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Author: Prashant_pandey007

© WebNovel


Veer was a 17-year-old teenager, who always had a knack for cracking jokes and making everyone around him laugh. He had a unique sense of humor, and his classmates loved him for it. Veer was always the life of the party, and no matter how bad a situation was, he always found a way to make it better.

The day started like any other school day for Veer. He woke up early, got ready, and headed to school. As soon as he entered the classroom, he spotted his best friend, Rohit, who was already there.

"Hey, Rohit, what's up?" Veer greeted him with a grin.

"Not much, Veer. You look happy today," Rohit replied.

"I'm always happy, my friend. Life is too short to be serious all the time," Veer said, still grinning.

As the class began, the teacher, Mrs. Sharma, started teaching the history lesson. However, Veer was not paying attention. Instead, he was doodling funny cartoons on his notebook, which he then showed to Rohit, who laughed out loud.

Mrs. Sharma noticed that Veer was not paying attention and asked, "Veer, can you please tell us what we just discussed?"

"Umm...something about the Mughals and their rule?" Veer replied, trying to sound confident.

Mrs. Sharma sighed and said, "No, Veer. We were discussing the Mauryan Empire. Please pay attention."

Veer nodded and pretended to listen to the lesson. However, he could not help but think of something funny to say. Suddenly, he whispered to Rohit, "Do you know what the Mauryans used to say when they were happy?"

"What?" Rohit asked, curious.

"Mauryaan jaane, happy hojaane!" Veer replied, making Rohit laugh again.

Veer walked out of his class feeling exhausted. He couldn't believe how long his teacher had droned on about the history of the Indian subcontinent. He shook his head, trying to clear his mind of all the dates and names he had just learned. As he walked down the hallway, he suddenly heard his name being called out.

"Veer! Wait up!" his friend Rohit shouted from behind him.

Veer stopped and turned around to see Rohit hurrying towards him. Rohit was a short, chubby boy with a friendly face and a love for food. He always had a joke or a funny story to tell.

"Hey man, what's up?" Veer asked as Rohit caught up to him.

"Not much," Rohit replied, grinning. "Just wanted to ask if you're coming to the park this afternoon. We're going to have a game of cricket. You know, you're the best bowler in our group."

Veer laughed. "I don't know about that, but sure, I'll come. Anything to get out of this place," he said, gesturing towards the school building.

They continued walking down the hallway, laughing and joking around. As they reached the end of the hallway, Veer spotted his Nanu, sitting on a bench outside the principal's office.

"Hey, there's my Nanu!" Veer said, waving at the old man. "What's he doing here?"

Rohit shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe he's in trouble for skipping class," he joked.

Veer rolled his eyes and walked over to his Nanu. The old man had a mischievous glint in his eye and a smile on his face.

"Hey Nanu, what are you doing here?" Veer asked, taking a seat next to him.

"Oh, just came to see the principal. Thought I'd stop by and say hi to my favorite grandson," Nanu replied, ruffling Veer's hair.

Veer grinned. "Yeah, right. I'm your only grandson."

Nanu chuckled. "True, but you're still my favorite."

They sat there for a few minutes, chatting and laughing. Nanu told Veer some funny stories from his own school days, and Veer shared some of his own hilarious experiences.

As Veer and Rohit walked down the street, they spotted a group of girls from their school sitting on a bench in the park. Veer's eyes lit up as he saw his crush, Riya, sitting among them.

"Hey, look who's there," Veer nudged Rohit, pointing towards the group of girls.

Rohit rolled his eyes, "Come on, Veer. You've been crushing on Riya since kindergarten. It's time to move on."

Veer shrugged, "What can I say? She's still the most beautiful girl in the world to me."

As they approached the group, Veer stumbled on a rock and fell down. The girls giggled as Veer picked himself up, his face turning red with embarrassment.

"Smooth move, Veer," Rohit chuckled.

Veer brushed it off, "Hey, at least I'm not afraid to take a fall. Speaking of which, have you heard about the new skateboarding club at school? I'm thinking of joining."

Rohit shook his head, "You and skateboarding? That's a disaster waiting to happen."

Veer grinned, "Oh come on, I'll be a natural. Just watch."

As they walked away, Veer couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. He knew that he wasn't like the other kids at school. He didn't come from a wealthy family, he didn't have the latest gadgets, and he didn't have any special talents. All he had was his sense of humor, and sometimes he felt like that wasn't enough.

But just as he was lost in his thoughts, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him.

"Veer, my boy! What are you doing out here?"

It was his Nanu, Shikha's father, who had raised him since his parents had passed away when he was a child.

"Hey, Nanu," Veer greeted him with a smile. "Just hanging out with Rohit."

Nanu turned to Rohit, "Ah, the troublemaker. I hope you're keeping my Veer out of trouble."

Rohit grinned, "You know me, Nanu. I'm the one who keeps him in line."

They all laughed, and Nanu invited them to come over to his house for tea. As they sat around the table, Nanu regaled them with stories of his youth, and Veer couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and warmth that his Nanu had always given him.

But as the conversation turned to more serious matters, Veer couldn't help but notice a strange look in his Nanu's eyes. It was as if he was holding back something, some secret that he didn't want to reveal.

Veer decided to probe him, "Nanu, is everything okay? You seem a little worried."

Nanu hesitated for a moment before replying, "Oh, it's nothing, my boy. Just some old memories that came back to me."

Veer didn't believe him, but he knew better than to push his Nanu. He simply enjoyed the rest of the afternoon, drinking tea and chatting with his friend and his Nanu.

As they said their goodbyes and walked away, Veer couldn't shake off the feeling that something was not quite right. But he pushed the thought to the back of his mind and decided to enjoy the rest of his day, cracking jokes and making everyone around him laugh.

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