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Chapter 10: Evolved and The Dancing Spider

As for the option I chose for evolution, let's go over my line of thinking.

The first one is tiny chicken. While I wouldn't be lesser, I would remain the same size as I am now, or might even shrink.

The second one is lesser chicken. I would not be tiny and might grow in size which might be desirable. My small stature was one of the reasons I struggle against opponents, and that was extremely clear to see against the snake.

As for poison chicken, not only would my attack increase, I'm assuming I'll definitely gain some skills as well. However, I could get more skills from diverge so specializing in one that's common around here wouldn't be in my best interest.

Now as for the final one... I could become a cockroach.

For too many people, this may seem like a downgrade. Not only in size but due to flight. However, they survive countless things, existing before the dinosaurs 280 million years ago. Their tenacity to stay alive is impressive, to say the least.

Adding on the fact they can live without a head for a few weeks, or that they'll be able to survive, not the direct impact of it, but the radiation from it for a while. My defense should shoot up a lot and not only that, I might get more existence as well. If you remember the size of the spider too, I might be around that same size and if you scale it up, I might be 3x faster than it.

So I chose the most logical answer I could think of.

" Individual, Tiny Lesser Chicken is evolving into Lesser Chicken"

Cockroach seems like a dead end and I'll lose my important attacks so let's not.

Anyways, unlike Kei who instantly fell asleep upon deciding, I stayed awake but went through the entire process. I think I'd rather be sleeping during this.

My bones expanded and I constantly molted layer after layer, growing in size. Not only that but my bones warped in a different direction to accommodate my larger stature. My wings fell down larger by my side, my beak became partially more blade-like, and I felt a small weight above and beneath my head, which I assumed to be a comb.

I just watched as Kei sat there, not changing much in size, but different patterns growing on herself and claws changing color.

I wasn't in pain at all, it felt like my body was alien to my mind. My body continued expanding until it suddenly stopped and I reached my max size for this evolution which stood 1 meter tall from what I believe.

That means I grew more than double in size.

Kei who was beside me was now significantly smaller and before I got more time to analyze her, I was bombarded with skill levels.

"Evolution completed"

"Became the Lesser Chicken species"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Level Up Bonus: Skill Proficiency was acquired"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Taboo LV2』 has become 『Taboo LV3』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Heresy Magic LV2』 has become 『Heresy Magic LV3』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Turbulent Flight LV3』 has become 『Turbulent Flight LV4』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Appraisal LV5』 has become 『Appraisal LV6』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Rock Hardening LV1』 was acquired"

New skill?

"Skill points gained"

"Conditions met. Title 『First Evolved Chicken』 was acquired"

"By the effects of the title 『First Evolved Chicken』, skill 『Longevity LV1』『Editable Eggs LV1』 was acquired"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Eggs LV6』 has became 『Editable Eggs LV2』"

Firstly, some skills along with Appraisal leveled up. While I surely want to test that, what is this editable egg skill? It's homophones with edible which make more sense, but why editable? Then it dawned on me.

Will I be able to change the properties of the egg? For instance, add a skill that I want and I'll get it when I eat it. With that though, there has to be a drawback, especially if it's a hard-to-get skill.

Perhaps it uses almost all my hunger? That sounds like it would make sense.

Deciding I should test what I got in order, let's start with heresy magic.

Or not, I have no proper target to see if it works.

While turbulent flight most likely improved in speed and control and there's no need to investigate it at this instant, I decided to anyways.

Since I more than doubled in height, I doubled in width and depth too somewhat.

I'm considerably heavier so would I be fine?

I stepped a little away from the unconscious Kei and began flapping my wings, and I soon took off. While the weight was certainly added, it felt exactly the same.

My wing span grew large so I'm creating a larger upwards force than before as well. I started flying directly to the top of the chamber and swooped down, the wind moving against my feathers. If anything, this skill works better than before.

Decreasing my speed a little bit little, I eventually landed on the floor.

Onto the next one, appraisal.

Using it on myself:

『Lesser Chicken LV1 No name






Average Offensive Ability:143

Average Defensive Ability:136

Average Magic Ability:87

Average Resistance Ability:117

Average Speed Ability:162』

Level one? I'm guessing it resets to 1 after each evolution but retains the past stats.

There were numerical values attached to the bars now too. I can see the exact health I have and my other capabilities. Just surveying them I can tell my magic is significantly lower than the other stats. Also, the Red SP bar was at 60, meaning I was hungry. This was understandable due to the fight and evolution.

I can see all the stats, so I wonder if I'll see the skills soon. If I level it more and somehow do, it would make viewing all of them easier and I might be able to learn more about them by appraising them individually.

For example, the skill of Overeating is still unknown to me, and the one I just got, longevity, is the same. I'm guessing it could up the amount of health but by how much?

Anyways, the second to last skill also intrigues me, due to it being new.

I tried imagining it and I'm guessing it just hardens my body. I am not entirely sure if it's passive or has to be activated but:

Rock Hardening.

As soon as I did that, my body felt a heavy pressure on it, like gravity increase three-fold. Due to me being unprepared, I nearly face-planted into the stone floor. Managing to maintain my balance, I canceled the skill, positioning myself in a better stance in a better stance.

Once prepared this time, I put my wing up and activated it once again, and moved my arm in a downward motion, slamming into the floor.


"Skill proficiency threshold reached. Skill 『Pain Mitigation LV2』 has become 『Pain Mitigation LV3』"

I canceled the skill once again and looked in awe at the cut that was created on the floor.

This skill was really useful but it had its drawbacks for now. On the side of my vision, my health bar dropped a full 20 points from that one attack.

I even leveled my pain resistance just from the strike.

While the floor is tougher than monsters, I might lose a few hit points nonetheless. I think using it in the other ways I planned would be bad until I raise its level.

Now finally, let's experiment with Editable Eggs. I think I should eat first since I would be unable to lay an egg on an empty stomach.

The snake is extremely large and would probably last Kei and me two meals. I walked over to the head of the fallen Baladorado and began feasting on it until my hunger bard was slightly overfilled. I reached half the entire thing, we might not be able to stay here as long as I thought.

[Huh, what happened?!]

Suddenly, Kei screamed in my head staring straight at me.

[Oh right you evolved!]

That I did.

[I didn't know you would be so huge Kiyotaka!]

{I didn't expect this either honestly. I expected to grow 1.5x my size, not 2.5x}

[I see I see. Oh! I got new poison skills and level-ups!]

{That's good to hear then. Try eating a little of the snake, you're probably hungry after the evolution. I'm going to test one of my new skills}

[Okei then. Hopefully, it tastes good!]

I saw her walk up to it as she hesitantly took a bite. Judging just by her reaction, I could tell she was not fond of the flavor one bit. Putting that to the side, I began testing the skill.

Editable Eggs.

As I started, a little screen came up, almost like a commercial website one might see online.

There were multiple pieces of information lined up, looking something like this:

This completely tells me there are computers in this world, otherwise, how would they design something this similar? It looks like an online shopping cart.

The cost, which I was guessing is the red SP showed up and neither did the skills. I have to be careful because if I use this too much and run out of SP, I could die.

Now the skills being red could mean I can adjust them later when leveling this. Would I be able to add skills or change levels? Would there be more requirements than a higher red SP cost? I suppose time will tell.

Either way, it has a certain amount of points that I can think of a currency I can use. I have 24 so can I add numbers in the blanks?

I started putting numbers in until I ran out of points, which struck down a number each time I added a singular stat.

Since my other stats were high, I solely attempted to raise magic power, putting twelve in each, and leaving everything else as zero.

For the egg, I'm assuming it meant quantity so I put one for now.

I then thought about selecting the lay button and was done. I felt a pop from behind and on the floor was a white egg, much larger than the prior ones were.

My Hunger which exceeded its limit at 209/189, dropped down to 169/189. It dropped 40 points, about 1.7 amount of stats I used originally, so I can guess the two are correlated.

Might as well eat it right away.

Repeating the same process as per usual, I broke it with my beak and ate the contents on the inside.

"By the effects of the skill 『Diverge LV3』, skill 『Piercing Beak LV1』『Iron Grip LV1』『Wing Propulsion LV1』『Night Vision LV2』 『Eggs LV1』was acquired"

"『Piercing Beak LV1』 has Unifed into 『Razor Sharp Beak LV4』"

"『Iron Grip LV1』 has Unifed into 『Steel Grip LV3』"

"『Wing Propulsion LV1』 has Unifed into 『Turbulent Flight LV5』"

"『Night Vision LV2』 has Unifed into 『Perception Expansion LV2』"

" 『Eggs LV1』 has Unifed into 『Editable Eggs LV2』"

"Every skill absorbed due to compatibility"

After eating the egg, my SP went up to 179/189, meaning the eggs provide me with 25% of the cost it takes to lay them.

Also, why was Kei throwing up in the background? The meat from the snake, while a little muscly, didn't taste that bad. I suppose she had a low tolerance for disgusting-tasting things.

Ignoring that, it's interesting how they combine and still level the skill besides it being the next stage. Also, If I were to not have a Diverge skill, this one might be rather useless unless...

Should I have a baby?

Let me rephrase that. Should I hatch an egg?

Can I raise a chick or does it have to be fertilized? Wait, I'm a male chicken with an egg skill so it should materialize right? This world is vastly different after all.

The question is, how long would it take? 20 days? More? Less?

I have to be in a relatively safe place to do so without moving for a bit. As much as I want to test it, I believe the result won't be worth it either. Perhaps if I level it, I can choose the skills but even that is hard to know at this moment in time.

It's unnecessary to hatch anything at the moment, the time would be better spent for me to strengthen myself. The 24 points available split into the two stats I requested perfectly, increasing not only my magic power but the number of my reserves. I should continue doing this until reaching 100 for my food stat, then I can finish the rest of the snake. That would speed up my investigation.

I repeated this thrice going just slightly beneath the 100, landing at 94/189 SP. In summary,

Razor Sharp Beak is now LV7.

Steel Grip is LV6.

Turbulent Flight is higher at LV8.

Perception Expansion which deals with vision and auditory senses was LV5

Editable Eggs was LV4.

My final MP stat was 146 and my final Magical Power was 135. Quite the improvement.

If you're wondering why I have 5 more hunger points than I should, I think Eggs leveling up added more food to the actual egg, not the cost of it.

Kei finished eating her portion of the snake with a dead look in her eyes as she stared at and deadpanned,

[Please never eat your eggs in front of me again... It's strangely disturbing...]

Was it?

{I'll make sure not to then.}

I stepped over to the snake and began eating the other half as Kei sat down on the side. Devouring the remaining portion, I was tempted to lay the eggs again for after but decided that may be best if I got food first.

In order to check the locations of monsters, I begrudgingly activated detection and peered around. There was only a frog on the way but...

Spider, here I cum.

Kei and I started walking in that direction, going through the labyrinth tunnels with our destination in mind. As expected, along the path we came across the frog.

Due to it being close to the corner we turned, it shot acid from us while being a few meters away. While I could've dodged it and I'm sure Kei might've been able to, I wanted to test something.

I put my right wing out, puffing its feathers out to block the acid like a shield does a sword. Before it hit, I activated Rock Hardening and my entire body solidified like before, but the added weight was still difficult to adjust to.

The acid hit my wing and monitoring my health it started from 230/230 and dropped a mere five points to 225/230. The strength of this skill mixed with the recent dragon feathers I received worked like a charm.

My test complete I canceled the skill and flew straight at it, clawing its chest the dealing a swift diagonal pierce to its neck I cocked my head sideways.

And with that, the Level 7 Elroe Frog died.

"By the effects of the skill 『Diverge LV3』, skill 『Acid Resistance LV1』『Poison Resistance LV1』was acquired"

"『Acid Resistance LV1』 has unified into 『Acid Resistance LV4』"

"『Poison Resistance LV1』 has unified into 『Super Poison Resistance LV5』"

"Unable to withdraw two skills due to incompatibility"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Unable to withdraw the other 70% of stats"

"Conditions met. Title 『Monster Slayer』 was acquired"

"By the effects of the title 『Monster Slayer』, skill 『Strength LV1』『Solidity LV1』 was acquired"

Was it 31 monsters I've killed till now? So maybe the requirement to gain this skill, in particular, was to kill more than 30 monsters.

Another title? They remind me of the Longevity skill I received just recently too. I'm assuming all three increase health, damage, and defense just based on their names. I haven't a clue how much though.

It would be a waste if we left it here, so I landed on its dead body, found the best grip I could there begin flapping my wings to carry it with me. While this weight before was near impossible, it felt significantly easier at this moment, despite it still being more than double my size of me.

[How are you even able to carry that?!]

Kei, while retorting to what I'm doing, just followed behind me, doing her best to keep up but not be directly under the frog. If it fell on her, that might be quite catastrophic.

We proceeded to move until just five minutes later we arrived at a webbed wall.

I am unaware of how sticky and adhesive this thread is so attempting to touch it is a dumb idea. I'm sure my beak can pierce it but can I break free from it if my wings get caught? Probably. Does that mean I want to experiment with that at the moment? No.

Speeding up just a little, I lifted the corpse of the frog in front of me, using it as a meat shield and it flew through the webs. There was a slight resistance, but as I passed through, the wind from my wings also sent the webs in disarray and my ears enhanced with Perception Expansion heard a cluttering of rocks from inside a nearby raised web structure.

Almost as soon as I heard the sound, I saw a spider poke its head out through what seemed to be a window and just stare at us, not making a move.

Appraising it, I received:

『Small Lesser Taratect LV 5 No Name. Failed to Appraise status』

As it looked at me, I felt a slight shiver. Not due to fear or danger, but almost as if my privacy was invaded.

This spider has appraisal as well.

Web-laying abilities all spiders have but only this one uses it efficiently, there is already intelligence seen from that.

The dancing.

The human house structure that it recreated from webs despite never being outside this cave.

This person... was most certainly a reincarnated person.

Why is their gaze so hungry though...?

Kiyo's Current Information:

Species: Lesser Chicken

Level: 1






Average Offensive Ability:147

Average Defensive Ability:140

Average Magic Ability:90

Average Resistance Ability:121

Average Speed Ability:166

Known Skills:

Appraisal LV6

Editable Eggs LV4

Mental Arithmetic LV9

Memory LV6

Razor Sharp Beak LV7

Thought Acceleration LV9

Parallel Thinking LV9

Turbulent Flight LV8

Steel Grip LV6

Diverge LV3

Perception Expansion LV5

Super Poison Resistance LV4

Corrosion Nullification LV3

Heresy Magic LV3

Taboo LV3

Stealth LV1

Pain Mitigation LV3

Acid Resistance LV4

Accelerated Growth LV3


Petrifying Demon Eye LV1

Magic Power Perception LV1

Magic Power Operation LV1

Petrification Resistance LV2

Detection LV2

Heresy Resistance LV 5

Poison Attack LV 1

Cooperation LV 10

Dragon Feather LV 2

Rock Hardening LV1

Longevity LV 1

Strength LV 1

Sturdy LV1


Super Computer Brain

Gross Feeder

Kin Eater

First Evolved Chicken

Monster Slayer

~Author's note~

Check out my patreon~!

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