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Chapter 22: Cellia Vanadis, The Devil (1)

I've done it... Hah. The deal was helping Ayunda take down The Thundering Pulse, but I just took her down myself. Geez, how am I supposed to explain it to them? Should I casually say that I beat her down? A lector, by myself?

Cellia... You really are an idiot. Not only did you risk your life, saving someone who tried to kill you three times, you broke the deal that would give you the first lead to your daughter. Ugh...

... But that Binge Eater, how did I use it? I couldn't remember it well, but it felt natural. Yet the nature of its proliferation inside Bianca's Body reminded me of an Anima. Could it be... that my power was actually the same as Anima's? Those monsters lived inside my body?

"It's... too quiet," I noticed after walking the stairs to the lab. But as I got closer, I could smell smoke... and blood from behind the door.

"This is...!"

The bustling lab had been reduced to an eerie silence, with only the flickering light serving as a reminder of the once-thriving place. The walls were stained with blood, and the acrid smell of burnt flesh lingered in the air. The classrooms were emptied, the documents were burned, and the magic screen disappeared with their information. It was like a scene out of a horror novel, everyone had vanished into thin air leaving no trace behind.

"What's happening here? Did the Black Company learn about this place?" I muttered, but then I remembered how Bianca mistook me for Pater. Could it be... this all his doing?

I cautiously stepped further to reach the surface, my heart pounding in my chest. Yet, I was greeted by the scene of horror that wrecked my guts. The lifeless bodies were a haunting reminder of the brutality that had taken place. Anger surged through me as I realized that innocent lives had been mercilessly taken away. How could they...! Whoever was responsible for this carnage would pay dearly for their crimes.

I forced myself to push forward, determined to uncover the truth and bring justice to the fallen. As I walked among the corpses, carefully avoiding stepping on them, I noticed signs of a struggle. Furniture was overturned, walls were damaged, and bloodstains trailed across the floor, leading me to the garden.

But then I could hear shouting, "What have you done... Ayunda?!"

My heart skipped a beat as I recognized Arthur's voice. It was filled with shock and disbelief, carrying a tone of both anger and sorrow. I quickened my pace, following the sound of his voice, hoping to find some answers amidst the chaos.

As I reached the entrance to the garden, a scene of devastation unfolded before my eyes. The once vibrant and serene space was now in ruins, with plants uprooted, flowers trampled, and debris scattered everywhere. At every corner, red roots sprouted wildly, engulfing all of the corpses around the garden, feeding the root of a flesh-like tree that towered over us. The tree pulsated with otherwordly light, its branches grew like twisted and gnarled fingers. And standing in the center of it all was Ayunda, her eyes filled with a mix of pain and regret.

"You said you want to stop Bianca and save the children, right? But then why did you hurt the children?!" Arthur shouted, drawing his magic book and channeling his power.

Ayunda's hands were stained with blood, evidence of the violence that had taken place. Her normally gentle demeanor seemed shattered, replaced by haunting darkness. She turned to face me, her expression a mixture of guilt and desperation.

"All I was supposed to do is lure you to this place and let The Blood Witch keep Bianca busy. But as of now... he ordered me to massacre everyone in this orphanage," Ayunda whispered, her voice trembling with raw emotion.

"I... I had no choice. Pater... It was his will. If I refused.. all of our comrades would be killed, just like what he did at Hexagon!"

... I... I couldn't believe it. All of these heinous acts were Ayunda's doing? I clenched my fist, just like Bianca, how much this Pater guy forced people to do his evil deeds?!

Arthur's face was painted with pain and sorrow, but as he clenched his jaw, a great conviction shone upon his jade eyes. With a heavy voice, he opened his book, calling his strongest magic, and said,

"Very well. The blood spilled could not return again... Come to me Greyhounds!"

Suddenly three red mirrors stood behind Arthur. From those mirrors emerged three prisoners, like me, chained with the Aobana Curse. Their eyes met Ayunda's, and for a moment, there was a flicker of recognition, a trace of the bond they once shared as comrades.

The werewolf, with his sharp claws and restrained movements, spoke with a raspy voice filled with anguish. "Ayunda... I never thought it would come to this."

The magician, wielding two lean swords with precision, glanced at Ayunda, his eyes clouded with sorrow. "We were once a team, Ayunda. We fought side by side. But now, we must face each other to break free from this curse. I hope in the next life... we can stand together again."

The female warrior, gripping her greatsword tightly, spoke with a determination that belied her anguish. "... Lan will make it quick and painless, Sister Yunda."

Ayunda smiled painfully as she whispered, "Ignition... Berserker."

Suddenly the roots shone brightly, giving massive power towards Ayunda. Her magicore ate her body, causing her skin to crack all over and spurting blood. But at the same time, the mark of the shield shone on her left eye... showing The Seed of Devil that almost matured. The spear mark that tore the heaven.

Standing upright upon the great pressure, Arthur pointed to the berserk girl and shouted, "With the authority given to me by Our Lady Megistus, I, Arthur Onyxis, captain of The Greyhounds division, condemn you to your death!"

The werewolf's howl reverberated through the battlefield, filling the air with an eerie intensity. In a swift and coordinated motion, the female warrior leaped towards Ayunda, her greatsword descending upon her with a thunderous force. As the blade struck the ground, a shockwave rippled through the earth, cracking the surface and sending debris flying.

To everyone's surprise, Ayunda's hand erupted with crimson roots, desperately trying to grasp her own blade and counter the warrior's attack. The strain on Ayunda's face was evident as she struggled to maintain control. Sensing an opportunity, the Magician swiftly moved in, his swords dancing with deadly precision. With each swift cut, he targeted Ayunda's tendons, impairing her mobility and weakening her defenses.

Exploiting Ayunda's vulnerability, the Magician unleashed a powerful tornado, engulfing her in its swirling winds. The force of the cyclone sent Ayunda soaring into the sky, spinning uncontrollably. But it wasn't over, the wolf howling summoned twenty wolf spirit that attacked the girl relentlessly.

W-Wow, the Greyhounds... They were so strong!

Yet, Ayunda's determination burned bright. Ayunda released a massive impact that dispelled all of the magic around her. From her back, blood erupted, forming ethereal wings that unfurled with a chilling grace. The wings propelled her through the air, granting her the ability to fly and regain control over her movements. With newfound aerial advantage, she pointed towards the ground, and from beneath the earth, roots burst forth with a vengeance, seeking to impale the Greyhounds.

As the greyhounds frantically evaded the roots, Ayunda channeled an immense surge of power. Mana swirled around her, converging at the heart of a flesh tree that had emerged on the battlefield. The tree pulsated with an ominous energy, ready to unleash a devastating blow upon the Greyhounds.

"I won't let you! Come forth, Nilfheim Castle!" Arthur shouted.

Arthur's voice resonated with authority, his incantation weaving through the chaos of battle. In a brilliant display of magic, a towering crystal castle materialized around us, acting as a barrier against Ayunda's relentless barrage of laser blasts. The castle shimmered with an ethereal glow, deflecting the deadly projectiles and shielding us from harm. However, the sheer force behind Ayunda's strikes began to take its toll, causing cracks to spiderweb across the castle's surface.

Looking at the fierce battle, I watched with cold sweat. Gulp... Shite, I messed up badly this time.

Determined to turn the tide, Arthur knelt upon the ground, his hand pressed firmly against the earth. His voice grew solemn and resolute as he chanted a spell of immense power. "By the heavens' grace and power divine, unleash the chains that intertwine. Bridging realms with celestial might. Prometheus Torment, manifest in sight!"

In response to his invocation, radiant chains erupted from the earth, soaring upward with blinding speed. Their glow was otherworldly, infused with the strength to bind even the mightiest of beings. The chains wrapped around Ayunda, restraining her with an unyielding grip. She struggled against the celestial restraints, but her efforts were in vain. The chains, once used to bind gods themselves, held her captive, rendering her powerless.

As Ayunda realized her impending defeat, a bittersweet smile graced her face. She closed her eyes, refusing to utter a single word that might burden her former comrades with sadness. The resolute silence spoke volumes, conveying both acceptance and a profound sense of camaraderie, even in the face of defeat.

Arthur's footsteps echoed with an air of finality as he closed the distance between himself and Ayunda. His black sword glinted ominously in the dim light, a harbinger of the weight it bore. His eyes, once filled with warmth, now mirrored the frigid expanse of a wintry night. He had shed the vestiges of his conflicted emotions, replacing them with an unwavering resolve that radiated from his very being.

Time seemed to slow as Arthur raised his sword. The weight of his decision hung heavy in the air, intertwining with the gravity of the situation. A hush fell over the battlefield, as if even the very winds held their breath in anticipation. All eyes were fixed upon Arthur, the embodiment of justice and retribution, as he prepared to deliver the final blow worthy of The Divine Punisher.

With a resolute swing, the black sword cleaved through the air, its path unyielding and unwavering. The sound it made was sharp and piercing, a symphony of fate sealing itself. The weight of his words hung heavily in the air as he spoke,

"Farewell, comrade."

"W-Waiit!!" I shouted, clumsily deflected Arthur's swing. The moment I interjected, my fancy sword cracked under the sheer force of his blow, leaving my arm throbbing with pain. "Ouch! That really packs a punch, Arthur."

A bewildered expression adorned Arthur's face as he furrowed his brows and asked, "W-What are you doing, Princess?" His gaze then shifted to the slumbering Bianca peeking out from my pocket. "Y-you defeated Bianca... all by yourself?"

I scratched my head nervously, beads of sweat forming on my forehead. "Y-Yes, well, that's not the main point here. P-P-Please, don't be mad when you see what I'm about to do."

I flicked my fingers in a dramatic fashion, causing a wave of transformation to sweep through the orphanage. To everyone's astonishment, the lifeless corpses that once littered the floor transformed into peculiar blood javelins, soaring through the air with whimsical flair. They then swiftly darted back towards me, merging with my Magicore and leaving no trace behind. I couldn't help but chuckle awkwardly at the scene.

"Y-Y-You see, Ayunda... didn't actually kill anyone! The kids are safe and sound!" I blurted out to their surprise, "It was all just an illusion, a grand ruse I concocted to expose the true culprit!"

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