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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

"Did you hear that?"

"Yes, it seems that the Empress Consort's process has begun!"

Those are just some of the words you would here in the town. The people had been conversing about it after Count Ravio, one of the Empress's advisors, announced it.

Count Ravio knew that the selection process for the Empress's consorts was both intricate and dangerous. He had been tasked with this responsibility before, but it had been quite some time since the last round of selections.

The court started making a list of potential candidates, taking into consideration their physical attributes, their family background, and their political affiliations. He knew that the Empress required someone strong, someone who could command respect and loyalty from her subjects. At the same time, he also wanted someone who could satisfy her desires.

As he went through the list, one name stood out to him - Aeron Mercantile, the super-rich merchant noble from the neighboring country. He was handsome, wealthy, and well-educated. More importantly, he had a reputation for being a skilled lover.

Count Ravio knew that the Empress would not be pleased with his suggestion. She had always been wary of those from outside her kingdom, especially those who had close ties to other rulers. But he was confident that Prince Lucian was the one. He convinced the Empress to meet him, and she reluctantly agreed.

But among the preferences, there are another three.

"The Count sure knows how to impress me," she said and smiled, "Let's go and meet my consorts!"

"W-wait, my Empress!" her maid had been worried that she might not have recovered from heartbreak yet from Alpha Gregor, but it seemed that she was adjusting well and the pile of work helped her.


"Empress Cassandra Labelle is now entering!" as the guards of the door opened.

She looked so dignified with her white pants and long sash with medals. Her posture will make you want to kneel before her.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!" and they bowed their heads to her.

Empress Cassandra sat at the head of the long table in the grand hall, her four consorts seated around her. Each of them wore a formal suit befitting their station, but Cassandra couldn't help but notice how each man's unique personality was reflected in his attire.

To her right sat Dietrich, the golden boy with a warm smile and a heart of gold. He wore a navy blue suit that complemented his blond hair and blue eyes. Next to him sat Aeron, the cool and collected merchant noble with impeccable style. He wore a sharp black suit with a silver tie, looking every inch the successful businessman.

On Cassandra's left sat Duke Lavern of the North, tall and regal in his dark green suit. He met her gaze with a nod of respect and a small smile, his piercing blue eyes shining with intelligence. Finally, there was Alpha Lelouch, the enigmatic and cold-as-ice leader of his pack. He wore a black suit that hugged his lean form, his silver hair and piercing green eyes standing out in stark contrast.

Cassandra cleared her throat, drawing the attention of her consorts.

"Gentlemen, I have made my decision. You have all impressed me with your intelligence, your strength, and your loyalty to the empire. I am proud to have you by my side as consorts."

The men each nodded in acknowledgement, waiting for Cassandra to continue.

"I have chosen Dietrich as my first consort," she announced, smiling at him warmly. "Your kind heart and unwavering dedication to the people of this empire have won my heart."

Dietrich's face lit up with joy, and he bowed his head in gratitude. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I will serve you to the best of my abilities."

Cassandra turned to the other three men, her expression serious. "As for the rest of you, I have a special task for you. Each of you will be given a specific role in my court, using your skills and expertise to aid in the governance of this empire. Aeron, I will entrust you with overseeing the trade and commerce of the empire. Duke Lavern, you will be responsible for the defense of the North, as well as advising me on matters of diplomacy. And Alpha Lelouch, you will lead my personal guard and ensure my safety at all times."

The men nodded in understanding, each one accepting his role with a sense of duty and responsibility.

"As your Empress," Cassandra continued, "I expect the utmost loyalty and dedication from each of you. But know that I value your counsel and your support, and I will do everything in my power to ensure your success. Together, we will lead this empire to prosperity and peace."

With those words, the meeting was adjourned, and the five of them rose from their seats. Cassandra could feel the weight of her responsibility on her shoulders, but she also felt a sense of excitement and possibility. With her consorts by her side, she knew that anything was possible.

"Lead them to their palace, and treat them with the utmost respect!"

And she left to go to her office, the moment she closed the door. Empress Cassandra stepped out of the grand hall, her heart beating a little faster than usual. Meeting her four consorts had been an exciting and nerve-wracking experience, and she was still processing everything that had happened.

"Kyaaah!" her face blushed. "What should I do? Their beauty is out of this world!" she said, blushing on seeing her consorts. Her heart was beating fast like it wanted to get out of her chest.

"My Empress, you shouldn't react like that to your consorts!" her maid looked at her and calmed her down.

"That's why I waited until I came back here! If it weren't, I would lose my sanity back then!"

"My goodness, calm down and I shall prepare a snack for you."

"Hmph!" and she pouted her lips. She always knew that Helena, her nanny, was like a mother to her, but stricter! She lost her mother at a young age, and her father, the Emperor, hadn't got a consort. How dare she get a lot of men!

"But isn't it one of the perks of being the Empress?" she smirked when she turned and saw the tree she planted to show Alpha Gregor, her ex.

"Maybe I should cut down that tree..." she said as the wind fell on her office and blew her hair. It was such a nostalgic thing.

"How dare you marry someone else, when I...!" she gritted her teeth. Maybe that is one of her driving forces to accept that.

"Empress Labelle," one of her ladies in waiting, Priscilla looked worried, "Where should I put these gifts?"

"From who?" and she went to the back and saw that there were a ton of them.

"My goodness!"


The next day, as she made her way down the corridor, she was surprised to see Aeron waiting for her outside her chambers.

"Your Majesty," he said with a bow, his dark eyes gleaming with excitement. "I have something for you."

Cassandra raised an eyebrow, curious. "What is it?"

Aeron reached into his coat pocket and produced a small box, wrapped in delicate silver paper.

"It's a gift, Your Majesty. A small token of my appreciation for the opportunity to serve you."

Cassandra's eyes widened as she took the box from him, feeling a sense of anticipation. She carefully peeled away the paper and opened the box, revealing a glittering diamond necklace.

"It's beautiful," she gasped, admiring the way the diamonds sparkled in the light. She doesn't want to offend her consorts in any way. Although he had overwhelmed her yesterday, it's not like her to not accept such gifts and generosity.

Aeron smiled, pleased. "I'm glad you like it. I thought it would complement your beauty perfectly."

Cassandra felt a warmth spread through her chest at his words, but she also felt a twinge of guilt. She didn't want any of her consorts to feel left out or neglected. Even Alpha Gregor, whom she has been chasing her whole life, never gifted her anything.

"Thank you, Aeron. It's a wonderful gift. But please don't feel like you have to shower me with presents all the time."

Aeron shook his head, his expression serious. "It's not about the gifts, Your Majesty. It's about showing my loyalty and devotion to you. You are the ruler of this empire, and it's my duty to serve you to the best of my abilities."

Cassandra felt a surge of gratitude towards Aeron, and she reached out to place a hand on his shoulder. "I know that, Aeron. And I value your loyalty and devotion more than any gift. But I want you to know that you don't have to try so hard to impress me. I already respect and admire you for who you are."

Aeron's expression softened, and he bowed his head in acknowledgement. "Thank you, Your Majesty. Your words mean more to me than any gift."

Cassandra smiled at him, feeling a sense of closeness and understanding. "You're welcome, Aeron. And I hope that we can continue to work together to make this empire a better place."

Empress Cassandra made her way to the palace garden, hoping to clear her head after the flurry of activity that had taken place in the grand hall. She wandered along the winding paths, taking in the scent of the blooming flowers and the sound of the trickling fountain. As she rounded a corner, she saw Duke Lavern seated on a bench, his eyes closed in meditation.

She hesitated for a moment, unsure if she should interrupt him, but then she remembered the gift from Aeron and felt a pang of guilt. She hadn't spoken to Duke Lavern much since meeting him, and she didn't want him to feel left out. She approached him, her footsteps soft on the grass.

"Duke Lavern," she said softly, and he opened his eyes to look at her. "I hope I'm not disturbing you."

He smiled, rising to his feet. "Not at all, Your Majesty. I was just enjoying the peacefulness of the garden. Please, join me."

Cassandra sat down on the bench beside him, feeling the warmth of the sun on her skin. "I wanted to thank you for your support in the grand hall earlier. It meant a lot to me."

Duke Lavern inclined his head graciously. "It was my pleasure, Your Majesty. I believe it's important for your consorts to work together for the good of the empire."

Cassandra nodded in agreement, then hesitated before speaking again. "I also wanted to apologize for not speaking to you much since meeting you. I know that you're a highly respected noble, and I value your opinions."

Duke Lavern smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "There's no need to apologize, Your Majesty. I understand that you have many demands on your time. But I appreciate your kind words."

Cassandra felt a sense of relief, and she leaned back against the bench, enjoying the tranquility of the garden. For a few moments, they sat in comfortable silence, watching the butterflies flit from flower to flower.

Finally, Duke Lavern spoke again, his tone thoughtful. "Your Majesty, may I ask you something?"

Cassandra nodded, curious. "Of course."

He hesitated for a moment, then spoke. "I know that you are facing a difficult decision in choosing a consort. And while I would be honored to serve you, I also want you to know that I support you no matter what. Whether you choose me or another, my loyalty lies with the empire."

Cassandra felt a sense of admiration for Duke Lavern, and she reached out to place a hand on his arm.

"Thank you, Duke Lavern. Your words mean a lot to me. And while I haven't made a decision yet, I want you to know that I value your support and loyalty."

They lapsed into a comfortable silence again, and Cassandra felt a sense of closeness with Duke Lavern that she hadn't felt before. As they sat there, watching the butterflies, she knew that she had a difficult decision ahead of her, but she also knew that she had a group of consorts who were willing to support her no matter what.

She looked at her pale lips that she wanted to kiss. Under the moonlight, her facial features have highlighted that she feels like drowning.

"Uhmn... is there something wrong with me?" Duke Lavern asked and Empress Cassandra turned away. "No..."

"Your Majesty!" it was her head maid, Helena.

"Y-Your Highness, Duke Lavern!" she said and bowed her head. The Duke just looked at her.

"It's been a long day," he smiled, "See you tomorrow, my dearest Empress," he said as he kissed her hand. Empress Cassandra just stands there and looks at the Duke who walks towards his palace.

"Helena, if you hadn't come, I feel like my heart is about to burst,"

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