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Chapter 1: Chapter 1- Sam Diaz

<Pls Enjoy.>

-3rd Person POV-

Sam Diaz, a seemingly average high school junior, made his way home after another day of classes. At the age of 16, he blended in effortlessly with his peers, his unassuming appearance and unremarkable routines masking the depth of his passions and dreams.

Like many teenagers, Sam found solace in the digital worlds of video games, immersing himself in virtual adventures that allowed him to escape the monotony of everyday life. However, his interests extended far beyond gaming. He had a profound love for stories in all their forms - books, movies, and television series. But his true passion lay in crafting his own narratives, putting pen to paper to create worlds and characters that lived and breathed under his command.

Despite his penchant for the imaginative, Sam was not one to neglect his physical well-being. Guided by his parents' example, he understood the importance of a balanced lifestyle. His father, a devoted scientist, and his mother, a dedicated navy officer, worked tirelessly to provide for their family. Witnessing their unwavering work ethic, Sam embraced a sense of responsibility and often found himself engaged in household chores, keeping his body active and his mind focused.

In terms of self-perception, Sam possessed a humble and level-headed mindset. He didn't view himself as extraordinary, nor did he succumb to feelings of inadequacy. Instead, he found comfort in his average nature, understanding that it allowed him to connect with others on a genuine level.

As the final school bell rang, signaling the end of another day, Sam prepared for his journey home. Today, however, his parents had informed him that they wouldn't be able to pick him up due to their demanding work schedules. It was a common occurrence, and Sam had grown accustomed to making his way home independently.

Lost in thought, Sam strolled down the familiar streets, contemplating what awaited him once he arrived home. He considered the possibilities of the evening, his mind bouncing from ideas of new story concepts to the comforting thought of a warm meal. It was during this mental wander that he absentmindedly checked both ways before crossing the street.

In an instant, the tranquility of the moment shattered. Screeching tires tore through the air, catching Sam's attention. He turned his head toward the source of the sound, only to be met with a blur of metal hurtling toward him.

Without warning, a Mercedes Benz collided with Sam, the impact sending him flying through the air. Pain shot through his body as he crashed onto the hard pavement, the world around him dissolving into darkness.

-Sam POV-

I bolted upright, my body covered in a sheen of cold sweat. Gasping for breath, I tried to shake off the remnants of the intense nightmare that had gripped me. It was as if I could still feel the impact, the pain reverberating through every fiber of my being.

I wiped the sweat from my brow and glanced at the clock. The glowing digits showed 5:48 am, casting an eerie glow in the dimly lit room. The details of the dream lingered, refusing to fade away like a ghost haunting my thoughts.

Taking a deep breath, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and planted my feet on the floor. The coldness of the room sent a shiver down my spine, urging me to shake off the lingering unease. I knew I needed to cleanse myself of the unsettling images that had plagued my slumber.

With determined steps, I made my way to the bathroom. The floor creaked beneath me as I turned the faucet, allowing the soothing sound of running water to fill the air. I adjusted the temperature, seeking solace in the warmth that enveloped me as I stepped into the shower.

The water cascaded over my body, washing away the remnants of the nightmarish world that had gripped me. I closed my eyes, letting the steady stream soothe my troubled mind. The tension melted away, replaced by a sense of calm that I desperately needed.

Ten minutes passed, but it felt like an eternity. Reluctantly, I turned off the shower, feeling a pang of disappointment as the warmth receded. I reached for a towel, drying myself off with brisk movements, trying to chase away the lingering unease.

As I emerged from the bathroom, a faint yawn escaped my lips. The clock on the hallway wall confirmed that it was still early, and I knew I had some time before starting the day. Today was Sunday, after all, and my parents had informed me they would be occupied with their work.

I made my way to the kitchen, my thoughts shifting to the practicalities of the day ahead. The note on the counter caught my attention, reminding me of my parents' absence. They had left me enough money on my debit card and had even bought me a bike, which they had left outside the front door. Learning to ride it and going to school the next day seemed to be their plan.

I sighed, realizing that I had been given a challenge. Learning to ride a bike in a single day, without any assistance or a specific timeframe for my parents' return, felt like a daunting task. But I couldn't refuse for I couldn't even drive yet, let alone skip out on school.

Glancing at the clock on the kitchen wall, I saw that it was 6:02 am. The eggs I had put on to boil were still a few minutes away from being ready. As they simmered in the pot, I approached the counter and read the note once again, contemplating the day's adventure that awaited me.

With a mix of determination and trepidation, I decided to embrace the challenge. I would seize the day, face the unknown, and learn to ride that bike. The hours ahead would test my resilience and perseverance, but I was ready to dive in, even if it meant stumbling and falling along the way.

<E/N: Why the hell did Xeno make Sam attempting to learn how to ride a bike sound epic?>

The sound of the alarm for the eggs interrupted my thoughts, signaling that they were ready. I hurriedly turned off the stove, relieved that I had at least managed to prepare a simple breakfast. Grabbing a cup, I carefully placed the freshly boiled eggs inside to cool, knowing they would serve as a snack during my practice session.

As I waited for the eggs to cool, my mind wandered back to the dream that had shaken me awake. The memory of the collision, the fear and helplessness, lingered in the back of my mind. I pushed it aside, focusing on the present moment and the day ahead. Today was a chance for me to prove my resilience, not only in my dreams but also in reality.

Taking a deep breath, I reached for my breakfast, ready to fuel both my body and my spirit for the challenges that lay ahead. Today was the day I would conquer my fears and master the art of riding a bike, come what may.

I finished my breakfast, my heart racing with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. The bike awaited me outside, its vibrant red frame shimmering in the morning light. It beckoned me to conquer the challenge that had eluded me for so long.

Stepping out into the sunlight, I approached the bike with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. I ran my hand along the smooth frame, feeling its coolness against my skin. The helmet sat beside it, a reminder of the safety precautions I needed to take.

<E/N: Holy, he is using some big vocabulary there...>

I picked up the helmet and secured it onto my head, making sure it was snug and comfortable. The weight of it felt strange, but I knew it was necessary for my own protection. It was a physical symbol of the new territory I was about to venture into.

Taking a deep breath, I stood next to the bike, feeling a surge of determination welling up within me. I closed my eyes briefly, visualizing myself riding smoothly, confidently. I could do this. I could conquer this challenge.

I swung my leg over the bike, straddling it cautiously. My hands gripped the handlebars, my palms slightly sweaty. The bike felt alien beneath me, its presence both thrilling and unnerving.

I pushed off with my feet, feeling the bike wobble beneath me. My heart raced as I tried to find my balance, my feet pedaling frantically to keep the bike upright. But my efforts were in vain as I lost control and crashed to the ground.

I let out a frustrated sigh as I picked myself up, dusting off my clothes. It seemed like a daunting task, learning to ride a bike. Each attempt brought me closer to the realization that I had much to learn.

But I refused to give up. I had spent hours practicing, determined to overcome this challenge. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I was willing to put in the effort. Failure after failure couldn't deter me. I was determined to master the art of riding a bike.

I resumed my position on the bike, my palms gripping the handlebars tightly. I pushed off once again, this time with more control and focus. I pedaled cautiously, my body tense, my mind solely focused on maintaining balance. The bike wobbled, but I managed to keep it upright for a few seconds longer than before.

A sense of accomplishment washed over me, even in the face of such a small victory. I could feel myself getting better, gradually gaining the skills and confidence needed to ride a bike. With renewed determination, I continued practicing, determined to make progress.

Hours passed, and the sun climbed higher in the sky. I took short breaks to catch my breath and refuel, snacking on the hard-boiled eggs I had prepared earlier. Each break was a moment of reflection, a chance to assess my progress and mentally prepare for the next attempt.

But despite my relentless efforts, the day wore on, and my successes remained limited. I had yet to ride more than a few feet without crashing. Frustration threatened to creep in, but I pushed it aside, reminding myself that learning a new skill takes time.

As the sun began its descent, I finally decided to call it a day. Fatigue settled in my limbs, and my body ached from the repeated falls. I pushed the bike back to its spot near the front door, grateful for the break.

Inside the house, I indulged in some leisure activities to unwind. I delved into the captivating world of manga, losing myself in its vibrant pages. Honkai Impact 3rd and Arknights provided a welcome distraction, their virtual realms offering a sense of achievement that eluded me in the physical realm.

As night fell, I found myself growing drowsy. I climbed into bed, the events of the day swirling in my mind. I wondered if I would ever conquer this seemingly insurmountable challenge. The thought nagged at me, both frustrating and motivating.

With a deep sigh, I closed my eyes, letting sleep wash over me. My dreams carried fragments of the day's efforts, blending reality and imagination into a tapestry of determination. I knew that when the morning came, I would face the bike once again, ready to embrace the challenges and push myself further.


I was walking home from school, the familiar route etched in my mind. The weight of Monday's monotony pressed upon me, but I trudged forward, eager to reach the comfort of my own room.

But something felt off. The surroundings appeared distorted, as if viewed through a hazy lens. I stopped abruptly at the red stoplight, confusion clouding my thoughts.

"This scene... it's familiar, but different," I mused, scanning the area for clues. The realization struck me with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.

"Is this... the dream?" I questioned aloud, the words escaping my lips without restraint. The idea of lucid dreaming fluttered in my mind. If this was indeed a dream, crossing the street would lead to awakening, just as it always had before.

The pedestrian sign illuminated, urging me to move forward, but I hesitated. I glanced ahead, awaiting the passing car that had become a catalyst for waking. However, my attention was stolen by the sound of approaching footsteps.

Turning to face the source, I found myself locking eyes with a girl. Her dark hair cascaded around her shoulders, complementing her warm brown eyes. Clad in the same school uniform as me, she exuded an air of unfamiliarity.

"If she keeps going..." I trailed off, my thoughts interrupted by the screeching tires that echoed through the air. Time seemed to slow as panic surged within me. Without thinking, I lunged forward, reaching out my hand in an attempt to push her away from danger.

And then, darkness enveloped me.

I woke up with beads of sweat dotting my forehead, my arm still frozen mid-air. I lowered it slowly, my mind grappling with the remnants of the dream. Did I manage to save the girl from the oncoming car? The details slipped away, leaving only the lingering image of blinding headlights.

Shaking off the puzzling emotions, I took a deep breath and sat up, my gaze drifting to the clock.

"Six am sharp..." I muttered, momentarily distracted. But my thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a sudden ding, accompanied by the appearance of a gray, transparent window right before me.

[System Initializing]

"Huh...?" I uttered, perplexed by the unexpected intrusion.

<Author Section>

Hope you guys enjoy this rewrite. I'll upload the next couple chapters within this week and then, I'll hopefully go on a spree of writing.

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