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Chapter 47: The Blackwater Gang

" Meyer Lansky, indeed, a very troublesome figure." Josh tapped lightly on the table and sighed.

It wasn't that Josh was afraid.

But for him, as an Austrian, the fact that Meyer Lansky was Jewish was very troublesome.

Especially since Meyer Lansky was not just a Jewish mafia godfather, he also had another identity: a member of the anti-Fascist vanguard.

During the Roosevelt New Deal period, he worked with the government to jointly defeat the notorious American fascist organization, the Silver Shirt Army.

So not only did he have a wide network in the underworld, but also in the political circles.

As a new immigrant and an Austrian at that, it would be unwise for Josh to directly confront him.

But soon, Josh smiled.

Why should he directly confront Meyer Lansky?

The other party probably didn't even know he existed.

Because from the beginning, all production and sales of goods were handled by Lyndon Schneider and Dix.

Lyndon Schneider was also a new German immigrant, but Dix was a genuine Irishman!

All seven people who died or were injured in the previous robbery were also Irish.

Before the rise of black and Latin American gangs in the future, which were the three largest ethnic groups in the American mafia?

Irish, Italian, and Jewish.

And which one had the largest number and the largest scale?

Not the Italians or the Jews.

It was the Irish, the true pioneers of the American mafia, who were the earliest immigrants to the United States among the three ethnic groups.

But the Irish mafia had a big flaw: their penchant for low-level violent crime and poor organizational discipline, and their elite class was more interested in politics.

As a result, in the long-term development, the elite class of Irish people became the largest group in American politics.

By the time Josh crossed over, there had been a total of 45 Irish-American presidents and countless governors and senators.

But as the Irish gradually took over the political arena, the original bottom layer of society, the mafia, was occupied by the more organized Italians and Jews who came later.

"Hehe, Schneider, I know what you're worried about, but have you forgotten that Dix and his brothers are all Irish, and the largest mafia group in the United States has always been the Irish? It's just that compared to the Italians and Jews, they are like scattered sand... But what if we can organize them?" Just as Lyndon Schneider was wondering why Josh was laughing, Josh spoke up.

Lyndon Schneider was also stunned, but he soon understood Josh's meaning.

Actually, it wasn't that Lyndon Schneider couldn't think of this.

It's just that German descent in this era, due to their Prussian-style traditional education and outstanding abilities, were part of the elite class wherever they went.

Their domains were the military, business, politics, and scientific research fields.

Even criminals like Lyndon Schneider usually followed the path of organized crime.

They generally looked down on the mafia.

Like Lyndon Schneider, although he had been working with Dix before, he had only treated him and his subordinates as thugs and laborers.

That's why, despite being the largest single ethnic group in America, there were rarely any reports of German-American-dominated mafia.

Even if they really wanted to play the mafia, they would probably play it like the Silver Shirt Army or the D Guards...

But Josh was different. He didn't have the inherent pride of the Germanic ethnic groups of this era.

So he's already imagining what would happen if he established a gang with an Irish leader and a highly organized German-American backbone. Even the Italian mafia has already provided the organizational structure, so it's just a matter of copying it. If Josh can't even copy this homework well, he might as well go home and cuddle with Margaret.

Soon, Josh summoned Dix over... Schneider had only spoken to Josh alone before because he was afraid Dix would cause trouble if he knew the news, so he didn't call him.

"Jews? Boss, if you say the word, I'll take my men and wipe out the Jewish gang!" Indeed, after Dix arrived and heard that the gang that robbed them before was the Jewish gang, Dix couldn't sit still.

If it weren't for Josh, his benefactor, sitting here, he would have immediately had that guy take his men to the Jewish gang's territory to do something.

"Don't be in a hurry, Dix. Revenge is a matter of time. What I want to talk to you about now is something else." Josh waved his hand and gestured for Dix to sit down.

"Boss, what is it?" Dix had to sit down quietly at Josh's words.

"Dix, have you ever thought about being the boss?" Josh went straight to the point. "Just like Colosimo and Dean O'Banion in the 1920s in Chicago."

He didn't mention Al Capone because he was Italian.

Colosimo and Dean O'Banion were both Irish bosses in Chicago in the 1920s.

Although the latter two were replaced by Al Capone and other Italians, largely because of bad luck and not being as ruthless as Al Capone.

After all, at a time when everyone was using submachine guns, few people would use heavy machine guns like Al Capone...

"Uh, boss, I don't quite understand what you mean!" Dix scratched his head at Josh's words. He was straightforward, and his brain didn't turn as quickly as Lyndon Schneider's.

"It's simple. I'm going to establish a gang called the Blackwater Gang! But I won't be the boss; it will be you. Mr. Schneider will be your advisor, and you must go to the refugee camp to recruit some refugee soldiers as instructors and executive officers. As for the rest, you can handle it yourself. Later, you will buy a piece of land in the suburbs and build a military camp. All members must undergo military training. Although this requirement may be a bit excessive, I think most people will be willing to do it as long as they are paid enough. I will provide you with enough initial funds. After the gang is established, continue to help me distribute the goods, and I will give you a share of the profits, say, 30%. In addition, I don't take any other income from the gang; it's all yours." Josh said one by one. "My only two requirements are that we can't sell drugs, and we can't trade in human trafficking."

Upon hearing Josh's words, Dix was very excited. Although his personality was straightforward, he was not stupid. He naturally understood that he was not a puppet but a real gang boss with great autonomy under this model.

On the other hand, Lyndon Schneider's face looked a bit strange.

In his view, Josh was not building a gang at all but was clearly building a private army.

A militarized gang was just too amazing to think about, especially if equipped with the appropriate weapons... What could the Mafia and Jewish gangs do?

Moreover, Italian and Jewish people could not learn this kind of model at all.

Because they are in the gang business to make money, not to fight.

There is no boss who would spend a lot of money to cultivate subordinates like this.

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