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Chapter 24: shots...

"You are right.. I need focus.." Keith slowed the car down a little as they approached


They had stopped across the street.. they could see the members of the lost, that seemed to be four bikers and two hookers.. they were split into two groups, one having three bikers while the other had what seemed to be a leader of some kind, judging by his clothes that was..

The Lost mc, was organised in many branches, the main branch in Los Santo's was the only real big one in the area.. there were some in the desert but most of the members had moved into the area around the main branch..

With so many people all coming to one area, some badges and other insignia were given out to group leaders and up, as to avoid any confusion.. and Keith could such a insignia on the one dude taking to the ladies..

"I will talk to the, you can just wait in the car.. I will deal with this.." Walter opened the door ready to get out, but Keith stopped him before he could, only managing to open the door..

"We go together.. don't be dumb... ill talk to the one in the back while you ask for your niece alright?" Keith had a strong grip on Walter scaring him a bit..

"I.. sure.." Letting him go Keith opened the door and stepped out of the car..

Walter volowed his lead, seemingly a bit more scared for being the tough guy he described himself as in the car ride, but he put on a brave front..

Walking to the other side of the road Keith could hear their leader talk to the girls..

"Don't worry about them, just think of the bad math of me and two hookers not equalling some action.."

"That one looks really pissed.." At first glance, anyone could easily notice the somewhat chubby man, with a angry expression, compared to him, Keith just looked like someone who didn't want to be there..

"I want to see this.." Both of their eyes seemed to gravitate more to the one approaching them..

"What do you want?" the leader of the group seemed pissed at the interruption.. trying to be imitating to Keith who was walking over, but paired with the ludicrous tattoos on his face he just seemed like a dog who wanted to get his dick wet as soon as possible..

"How in the world did you become a small time captain?" from the front the badge was more prominent confirming what he had thought prior..

"What does that have to do with anything?!" The Lost captain seemed to be insulted by every word.. but sadly Keith didn't see him as anything more than a barking pup..

"Nothing, just looking for that guys niece.. happen to know her?" By this time Keith had made it right in front of his face, looking down on the shorter guy

"I ain't telling you shit.." The guy pushed Keith back, but almost at the same time Keith heard the shout of Walter behind him..

"Fuck you.. do you think I am scared of you.. do you think you are gangsters?!" Keith heard it getting heated and suspected Walter to pull his gun..

Keith had been pushed back, but seeing as the guy was going in for a punch he could easily reverse the situation, with the amount of openings he had..

Pulling the arm that he used to punch, Keith got him to pas him by, grabbing his neck while standing behind his back and pulling up the captains gun from his waistband..

"Tell me where she is or ill.." Walter pulled out his gun from his waistband, but he couldn't complete his sentence as Keith interrupted everything..

*BAng* Kieth shot the first round into the air, while he gripped their captain tightly by the neck..

"Tell him where she is or ill blow not only his brains but yours as well.." The two hookers had run out of their the moment he pulled the gun.. and they would likely alert someone that there was a shootout.. or someone else might have heard the shot and someone could be coming this way…

"Egh! Calm down alright.. come on tell him boys were is the girl.." the captain seemed to lose all his anger, getting scared at the sight of his gun being used against him..

"Shit.. she is at.. the pink cage motel.. in Alta.. come on man.. let Josh go.. we told you right.." the lost members hadn't had time to pull out their guns yet, fearing that they would be shot by Keith..

"Drop your guns.. we will leave after it is save.. right Walter?" Walter seemed a little to angry with the three boys standing before him, that Keith doubted that they would leave without a gunfight..

Sadly for both groups, a van of the lost just turned the corner behind Keith as the other three dropped their guns.. The van immediately started shooting, likely being informed by the hookers that they were attacked…

Keith used the commanders body as a shield, letting him be hit by multiple bullets, using him as cover until he could get behind something.. he would likely soon bleed to death if he hadn't died already..

Walter tried shooting the other three who had disarmed themselves, but was only able to get two after missing multiple of his shots, needing Keith to shoot the last one who had just picked up his gun..

"thanks.." Keith heard the soft thanks of Walter, who begun reloading his gun, after getting behind some crates..

Keith peeked around the corner of his cover, getting a view of the four enemies that had arrived, two who just got out of the van and two who were coming on a motor..

Aiming at the crossing point Keith shot the moment they came into view hitting the second person on the bike, the first was being shot at by Walter, who unloaded his whole magazine around the person, hitting him a couple of times..

The last to were quickly dealt with by Keith as they were both distracted by Walter…

"We should leave.. cops will likely be on their way.. you getting in?" Keith began to move back to his car.. but Walter seemed to falter likely thinking about what had just happened..

"Walter?" Keith started the engine.. looking at the guy who had yet to pay him..

"Yeah.. I am coming.." He finally began to move running over to the passenger side door..


Inside the car it was mostly silent.. nothing much was there to say as they drove to the motel that the lost members had given them.. until after almost halve a hour of silents Walter spoke..

"He.. I just want to thank you for what you did back there… I am not sure this is enough to repay your kindness, but I hope you can forget everything once you have dropped me of at the Motel.." Walter reached into his pockets pulling out his wallet and giving almost everything that was in it to Keith.

"Are you sure?" Keith accepted the cash, counting around five hundred dollars.. accepting it along with keeping the guns..

"Yeah.. I should confront my niece in person.. I don't want to bring you any more work.." He seemed to have heard some things he wasn't comfortable with sharing..

"I understand.. you need a cab after picking her up or are you walking her home?" Calling one to bring him home would be the least Keith could do.. of course he would still need to pay, but that was something he didn't determine..

"No… I am planning on calling my sister.. she will come by with the car and we can go home to discuss everything that has happened.."

Keith nodded along, driving for a while more before dropping Walter off at the front of the Motel, wishing him good luck Keith got on his phone.. the sun was still high in the sky so he had time to relax before going to the race that night..

Not doing anything specific he suddenly heart a shot coming from the motel.. and then a second and a third..

Getting out of his car, Keith went to what he suspected was the source of the noise, seeing a open door that looked to be bashed in with the sound of crying inside, Keith climbed the stairs, getting to the door, but halting once he could see indie of the room..

Inside a young woman was crying in the corner of the room covering herself in a blanked as she stood over the bodies of three guys, one being Walter who was bleeding out..

From how the scene looked Walter had barged in, demanding they give his daughter most likely, the first shot seemed to come from one of the others, likely defending the buddy of his who was halve naked..

Walter seemed to have shot them afterwards as both of them had their backs turned to him, seeing as that was how they lay on the ground..

Keith entered the room, checking on Walters, as his niece fearfully watched. "He Walt… you ok?"

Keith grabbed his phone at the same time, calling paramedics for the dying Walter..

"Yeah.. eugh.." He coughed at bit as he spoke, clearly having injured his lungs.. looking at were the blood was coming from Keith doubted that he would make it..

His call connected to the emergency services and he provided the information on what happened, Keith was requested to give a statement to the cops before he could leave… he just said that he had been with Walter for a while before it happened and that he was still in his car once he heard the gunshots…

The cops confirmed the story with some camera footage, only requesting him to give his number for if anything arises.. Keith gave his second phone number to them in case he would be needed in the future, not wanting cops to call him on the one he used for business..

His niece was fine, but drove along with Walter to the hospital, leaving Keith.. but the two members of the lost that she was with had died, apparently Walter was a better shot at close range, shooting one in the head and the other in the chest..

Getting back into his car he left the scene

Driving through Los Santo's, Keith enjoyed the scenery, as it got his attention of what had just happened... when he received a call from Lester..

Picking the phone up and putting it on speaker, Keith continued his drive..

["Keith, glad you picked up.. the crew has been cooking up a big one.. was hoping you could drop by.. see if you are interested.."] He wasn't to sure about the timing, but was always interested in a score…

"A big one you say.. could be interesting.. where is the meet?" Keith drove to the usual place, turning once he received a different answer then expected..

["At the unicorn strip club.. Trevor has taken the place over, and he has called for us to come there.."] Keith knew of the approximate place of the club, as he was looking for entertainment in the city..

"How he managed to do that?" Keith was somewhat confused.. as far as he knew Trevor didn't have nearly enough capital to purchase the place.. let alone the knowledge on how to manage it..

["You know how Trevor is.. are you in.. or do I need to inform them that you aren't interested?"]

"I am always interested, heading there now, will be there in less than a hour.." the city was pretty big, needing Keith to drive for a while before he could get there..

["Ill see you there.."] Lester hung up the phone, while Keith began driving to Trevor's new place of residence, the unicorn..

Speeding up a bit, Keith put the thoughts of Walter out of his head, reminding himself that those deaths didn't concern him..

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