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Chapter 2: Marcus

Tom spent the entire morning at the garbage site, collecting and sorting through anything he could find. He knew that every little bit counted and that he needed to bring back as much as he could to his family.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Tom began to feel the heat of the day bearing down on him. He was tired and hungry, but he kept pushing himself, driven by the thought of his family waiting for him back at home.

Finally, after hours of digging through trash, Tom had collected enough scrap metal, plastic, and glass to sell at the recycling center. He loaded everything onto a makeshift cart and began the long journey back home.

As he trudged through the dusty streets, Tom couldn't help but think about his future. He knew that he couldn't keep living like this forever, that he needed to find a way out of poverty and into a better life.

He had heard stories of people who had made it big in the city, of businessmen and politicians who had risen to the top through sheer force of will. He didn't know how they had done it, but he was determined to find out.

When he arrived back at his family's shack, he dumped the scrap metal onto the floor and collapsed onto the bed, exhausted. His mother was awake now, and she looked at him with tired eyes.

"Did you find anything good?" she asked.

Tom nodded, too tired to speak. He knew that he had done well today, but he also knew that it wasn't enough. He needed to find a way to make more money, to save up enough to buy his way out of poverty.

As he lay there, his mind began to race with possibilities. He could steal from the rich, he could sell drugs or weapons, he could start his own business. He didn't know what he would do, but he knew that he had to do something.

Tom closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, his dreams filled with images of power and wealth. He was determined to make those dreams a reality, no matter what it took.

The next morning, Tom woke up early, his mind already buzzing with ideas. He knew that he needed to find a way to make more money and fast. He couldn't keep living like this, scrounging for scraps and barely making enough to feed his family.

He spent the day at the garbage site again, but this time his mind was focused on more than just collecting scraps. He watched the people around him, studying their movements and interactions. He was looking for someone who could help him, someone who knew the secrets of success in the city.

As the day wore on, Tom's eyes fell on a man who was different from the others. He was well-dressed and clean-shaven, unlike the dirty and ragged scavengers who surrounded him. Tom watched as the man approached a group of people and began speaking to them in a confident, authoritative voice.

Tom felt a sudden surge of excitement. This was the kind of person he needed to know, someone who had power and influence. He waited until the man was alone and then approached him.

"Excuse me," Tom said, trying to sound confident. "Do you know how to make money in the city?"

The man looked down at him, his eyes sizing Tom up. "What's your name, kid?"

"Tom," he said.

The man nodded. "I'm Marcus. And yes, I know how to make money in the city. But it's not easy, and it's not always legal. Are you sure you're ready for that kind of life?"

Tom hesitated for a moment, but then he nodded. "I'll do whatever it takes."

Marcus smiled. "Good. Meet me here tomorrow at this time. I'll teach you everything I know."

Tom felt a sense of excitement and fear wash over him. He didn't know what he was getting into, but he knew that he had to take the chance. He spent the rest of the day collecting scraps, but his mind was already on tomorrow.

That night, he couldn't sleep. His mind was filled with thoughts of power and money, of rising to the top of society and leaving his poverty behind. He knew that it wouldn't be easy, but he was ready to do whatever it took.

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