i said "Enough! Leona get me water, fuck i hate this part!!!" and proceded to vomit in a bucket. "What happened, is he ok?" Asked John Snow. "It's a side effect of the Veritaserum, after the effect stops working it causes a person to immidiately emply his stomach as the human body can't digest it." Said Fiora as Leona handed me water ro wash out my mouth and also to drink. "For fuck's sake i hate this part, always tastes like ass, sorry about the expression." I complained out loud causing most people to chucle at my out burst and Robert to burts out laughing.

I stood up after my little show and composed myself in their eyes and surprisingly Ser Barristan came up to me and apologised for his rude behavior but couldn't help but ask "King Jarvan if magic is a force of nature how come it is not found in Westeros?" I looked at him not surprised at his question and explained "Actually there is a lot of magic in Westeros and it even has several families with powerfull magic in their blood, the biggest examples are ofcourse the Starks, as Brandon the builder used the ice magic power of his blood to build the wall with the children of the forest, the Umbers with the giants bloodline, House Reed 's bloodline has a powerful connection with both water, poison and surprisingly druid magic, The Baratheon family with their berserker and rage magic, the Lannisters with their connection to the dwarven bloodline and the most famous of them all the Targaryen bloodline that has connection to not only charm magic, seer magic, fire magic and dark magic that they used to bind Wyvern's to their bloodline. There are also a lot more families but i won't name them all." The shock on everyone's faces as they learned about this information was priceless but they were brought back to reality when they heard Tommen Baratheon the shy boy come forward ask in surprice "Don't you mean dragon's mister wolf king?" I walked up to him and patted him on the head gently causing him to gigle, smiled at him and explained. "No my dear boy, what they tamed were fire wyverns not dragons." this time it was his mother who asked "What's the difference?" "Wel Wyverns have 2 legs and two wings, like a bat, they are powerfull yes but posses low intelligence. Dragon's on the other hand have two legs two arms and their wings are on their back as a physical difference but the main difference is that dragon's are the pinnacle of power and magic, they themselves grow unlimitedly in size and power, they sometimes have intelligens higher than humans. In fact the largest wyvern they Targaryen's had was Balerion the black dread that was 150 meters long, but the largest dragon during the war's of the first age in middle earth was Ancalagon apply named The Black. Ancalagon the Black was the largest dragon to have ever existed in Middle-Earth. He was bred by Morgoth a very powerfull i would call him demigod during the First Age, he is described to be "as tall as a mountain" and could block out the sky as he flew. Ancalagon's length was 2,000 meters and his wingspan was 4,000 meters, it's fi!re could melt rock to lava in seconds. Unless the Targaryen's themselves were demigods it would be impossible to tame a true dragon not to mention you have to raize it from being an egg but even then you have to for a magical bond or contract with it after proving you are powerfull as the one thing true dragon's despise the most was weakness." I finished explaining gaining a fearfull expression again from everyone again.

After everyone composed themselves i said "Now that i have explained everything to do with magic, i have something i want to request from you Robert from one king to another and i hope no one here interferes." I said with a bit of haki and enough compultion to even make Eddard not interfere and gaining a raized eyebrow from him. "What is it Jarvan?" He asked. "Can you allow me to make a Royal decree about a single individual making it effective in all of Westeros, now first don't worry it will not affact anyone but the individual himself as i will use magic as a contract, and also it will not affact the royal family in any way? And in return i will give you a weapon more powerfull than valyrian steel bound to your Baratheon bloodline by magic." I asked using a little compultion to make him agree and it worked as he asked "What weapon?" Getting a worried work from everyone who was wondering what i would do and about who i was talking about. But as they were wondering this i summoned a Dawnguard Rune Hammer from skyrim enchanted with the featherweight rune as it's weight was half a ton, a unbreakable weapon rune and a bloodline rune to bind it to a bloodline and a heritage rune that would apply all the values of a families bloodline to the weapon., the warhammer was clearly beautiful with an imposing look because as soon as i summoned it Robert was immidiately drawn to it. I explained what this warhammer was, the metal it was made from, it's history and what its magical runes did. Robert wanted to have it for his own and immidiately agreed to my request as the value of this weapon was wel beyond what all the wealth of royal coffers could buy.

"I agree to your terms as long as this decree does not affact the royal family or any of my subjects in a bad manner." Said Robert. "Ofcourse Robert, now come here, i will now bind it to your house by blood." I said and Robert looked like a kid on christmas and he asked "So how do we do this?" He asked and i explained "make a small cut on your hand and drip blood on the handle and grab it." He did so without hesitation and as he did so the weapon glowed in a bright red light, causing most to flinch at the brightness and as it settled Robert was amazed as he could feel the connection with the hammer like it was apart of himself. "Amazing! I can barely feal the weight of it." He said as he took a few onehanded swings with the warhammer. "Hey Robert swing at this!" I said as two of my men placed a large anvil in front of him, he looked worried but i explained "Don't worry, the hammer is unbreacable, trust me." He nodded and took a full onehanded swing causing a loud sound of metal hitting metal but what surprised everyone was the anvill was smashed into several pieces on impact. shocking every warrior in the halls. Robert composed himself after his shock and thanked me but i said "No need Robert we made a deal." He understood and said "Right, what do you need?" I brought a pre writen unbreakable magical contract scroll that glew in a golden light and set it on the lords table and said. " First we will set up the magical contract and for that both of us and the person involved in the main part of the contract will sign it with blood and a thumb print!" I explained. "Who is the person?" Asked Robert and i walked up close to him he followed my sight setting his eyes on John without anyone seeing us and he asked. "Him? Why?" and i game him a ambiguous answer. "We are of the north, the old ways, to have him go by that status is an insult to me especially because it is something beyond his control so blaming him for that is beyond stupidity." He understood, having a few bastards of his own but said in a silent manner so no one but us could hear."But isn't this going to conflict with one of my subjects in this case your cousin in a bad way" I smirked and picked up the scroll and said "read it in silence." He took is and unscrolled it without anyone seeying it's contents and his eyes almost jumped out of their sockets so he asked "Are you sure it will work?" i nodded and said "Yes and It's unbreakable, so don't worry." He rolled up the scroll and said "Very wel, let's get this done." He said sharing my smirk. I took the scroll and and unscrolled it to just where our thumb prints would be set and set it on the lords table and me and Robert each cut our thumb and placed our prints on it one at the time and then i nodded at it and robert turned around and yelled out pointing at John "You boy, come here!" And everyone grew surprised but two people grew worried one was Eddard and the other was Catelyn but both for very a different reason, one worried for his safety the other due to her dumbass hypocrisy filled faith. "Me, your grace?" John asked. "Yes, you boy come up here." John grew worried up came up. Eddard grew scared and steped up to us and wanted to intercede "Robe.." But i cut him of with my compultion magic by placing my hand on his shoulder calming him down saying "Don't worry, no harm wil come to him, he is family." I steped up to him and handed a knife saying in a calm smile but no compultion this time as i wanted him to make this desition himself "Only you can change your fate, forcing you does not work so think it through." and stepped back, John took a few minutes to decide and each person there was growing more and more curious at his decision but after a couple of minutes he cut his thumb and placed his print on the contract and as soon as it was pressed a light collum fell on the contract and all three of us blinding everyone again and as the light settled and everyone recovered their vision everyone saw the scroll was floating infront of John. I took the scroll and handed it to John and said "Congratulations John. Go ahead read it out loud." John nodded and proceded to start reading it.

"I, Robert Baratheon first of my name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men,

Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, being of sound body and mind, herebij enter in this magical contract.

I hereby trade the Dawnguard Rune Warhammer for the permission to make a Royal decree about a single individual making it effective in all of Westeros.

The Royal decree will be granted to one King of sparta Jarven Stark, the wolf king, son of Leonidas Stark and decendant of Erik Stark.

The Royal decree will be witnessed by mother magic and is unbreakable, breaking it will result in death and destruction of the soul.

I, Jarven Stark the King of sparta , the wolf king, son of Leonidas Stark and decendant of Erik Stark. Under a trade agreement with Robert baratheon for a bloodline weapon herebij grant the person known as John Snow, the one know as the bastard of Eddard stark, the name of Stark, and shall forever be known as John stark from hence on for all time."

At this Catelyn Stark grew furious and yelled "What!!! You can't!!! This bas..." But i grew irritated at her vile outburst and stupidity and cut her off. "SILENCE!!! Lady Stark have a sence of decorum and don't interupt again. Besides I want to ask you something." I said walking up to her in an imposing manner. Eddard grew worried for his wife now and tried to come forward but Robert grabbed his sholders and shook his head, making him halt in place. As i was in front of a shaking Cateling i unloaded on her. "I want to know, how can you justify treating a child like that? Because of faith? tell me are you that stupid and foolish? How can you justify treating a child for something beyond his control? ANSWER ME!" She was scared but answered "B.. Because the faith and history have proven that bastards always betray their family and take what is not theirs by right!" I shook my head and sternly said. "You foolish woman, think for gods sake, it is exactly because your faith treats people like this because of something they cant control that makes them grow in hate, resentment and causes them to lash out in revenge. You reap what you sow i say, and besides aren't your families words family, duty, honor? What a joke, where was your love of family when dealing with you husbands son? sure he was his and not yours but he was family, where was your duty to be impartial to all children of the Stark family, where was your honor to the mother of your faith as a mother yourself?" She was stunned at my outburst and couldn't answer. But i continued"Let me tell you, you failed on all points. But the most important point here is and this is for you as well cousin." I said looking at Eddard, and he grew surprised. "Like our ancestors we in sparta and you are of the north , we follow the old faith, not the seven and you Catelyn as Lady Stark you should know this better than anyone, you may practice the faith of the seven but your children are of the north and you should have doen your duty as lady Stark and raized them as such and not have a septa involved. Now dont interupt again, continue reading John!" I said and everyone was surprised at my reasoning and clearly Eddard and Catelyn had a lot to think about.

John was surprised once again at my outburst and what i was doing to help him and he nodded and continued to read.

"Conditions for this to apply are as follows:

John Stark must be and remain loyal to house stark for all time.

John Stark must protect all decendants of house stark from any scheme, harm or plot against them. John Stark can never harm another Stark unless it is under self defence.

John Stark can never inherit the possition of Winterfell unless made heir by the ruling lord paramound of the north or all other direct decendents of the main Stark line of Westeros have passed under the condition that he had no part in any of their demises in any shape or form.

Should any of these conditions be broken than the individual know as John Stark shall be destroyed by mother magic in body and soul.

This Contract is Unbreakable, unchangable and binding for all time for all three parties."

By the end of the reading of these conditions everyone knew i had done so to make the boys life better while maintaining a secure way so he couldn't betray his family. John at this point was very emotional and in tears finally being recognised and was soon hugged by his siblings. Eddard was happy for his son and Catelyn actually had the decency to feel ashamed. Altough Robert was happy for Eddard and his family he was none with the mushy stuff so he said. "Enough of this mushy stuff let's feast!" "Here! Here!!" Everyone cheered.

Eddard walked up to me and thanked me for a solution that he could have never accomplished in this situation so he was exteamly happy ande so must of the chyildren along with their mothers retired for the night and we followed soon after.

Next day in the early morning Brandon Stark was once again climning the walls and towers of winterfell and again he was really skilled at it and as he got to the top just like in the books and tv show both Cersei Lannister and Jaime Lannister were fornication like two hogs truly a disgusting sight and soon after thei caught Brandon and the events proceded like the cannon where Brandon Slammed into the ground.

To Be Continued

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