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60% One Piece: Ground Zero / Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - Sparring Mori II

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - Sparring Mori II



"*Yawn* I hate mornings" Bakugo rolls over in his bed to hide from the sun.

It's been 10 years since Bakugo has entered the one piece world and he's enjoyed it tremendously. The feeling for getting stronger every day and fighting for his life against a wild beast, it's what he lived for in his past life.

To always get stronger,

To always fight back.

Bakugo, whose unable to get back to sleep groans loudly before sitting up and looking out of his tree house. "It's early" he notices seeing the blazing sun.

Getting out of bed and doing his morning routines, Bakugo leaves his treehouse to have a quick swim in the river. Which doesn't effect his Devil fruit as the river starts at the top of the mountain meaning it hasn't touched the Sea yet.

After a quick swim, Bakugo always swims against the current for a good early morning workout, he leaves for Rōjin town to meet up with Mori for some breakfast.

Entering the town, Bakugo politely greets all the passerby's having gotten quite familiar with everyone in the town over the last ten years.

Bakugo eventually enters Miss Suki's cafe, after being held up by the various old lady's who were gossiping, Bakugo being the polite young man he is listened intently to them.

"Miss Suki, is Mori here yet?!" Bakugo asks.

"Not just yet sweetie, but how about I whip you up something to eat" Miss Suki says patting Bakugo's cheek.

"Haha I could eat" Bakugo replies never one to turn down Miss Suki's food. Grabbing a table Bakugo waits patiently for the food Miss Suki is cooking up for him.


"Raha, already here are ya brat" Mori's distinct voice echos around the cafe.

"Yeah, I've been here for hours ya shitty old man. What was taking you so long?" Bakugo exaggerates greatly.

"Ba, more like a couple of minutes or you would be swamped with food still" Mori replies swiftly, whiling taking the seat opposite Bakugo.

"Anyways someone called my Den Den Mushi" Mori shrugs.

"Oh who? I doubt you have any friends" Bakugo asks while firing a quick shot at the old man.

"Oi, I have plenty of friends you stinky brat" Mori responds flicking Bakugo's forehead. "But it was an old marine friend, he's coming to visit"

"Oh, is he as strong as you?" Bakugo answers vastly more interested now.

"Hmm not sure, but I know he's bringing his grandchildren with him" Mori tells him.

"Why would I care about his grandchildren?" Bakugo asks wondering why he would bring that up.

"Because you ya damn brat, need some friends your own age" Mori says flicking bakugo's forehead once again.

"Eh, your asking for it" Bakugo responds immediately getting up with small explosions going off in his hands. Fully prepared to duel the old man to the death right here right now.

Mori responds quickly aswell, raising his hands fully prepared to duke it out with the kid in front of him.

"Ahem" a voice clears behind the duo.

Mechanically the duo turn to come face to face with a fuming Miss Suki. "Now I know you boys aren't about to fight in my Cafe?"


"Of course not" they both respond quickly sitting back down.

"The clearing in the woods, 30 minutes" Bakugo whispers to Mori.



~30 minutes later, in a clearing in the woods~

"Rahaha are you ready kid?" Mori booms pulling out his own sword.

"Born ready" Bakugo replies, flipping his single handed sword into his right hand grinning manically.

Mori pulls out a single berri coin and shows it too Bakugo, before flipping it into the air.

Both Mori and Bakugo silently watch as the coin flips through the air, tensing as it falls lower and lower.

Until it





Using his Devil Fruit Bakugo immediately blasts off towards Mori, with incredible speed. Mori doesn't remain stationary as he too speeds towards Bakugo as soon as the coin lands.

They both clash swords in the middle of the clearing each letting out a laugh.



Bakugo immediately goes on the offensive with a quick series of slash's, Mori responds quickly blocking each attack before following with his own series of heavy slash's forcing Bakugo to dodge quickly and leap back out off Mori's attack range.

"Rahaha, let's step it up brat" Mori says before using Soru (Shave) to appear directly infront of Bakugo.

Bakugo blocks the sword slash that was heading for him, their swords lock together in a test of strength that Mori begins to win.

Seeing this Bakugo uses his free left hand to send an explosive blast directly at Mori's head.


Mori blocks the blast using his arm alongside using Tekkai (Iron Body), before launching a powerful kick into Bakugo's chest sending him back a couple of steps.

Mori pounces quickly on Bakugo with a sword slash that would cleve an ordinary man in half.

Bakugo barely parry's that attack, which is followed by a another sword attack using the momentum from the previous attack.

Bakugo understanding that he wouldn't be able to block the attack, ducks and delivers a devastating explosive blast to the ground. Which sends Bakugo flying back and out of Mori's reach while blinding Mori aswell.

With Mori cloaked in the dust from Bakugo's previous attack. Bakugo decides to use one of his more powerful attacks, with mini explosions cackling in his hands Bakugo unleashes a destructive attack.



The the massive explosion devastates everything in its path, Trees, Boulders and even the ground itself creating a massive dust cloud of debris.

Bakugo waits impatiently for the dust to settle, the dust does eventually settle in the ground. Clearing the View of Mori still there and still standing.

With his arms in a x-shape covering his face, clothes nearly completely singed and suff marks dotted over his body.



"RAHAHAHAHA" Mori lets loose a hearty laugh which is immediately followed by Bakugo's


Their laugher dies down and both once again get into their sword stances. At almost the exact same time they both launch towards each other.

But this time Mori is the aggressor, swinging hard and fast at Bakugo with the full intent to win this fight.

Bakugo knows he's no match for Mori in a physical contest, submits to using his superior agility to dodge each sword strike as they come and await his chance to strike back.

Bakugo's chance comes sooner then he thought it would as Mori swings slightly to far putting him temporarily off balance which Bakugo immediately notices.

Pouncing quickly, Bakugo uses his unarmed left hand to finally land a strike.

"Napalm Palm" Bakugo yells as his lands an explosion enhanced palm strike to Mori's unguarded stomach.

"*Blargh*" Mori vomits a bit of spit as Bakugo's explosive punch sends him skidding backwards.

Mori swipes the saliva off his face and grins proudly, 'It's about time you finally land a hit on me' he thinks to himself.

Bakugo shoots explosive blasts out of his hands to launch himself at Mori. Still in the air Bakugo twist mid air to build up momentum for a powerful sword attack.

Mori easily sees this coming and grins deciding to meet Bakugo's attack with one of his own.

Mori begins to swing his sword and then uses Soru (Shave) to speed towards Bakugo, using Soru (Shave) in this manner is something Mori practiced extensively during his marine career. As it has the added side effect of increasing the power and damage of his attacks.

"Blinding Slash" Mori yells.

The two swords meet once again.



But unfortunately Bakugo, his sword can't handle the strain and cracks under the power and pressure from Mori's attacks

With a little more force from Mori, Bakugo sword snaps and Mori's sword follows through with its attack.

Bakugo instinctively uses Tekkai (Iron Body) to defend himself, but unfortunately even with a year of practice it isn't a for Mori's most powerful attack.

Mori sword slices through Bakugo, leaving a gash from shoulder to waist.

"ARGH" Bakugo yells out in pain, but he doesn't falter and drops his sword. Using his now free hands immediately uses his explosive powers to launch himself backwards.

Panting Bakugo quickly inspects his wound, it's not to deep as the attack was halted somewhat by his sword and his Tekkai but its deep enough to hinder him during this fight.

"Rahaha, that's enough for today Bakugo" Mori says sheathing his sword.

"What?! I can keep fighting!" Bakugo yells back.

"Ha, I bet you could. But Suki would kill me if I did anymore damage to 'her precious boy" Mori complains.

"Ba, shitty old man. Just wants to save himself from the embarrassment off losing to me" Bakugo begins to mutter under his breath.


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