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Chapter 18: not the fence

(small note, this chapter took a while as i have been working on other idea's and just didn't have inspiration, but i will try to get back to posting once a week... and shout out to King_of_Life for sending his stones every day, i appreciate that you like my story that much.)

"Lets get this done, Paleto bay."

Michael drove of leaving for the couple hour drive.


After a couple of minutes, Trevor broke the silence, trying to make the boring ride more interesting.

"You ever hit a bank before, Franklin?"

"Yeah, I was the driver on a job my boy Lamar pulled, Guess it is the same kinda shit we are doing now, Right?" Franklin sounded a bit hesitant to the bank robbing situation, confusing Keith who knew Franklin had been doing approximately the same when they hit the jewel store.

"Nice bro, what was the take?"

"Shit, I don't know man. I can't remember." Franklin seemed to deflect the topic, but Trevor kept pushing.

"Come on, everybody remembers their first score." Trevor tried couching Franklin.

"Shit.. not me."

It didn't seem to work so Trevor turned to Michael.

"Arg, Mikey, bro. What was your first bank score?"

"Eighty-Eight, outskirts of Carter City, took a small franchise for ten G.. Things were easier back then..'' Michael seemed to reminisce about the old days by taking a long paus between the two sentences.

"Twenty-five years ago, Jesus.." Trevor also seemed to look back, but quickly stopped as he turned to Keith who sat with him in the back of the van.

"What about you Keith.. What was your first bank job?" Keith turned to Trevor thinking about his first job.

"Well.. my first job was part of a professional crew that already had experience, so the first bank I hit was when I was eighteen in Liberty city, doing a score on the CityBank.. didn't have a cut because I was repaying some debt I owed, but I thought we made out with a couple million."

"Impressive.. Impressive, to bad you didn't see a cent from the take.." Trevor laughed for a bit until he returned to the original question..

"Now Franklin.. Its your turn to share."

"I told you I don't remember the details, man." Franklin still didn't seem to want to talk about it.

"Leave him alone, Trevor." Michael intervened or at least tried to.

"This is an important moment, Michael… Here we are, on our way to almost certain death, bonding, pouring our hearts out, and this guy is sitting here, soaking it up, and giving nothing in return."

"Hey, if he don't remember.." Reasoning didn't seem to work.

"If he don't remember? I am supposed to trust this man with my life, and he don't trust me with the details of his first bank job?" Keith thought that while Trevor was right to ask sharing was something not to be forced, so his approach was flawed in his mind.

"Well how about you? Why don't you share with the group? I'm here, I'll back the facts."

"That check cashed place? I went in, took 'em for eight grand, walked out." The small chuckle from Michael betrayed that something wasn't quite right.

"It was a bit more complicated than that, though, wasn't it T?" Just as expected there was more to the story.

"Maybe I knew the guy. Maybe he ID me."

"Maybe you did six months." Michael shot back just as quick.

"Maybe I was out in four. And that, children, is why we don't leave witnesses." Keith couldn't help but chuckle at the story.

"And that children is why you don't rob people you know!" Michael lead out a victorious laugh while Trevor had turned to look at Keith who sat opposite him instead of continuing his argument with Michael.

"You having a laugh at my expense? Huh?" Trevor didn't look mad, he just looked crazy like always.

"We just sharing.. Right Franklin you wanna continue?" Keith turned the conversation back to franklin hoping it would get Trevor to get over his first job gone wrong.

"Yeah, franklin share with the group." Trevor turned his attention back to Franklin

"It cant be wors than Trevor's." Michael persuaded.

"Alright man, shit. Okey, the score was like two stacks, man."

"Two G take home on your first gig, fuck that ain't bad man." Michael didn't seem to realise his small error of the score and the take.

"Man the whole score was two stack, and I didn't see none of that shit. Dye pack went of, homie. Money was useless then."

"Dye pack? You amateur." Trevor laughed at the rookie mistake Franklin had made forgetting that he had robbed a guy he knew.


Just as the conversation died down the group arrived at Paleto bay. The drive was long and somewhat unconvertable as Keith and Trevor didn't have proper seats in the back of the van.

"Hey frank. We're going to drop you of right up here, okey? When you hear it kick of, get ready, because we are going to wanna go ASAP."

"I am on getaway, man ill do it." Franklin sounded confident even with his lack of experience in preparing the getaway..

If the plan went well then Franklin didn't have to do anything but if it went wrong than he had to improvise the getaway.. if he couldn't then they would have to..

"Alright you know where you got to be." Michael send Franklin off stopping near the docks to do so.

"I got it down.." Michael started driving off leaving Franklin to do his job.

"I will bring a dye pack, just for you!" Trevor shouted out just quick enough before they drove off.

The van fell silent as they drove to the bank.

"We ready to go?" Keith looked at the two remaining in the car as they were waiting on a traffic light near the bank.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Trevor looked to be in a joking mood.

"You can hold it." Michael seemed not so keen to Trevor's jokes

Michael drove to the entrance as the light turned green, parking right at the entrance of the bank.

"You ready, lets goo!" Trevor shouted as he got out of the van likely sick of waiting in the unconvertable seats.

Michael and Keith followed Trevor to the Bank entrance.

Keith could see Trevor starting quickly by shooting the camera while threatening the citizen turned hostages.

Keith ignored the shouting and moved towards the back of the building where the vault was located.

Luckily they didn't have to open the vault door as it was already open. The security gate behind it required Keith to cut it open with a blowtorch.

Pulling the helmet over his head to protect himself Keith started to cut into the door. As he was finishing up he noticed Michael standing beside him waiting for him to finish.

"Kick it down." Keith ordered while getting the door just a little more to make it easier for Michael.

The two entered the back pulling out the armour from his bag Keith saw Michael do the same.

Now with the empty bags they could get the money…

With the three bags they had more than enough space for all the cash, not requiring them to stack everything perfectly, but still having to stack it with some precision.

Keith began on the third bag as Michael had also finished the second one, already pouting on his armour for when they would exit.

The equipment Keith used to cut the door would be left behind and only the armour and cash would make it out with them.

Just them Keith could hear Trevor shout as a shot rang outside of the bank. After a couple of second Trevor entered the back also pouting on his armour.

"Well boys.. the cops have arrived.." Trevor sounded more exited than scared for his safety but that was normal for someone who had experience and a psychopath.

Keith finished the last back and also pout on his armour while Michael was checking his guns to make sure they were working properly. All of them had chosen a different weapon Michael with a light machine gun and Trevor with a minigun.

Keith also had a light machine gun but he had modified his, now having a better scope and more grip even with a extended mag, increasing the already countless bullets to more.

All of them had a secondary weapon with Trevor having a sawed of shotgun and Michael and Keith going for a pistol and SMG respectively.

The cops outside were shouting demands as the trio was preparing to leave the bank, each of them having put on the armour and readied there weapons.

The terror in the policeman's eyes was so prominent that it wouldn't be a surprise if it was used in a loony toons episode.

Kieth stood on the right and had the least amount of cops before him as most of the cops were on the left side towards the gas station. Seeing that Keith shouted..

"Aim at the gas station.. they won't know what hit them!"

Just as told after shooting the cops at the front Michael turned to aim at the gas station and *BOOM!*

A huge explosion engulfed the road as a chain reaction occurred blowing two cop cars to smithereens and killing most if not all that stood in its vicinity.

"Holy shit. You see that!" Michael was surprised but the explosion allowed them to move quickly ahead.

Before they crossed into the alley a chopper appeared complicating things, just as it got in sight Keith turned his gun ant shot the pilot apart crashing the shopper into the building next to them.

"Nice work K." Michael complemented Keith as they moved trough the underpass.

Trevor just seemed exited as he screamed in joy shooting the cops that tried to intercept them.

Just as they had progressed to the where they would turn Franklins voice was heard on the communication channel.

["There are cops at the bay. You guys aren't going to be able to get out this way."]

"You hear that guys.. shit. We aren't able to get out on the water!"

"There are multiple routs we can take but some are more risky than others." Keith knew some escape possibilities, as he had scoped out Paleto bay in advance.

"What are our options!"

"I got a car hidden some ways in the woods. It is likely it is still there but it isn't guaranteed that we will be able to even get out that way.. a other way is to get on a train but I don't know when one will arrive."

"The trains are supposed to slow down when they enter the area to prevent accidents." Trevor added because of his experience in robbing trains.

"The train could work.. we will move toward there and see if we can get to the car if it doesn't work out." Michael ordered as he shot down a fence before him moving up into someone backyard.

A second fence was also quickly shot down as they moved to a new backward that had a overview to the road leading to the factory which had train access.

The road was blocked by swat vans and police cars. The fences were once again ripped apart by gunfire, this tie from both sides. The fences were this time not the only thing that went downs as cops and swat members both died in the line of duty.

Some swat members seemed to be unprepared as they apparently weren't aware of the bulletproof armour that the robbers wore, and the weaponry that would rip their bulletproof fests to shreds.

"Franklin can you get a vehicle that might stand up to the gunfire as we are moving to the factory and need some assistance.. there is a construction site underway see if you can find something there." Michael talked to Franklin over the coms as the moved to a alley to stay away from the main roads so that they had limited angles to get shot from.

Moving in the alley Keith spotted a cop car trying to ram them into the wall, quickly shooting him the car comes to a stop before it can injure him..

Looking ahead he sees troops in army uniform.

"Ahh shit the army!" Michael's words just reinforce the feeling of being screwed.

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