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Chapter 12: Eggs and Many Legs

[H-huh?! That's a dragon egg?]

It seems like Kei was unaware of what it was. It's understandable since her appraisal level is still likely low:

『Dragon Egg LV1 No Name. Failed to appraise stats』

{That it is, how'd it get here?}

[I think I saw a human carrying it but he got caught in the webbing and tried freeing himself by burning it off. He ended up burning himself sadly...]

Her voice had a slight sound of depression in it, but she didn't seem to mind seeing a person die all too much from what was expected. Does she feel more distant because she is a monster?

Either way, that's what that charred corpse was. If only I was here to kill the male before it died, It could have some interesting skills and stats quite possibly.

If they died from something that stupid, it might not be all that likely though.

Either way, there was food to be seen in the body, yet I decided to stick to the monsters I hunted. While I have no quarrels with killing humans to get what I need, I'd rather not eat one unless completely necessary.

Seeing a human did one thing though. It confirmed that my size estimate was correct if this person was not shrunk that is.

Kumoko, who maintained her distance from me previously walked next to my side to grab my attention. She started standing on her hind legs then pointed to the raptor's corpse and then to her mouth in quick succession.

Does she want to eat it? I nodded my head up and down and she lowered herself on eight legs again and began eating one of the bodies. Part of the reason I brought it was to gain trust and show my strength somewhat.

I walked over to the egg curious. If I get stats from my own eggs, couldn't I receive stats from this one as well? If it's a dragon egg, certainly it might have more skills and higher stats to be gained.

And that's why I pecked it full force but was shocked to have my beak bounce back. It's like I hit a solid piece of metal with an eraser.

I tried but was made with a dull thud once again, not a single sign of damage evident. No matter what I tried, the angle, force, and positioning, nothing worked.

I then flew and grabbed it between my claws and proceeded towards the roof. Once I couldn't reach any higher since I reached the ceiling, I check below to make sure neither Kei nor Kumoko was underneath and dropped the egg.

It crashed down and landed on the floor making a large noise, approaching the volume of an old car engine.

From here I could tell it didn't split and as I landed and flipped it, it wasn't cracked at all either. This egg was too tough for my current stage. Would letting it hatch be worth it? Typically, the animal on the inside has to be tougher than the shell so I rather not find out until I know I can at least break the shell.

Will the baby be weak since it would be newly born?

That makes sense but still, can I pierce the thing inside of this even then? I imagine that's a no.

What should I do then, abandon it and make myself scarce or level up my skills to the point where I can pierce it?

Leaving the egg alone for now, I walked over to the corner of this area out of Kei's sight and began experimenting and using my Editable eggs skill.

『Species: Lesser Chicken

Level: 2






Average Offensive Ability:195

Average Defensive Ability:176

Average Magic Ability:124

Average Resistance Ability:157

Average Speed Ability:183』

My stats all raised considerably from the last three fights and my MP filled completely. Was it from the level or does it usually do that? I should keep a close eye on it once I level next time.

Also, my hunger was full from eating one of the raptors earlier and with the other corpses sitting there, I could fill it up again even if I run out once, maybe twice.

Knowing each egg took forty hunger points, I laid 5 at once to be in the safe zone. Similar to last time, I put 12 points toward MP and 12 towards Magic Power.

As I laid them all at once, I proceeded to eat them all, recovering 50 red SP.

"By the effects of the skill 『Diverge LV3』, skill 『Piercing Beak LV1』『Iron Grip LV1』『Wing Propulsion LV1』『Night Vision LV2』 『Eggs LV1』was acquired"

"『Piercing Beak LV1』 has Unifed into 『Razor Sharp Beak LV10』"

"『Iron Grip LV1』 has Unifed into 『Steel Grip LV10』"

"『Wing Propulsion LV1』 has Unifed into 『Turbulent Flight LV10』"

"『Night Vision LV2』 has Unifed into 『Perception Expansion LV10』"

" 『Eggs LV1』 has Unifed into 『Editable Eggs LV4』"

"Every skill absorbed due to compatibility. The limit for this evolution reached."

"Every stat absorbed due to compatibility"

I finished all of them with diverge and everything else, they both resulted in being 60 points higher, settling at 264 for MP and 184 for magic power. I gained 2 Eggs skills, making editable eggs reach LV4.

I'm quite curious though, limit? Considering what it could mean, I'm guessing it stops these skills from evolving until I break that limit.

Anyway, my hunger was 110/248 currently so I went ahead and laid 2 more.

However, I think I leveled magic enough for now. Looking at all my other stats, I think Defense and Resistance are lagging behind. I laid one egg with all the points put into defense and, then another with all put into resistance. I ate the eggs and my stats raised 24 points successfully. No eggs skill gained meaning I ate males.

I was left with 40 more of the hunger stat and was feeling sluggish already. Doing any more will result in death, hence why I took a break.

I moved and stood over the Peckatot, and began eating it. Surprisingly, it tasted better than taratects did, moving it up to the second-best-tasting food I've had in this labyrinth. Speaking of the labyrinth, I appraised the wall and then the Great Elroe Labyrinth part.

<Great Elroe Labyrinth: The largest labyrinth in the world, connecting the continents of Daztrudia and Kasanagara underground>

I have done this before but decided to look into both continents more.

<Daztrudia: A continent populated by many human nations>

Humans live there, got it.

<Kasanagara: The world's largest continent>

It's the largest but the other is more populated. Are there other creatures that live there or is the land unsustainable?

As I just finished it, my SP gradually increased until it halted at 220/248.

I suppose that makes sense considering my hunger was lower than usual but something larger than me didn't satiate it. Is my stomach a separate universe or something or do I convert the food into energy that fast? Most likely the second since I had no need to defecate despite being in this world for a few days.

Anywho, there's a raptor, a frog, and a human left to eat. If I'm considerate to my other two companions, I should probably eat one, max two. I could do this twice more, meaning I can gain around 200 stat points overall if they don't completely fill me up.

I started filling the stats out as I wanted. I put twelve in Average Offense and twelve in average speed. I then continued and inserted the number five next to the eggs. I laid, or instead, they just materialized behind me.

My red stamina bar dropped down to 20 and raised to 50 after the consumption of my children.

"By the effects of the skill 『Diverge LV3』, skill 『Piercing Beak LV1』『Iron Grip LV1』『Wing Propulsion LV1』『Night Vision LV2』 『Eggs LV1』was acquired"

"『Piercing Beak LV1』 has Unifed into 『Razor Sharp Beak LV10』"

"『Iron Grip LV1』 has Unifed into 『Steel Grip LV10』"

"『Wing Propulsion LV1』 has Unifed into 『Turbulent Flight LV10』"

"『Night Vision LV2』 has Unifed into 『Perception Expansion LV10』"

" 『Eggs LV1』 has Unifed into 『Editable Eggs LV6』"

"Every skill absorbed due to compatibility. The limit for this evolution reached."

"Every stat absorbed due to compatibility"

My stats for offense successfully elevated to 255 and 243 for speed. Running around and slamming my face on the floor, I do feel rather faster and stronger, despite the stupidity of the latter action.

Editable eggs passed level five so I opened the console to check and much to my surprise... the cost appeared. It was unnecessary at the moment since I figured out the ratio for it already but I suppose it makes it simpler.

Thinking realistically, the skills would be the next thing to unlock, possibly when reaching level 10. Some skills might take extreme numbers of hunger and if I tried them, I might die. I guess the cost is more than welcome in that case.

I went to eat the Randanel, finished it, and was about to repeat the process when I heard a rumbling. My stomach? No.

My ears picked up on a distant movement and it sounded like a lot of skittering. Turning on detection, I did not appreciate the reason.


They were charging in our direction. Towards the front of the pack, however, was a spider. Looking around, Kumoko was gone, and given the speed, I'd say she was the culprit of this. Maybe she hunted one and a lot came? I haven't a clue.

Struggling on what to do to come triumphant against such a large number of creatures which was possibly 100 or so, I found my solution

I turned off detection and began running near the side they were coming towards.

{Kei, stay back. A lot of centipedes are heading our way. Use appraisal on them when they're here though.}

[Eh?! Centipedes? I'll try!]

With Perception Expansion, they finally came in sight and I started Appraisal on them all.

『Elroe Ferect LVX. No name』x102

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Appraisal LV6』 has become 『Appraisal LV7』"


Why did she get a headache? The amount of info wasn't that significant. I was correct to say there were a hundred, and they all were just slightly smaller than Kumoko. They looked significantly weak but due to their high amounts, I think they might even be able to take on that snake.

{Kei, tell Kumoko to go to the ceiling side wall really fast. Countdown in five seconds.}

[G-got it!]


I began preparing 8 spells in a linear pattern.


Visualizing to maximize the area instead of damage, increased all four in size.


I spun the four creating a wide U shape the size of the tunnel, taking up the bottom portion.


I chanted Water Ball in my mind.


I launched the spell, flooding the floor, and as soon as I reached the last number, Kumoko hurriedly threw herself to the side wall and ran up to the ceiling.

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Water Magic LV1』 has become 『Water Magic LV2』"

To ensure that Ferects died, I shot out 4 lightning spells directly at the water, electrically charging it.

The water shook violently and as soon as they came in contact with even a droplet, they screeched as if molten lava was poured onto their shell.

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Lightning Magic LV1』 has become 『Lightning Magic LV2』"

Kumoko jumped in, over the webbing, and landed behind me and I backed up slightly, preparing myself for the ones that might break through. Also, the charged water was seeping into this area a little.

The ones in the front line died the instant they came in contact with the puddle on the floor, and the ones behind that as well.

"By the effects of the skill 『Diverge LV3』, skills『Paralysis Attack LV1』『Paralysis Resistance LV1』was acquired"

"Every basic ability rose"

"Unable to withdraw the other 70% of stats"

This repeated continuously and as a few seconds passed, I already gained super resistance in paralysis and Enhanced Paralysis Attack, marking an eleventh confirmed dead.

And paralysis? If Kumoko got bit once, she could've become food for sure.

The centipedes, even though they had low intelligence, began trying to climb the walls and each other's bodies.

For that though, I prepared something else while backing up.

Earth Magic: Stone Bullet.

4 stone bullet spells on both sides of the wall, each set of two overlapping another where they can climb up began firing. I focused on making the bullets smaller but a larger quantity to be shot out.

That way, it has a more likely chance to hit for if their hit once, they should lose balance and fall into the water below.

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Earth Magic LV1』 has become 『Earth Magic LV2』"

"Experience points have reached a certain point. Individual, Lesser Chicken LV2 has become LV3"

"Every basic ability rose"

"『Skill Proficiency Level Up Bonus』acquired "

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Heresy Resistance LV8』 has become 『Heresy Resistance LV9』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Magic Power Perception LV3』 has become 『Magic Power Perception LV4』"

A level, that's appreciated.

Due to this, their path was narrowed and they were only able to charge toward me head-on. However, Kumoko had a web here that blocked the first few that came in contact. Unfortunately, as more put their weight on it, the webbing began to bow.

This might be a long shot but...

{Kei, ask Kumoko to shoot webbing in the center.}

[On it!]

I began preparing my final move and I saw the white substance past me and land on the already webbed wall.

I cut the string that came from her quickly with my beak and shot 3 fire spells in a circle-like pattern and shot a final one dead center, like a dart hitting a bullseye.

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Fire Magic LV1』 has become 『Fire Magic LV2』"

Much to my luck, the web was extremely flammable. It started to burn and while the ones on it became falling through, almost all were burnt to a crisp before they hit the floor.

Poison magic: Poison touch.

The remaining ten rushed in, a few slightly on fire, and bit me. I was able to peck on mid-bite and hardened myself just before their teeth reached my feathers.

I had my arms up, which swing down, crushing one below either wing.


{I'm fine, hardly taking any damage.}

It was true, each bite from these creatures only did 3 damage. Their paralysis attack was useless against me since I acquired a nullification to it just seconds ago.

I kept rock hardening on and sat in place, tanking the bites from them, while stabbing the ones in range with my beak. Their attention was on me, not noticing Kei or Kumoko in the background.

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Rock Hardening LV1』 has become 『Rock Hardening LV2』"

Not even 15 seconds later, we sat in silence as the last of them that were clinging to me died on their own from the poison.

"Experience points have reached a certain point. Individual, Lesser Chicken LV3 has become LV4"

"Every basic ability rose"

"『Skill Proficiency Level Up Bonus』acquired "

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Accelerated Growth LV3』 has become 『Accelerated Growth LV4』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Diverge LV3』 has become 『Diverge LV4』"

"Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Detection LV3』 has become 『Detection LV4』"

3 important skills just leveled...

We all looked at the massacre in front of us, an extreme amount of facts littered the floors. Some were crushed or filled with holes, and others were crisp and wrinkled up. I gained 2 levels from this ordeal and my magic improved as well. I'm sure both of them leveled too due to Kei's skill.

The electricity from the water probably calmed down and my earth magic stopped. The first which proceeded to stay alive was put out with a quick wind spell by me. If there's anything we gained from this besides skills and levels...

We gained an atrocious yet welcome amount of food.

I decided to check my new stats from the levels and diverge.

『Species: Lesser Chicken

Level: 4






Average Offensive Ability:357

Average Defensive Ability:278

Average Magic Ability:204

Average Resistance Ability:237

Average Speed Ability:1467』

My MP stat was low but the total increased as every other number increased too, but most noticeably, my speed.

It was well into the quadruple digits now, despite it not even passing 250 previously.

I know these were fast creatures but... Seriously?

I feel like I might crash into things at a speed this high but I think my body somewhat adapts to it. I ran and proceeded to move at a speed multiple times faster than my previous. Anything I fight now, I should have the upper hand in speed, at least around this area.

My wings also flapped faster but I can test this out later. I know now that adding stats into speed is unnecessary at the moment. I should raise magic once again as most monsters have a low affinity for it apparently.

I noticed something on the side next to my stats though.

『Skills: Appraisal LV7, Editable Eggs LV6, Mental Arithmetic LV9, Memory LV6, Razor Sharp Beak LV10, Thought Acceleration LV9, Parallel Thinking LV9, Turbulent Flight LV10, Steel Grip LV10, Diverge LV4, Perception Expansion LV5, Super Poison Resistance LV7, Corrosion Nullification LV3, Heresy Magic LV3, Taboo LV3, Stealth LV1, Overeating LV 1, Pain Mitigation LV3, Acid Resistance LV4, Accelerated Growth LV4, n%w=l, Petrifying Demon Eye LV1, Magic Power Perception LV4, Magic Power Operation LV1, Petrification Resistance LV2, Detection LV3, Heresy Resistance LV 9, Poison Attack LV 1, Cooperation LV 10, Dragon Feather LV3, Rock Hardening LV2, Longevity LV 1, Strength LV 2, Sturdy LV2, Fire Magic LV2, Magic Consumption Down LV 5, Knowledge LV 10, Water Magic LV2, Earth Magic LV2, Wind Magic LV1, Plant Magic LV1, Lightning Magic LV2, Poison Magic LV1, Ice Magic LV1, Shadow Magic LV1, Light Magic LV1, Healing Magic LV1, Heavy Magic LV1, Space Magic LV1, Ultra Paralysis Attack LV10, Paralysis Nullification LV10, Exhaustion Nullification LV10』

I had a list of all my skills now. I remembered them all but there was one at the very end I don't recall...

Is that the one that prevents me from sleeping? That's one of the main reasons I've progressed this far at this pace so I suppose it's welcome.

Moving forward, I used appraisal on detection.

『Detection: Combines all of the main perception skills into one』

It works.

『Space Magic: Magic that manipulates space』

Manipulates it? Can I do a wormhole-type phenomenon and teleport then? I should test space magic out more later.

Moving on, I appraised everything and was checking to see if any Ferect was alive. After I confirmed there was none, I headed back to Kei and Kumoko.

{Let's clean up, there's a lot of food here}

Kei, who was probably not fond of the idea of eating centipedes, had her face wrinkled in apparent disgust.

I inspected Kumoko and it appears as there was some slight changes.

I knew she would help anyways so I started walking toward the bodies. That was until I noticed Kei glaring at Kumoko who was waving her arms back and forth in denial of whatever they talked about. After a short while, Kei turned to me with a sigh and said,

[Kumoko has to evolve]

Her level is 10 already it seems.

{Tell her we will keep an eye on her and organize while she evolves.}


I began dragging the bodies back a short while after, two at a time. Seriously, what were they talking about?

Kumoko started helping too, postponing evolution. I'm not sure if she felt guilty for causing this but honestly, it was welcome, both the help and the chaos. It resulted in plenty of strength increases for me after all.

She used her web as a makeshift bag and dragged five at once.

I wonder if I level Diverge enough if I can get skills that are incompatible with myself...

Kiyo's Current Information:

Species: Lesser Chicken

Level: 4






Average Offensive Ability:357

Average Defensive Ability:278

Average Magic Ability:204

Average Resistance Ability:237

Average Speed Ability:1467

Known Skills:

Appraisal LV6

Editable Eggs LV6

Mental Arithmetic LV9

Memory LV6

Razor Sharp Beak LV10

Thought Acceleration LV9

Parallel Thinking LV9

Turbulent Flight LV10

Steel Grip LV10

Diverge LV4

Perception Expansion LV5

Super Poison Resistance LV7

Corrosion Nullification LV3

Heresy Magic LV3

Taboo LV3

Stealth LV1

Pain Mitigation LV3

Acid Resistance LV4

Accelerated Growth LV4


Petrifying Demon Eye LV1

Magic Power Perception LV4

Magic Power Operation LV1

Petrification Resistance LV2

Detection LV3

Heresy Resistance LV 9

Poison Attack LV 1

Cooperation LV 10

Dragon Feather LV3

Rock Hardening LV2

Longevity LV 1

Strength LV 2

Sturdy LV2

Fire Magic LV2

Water Magic LV2

Earth Magic LV2

Wind Magic LV1

Plant Magic LV1

Lightning Magic LV2

Poison Magic LV1

Ice Magic LV1

Shadow Magic LV1

Light Magic LV1

Healing Magic LV1

Heavy Magic LV1

Space Magic LV1

Ultra Paralysis Attack LV10

Paralysis Nullification LV10


Super Computer Brain

Gross Feeder

Kin Eater

First Evolved Chicken

Monster Slayer


~Author's note~

Check out my patreon~!

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