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Chapter 3:  CHAPTER 03 – Kile& Kal [01].

  CHAPTER 03 – Kile& Kal [01].

Everyone is an author.

Everyone has been given a pen, better known as 'Will' and an enormous canvas better known as 'Life'.

We all get to tell an amazing story. And if you think yours sucks, it's never too late to stop what you have been doing and add in some crazy new chapters you deem worthy of your story.

Hey there! I am Kile with a birth certificate that would claim otherwise. Because of a bet/lesson, I had to prove/teach my best bud, Tetsu; we swapped names.

Not legally though, so welcome to the prologue of Kile.

Thanks to a certain Karen. AKA: my second mom, who I wished was my first. I met the best thing that could happen to me; Tetsu.

One of my most prominent mysteries revolves around a certain drunken nurse, who we have yet to find. He scribbled weird letters into our names, claiming us to be unique among the crowd. Tetsu thinks he was marking us so he could return to finish the job someday.

I know he is dumb and If I try explaining Tetsu to you, you'll be flabbergasted, frustrated, baffled, and amused out of your mind. Picture him as an extreme eccentric who deserves a new word coined to describe him appropriately. It's safe to say I am who I am thanks to him; an overthinker.

We both perceive the world with two unique perspectives, as we all do, but I would say myself and Tetsu have even more weird and unique perspectives than your elite Joe's. We find simple answers for the most complex problems and complicated questions for the world's simple solutions.

Yes, we both are different and start at different ends of a thread. Yet we end up finding the exact same solution. However, it takes him much longer as he uses more than one perspective, having stuck with multiple personalities.

No, it's not DID: Dissociative identity disorder. With so many opposing thoughts, we assigned each unique idea generator of his a personality.

The notoriously calm one: Hero.

The Copycat: C2Y

And the runner: Bolt. These are my top three. With the analyzer: Kile. being the runner-up.

He doesn't approve of the fourth name, but as the one who got to name the rest, I maintain full rights over my best bud's life. So, with all this in mind, it's safe to say that even with multiple points of view, the core problem and its solution are always singular. A hundred questions can be boiled down to one and that one question can be solved with a simple solution.

One might argue that it's just my perspective, or they ask you to walk in their shoes and blame it on circumstances, chance, and whatnot. But trust me when I say all your excuses are just that.


Life is better explained by simple math. If you do A, your result will be A+. And if you do F, your life will be F****d.

Thank you.

P.S. If you don't accept Tetsu into your prestigious school, don't bother with mine either.

Yours sincerely,


  (Billionaire M's recommendation is below.)


  "Done." Kile slumps back as he completes, sending his quota of emails for the day.

  Copy and paste was his go-to technique, but with Tetsu determined to join this particular high school, Kile had to put in some effort. Emphasis on 'some'. Not in typing the mail, but sealing the deal with M's recommendation. His stamp attracted greedy vultures like moth and fire.

  Kile shuts his lap and kicks off from his desk. The half-broken wheel on the chair stumbles halfway as it throws Kile onto the bed. He lands face first, slamming onto the cushion. He bounces with a squeak, and rolls into his blankets, shaping it into a cocoon.

  "Perfect." Kile smiles and takes in a deep breath as an alluring aroma rushes into his nostrils. With each sniff, he unraveled his cocoon bit by bit. Karen's cooking had its way of finding Kile in his room and, depending on the aroma, Kile decided where he would have his meals. Which mostly was at Karen's.

  Kile's first mom; Mrs. Razz, AKA, the person who gave birth to him, prepared Indian cuisine as usual. She didn't like nor want any Indian to forget the spices of India. None of her plans worked since Karen came into the mix. Mrs. Razz tried to block scents from entering her house. She tried redirecting her cooking scents through the air conditioner ducts of her house. Started a mild fire. Threatened her neighborhood to burn them down from the inside out if they complained again. And yet she couldn't get Kile to like some authentic Indian dishes.


  "Did you complete your video intro thingy?" Mrs. Razz blocks Kile's exit before he can rush off again.

  Kile ducks, preparing to slide below her. Mrs. Razz lowers her body to block his escape. Kile laughs and slides anyway. As he approaches his mom, Kile slams on the brakes by shifting his momentum to his feet and standing upright in an instant. He flips over her back and out the main door.

  "At least learn the proper terminology if you want to pester me about it." Kile taunts her mid-air. After a side roll to get back on his feet, he immediately dashes away toward his second house.

  Mrs. Razz's ultimate weapon to not let him back into the house would only backfire as he's been waiting to move across the street and settle down with his second mom. Oh no! She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of that! "Come back, my dear son." She tightens her grip over the chapati roller, sending a wooden creek across the road.

  "I'll be waiting." She gives a crooked smile.

  "I mailed." He yells and waves back. "M's letter is all they need, so don't worry." He yells louder, facing his Mom. He did not care for a sudden car or tripping over the sidewalk. One doesn't turn their back on their mom, especially if said mother is an Indian: Kile learned this lesson the hard way. The universal weapon never misses its mark. With Mrs. Razz carrying a much stronger weapon, Kile had to focus.

  "Stop calling him M." Mrs. Razz yells back. "Memorise his full name, for god's sake." She reveals a hot steaming pan from behind her and waves him goodbye. "For such a smart ass, you still have many blind spots."

  "Unnecessarily hurtful as always, Mom," Kile yells from across the street, slipping into his second home. "Yo, mom!" Kile salutes to Karen. Blood might not relate them, but Kile sure would argue this bond was thicker. Name it what you will. "I almost died today."

  Karen was a natural purple head with a complexion that suited her hair. "Hey! There comes my smart kid." Karen laughs. "Don't you every day, though!"

  "True… true. Say, do moms have secret training during maternity leave?"

  "Nah! We just love you so much that we can't miss you when we aim for you." Karen bursts into laughter.

  Kile joins in on the laughter as Tetsu comes stumbling down the stairs.

  "Again!" Both Kile and Karen comment and sigh at the same time.

  "Should we sell him off?" Kile asks.

  "I know a couple right across the street who will love him like their own."

  Kile thinks, chuckles, gives a devious high-five to Karen, and turns to Tetsu. 'My most favorite thing in the world.' He says to himself. Of course, saying that out loud would be embracing. Not to mention an unnecessary ego boost to Tetsu.

  "For a self-proclaimed overthinker, you certainly don't think things through." Kile taunts Tetsu.

  "Hey! Do you mind? I am busy."

  "Overthinking?" Kile eyes him.

  Kile perceived his best bud way too well. This dude can fall in love with a fictional character and dismiss the hottest girl's advances in real life. He's not an idiot, he's just a dumb, hopeless romantic who overthinks in the worst way possible.

  Kile ignores Tetsu's horrible comeback and gets back to his train of thought. He was like that. He took what benefited from the situation and left the rest. Such statics he rarely used on Tetsu. Not because he was his one and only best bud who absolutely can't be replaced. But because he loved the time, they both spent brainstorming imaginary crap. When he stopped talking to himself, that is... Kile looked away from Tetsu, who was still on his ass. "Dude needs to live in the real world more."

  "Got it!" Karen said, folding her sleeves. "I'm ready to smack some reality back into Tetsu." she walks toward him.

  "Thanks." Kile chuckles.

  After Tetsu was forced out of daydreaming, we packed our lunch and headed straight to the bus. Inside, we meet Billy, the bully. We locked eyes as I and Tetsu crossed him. Weird how he didn't pick a fight this time, but giving up was his forte. He shifted targets from Tetsu to me not too long ago, which had been part of the plan. A simple yet brilliant plan I got from observing Tetsu actually, also, a plan in which he was the perfect genie pig. After its fruition, Tetsu would bow to me, never to object to my preachings anymore.

  Any who, the story went like this…


  One day, I found Tetsu pleading with his bullies. He had many throughout his childhood, but this encounter remains to be one of my most memorable ones. The bullies, at first, mock him for his tears, but as the awkward and unfortunate mucus situation unfolds, their taunts start to wane, replaced by expressions of disgust and amusement. Before anyone can react, Tetsu's mucus finds its way onto the pants of one bully, drenching the fabric in a rather unfortunate and sticky mess.

  From one bully to another, he took his turn to spread his mucus. I don't know if he did this on purpose or not, but the scene was hilarious and comical, nonetheless. For a moment, the alleyway fell silent as everyone processed what had just occurred.

  The bullies, who were once the masters of humiliation, now found themselves at the receiving end of an embarrassing situation. They scramble to wipe away the mucus, which only spreads with every touch. Their laughter was reduced to a nervous chuckle, their posture ready to flee. It might not be the ideal revenge Tetsu ever imagined, but at that moment, there was a sense of poetic justice that gave me a small measure of relief. I personally don't think Tetsu even knows what he did to this day.

  As the scene unfolds, the dynamics in the alleyway shift ever so slightly. This is where I came up with my hypothesis. The key was in how Tetsu pleaded.

  I used a similar yet different technique. You see; The world operates on a system of quantifiability, where an excess of something can lead to diminished value or the search for a more balanced outcome. For example, if you have too much of something, you won't value said item, person, or outcome. One would simply look for another outcome that's more satisfying. And in the same sense, if you have something very little of something, even the bare minimum seems plentiful.

  With Tetsu and the bullies, their desire to hear him cry backfired when he unleashed an overwhelming display of tears and mucus, leading them to lose interest in provoking him. The bullies found themselves with an outcome they never anticipated–In search of some drama they switched to–having to discard their pants and run home naked. This unforeseen consequence made them avoid Tetsu forever. They even began carrying spare trousers to be prepared for any future encounters with him.

  In a similar vein, when one continually faces disappointment despite relentless efforts, it's natural to become disheartened and give up. As humans, we crave drama in our lives, and surprisingly, there exists a delicate equilibrium in this aspect as well. Experiencing too much drama led Tetsu's bullies to back down, while in my case, the lack of drama made Billy seek easier targets for his torment.

  Through extensive theorizing and testing, with Tetsu's invaluable insights, I have confirmed the validity of my ideas. Never have I ever told him his significance in my life, though. The simple fact of the matter is that he is my Watson. I don't have to worry about him figuring it out nor I am ever going to reveal it myself. But he makes me wiser and gives me a better angle to perceive any problem.

  Even dumb people have wisdom after all…! They help you look at a solution that you might miss, never think of, or take very long to comprehend. Rather illogical formulas can have fragments that fit your broken concepts and make them whole.


  This is my life: day in and day out. We formulate theories, test them, and refine them endlessly. Some succeed immediately upon creation, while others await their moment due to formidable challenges. With an unwavering determination to unravel the truth. With a vivid imagination and quiet honestly nothing else to do, we persistently iterated, adding and subtracting from the list until that fateful day when the Earth stood still.

  Yet another day in which Tetsu lost yet another bet.

  He still somehow hasn't figured out that he came up with the solution first. More precisely, help me come up with the solution. Being a nervous eater, he finished his ice cream ahead of mine and hoped I would share, which I definitely wouldn't. Be it karma or because of me having my entire focus on Tetu's expressions, I knocked my ice cream onto him.

  Let us call him Stranger-Ze, as I didn't have the pleasure of quenching my curiosity then and there. Not that I would remember his name either way. Stranger-Ze had a weird aura surrounding him. As the crowd pushed us farther apart, I couldn't force the sense of dread I felt by meeting his eyes. A deeper depth encircled his eyes. His stare carried hatred for something or everything.

  I admit I have a hard time distinguishing faces. Everyone looks alike until I focus and register their face. Names are even more difficult for me to remember. It's not due to any brain damage or disease, I just don't care enough. Yet his face never registered in my head. I tried my best, yet in that brief moment, when someone passed in front of him, my mind would forget why I was looking, until I found his ominous stare and the ice cream stain I made over his right-side jacket.

  He stood still as the crowd of humans glided past him. His eye ever focused on mine. For a split moment, I noticed he was astonished by my stare, maybe a bit offended as well. Once the distance increased, he vanished within the crowd along with my memories of him.

  Tetsu kept blabbering about having no talent and how it's rude to point it out even though it's true. I didn't know what he meant until a screen stunned me to a halt.

[Initiation is about to begin.] 

  A transparent blue screen hovered a few meters away from me. It was a pretty large screen with only one sentence within its confines. With an unconscious mental nod, the screen shifted to its second sentence with a 'ding' sound.

[Ding! High levels of luck, will, intellect, perception, and a superficial affinity to light have been deducted.]

[Incubation failed. The target is too strong.]

[Initiation failed. The target is too weak.]

[Level up required… Forced hypnosis is about to activate.]


  Anchored to me, the screen moved in every direction, along with every step I took.

  "Hypnosis? Can I dodge it?" Kile tried moving away from the screen, but it stuck to him.

  Kile was flattered by the praise. He puffed his chest, patted himself on the back, and gave his God-complex a huge ego boost. Insults, he ignored, as usual. Praises and insults aside. Above all, he was curious about the tech. Was it stuck inside his head? In his conscious? Is it some kind of mind control or was he in a dream?

  Within the cracks of the screen, Kile felt an ethereal chain being flung around. These chains were never-ending strings that dropped from the skies and dug deeper into Earth without leaving a mark. With no ends that can be secured, they swayed around like feathers being tossed around by the wind, passing through every object, never crashing into each other or anything else.

  Every inch of the planet was covered with these chains and once they stiffened, the Earth stood still. The airplanes in the sky, displayed on the monitors, people on the street, and the vehicle about to end Kile's life.

  "High perception, yet I stopped right at the center of the busiest street in the world. The irony." Kile smiled. He was excited about the screen, which assumed it could calculate his worth. Did it take into account his stupidity in stopping at the center of the busiest street in the world? "I don't think so!"

  Kile still only had the ability to move his eyes, while the rest had been frozen shut. He witnessed the World that finally caught a break and stood still. Tetsu was the last person he wanted to be with if the world decided to end at this moment.

  "Guess it's time to tally the score!" Kile smiles. Just one more bet he felt he would win made him. "One more point for me." Kile winked at Tetsu, looking at that flabbergasted look on his face. "Wish someone clicks a pic." Kile's eyes focus on Tetsu. "This image is the best trophy to keep and remind him of my victory."



[Initiation complete. Welcome to your Eternal Slumber: T. Kilə Onur.]

  "Eternal slumber?" Kile's vision goes blank. "Ooh… Which theory should I test next?"


  Hours, days, weeks, months, or years? Kile did not know how long, he only knew that it was already too late. After all, slumber has the power to skip time. If one's perception is zero, one won't realize when minutes become hours and when hours become days. And all the while, the system made the first test so obvious.

  Eternal slumber.

  With a singular mind to wake up, Kile pushed himself out of his slumber. Embarrassed to share the fact that a simple bed kept him captive, he decided to delete said memory from his consciousness.

  "It's in the title!" Kile cursed himself for the first extra five minutes he allowed himself. How many more did he take during his slumber? He didn't remember. "That fucking cozy bed… I want one." Kile yelled with his inner voice into outer space.


  For the first time, Kile took in the brilliant sight of the galaxy—what he presumed. "Round two?" He acknowledged and adapted to his new circumstances. "Mind control. Got it." He steps forward, then backward. He takes a half spin to the right, then flips upside down. "No nausea." He ticked an imaginary checklist inside his mind.

  Time was the hardest concept to keep track of—being stuck in eternal slumber and all.

  "But that doesn't mean you can't count," Kile told himself. "Tick-tick one and tick-tick two." Kile starts a rap. "Give me enough time and I'll catch you. Run forever, run for your life. Once I catch you, you're going to be skinned alive."

  "Do not worry. I still have my timer running in my head. It's been one hour and fifty-five minutes since I entered outer space. Turns out, losing your one sense does boost your other senses." Kile ticks another experiment as proven. "In my case, I lost every sense, so my brain is super-powered. Until I am here, at least." Kile spins to take in the brilliant, breathtaking view of the galaxy.

  Having figured out how to move in about five minutes, Kile now concentrated on his bearing and memorizing this unfamiliar sensation. Even out of the first round, Kile wanted to have access to his super-brain. Conscious or unconscious did not matter. First few hours he concentrated on his bearing. Which meant he navigated from leaving a spot in outer space and getting back to it with minimal effort.

  The part of memorizing the sensation and inner workings of his super-brain took a week. After hitting several non-existing walls, he learned he didn't get hungry or thirsty. He just missed the urge to eat, drink, and sleep. More like jetlag, he missed the routine and had to overcome a mental barrier in his mind to not overcome such trivial desires.

  He kept his mind occupied with two things at once. He tried to overload and let his mind multitask, but after several failed attempts, he threw this training program into stage three. For now, he divided his brain between keeping track of his time and focusing on decoding his super-brain.

  The training regimen was simple in theory. He focused on a command he gave, on how it originated within his mind, how it carried out the command, which sections of his brain he activated, and any tiny sensation he could latch onto.

  Out of pure curiosity, he did open a bond once, but backed away before he saw the graphical visuals played out. "These are doors for stage three." He threw the idea of opening any bond before he was ready. A glimpse into the bond wasted half of his day as it took all of his will to suppress his curiosity to open another bond.

  Once Kile felt satisfied with his training and couldn't cook up any other training regimen, he moved to test three—bonds. "Pick four and stop at fourteen. That's the rule." Kile told himself.

  He knew trying to open all of them might be educational and beneficial to what's coming. Yet the title of Eternal Slumber kept making him draw the line between his curiosity and the choice he made.

  With the system's help and a strong sense to head deeper toward the silver spectrum of outer space, Kile zaps to his destination. Between millions of crystal bonds of different sizes and shapes, Kile heads deeper to find a pure light orb pulsating with power. Rest of the bonds maintained a safe distance from this bond. They seemed to clear the area, moving farther away with every pulse of light the bond emitted.

  "Are the other orbs scared of this one?" Kile presumed but dismissed the assumption as he was drawn closer by its power. Each blast of light graced right through his very being, soothing his soul from within. Ever so soft and ever so warm, he felt like sitting under the hearth on a chilly night with the combined freshness of a clean room, the comfort of a massage chair, the thrill of the last step before skydiving, and the silence found only under the deepest ocean floor.

  Kile questions and reads the general description of bonds before he decides to open the white orb. The system responds to his question and opens a screen explaining bonds.

[Bonds are contracts between two entities. They help merge two auras as one or form a completely new entity. One way to power in the multiverse is to choose a strong bond with an existing super-entity. Beware! Every bond is unique. Two individuals set rules for mutual benefit. Set your rules with utmost caution and accept others' terms with even more so. Breaking a bond will lead to dire consequences that can never be reversed from one's records. A bond is a path you choose in this new reality. The right one can lead you to immortality, while the wrong choice can spell out your doom.]

  "Third stage begins." Kile smiles, scanning his surroundings. "Fitting name: Eternal Slumber." Kile chuckles to himself and decides to open his first bond. "Multiverse, check. Magic, check." He snaps his imaginary fingers, counting down all the theories he can prove. "Wait! Technically, this is my second one. I have 3 more trails and ten more bonds left to see and select from. But I had no way of tracking down an O'rianex—whatever that is—along with the crystal-purple color section of the bond selection. Should I count this as second?"

  In his brief moment, before rejecting his first bond, O'rianex, Kile remembered two very long hands molding and twisting a massive rock into a tree. "That shit was mesmerizing! Disregarding that would be a disgrace to that bond." He decides and counts this as his second bond opened thus far.

  Compared to what he witnessed now, those visuals were a zillion times better. Now he stood in a never-ending room of light. In short, plain and pathetic. Able to move omnidirectional, Kile couldn't distinguish right from left. He tried flipping upside down to at least differentiate up from down. Yet he couldn't tell the difference—either the room turned along with him or his sense of balance had been nullified.

  Soft white: the theme. Inner peace: the lure.

  The celestial bed in the first round had nothing over this room. One would never succumb to boredom, fall asleep, or have the urge to leave this room. The lure would forever keep you alive, while the theme would forever keep you occupied.

  "No visual effects needed." Kile took a step back quickly, realizing that it was pointless. "This room is zillion times scarier than the first."

[Selected bond: Enoris.]

[Willed to live by the true force of creation, Enoris ranks among the top 100 species to ever reach Omni status. It is a light-based entity that has no physical form or shape, created by pure intent to live and create. Enoris was born immortal and as a light-forms, it reigns supreme over other weaker illumine creatures. Creation might be its forte, but in the multiverse, the Enoris are feared for their destructive powers as well. Follow its will as it shall light up your path to immortality and sovereignty. A bond with an omnipotent being is the shortcut to reach godhood. With light affinity as an added bonus, one experiences high vitality boosts, blessings to add percentiles over your stats, and first pickings to the Aureř class.]

  After deducing a few things from his first bond description, not wanting to jump into any premature assumptions, Kile decides to exit and read a few more bonds to build a concrete hunch. He willed to exit, which prompted another system message to pop open and block his exit.

[Trace amounts of light affinity deducted. Combine with another light-based bond and affinity to get triple the bonuses, stat gains, ability boosts, and quick mastery of light affinity…]

  Kile closed the message halfway and exited the bond. "Desperate message… you're making it too easy." He sighs.

  Next, Kile entered a bond called Imoye. With a simple theory of what the system wanted him to do, he picked this bond by going against his instincts, inner feelings, and the gravitation pull of the system. Basically, Kile went as far as possible, heading away from the light orb until he reached Imoye. A bond the system planned to hide from Kile, or so he thought.

  Space around Kile shifted into a void with dancing letters that changed by the second. Some symbols he recognized as numbers similar to ancient Greek, Roman, Sanskrit, and Hebrew. These symbols morphed into several other markings Kile had never seen in his life.

  At the end of the display, Kile had one word to describe this bond.


  Kile sighs again after reading the bond. This bond governed the identity of the god of knowledge, in the literal sense. Knowledge somehow took form and transcended into a living being. Entity with consciousness, but which didn't have a physical form. There were many reasons to decline this bond.

  "Knowledge without wisdom is just dumb." He summarises and moves on to other bonds.

  After exiting a couple more bonds, he gets a distinct feeling that he could step and cross over into the fourth stage. He dismissed the idea without a second thought, not knowing if we would be able to come back.

  "To summarize: every mother fucker wants my free will." Kile throws his imaginary body backward. By now, he understood how to manipulate his ethereal body with his mind. Sticking to what he knew, he moved it more or not, like a human, except for the fun stuff. After all, if you could fly, kick, and teleport to places, why walk?

  "Power for soul," Kile takes a mental note of all the points he collected so far. "They promise immortality or a safe paradise… But even deities need followers. Why is the question here?" Kile gazed at the million bonds like stars and wondered. "To either conquer more worlds or keep what they have? Slaves…? Hmm…"


  Kile flips over his stomach and peers at the bonds below him. "My gut says there might be a bigger reason." His eyes linger over the Enoris bond. "Sure, there are many ways to manipulate someone, yet even deities can't up and take someone's free will. Right? But that's not the interesting part by far." He summons his system's screen. "There is someone keeping the Omni gods at bay."

  Kile fiddles with the system screens, switching from one screen to another. "One theory is that they all made this." He points at the system screen. "Together? For what? Peace?" He wondered. "Another theory is that someone higher at the top is forcing 100 omni beings to behave… The first is more plausible. One being shouldn't have such devastating power or can't…" Kile places his imaginary hand against the system screen, leaning against it. "Now! How do I join you?" He taps the screen. With no sound or response from the system, he gets disappointed.

  Grit is the key to success. Focused on finding the source behind the system screen, Kile wasted a day opening every bond. From the second day, he concentrated on nothing but this singular task of finding the source. Which meant he lost track of time. However, He didn't care if an eon passed by—it might have already passed by before he woke up from his slumber.

  Funny how victory makes you overlook the struggle as well as the things you had to sacrifice through the journey. The imaginary body didn't need any rest, while the brain never really sleeps. Eternal Slumber was a fitting title. During the Four countable months Kile spent here, he was certain that one could slumber into eternity. Not caring about if he missed out on his adolescence, Kile went back to his overpowered concentration.

  "It is what it is." He shrugged his doubts aside.

  Over extreme and singular concentration, Kile detected tiny chains flicker into his vision. Similar to the chains he witnessed back on Earth when he was alive—He very much so believed to be dead. If anything happened and he woke up from his eternal slumber, he would be a reincarnated person. A superhero name would have to wait if he does live through this main trail.

  With an overpowered brain that controlled an imaginary body, Kile already knighted himself a hero: Two things he wanted to experience. After he self-appointed himself as a king, and knighted himself to be the strongest hero of his realm: all with a surreal visual he now had access to, Kile didn't just think but believed that he was the strongest.

  Flickers became clear. Imagination became reality. Kile willed the chains to be real as he approached. He imagined the sense of holding a real chain as his hands held the ethereal one. He instinctually knew that trying to feel it would be a wrong move.

  "Jus…t tug," Kile told himself.

  Time became irrelevant. Kile didn't mind being stuck in an eternal slumber. He had but one goal: he had to find everything about these chains. They held and connected everything together. "Get one and the rest will follow." He was sure.

  These weren't like the ones back on earth. They created an intricate web of chains, each chain connected with a bond or another chain. "Learn. Later wield." Kile set this as his top goal. In his new upcoming reality, these chains would either reign supreme or be the foundation for every aspect that turned supreme. Kile believed this with his entire being.

  From pulling himself over the chains, he learned to tug the chains closer to him. After all, in this realm, everything existed without mass, and in the land of imagination, he ruled supreme. Maybe Tetsu might give him a decent competition, but he would win.


  Step: Kile takes a step away as he pulls on the bonds while stepping into the next stage.

  In a distant land, two voices argue behind the scenes. Their voices couldn't reach the fields, but their eyes saw it all.

[Alert! System breach between barriers.]

  "Common! Didn't we just solve one problem?"

  "This one is much bigger, sir." The scout stuttered.

  "What the Woolf do you mean?"

[Alert! System interface protocol is being overwritten.]

[System failure occurred.]

[Integration failure occurred.]

[Alert! Code breach.]


  "Next time you stutter, I am going to chew you up like a bone kid." The manager warns him.

  The scout had his eyes fixated on a separate system screen. Among his four eyes, he chose one he liked the least. He knew he would lose it soon, so he used it to peer at his manager to reveal the worst news possible. There still lay the problem of stuttering. If he did stutter, he would lose his head instead of his eye.

  The scout thought fast before the manager changed his expression to deliver bad news. Repeating the message several times in his head, hoping this might help him overcome his stutter once he spoke, the scout stuttered.

  "This… one." The scout points at the screen, his finger threatening to come loose. "This one—is an… omni-level problem, sir."




END OF PART 01 – 01/02.

Omnivex Omnivex

I am dedicating this fast and long chapter to the person who gave me the means to push forward. Just by a single comment. Thanks a freaking ton...@Foosh. From RR.

I am really sorry for the wait. Hope you guys enjoy this 5.6K+ chapter. I will get the second part out as soon as I can. Thank god for my early notes, that I've been able to wip this chapter out so fast. I am trying my best to get back into the groove and make my world more accessible. Any and every support is highly appreciated. Please do bear with my tardiness and OT mind. Thanks.

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