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Chapter 26: 26: Hog's Head Inn

[3rd Pov]

Nestled at the foot of rolling hills, Hogsmeade is one of the few all-wizard villages in the world. The narrow cobblestone streets wind their way through rows of charming cottages adorned with blooming flowers in every shade imaginable.

As the warm sun casts its golden rays, the village comes alive with bustling activity. Laughter and chatter fill the air as locals and visitors stroll along the sidewalks, enjoying the pleasant weather. The aroma of freshly baked treats wafts from the windows of Honeydukes, tempting any passersby with its sweet allure.

In the early afternoon, Albus Dumbledore strolled along the bustling streets of the town, accompanied by Alaric and Lysandra, who trailed behind him.

Dressed in a white witch's summer dress, Lysandra turned to her uncle with boredom in her eyes. "Albus, could you please tell us where we're going?" she inquired.

Dumbledore had promised the twins a special family outing, and though he had extended an invitation to Isadora as well, she had politely declined, likely aware of their intended destination, opting instead to stay at home with her husband.

"We're meeting someone," Dumbledore replied, a playful sparkle dancing in his eyes as he glanced at his niece and nephew.

"And who might this mysterious person be?" Alaric chimed in, his intrigue piqued.

In response to the boy's question, the old wizard simply smiled, withholding the answer and continuing on their walk.

"Alright, then. Keep your secrets," The boy shrugged, feigning disinterest.

Taking a turn into a quiet side street, the trio made their way further, their footsteps resonating in the diminishing hum of the bustling crowd. With each step, the number of people dwindled, until they reached a point where the walkway appeared almost deserted.

After a while, Dumbledore came to a halt before a specific building, his gaze fixed upon its entrance.

A worn-out wooden sign hung over the door, displaying the name 'Hog's Head Inn', advertising the sketchy pub with a wild boar's severed head leaking blood onto the white cloth around it.

Dumbledore pushed the worn and chipped wooden door, opening it with a slight creek.

Walking inside, the twins could see that the bar comprised one small, dingy, and very dirty room that smelled strongly of something that might have been goats.

The bay windows were so encrusted with grime that very little daylight could permeate the room, which was lit instead with the stubs of candles sitting on rough wooden tables.

At the farthest tables of the establishment, a group of wizards clad in dubious black robes huddled together, their hushed voices carrying an air of secrecy.

Meanwhile, behind the worn counter, an old man attempted to clean a stack of cups with a tattered rag, although he smudged them further with each swipe.

The man was tall and thin with a great deal of long, stringy grey hair and beard. His eyes were of a deep shade of blue, and hidden behind the dirty lenses of the spectacles he was wearing.

As Dumbledore approached the counter, Lysandra's eyes were darting between her uncle and the barman, finding their resemblance too high to be a coincidence.

"It has been quite some time, Aberforth," the headmaster greeted, coming to a stop in front of the man.

Aberforth grumbled in response, setting aside the stack of cups onto the shelves behind him.

"Usually, you don't grace me with your presence during the summer, Albus," he remarked dryly, using a simple cleaning charm to rid his hands of dirt. "Have you missed your dear little brother?" he added sarcastically.

His gaze shifted to the twins, who still stood by the entrance. His eyes narrowed for a moment, scrutinizing the boy and girl before they widened in recognition.

Motioning for his questionable patrons to leave, Aberforth turned to his brother with a more serious demeanor.

"Follow me," he said, ascending an aged wooden staircase. The three followed the man who the twins still hadn't registered as their other uncle.

They arrived at a sitting room, an open area between the guest rooms, with a fireplace and a curtained window looking down at the street.

Above the fireplace, rested a portrait of a beautiful woman with golden locks, who gazed out to the room with fondness and sweetness.

"Grandmother?" muttered Alaric, the woman in the portrait carrying the same face as his grandfather's lover.

Aberforth retrieved two chairs that had been leaning against the wall, placing them beside a table bathing in sunlight. With a flick of his wand, he conjured two additional chairs, aligning them in the same arrangement as the first pair.

He settled himself in the chair farthest from the window, gesturing for the others to take their seats. Albus joined his brother, positioning himself beside him, while Alaric and Lysandra sat directly across from them.

"Are they—"

"They are," said Albus. He could feel in his old bones that his brother was eager to know if the two kids in front of him were who he truly thought they were.

Aberforth sighed, some bitter memories coming back to him.

"It's like Aurelius all over again..." he murmured, his words tinged with sorrow.

Observing his brother succumb to the depths of regret, Albus shook his head. "I suppose we can attribute this one to Ariana, then?" he joked, hoping to lift the mood.

Aberforth reclined in his chair, stroking his beard as he scrutinized the twins, both of whom wore expressions of helplessness, unsure of how to respond.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on his lips, a small chuckle leaving them. "I guess we can," he said.

The family engaged in conversation for a while, with Aberforth primarily directing questions toward the twins, inquiring about their experiences at school and their personal interests.

"So, how are you both finding Hogwarts?" Aberforth asked, his voice carrying genuine interest.

"The classes are rather dull," Alaric admitted. "But the castle itself is truly magnificent."

Aberforth let out a gruff chuckle. "I was just like you, couldn't bear a second longer than necessary inside those classrooms," he remarked, recalling his own school days.

Albus interjected with a playful smile. "Ah, but Alaric here seems to absorb the content taught by the teachers effortlessly, unlike a certain someone," he teased, glancing mischievously at Aberforth.

Disregarding the jab, Aberforth turned his attention to Lysandra. "And what about you, Lysandra? Are you enjoying your time there? Don't hesitate to hex any boys who cross the line," he quipped, a hint of protective concern in his voice.

Lysandra chuckled softly. "Alaric has already taken care of that for me," she replied, amusement evident in her tone. "But yes, it's been a delightful experience, and I've made many friends in Gryffindor."

Aberforth's heart warmed at her response. "Ah, so you're also in Gryffindor. It seems the spirit of the Dumbledore family runs strong in you," he remarked with a touch of amusement.

"I'm a Slytherin," Alaric noted.

Aberforth paused, his gaze fixed on his nephew.

"Is that right? I can see the ambition, but I didn't take you for the cunning type," he remarked a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Well, I suppose that means I'm doing a good job," Alaric replied, puffing his chest out with a sense of pride. "I'm only short of not going to another house to 'hide' my Slytherin traits. A shame that stupid old hat doesn't allow that..."

"In the end, it doesn't really matter," Aberforth laughed, before some fondness returned to his visage. "I'm sure Ariana would've loved you both,"

"Indeed," added Albus, tenderly looking at the twins.


As the night descended in Hogsmeade, the once bright summer colors that decorated the streets were no more. A mild breeze danced through the intersecting paths and winding lanes, carrying a soothing warmth that embraced the few souls who ventured along the cobblestone pathways. The town seemed to hold its breath as if enraptured by the tranquility that the night bestowed upon it.

"Albus, I've been meaning to ask..." said Alaric, his boots clicking on the ground, as he carried his sister in his arms, who had fallen asleep.

She was quite light, but he would never tell her. She would've to make it through at least a month of complaining about how heavy she was.

"Hmm?" Dumbledore's interest was piqued by the unexpected query.

Setting aside his playful intentions, Alaric turned to his grandfather with genuine curiosity. "Who is Aurelius?"

Dumbledore regarded his nephew, contemplating his response. "He was... Aberforth's son."

Alaric's eyes widened slightly, caught off guard by the revelation. "Was?"

"He is no longer with us," Dumbledore replied, his voice tinged with a hint of sorrow.

"Oh... I'm sorry," Alaric expressed regret, fearing that he had inadvertently stirred painful memories.

"In the end, it was an unavoidable fate," Dumbledore explained. "Like your grandmother, Aurelius was an Obscurial. Although Aberforth was able to reconcile with him before his passing, they spent much of their lives unaware of their true familial connection."


[Alaric's Pov]

Obscurial. It was a word that evoked anger in me. From what Albus had told us some time ago, how grandmother was abused and beaten up by some muggle boy who found her when she was doing magic.

Combined with the fact that her father went to Azkaban because he killed those boys, the events made her afraid and caused her to repress her magical capabilities. As a consequence, an obscurus manifested within her, which in turn, killed her mother.

And what was the cause of all of this? Muggles.

In the beginning, after hearing the story, I hated them. I really did. To me, the muggles were savages, creatures blinded by the lust for power, who, by any means necessary, tried to achieve their goals.

But, then I realized. Were we, wizards, that different? The constant struggle for control of the various Ministries around the world, the rise of Dark Lords, almost waging war against the muggles. My grandfather, Voldemort, his Death Eaters, snatchers, poachers, and corrupt ministry officials.

So many people I could use as an example. I, myself, was after power and redemption. One could say that the redemption was in the name of the family, which was. Nevertheless, I also lusted for power.

Did I have a more noble reason? Perhaps. I wanted security, protection for my loved ones. If Voldemort could just barge in and almost take my father's life, in what sense could I protect those I care about and myself if I was weaker than him?

But alas, I realized I didn't hate Muggles. Just because they deserved to die, didn't mean every single muggle did. I disliked them, yes, but mostly because I had a great deal of respect for wizarding traditions. I was raised that way. Lysandra too, but her first real friend being half-blood probably helped her get over the initial wariness.

I may be more mature than most people my age, yet, I still commit a lot of mistakes and rash decisions.

Maybe I had rushed to judgment when it came to the Potters and the Weasleys. Even Hermione, with her know-it-all demeanor, was likely just adapting to a completely unfamiliar world. I still hated the Malfoys, and Draco was an insufferable piece of shit, but... he wasn't his dad. Perhaps he could change.

Now, who won't change is Voldemort. That psychopath was still out there, and I knew that the Dark Arts had ways to bring him back. He was powerful, yes, but not all-mighty. I would bid my time, exploring the mysteries of my abilities and the strange pendant. I would refine my abilities, and become more powerful.

I was going to give the excuse of a Dark Lord a sense of security, that his only obstacle was my uncle. If the stories were true, he was smart, genius even, but tended to underestimate his opponents, thinking of himself as omnipotent.

Slowly and steadily, I was going to spread my influence far and wide, and, when he least expects it, I was going to strike him.


A/N: Some family time and character development. Alaric still has a lot to go, though!

Also, an extremely important life-changing question:

-> How much do you think Religion impacted the wizarding world? Both past and present.

Hope you enjoyed it!

NyanTa NyanTa

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