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"I am very scared Carl, I am scared of Alpha Virginia what if he finds out about our relationship? You are not thinking about it." A lady cried into Carl's arm and he patted her back soothingly. His face was red, he also looked very helpless and hurt, his eyes were teary but he held them back.

"A little more patience dear, I am giving you my words, I will take you out of the pack house without any problem... I will soon reveal to Virginia who my mate is... I know she will be shocked but she will also be very happy to see my mate." He smiled to comfort her.

"What?!" The lady pulled away from him suddenly, her eyes distended as though she was shocked. "You want to do what? Did you just say you want to reveal to the Alpha that I am your mate? Do you want any of us to die untimely? Don't you know how much she is in love with you?" The lady told him.

"Why will she love me? She is just a friend to me and I expect her to know that I can't have relationship with someone like her, she never told me she loves me, even if she did I would have rejected immediately, no one can accept her in my pack... She is just like a door that leads me to you every time I want to see you. Does she really think I have always coming to visit her pack because of her?" He wrinkled his forehead as he took her hand again.

"Who wouldn't think of that? Carl, tell me who wouldn't think of that? The way both of you play around the mansion as if you were both couples, won't it arouse that feelings? It even annoys me."

"Are you jealous?" Carl smiled. "I have always loved you and I will love you forever, it's just a matter of time."

"It isn't that I am jealous, you have make the Alpha to fall in love with you, she made me a kitchen maid because of you... She doesn't want you to ever meet me again, she loves you and she believes that I will be an obstruction to your love story.." She folded her arms and frowned. Carl looked up and burst into a very loud and uncontrollable laughter.

"Are you for real Joan? No, no.. You are kidding, aren't you?" He laughed again, gripping his ribs as it had begun to hurt. "I know you don't like the way I play about with Virginia but you should know that I am only doing that so she won't suspect the relationship between the two of us... How do you know she is in love with me, has she ever told you?"

"She never told me but I have heard it recently from many maids and do you even know she is planning to propose to you? She wants you to be her Alpha and she wants to become your Luna, she is waiting for you... You need to come to reject the proposal today, I am tired of the unnecessary decorations she is making."

"O wow! Wow wow!" He clapped. "All these and you didn't inform me about it sooner? She wants to propose to me, is she that shameless? I think I really need to stop this, it's high time I revealed to her who you are to me... I already told her I have something special to tell her, I will reveal everything today. Enough of this maltreatment, does she know you are pregnant?"

"Why are you speaking like this Carl? Why should I let her be aware that I am pregnant for you, never!! Not a single soul must know about this... I can endure the pain, you don't need to think about me, think about what Virginia will do to us if she finds out about our relationship, if she finds out about my pregnancy? She is very powerful and she can call on for war, I don't want this to happen... You have to do something sooner."" Joan cried, sitting back to the wooden bench. Carl sat back beside her and placed the head on his laps, comforting her.

"Everything will end soon love... I will take you out of that pack... I need to discuss this with my commanders, no one knows that I have a pregnant wife outside... As soon as they accept you, I will bring you to my pack.. You need to start get going before anyone finds out about your absence... I will be there soon, okay?"

They both exchanged embraces. "Or shall I take you with my horse? That will be faster?"

"No, no! I will go the way I come. What if anyone sees me with you. I will be safe." Carl kissed her forehead and bid her farewell. She left.

* * * * *

{Harper's POV}

"Today... I will become someone's Luna. No more incomplete narrations.. I will be most the happiest lady to ever exist on this earth especially when he will be putting that ring in my fingers and also sink his canines into my neck... I can't wait. I have been waiting for a moment like that for so many years now." She has started again today, throwing herself up and down... She is again expecting Alpha Carl... I wonder why she just so much believe in Alpha Carl's promise and trusts him. Before Alpha Virginia met Alpha Carl, she was a very cold person... She doesn't believe in people especially outsiders, like Carl. I just can't believe that love has transformed my aunt this much. No man in the town dares to look into her face, she is the most feared because she her aura can be very intimidating. Without seeing her face, just with her fragrance people take to their heels. As for me, I don't believe in love... You must be wondering why... Many men have broken my heart, they will say they've met their mate and they can't continue any relationship with me. This is one of the reasons we don't welcome males amongst us. Looks like, I am not destined to have a mate.

"What if this guy disappoints you again? You have always taught me not to ever trust anyone... Why do you trust Alpha Carl this much? What if he already found his mate?"

"Never!! He doesn't have a mate yet and I there's possibility that we are mates, we just haven't discovered. There was a day he was saying to me that he wishes to have a Luna who is as brave, dominating and powerful as me, I know that he is indirectly telling me that he likes my personality, think about that one as well. I don't want you to spoil my moods with your negative thoughts..." She turned away from me and went back to her bed.

"Alpha Carl is here!" I suddenly said and she jumped out of the bed making me erupt into laughter.

"Where's he?"

"There's no one here so... Chill." She hissed and yelled at me to leave her room.

"Get prepared for your beloved that's coming, he shouldn't see you like this okay?"

Just as I said, someone barged into the room. She was huffing and puffing, she looks like she has been running from some where very far. She is an omega... She dropped on her knee and bowed her head.

"Greetings to the great Alpha..." She said, still trying to catch her breath.

"What's the issue?" Virginia and I asked her. She is looking scared. Was she being chased? That is the first thing that came into my mind.

"There's a problem my lady..."

"Problem?" I stepped forward. "Go straight to the point... Why did you barge in to our room like that? What's the problem?" Virginia is not saying anything but she is also very curious... What can it be that he couldn't knock before coming in, no one has ever done that.

"I saw Joan my ladies, I saw Joan with Alpha Carl in the farm store. I have gone to collect some things at the pack farm when I saw both of them... They were both hugging each other, I saw Joan crying and saying something to him..." She is speaking very fast and I am finding it difficult to hear what she is saying.

"Take a deep breath girl, speak slowly and audibly... You have come to inform us about something so be clear. " I told her. Virginia took a seat, and rest her head on her palm.

"I saw Joan with Alpha Carl... There were both hugging and kissing each other." She said.

"What!?" Virginia jumped out of the chair as we both ejaculated simultaneously. My eyes already popped out... Is that what she said before? Joan.. Alpha Carl... Is this really possible?

"You saw my Carl with Joan?" Virginia moved toward her.

"Yes my lady." She nodded. "I saw both of them together, they were both discussing and when I couldn't hear what they were saying... I lurked somewhere in the grass to hear what they were saying..."

"So what did you hear them say?" I asked curiously.

"My Lady... I heard both of them saying that – that, they said, I think they are both in a relationship." She stuttered.

"Thats not the question... What exactly did you hear them say? We don't need your assumption, tell us what you heard." I just have to yell at her, she is being too sluggish... Out of anger, Virginia can snap her head down.

"I heard Joan telling Alpha Carl about your plan to propose to him, Alpha was like... That's too disgusting, he said you are shameless... That how can a great Alpha like you even think of proposing to a man... He said he so much love Joan and you can't stop her from loving her... Alpha Carl is Joan's mate my lady, I heard them say it." I am fuming already listening to those thrash she is uttering, Virginia clenched her fist... She is also fuming with anger but none of us reacted yet. We listened on. "He said he will come today only to reject your proposal, he said he will reveal every thing to you today... I think he is coming here to tell you that Joan is his beloved."

"Is that all?"

"Great Alpha, I also heard that Joan is five months pregnant for Alpha Carl." I shut my eyes when I heard that, I want to reprocess what she just said. Before I opened my eyes, Virginia has clicked her fingers and the lady dropped down dead, disintegrated to sand instantly.

"Bastard! She just said I am shameless." Her voice sounded teary when she spoke. She collapsed on her bed, and covered her face with her palm.

"Well-done aunt... I was expecting that." I told her. She didn't say anything after all that, she is aggravated... She felt like destroying things at that moment. I know I can't calm her down, what will she do now. I just hope she believes this.

"I knew this... I knew this is going to happen aunt... What will be of us now aunt? What exactly do you want us to do now... Joan is pregnant for Alpha Carl, did you hear that? She is five months pregnant, so they have been being in a relationship for so long and we didn't even suspect this."

"Shut up! Shut up! I don't want to hear it anymore... I just don't want to believe this... It's not possible. My Carl cannot do this to me, he can't jilt me for someone as low as Joan, he loves me dearly Harper.. Do you believe what that girl said?"

"Stop dreaming aunt, this is not a kind of novel.. Love story ends well only in a romance novel. You don't want to believe what? I suspected this from the beginning and I told you about it, I told you that Joan is pregnant but you didn't believe now... Do you think this is a kind of fairy tail? What do you want to do now?" I am the only person who can speak to her like this, she sees me like her immediate younger sister and I use this opportunity to talk sense into her.

"If this turns out to be true... I will not spare any of them Harper... I promise you, the Moonstone pack will suffer this... If Carl comes here today and rejects my proposal, I will kill Joan in his presence... I will kill both of them.... Now I want you to fetch me Joan." I left the room immediately and went to the maids quarters.

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