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Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Harry and the rest of the students arrived shortly after the first years, Harry looked at the first years that were stood in the middle of the room. He knew Ginny, obviously, there was the Lovegood girl he had met at the feast and there was a blonde girl who he believed was Daphne's younger sister Astoria.

As Harry entered the fifth year prefects who were talking to the first years immediately turned to him and quickly bowed. The male was a strong jawed brown haired boy while the female was a girl with an attractive black ponytailed girl with brown eyes

"My lord." They said.

"Rise, rise." Harry said in an amused voice. "Though I do appreciate that," Harry added as he walked forward and stepped in the middle of the room, in-between the two prefects. "Ah, and these are our new first years, have you told them about the house rules?" Harry asked the prefects.

"No my lord." The male prefect shook his head.

"We were just about to my lord." The female one added while all the first year students looked confused about why two fifth years were calling a second year, and Harry Potter to boot, lord. Ginny looked especially confused, the only one who currently didn't look confused was Luna who was happily staring dreamily into space.

"Ah good," Harry said as he kicked his foot out and fell back but was caught by a the throne that formed up from the shadows, causing the first years to gasp and look at him with shock. "do not let me stop you." Harry said as he relaxed into his throne.

"Yes my lord," The female prefect nodded before turning to the others. "okay listen up, every house has a set of rule that you will obey and punishments if you don't."

"And we can guarantee that our punishments will be worse than the other houses." The male added as he looked over all of them to make sure they were paying attention with a look that said they had better be paying attention, a few gulped under his gaze, even Harry was a little impressed and made a mental note to do something nice for that one.

"First rule, Slytherin's are united." The female prefect said. "Outside of this common room the other houses will hate you, some because they think you're evil, others because they were told that you are evil and some just because they can. When you are outside of the common room blood status, names, family and everything else does not matter, you WILL be united. If you see a fellow Slytherin looking like they need assistance then you will assist them, but if you do not wish to do that then you will at least stay out of the way and not make things worse."

"Second rule," The male prefect continued. "you will do your best to not make enemies." He said, remembering what his lord said last year, he along with many of the other Slytherin's agreed that it was smart to not make more enemies and therefore had no problem with this rule. "If you can avoid making enemies of the other houses then you will do so, it does not matter if they are Gryffindor's or Ravenclaw's or Hufflepuff's. Any enemy for you could end up being an enemy of the house and a person we may no longer be able to ally with. And I promise you that nobody in this house will appreciate you adding enemies and cutting down allies.

This rule will help you not just in school but also in the future, once you leave this school it will not matter who was in which house, all that will matter is your power, skill, influence and intelligence."

"Third rule." The female prefect spoke next. "Outside of this common room you will act like perfect students, for too many years the rest of the school have hated us and the teachers have judged us. Since last year we've been working on rebuilding the reputation of Salazar Slytherin's house. We do not expect perfection or absolutely perfect grades, Merlin knows how many would be kicked out if that was a requirement." She said, earning a soft snort from Harry. "We want the teachers to like us, so you will do your best to act like model students. We want the other houses jealous of us, we want them to wish they were Slytherin's."

"Fourth rule, there will be no use of the words 'blood traitor' and 'mudblood' by you." The male prefect said, he paused to allow a few of the first years to make the expected protests, once they died down he continued. "The reasons for that are simple, the first is because it will obviously get you in trouble with the rest of the school so it's just common sense not to use it. The second reason is because there are half-bloods and people related to muggleborn in each year, and the older students may not be as quick to forgive you. The third reason is because none of you even know the correct meaning of the words."

"Yes we do!" One first year boy shouted. "Blood traitors are muggle lovers and mudbloods are those born from muggle filth." He didn't notice that the other older Slytherin's were either grimacing, face palming, sighing, eyerolling and various other negative reactions.

"You see, this is what you all sounded like to me when I listened to you last year." Harry said to those Slytherin's, most of them nodded as they could now see it.

"Mudblood has nothing to do with blood," The fifth year male explained patiently. "it is true that purebloods changed it to refer to muggleborns, mudblood means traitor, the scum of society. Nobody in the school warrants that, as for blood traitor that is someone who has betrayed your family in an unforgivable way, So unless you are related to the person you are calling blood traitor, which I doubt, and unless they've done it in such a way that people both light and dark would agree on being unforgivable, you will not call any person blood traitors."

"But aren't muggles the scum of society?" One girl asked.

"Our lord's mother was a muggleborn," The female prefect said with a warning tone. "and that leads us onto our fifth rule, the person who believes he is in charge of this house is our head of house Professor Severus Snape, however the true leader of Slytherin house is our lord," She gestured to Harry. "Harry Potter."

"But he's a half-blood!" The same first year boy from early protested.

"And you think we would call him our lord without a good reason?" The male prefect said while narrowing his eyes at the boy. "We call him that because he's the smartest and the strongest here."

"But that can't..." The boy was cut off as a dark feeling shot through all of the first years apart from Luna, Astoria and Ginny. The first years who had the feeling all fell to their knees grasping for air, they all looked towards Harry as fear filled them like water in a cup. A few moments later the feeling had gone and the ability to breath had returned to the, "What...what was that?"

"That would be me," Harry said as he got off his throne, causing it to disappear, he walked towards the first years and kneeled in front of the boy, he grabbed the boy by his hair and made him look up. "it's a simple little trick of mine, I spread my magic out and it reacts to you, I can chose how it reacts or let it do that itself, what you just experienced was me choosing how it reacts. If my magic was left on it's own then you'd be dead. It is really simple, I am the king here, you will refer to me as my lord and you will obey me, if you don't then that is fine, just live through the next few years of your life suffering. Do..." Harry's eyes turned red, frightening the boy even more. "you understand?"

"Yes...Yes!" The boy nodded quickly, eyes widened in fear. Harry allowed his eyes to turn back to green and decided to dial down on the fear before the boy ended up wetting himself.

"Hold're familiar, you have a sister in Slytherin don't you?" Harry grinned before looking towards the other Slytherin's. "Did you not inform your brother of our rules? The young Miss Greengrass was told by her sister."

"I...I did my lord..." A sixth year female walked forward, her voice trembling. "I...told him but I don't think he properly understood...I apologise my lord! I did not..."

"You are forgiven," Harry said cutting her off, she visibly relaxed with relief, at least until Harry's next words. "this time. You are forgiven this time, the next time I will flip a coin to decide if I punish you first or your brother, but there will be a punishment. Is that understood?"

"Y...yes my lord." The sixth year nodded. "T...thank you my lord."

"You are welcome," Harry said before he stood up and looked at the first years. "do you all understand the rules?" They nodded so quickly that Harry wondered if they had hurt their necks. "Good, now I'm sure that you are all tired. All first years go up to your dorms, apart from you..." Harry said as he pointed to Ginny who looked visibly nervous. " wait there. The rest of you go, now." The first years apart from Ginny quickly rushed up the stairs, not willing to anger Harry. "You two, come here." Harry said to the two prefects, they stepped closer just as Harry waved his hand and formed a privacy bubble around them so their conversation wouldn't be heard. "You've both impressed me." Harry admitted.

"Thank you my lord." They both said, but they both said it differently, the male smiled proudly while the female smiled happily while also blushing.

"Do correct me if I am wrong but you're names are John Wood and Janine Wood, is that right?"

"Yes my lord," The girl, Janine, quickly answered. "we are cousins."

"I think you should both be rewarded, first you John..." Harry opened his palm and a bag appeared in his hand. "...will this suffice?" Harry asked as he tossed it to him.

"My lord!" John gasped as he caught it, he opened it and pulled out a few galleons. "My lord...there is so much in this...I...this is too much!"

"Do you not want it?" Harry raised an eyebrow. The boy was about to respond when he stopped and caught himself.

"You know what...thank you my lord, I gladly accept."

"Wonderful then," Harry smiled. "May I have a moment alone with your cousin?"

"Of course my lord." John quickly said before nodding and leaving the privacy bubble.

"As for you," Harry turned to Janine who looked at him with a hopeful and excited look. "I give you two things, the first will be the same I gave your cousin." Harry said as another bag appeared in his hand, he tossed it to Janine who caught it and smiled brightly at him.

"Thank you my lord! Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"I'm glad you like it, the next thing I am giving to you is an offer."

"An offer my lord?" She asked.

" offer...if you want to accept this offer then you can wait for me by my room."

"Oh..." Janine said, quickly realising what this offer was, though she quickly got over it. After all her lord was rich, powerful, smart, handsome and had just kindly given her a gift. The least she could do is repay him. "...I will wait my lord." She said with a small smile, she walked to the wall where Harry's room would appear just as Harry gestured Ginny to come closer.

Ginny walked forwards with trembling legs and a face filled with fear as she entered his privacy bubble.

"You fear me now, don't you?" Harry asked with a small smile.

"No!" Ginny said quickly. "I don't...I really don't...I...I..."

"Ginny," Harry cut her off. "it is alright, I would not be surprised if you did, I'd be more shocked if you did not. You can tell me the truth."

"''s just...I...I have never seen you act like that before." She said with a red face.

"Why do you think I acted like that?" Harry asked in a calm voice.


"Why do you think I acted like that?" Harry repeated. "I did just what Voldemort..." Ginny shuddered. "...and Albus Dumbledore have done before me."

"What do you mean?"

"Well the dark lord ruled by fear, so does Dumbledore."

" he doesn't."

"Says who? I know for a fact that he does. Think about it this way Ginny, two of the worst dark lords of all time and Dumbledore manages to defeat one and lead the resistance against the other. The difference between Dumbledore and your average dark wizard is that Dumbledore is smart enough to be more subtle in his power displays, he just needs to reach his magic out slightly and people remember that this man is a powerful wizard.

I am just doing the same, Ginny the Slytherin's need to be kept in line, if not for their own good then at least for the good of the other houses. If I keep them in line then they behave, Slytherin's reputation goes up and the teachers and students will have an easier time overall. As for those in Slytherin we gain a better reputation and are treated with respect.

Slytherin's aren't respected Ginny, between our head of house being a biased git and the rest of the world believing that we are death eaters in training, we have it rough. Yes I may look evil now but what I am doing is helping people. When these Slytherin students go out they will not call people mudbloods, they will behave and they will be model students and that will help their future, is that not a good thing?"

"I...I guess..." Ginny said as his words entered her mind, she couldn't help but agree that a lot of things would be easier if the Slytherin's were all well-behaved and stopped being biased gits.

"I'm glad we understand," Harry smiled at her. "I know that you're still afraid of me, that's understandable, I know that there will come times where you will look at me and wonder if I am evil but I also know that when you need me Ginny...when you need me I will be there." Harry said before dispelling his privacy bubble. "Goodnight Ginny." Harry said.

"Um...goodnight Harry." Ginny said, recognising the dismissal. She gave him a short nod before walking towards the first year girl dorms.

"So friends," Harry said as he walked to the rest of the Slytherin's. "how are we all?" He said, engaging them in conversation while also distracting them enough so they wouldn't notice the door to his room opening or Janine entering through it.


"You know, I'm glad you accepted." Harry said as he entered his room, he found Janine sitting on his bed, her hair was no longer in a ponytail and glided down to her shoulders, her robes were on the floor as she sat in a shirt with the top three buttons undone, she also sat in such a way that Harry was able to see up her skirt.

"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow as she gave him a seductive look. "You can show me how glad you are." She said, licking her lips.

"Now there's an idea." Harry grinned.


Dumbledore sat in his office, thinking about what had just happened. He just couldn't believe that Ginny Weasley had become a Slytherin, how did that happen? She was a member of the light family, how did she end up in Slytherin house? He knew that the girls mother and her brother would definitely not be happy. How did this happen?"

Was it because of Harry Potter? Yes...yes perhaps that was it. Perhaps Ginny Weasley just wanted to go to Slytherin so she could spend some time with Harry and get to know him, yes, this was good. Weasley's never went dark after all, plus the Weasley family was loyal to him. She could ensure that Harry stayed light, yes he would have to tell Molly not

Speaking of Harry, Dumbledore was really pleased with Harry. The Slytherin's had been much better behaved since Harry had entered the scene, it seemed to him Harry had been spreading the light. This was good, Harry was already redeeming the Slytherin's and pulling them away from the dark side, how wonderful! Oh it was such a shame that the boy had to die.


"Ginny!" Ron stormed up to Ginny the next day at breakfast. She paused in the entrance to the hall.

"Ron." Ginny said in a surprised voice, shocked at the anger on her brother's face. "Ow!" She gasped when he grabbed her by the arm. "What are you doing?!"

"What am I doing?! What are you doing?!" Ron demanded. "How could you end up in Slytherin?!"

"The sorting hat put me there, but what does it matter if I am in Slytherin?"

"Of course it matter! All Slytherin's are evil, everyone knows that!"

"But...that's not true...that's not true!"

"Yes it is! That's..."

"Is there a problem here?" A voice interrupted, the pair turned to see Harry walk up along with Daphne, Tracy and Isabella.

"Nothing that you need to worry about." Ron spat at him before turning to Ginny. "You know that..."

"I beg to differ," Harry cut him off, bringing their attention back to him. "you see...Slytherin's stick together, now Ginny over there is a Slytherin. She's one of us, we help each other."

"This is none of your business!"

"It is if you plan to hurt her." Harry said before turning to Ginny. "Are you alright?" He asked.


"Well let's go have breakfast then." Isabella said, she walked forward and pulled Ginny out of Ron's reach and guided her to the breakfast table along with Tracy and Daphne.

"What are you doing?!" Ron demanded. "This isn't right!"

"Defending my friends?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"You two being in Slytherin's, Ginny should be in Gryffindor and you should be in Gryffindor!"

"Why? Because I'm the boy-who-lived? I didn't ask for that Ronald."

"My name's Ron."

"Of course Ronald, but I didn't ask for that. As for Ginny, grow up, the girl's not evil because she's in Slytherin." Harry said.

"Hey." A voice said before Ron could respond, Tonks walked up to him. "Why are you messing with the Slytherin's?"

"Are you kidding me?!" Ron blurted out in disbelief.

"No, I saw you grab her from all the way across the hall." Tonks replied. "That's ten points from Gryffindor."


"Now go back to your own table." Tonks replied. "Do it before you lose more points." She added when Ron looked like he was about to argue, Ron glared at her before stomping off back to the Gryffindor table.

"Thanks Tonks." Harry said.

"You can thank me by meeting me in our usual classroom," Tonks replied. "this is my newt year and I need to relieve some tension."

"You got it." Harry grinned at her before walking away from him, and sitting down with the girls.

"Thanks Harry." Ginny said in a quite voice.

"We look after each other." Harry said with a small smile.


"So Tonks," Harry said as he entered the classroom and placed silencing and locking charms on the door. "how are we?"

"Skip the talking," Tonks said as she grabbed him and pulled him into a searing kiss. "and let's get to it." She said as she pulled him by the tie to the teachers desk. "I don't know if I should straddle you or bend over."

"Let's flip a coin," Harry said as he took a coin out. "heads you straddle, tails you bend over."

"Good idea." Tonks grinned as Harry flipped the coin, it landed in hand before he smacked it on the back of his hand. "Well? What is it?"

"Here you go." Harry said as he showed her the coin.

"Well...we've got our answer."

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