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Chapter 4: Futaba Kindergarten

"What is your name?"

I looked at the man sitting in front of me, an anxious look on my face. I was seated in a chair, my legs unable to reach the ground. My mother was seated in the chair beside me, with a polite smile on her face.

The man, who is the principal of this school, was very scary looking. I'm not kidding, he freaking screams Gang Leader. And that smile he had on his face just did it for me!

If I was any other child, I'd have cried!

"... Yoshihiro. Nakagawa Yoshihiro." I introduced myself while trying to give a polite smile. Unfortunately, it came out as a bit nervous.

The Principal, seeing through my nervous smile, tried to ease my worries by smirking, which made the matter even worse. Looking at his smirk, I realized, that somewhere in the world, a puppy had died.

This dude is freaking terrifying!

"Don't be so nervous Nakagawa-kun. Everything will be fine." He snickered, which made even my mum a bit scared. C'mon man, you are not helping!

"Y-yes sir! I will try my best sir!" I exclaimed, Mom nodded alongside me.

"Well then, I hope you're ready for your first day at school Nakagawa-kun. Yoshinaga-sensei will show you the way." His glasses shone, a dangerous glint in his eye, "You may enter now."

At his words, the door opened, and a woman in her mid-twenties entered the office. Her hair was dark brown and tied into a ponytail with a Blue Ribbon on top of her head.

She smiled at both Mum and me, before sending a respectful nod toward the principal's way.

"Good morning sir, ma'am, and you too, Nakagawa-kun." She smiled sweetly, "I'm going to be your teacher, which means you're going to the sunflower's class. My name is Yoshinaga Midori, but you can call me Yoshinaga-sensei."

I stood up from my seat and gave her a bow, just as my mother taught me. "My name is Nakagawa Yoshihiro. I'll be in your care, Yoshinaga-sensei."

My mother smiled proudly, which warmed my heart.

I still don't like the prospect of coming to school though.

"It's nice to meet you Nakagawa-kun," Yoshinaga-sensei said. "Let's go then. Everyone is waiting for you!"

Sensei motioned for me to give her my hand, which I did. My mother gave me an encouraging thumbs up. I nodded at her, then Sensei led me toward the door. She pushed the door open, before exiting the principal's office.

"Let's go. Your mother wants to discuss something important with the principal sir. She will come to pick you up after school is over." Sensei smiled, giving my hand an encouraging grip.

Wait, are we leaving my mother with that 'Horror' all alone? I should have been the one to give her a thumbs-up instead!

Jokes aside(not really), I wonder what this school's going to be like. I don't remember my past life, so I have no idea what happens in school, other than studies I mean. You can even say that this is my first day coming to school. I'm a tad bit nervous.

"You look deep in thought. Are you worried?"


I looked toward Yoshinaga-sensei, who had stopped just at the door of the classroom. Instead of entering the room, she was giving me a soft smile, trying to get my nerves under control.

"You don't need to put so much thought into this." Yoshinaga-sensei kneeled, staring at me eye to eye. She softly ruffled my hair, "Just go inside and introduce yourself properly. Try to maintain eye contact. All the kids in the sunflower group are very nice. You will fit right in." She smiled and stood straight up.

I nodded and gave Sensei a thankful smile. Holding her hand again, I looked at her with a serious face.

"I'm ready. Let's go inside. I'm going to rock it."

Sensei giggled at my choice of words, seemingly amused. Ruffling my hair one more time, she opened the door.

"Yup, you're going to rock it."


The entire Sunflower class was brimming with excitement. Their teacher has told them that starting today, a new friend is going to join them!

Everybody wanted to know what he would be like. They all were very accepting of a new kid in their classroom, because just as Yoshinaga-sensei said, they were all very nice kids. Looking at the expression on the children's faces, anyone could see their anticipation.

Well, everyone except one kid.

"Stop that Shin-chan! Don't blow in my ear!"

A five-year-old boy with styled dark blue hair and black eyes, shivered with his hand placed on his ear. He looked at his classmate, an accusatory look on his face, and glared.

This is Kazama. Toru Kazama. The smartest kid in Sunflower class.

"I have told you countless times, already! Don't do that!"

"Oh~ Don't be so shy Kazama~"

A kid, with black hair and eyes, smiled with both of his hands on his very chubby cheeks, a slight blush on his face.

This is Shinnosuke Nohara, commonly known as Shin-chan. The weirdest kid in the sunflower- no. The entire school.

"Guys, stop it. Yoshinaga ma'am is going to be here any minute now with a new friend. We can't act like this in front of them."

A voice, which was a mixture of both concern and sternness, put a stop to the boys' banter. The voice belonged to a little girl with orange hair, tied in a twin tail. She held a stern, yet, pleading look on her face as she stared at the two boys who she considers her very good friends.

This is Nene Sakurada, referred to as Nene by her friends. She is the scariest girl in Sunflower- no. The entire school.

"Y-yeah, don't fight, please guys..."

A little boy with his head shaved stared at his friends with tears in his eyes. He tried to approach the two and calm them down, but due to his lack of self-confidence or just simply being a scaredy cat, he couldn't move.

This is Masao Sato, referred to as Masao by his friends. The biggest crybaby in Sunflower- no. The entire world.


A boy, who was the pure definition of a snot-nosed brat, said. No expression could be seen on his face. This is Bo Suzuki, referred to as Bo-chan by his friends.

This dude doesn't need any description. He is a legend.

Shin-chan stopped holding his cheeks and stood straight up. He looked at Kazama innocently, a judgmental look on his face.

"Yeah, Nene is right. Stop it Kazama."

"You started it!"

Before they could get any more invested in their fight, the door to the classroom opened. Every student stopped their chattering and went back to their seats, not wanting to disappoint their teacher.

Yoshinaga-sensei entered the classroom, with a soft smile on her face. Holding her hand, a little boy with light brown hair and a very pretty face could be seen. He had violet eyes and a confident smile.

Everyone in the class felt like becoming his friend.

"Good morning class!"

""Good morning, Yoshinaga-sensei!""

"As I have told you before, a new friend is going to join us starting today. I want you all to get along, and make him feel like he is a part of the Sunflower class! Will you do that?"

""Yes Sensei!""

"Great!" Sensei clapped, before gesturing for the little kid holding her hand to take the stage. "Now then, I think some introductions are in order. Go ahead, and introduce yourself to your new class."

The little kid nodded at the teacher and with confident steps, stood in front of the class. He smiled, instantly giving a good first impression.

"Hello, Guys! My name is Yoshihiro Nakagawa. Starting today, I'm going to be your new classmate. I will be in your care." He bowed his head.

All the students started clapping, just as they have learned from Yoshinaga-sensei.

"Wow. He speaks so well."

Nene said with admiration in her eyes. She wondered if he would play house with her and her friends.

"Yes. He seems very mature."

Kazama agreed. The new kid seems smart, and Kazama wanted to introduce himself to him.

"He.. looked so cool."

Masao said, feeling a little envious. He wanted to talk like that too.


It is beyond human comprehension to understand what the legendary Bo-chan said.

"What do you think, Shin-chan?"

Nene turned toward her naughty friend, only to see that he wasn't there. "Shin-chan?"

"He is over there."

Bo pointed toward the new student's seat. Shin-chan was talking with the kid, not feeling shy at all.

"When did he even get there?!" Kazama exclaimed.




I greeted the kid in front of me, feeling a little confused. This is the first time someone has greeted me this way. Is it a new trend among kids nowadays?

The very chubby kid stared at me, not saying anything further. I was feeling very confused by this behavior, not to mention, a little uncomfortable.

"What do you-"

"Do you like Choco-chips?"

The little boy asked, rudely cutting me off. For some reason, I think he didn't mean to do that.

"No, sorry. I'm not fond of sweet things."

"Good. What about Capsicum?" He asked again, a dreadfully serious expression on his face.

"I... don't have a problem with them. I kind of like them."

It turned silent after that. The kid didn't say anything to me. He just stared at me, as if trying to make me feel uncomfortable. After a good few seconds of silent staring, he nodded his head.



The boy once again nodded, before pointing a finger at me.

"You, Nakawa-kun..." It's Nakagawa..., "Are going to bring me Choco-chips. In exchange, I will let you eat all the Capsicum in my lunch. It's a fair trade. No need to thank me."

This brat...

"Listen, I-"

"Stop bothering him Shin-chan!"

A kid with dark blue hair grabbed 'Shin-chan' from behind. A girl with twin-tailed hair approached me and gave me an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry on Shin-chan's behalf. He doesn't mean anything bad, he is just naughty."

"I see."

For some reason, I don't doubt her words.

"Oh, Kazama~ Don't hold me so roughly~"

'Shin-chan' moaned, yeah, moaned with red tinting his cheeks. The boy, who I'm assuming is Kazama, got red in the face and took a few steps away from Shin-chan, his eyes wide in horror.

Shin-chan smirked as if he got what he wanted. Yeah, I think he is annoying.

"Ignore them. They are always like that." The girl said, a helpless look on her face.

That's concerning if they act like that all the time.

"Don't worry. I don't mind."

I smiled, easing the girl's worry a bit. She smiled back before widening her eyes, as if realising something.

"Oh! Silly me, I haven't yet introduced myself." The girl giggled, before pointing a finger at herself, "I'm Nene. The naughty one is Shin-chan, and the loud one is Kazama."

I nodded at her words, trying to look curious. Taking my nod as a sign for her to continue, the girl, now known as Nene, pointed her finger toward two other boys who were watching us from far away.

"The bald one is Masao, and the one whose snot is coming out is Bo."

Wow, quite an interesting way to introduce your friends to someone. The bald one is crying after hearing her.

"It's nice to meet you guys," I said.

Nene nodded, seemingly happy.

"Nakagawa-kun, you're new to this school, so I don't think you have anyone to play with right now. How about you play with us?" Nene asked hopefully.

I looked behind her to see that all four boys had started turning pale. What's this about?

"I'm fine with that. What are we going to play?"

"We're going to play house."

"I... have never played that."

"Don't worry about a thing. This Onee-san will teach you everything!" Nene hit her chest, looking very proud. "You just need to act out a role I will give you. I'm the mom, Shin-chan is the baby, Masao is the Father, Bo-chan is the dog, and Kazama is the president of a big corporation."

"Okay? What's my role going to be?" I asked, feeling curious.

Nene smirked, a dark aura surrounding her figure. I have a really bad feeling about this...

"You're going to be the daughter!"

"What? Why?"

I asked, feeling offended.

Hearing this girl made me remember some unpleasant memories. Being in a child's body, it's really hard to differentiate between a girl and a boy. No matter who I met outside my family, they always assumed I was a girl. It always succeeded in ticking me off.

There is that memory too when my Dad used to dress me up as a girl when I was a baby. He always wanted a girl, but he ended up getting me. So he took all his frustration out on me.

He still has photos from that time, which he uses to blackmail me into doing something I don't want to.

"I think that role suits you though." Nene tilted her head. "You look cute, like a girl."

That was a critical hit.

"... You're blunt, aren't you?" I asked, my smile turning stiff.

"Am I?" The girl asked, genuinely confused. "I don't know. Anyways, what do you think? Are you going to play with us?"

I thought about her words for a second, trying to come up with any valid reason to deny her offer without sounding rude. Unfortunately, I couldn't come up with anything.

I mean, there's no harm in playing a simple game with these kids. They are a weird bunch, but I don't think they mean any harm. I guess I can play with them a little.

Knowing my mom, she is going to ask me if I made any friends. I don't want to needlessly worry her.

"Fine. I will play with you."

"Amazing! We will play during break time!" Nene exclaimed, seemingly happy.

"Good." I paused, waiting for her to calm down. "One more thing..."


"I'm not playing the daughter."



I ended up playing the daughter.

Feeling extremely fatigued by today's events, I approached my mum who was waiting outside the school. My new... friends if I can call them that, were walking alongside me. The boys were chatting about some 'Action Kamen', whereas Nene was listening to them while smiling happily.

"Action... Beaammmmm!!"

"No! I'm dead!"

.... What the heck are they doing? This is so darn embarrassing.

Looking at the amused smile on my mother's face, I could already tell she was going to talk about this to my Dad. Tch, Now I will have to endure my Dad's teasing for God knows how long. He is going to make fun of me for acting like a kid!

I think it's fine though. I'm a kid.

'Had fun?'

My mother signed. I nodded, before signing back.

'Yup. This day couldn't have been better.'

I rolled my eyes, making my mother giggle in amusement.

'I'm glad.'

She replied, seemingly enjoying seeing me embarrassed.

I sighed and closed my eyes. Just as I opened them, I saw Shin-chan's face very close to my own.

God, I found another one of your kind.

"What are you thinking, Nakawawa?"

"It's Nakagawa, please stop butchering my name."

I took a step away from him, my expression calm and plain.

"Oh, is that your mother Nakagawa-kun? She is so pretty..."

Nene said, seemingly taken in by my mother's beauty. Well, I can't blame her. My mother is perfect.

"Yeah, she is."

I smiled. My mother waved at all of us. My 'friends' all waved back.

"She can't speak?"

Kazama asked, taking all of us by surprise. How did he know?

"Yeah, she can't," I replied, my eyes turning sharp as I stared at him. "Why do you ask?"

"Ah-! Don't get me wrong! I didn't mean to come off as rude..." Kazama explained, his arms flailing in the air. "I just saw you using sign language with her. That's why..." Oh, so he knows about sign language, huh?

"Yeah, I used sign language. You're quite observant Kazama."

"I-, I know!"

Kazama said, seemingly happy with the praise. I don't think he gets much of that.

Before we could talk about it more, we reached the place my mother was standing. Unlike me, All the other students were supposed to go sit on the bus. So their parents weren't here to pick them up.

They all greeted my mother happily. My mother responded to them with a gentle smile. I smiled too, seeing them getting along so well.

Seriously, kids have no bad bones in their bodies, do they? They are so pure.

"I-uh... "

Kazama stepped up in front of my mother. I looked at him curiously, with my mother doing the same. He made some hand gestures, which made me widen my eyes.

" 'It's meeting', no. That's not how you do that. 'It's nice yo-', no. That's also wrong." Kazama tried to give my mother a greeting through sign language, but he looked still a bit new to this. ".... I don't know..."

Kazama's shoulders slumped. He looked down at the ground, feeling ashamed of his failure.

"Hey, look here."

I touched his shoulder and gestured for him to look at my hands.

'It's nice to meet you.'


Kazama, understanding what I was trying to do, quickly copied me and signed at my mother.

'It's nice meeting you.'

My mother smiled, feeling genuinely happy. She patted Kazama on the head and gave him a thumbs up. The other four of the group clapped, trying to show their appreciation to Kazama who looked very proud of himself.

You know what? I don't think this school is all that bad.


Hello Dear Readers.

Author here.

For those who don't know, all the characters introduced in this chapter are from 'Crayon Shin-chan'. It's a very popular show in my country. I grew up watching this show.

If you haven't watched it, I'd recommend you guys do so. It's very good.

How many of you guys have watched the movie 'Crayon Shin-chan: Jungle That Invites Storm'? The first arc of this story is going to be that. So I highly recommend you watch it.

MC is not going to be with these kids forever, I'm going to include many things in this story, which means, a little bit of something is going to make MC leave Kasukabe(The place he is living in at the moment).

So yeah, if you don't like me adding this arc, I will only say that bear with it for 10 chapters, max. After that, everything will take place accordingly.

I'm going to add Tokyo Ghoul and Parasite to this too. I just recently got this idea.

That's it.


Manofculture_5978 Manofculture_5978

A long ass chapter

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