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Chapter 6: 6- The Exception

As they eagerly complete their selection forms, anticipation filled the air. With keys to their rooms in hand, the group separates, eager to explore their new surroundings.

Sayuri and Satomi indulge in a luxurious shower, their voices carrying through the steamy mist as they chat and giggle. As the water cascades down their bodies, Satomi can't help but marvel at the fact that she's sharing a shower with a member of the prestigious Violra family. "Sayuri Violra," she says in awe, "I never thought I'd meet a royal so soon in our journey."

Sayuri chuckles softly. "Being a royal isn't all it's cracked up to be," she replies, the water running down her face as she rinses out the suds. "But I can't deny that there are certain privileges that come with the title."

Satomi can't help but laugh at her friend's modesty. "Are you kidding me?" she exclaims, her long dark hair splayed out behind her as she rinses it with shampoo. "Royals are not only wealthier, but their magical abilities are far superior most of the time. And we're talking about The Violra Family here. The Queen didn't entrust you with the responsibility of taking care of an entire city for no reason, right?"

Sayuri sighs as she grabs a towel, looking a bit downcast, "I suppose you're right. But even though we were trusted with so much responsibility, Paradise still ended up destroyed in the end."

As they make their way to the changing room, Satomi can sense the weight of Sayuri's sadness still lingering in the air. She places a comforting hand on Sayuri's shoulder and speaks softly, "Hey, it's not your fault that Paradise was destroyed. There was nothing you could have done to prevent it."

Sayuri nods, her hand resting on her chest as she took a deep breath. "I know," she replies, her voice barely above a whisper. "But as the only survivor of my family, it's hard not to feel responsible for what happened."

They fall into a brief silence as they finish changing, lacing up their boots, and straightening their collars. But then Satomi speaks up again, her voice shaking slightly. "Hey, Sayuri," she says, and Sayuri looks up to meet her gaze. "He told you, didn't he?"

Sayuri knew exactly who Satomi was referring to. "You mean Nono?" she asks, her curiosity piqued.

Satomi nods, her eyes fixed on Sayuri's face. "Yeah, I'm aware that Nono's the one who destroyed Paradise," Says Sayuri, carefully pulling on her boots.

"And how do you feel about it?" Questions Satomi as she leans back on her hands.

"How do I feel about it..." Sayuri takes a deep breath, then stands up straight, her warm smile returning. "I believe that Nono has what it takes to stand as our equal," she says confidently. "He's not nameless, he's not cursed, he's not a misfortune, and he's not a killer! Nono is Nono, and that's how I feel." She finishes as she shares a lovely grin.

Satomi nods in agreement, a smile finally lighting up her face. "That boy keeps surprising us, you know," she says. "Just get ready for it!"

Sayuri grins again, feeling fully prepared for that. "I'm ready for anything," she declares jokingly.

Meanwhile, Yagami and Osamu settle into Yagami's room, their conversation flowing effortlessly as they reflect on the day's events. Yagami welcomes the chance to rest his weary body after tirelessly tending to the injuries of Nobu, Reina, and Sayuri.

"Man, those three drained the hell out of you," says Magnus as he deftly flips a chronopenny.

"As the healer of the team, I must heal my comrades," explains a gentle Yagami, resting his head on the pillow. "But I can't deny that healing them was tiring. Especially Nobu, since he doesn't have magical energy, I kept supplying my speels with only my magic."

"Nobu, huh?" adds Magnus, stopping the coin flip suddenly. "Yagami, that boy gives me goosebumps!"

"What do you mean?" questions Yagami, slowly turning his head to Magnus.

"He's magicless, just like you said, which is impressive in itself. I mean, everyone in this world needs to have some magical energy, at least a drop," confirms Magnus, raising his head to look at the ceiling. "But he's talented, he has a weapon, a unique skill, and that presence thing is just way too intimidating! Not to mention the shockwaves he unleashed in the exam!"

"I'm aware that Nobu is unique," adds Yagami. "It feels as if he's an exception or something. But he's a really good guy, I can tell that much. His soul is pure, and he's incredibly honest. You can see it in his eyes."

"Yeah, his eyes are really special," agrees Magnus as he resumes flipping the coin. "Their colors change according to his emotions. It's truly charming, to say the least."

"Magnus... something is bugging me as well..." interjects Yagami, looking a bit hesitant. "Why didn't you tell the truth? I mean, you're supposed to sign the form with your full name! You're Magnus Irie, after all..."

"I'm not a part of that freaking family!" interrupts Magnus, his tone sharp as he jumps off the chair, clearly annoyed. "I'm not from the Irie family, got it?"

"They said I'm a failure, after all," he continues, as painful memories flooded his mind. "Unlike my gifted brother, and even though I'm from Irie, I wasn't able to keep up with that crazy intense training, I got stuck with Steel magic, and my stats can't be boosted. It's so confusing!"

Then he walks towards the door and says before leaving, "It'll be a matter of time before they find out anyway! So let me play around a little and hide my true identity!" Then he shuts the door closed, leaving Yagami alone with his thoughts.

He sits on his bed, generating charming light particles in his hand as he ponders about the new members of his team. He furrows his brows, feeling confused and intrigued at the same time.

"First, there's this guy from the Irie family who's called a failure subject," he muses to himself, "It's strange that he doesn't use his full name. But what's even stranger is that he seems to be hiding something."

He pauses for a moment, then continues, "And then there's the demon who doesn't know his element. That's unheard of! How can a demon not know their own element?"

Yagami leans back against his pillow, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. "And that girl from the Violra family... She's a survivor from Paradise as well."

He looks down at his hand, where the light particles are still swirling. "And then there's that guy with arcane magic. What even is arcane magic? It doesn't have a decent shape or form. It's just... there. But he seems to know how to use it well. I wonder what other tricks he has up his sleeve."

Yagami closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "And finally, there's Nobu... I don't even know what to say about him! I keep meeting weird people way too much."

As he opens his eyes, he feels a sudden shiver down his spine. "The Night's Fury... It must be because the Night's Fury is getting close!"

Katsu and Ash head to the bustling cafeteria, their appetites whetted by the excitement of their new adventure. The tantalizing aroma of freshly cooked food fills the air, tempting their taste buds and filling their bellies with delicious sustenance. As they bask in the serenity of their surroundings, Ash's instincts abruptly spring into action, warning him of imminent danger. His head shoots up, and his gaze lands on Katsu, who's relishing a juicy piece of steak. "Hey, Katsu, what are you eating?" Ash inquires, and his discomfort is evident.

"It's just meat," Katsu replies nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.

"That's not any ordinary meat!" Ash exclaims, rising to his feet.

"What are you talking about?" Katsu asks, taken aback by Ash's strange behavior. "It tastes perfectly fine, just like any other piece of meat."

"Katsu, you need to spit that out right now!" Ash seizes his friend and shakes him aggressively while sweating profusely. "There's something off about that meat!"

"Ash! Cut it out! You're making me sick!" Katsu protests, attempting to push Ash away with his left hand. "What's wrong with eating steak?"

"I'm telling you, that's not ordinary meat!" Ash cries out, only to be met with silence. Katsu's eyes widen in surprise, and he feels his heart racing, making it hard to breathe. He clutches his chest, struggling for air, as Ash retreats, fascinated by the strange, dark markings that begin to appear all over Katsu's body.

"K-Katsu," Ash stammers, his voice barely audible, backing away as an inexplicable energy surges from Katsu's mouth. "What's happening to you?"

As for Nobu and Reina, they take a walk through the lush garden, admiring the vibrant flowers and verdant foliage. The peaceful atmosphere provides the perfect opportunity for them to relax and take it a bit easy. Unexpectedly, Nobu's head snaps to one side, his eyes narrowing as he senses a disturbance in the air. Reina, ever the curious one, puts a hand on his friend's shoulder, "Nobu, what's wrong?"

"There's something over there," Nobu says, pointing in a certain direction. "Can't you feel it?"

Reina narrows his own eyes, focusing his perfect vision on the area Nobu indicated. "Yeah, I can sense something... demonic energy, maybe? That's Ash's power for sure."

Nobu shakes his head vehemently, "No, it's not Ash's. It feels like Katsu's presence, but also different."

Reina furrows his brow in confusion, "But how is that even possible? Katsu is..."

"REINA, MOVE!" Nobu shouts, his hand shoving his friend out of the way just as a massive wave of water bursts through the wall, hurtling towards them at incredible speed. Nobu grits his teeth, bracing himself for impact.

Just as suddenly as it appeared, the wave dissolves into mist, dispersing harmlessly around them. Nobu and Reina stare in shock, then turn to each other in amazement. "What the hell was that?" Reina breathes.

As the dust clears, a strange figure emerges with an eerie aura emanating from it. His grin is twisted and unsettling, and Reina can't help but feel a chill run down his spine. Suddenly, the strange figure points at Reina, "Found you!" He shouts.

Without warning, the figure summons a powerful water bolt and launches it at Reina and Nobu. Reacting quickly, Reina chants, "Arcane Magic: Arcane wall!" A shimmering, transparent wall appears, shielding the two friends from harm.

But to their surprise, the water bolt smashes through the wall like it was made of glass, causing it to shatter into a million tiny pieces, "No way...", Gasps Reina as he has to act fast to dodge the incoming attack, leaping out of harm's way just in time.

"Nobu, are you okay?" Reina cries out, his eyes widening in shock as he searches for his friend. To his relief, he spots him behind the spirit, his Soul Edge at the ready.

"What do you think you're doing!" Screams Nobu as he swings his sword. However, before Nobu could strike, the spirit generates a powerful swirl of water that pushes him away, blocking his attack.

The spirit chuckles to himself, impressed by Nobu's speed. "I didn't see that coming," he thinks, "but it doesn't matter..."

As the spirit turns his attention back to Reina, his grin widens devilishly. "Warhammer needs YOU after all!" he taunts, launching himself at him with incredible speed.

"Warhammer again?" Mutters Reina, feeling a surge of fear shooting through his body, but he refuses to back down.

Reina's intense gaze locks onto the spirit as he summons his sleek katana, its sharp blade glinting in the dim light. With a fierce battle cry, he unleashes an arcane barrage of magical energy toward his elusive enemy, the force of the attack crackling through the air. But the spirit is not so easily defeated, effortlessly sidestepping the attack as if it were child's play.

Undeterred, Reina readies himself for the next assault, his senses heightened and focused. As the spirit retaliates with a barrage of water shots, Reina's keen perfect vision allows him to track every one of them. He dances nimbly out of harm's way, his body moving with supernatural speed and grace.

As the water shots close in, Reina brandishes his katana, its blade flashing as he slices through the projectiles with deadly accuracy. His movements were so fluid and precise, it was as if he was in perfect harmony with the universe itself.

"Impressive! Truly impressive!!" Reina's eyes widen in amazement as the spirit compliments his performance. His maniacal laughter fills the air, and Reina can't help but feel a sense of thrill swell up within him.

The spirit then raises his palm towards Reina and commands, "Water Magic: Geyser!" But nothing happened, leaving Reina confused. Suddenly, the ground begins to shake violently, causing him to stumble. Before he could react, Nobu switches next to him, his strong arm locking around Reina's as he leaps away from where they are standing.

A massive geyser erupts from the ground where Reina had been standing only moments before. Had Nobu not intervened, Reina would have been sent flying into the air by the force of the water.

The spirit laughs heartily at the sight before him, thoroughly entertained by the pair's reactions. "Not everyone can sense the Geyser before it emerges, you know!" he exclaims, still chuckling to himself. "I must say, I am impressed by you, kid. You truly are something special! I even thought that you were out cold by the water current, yet you're still standing there!"

Nobu's eyes blaze with purple light as he tightens his grip on his sword, glaring at the spirit with suspicion. "What are you doing to Katsu?" he demands. "You're draining his magical energy, aren't you?"

The spirit pauses, taken aback by Nobu's accusation, before bursting into laughter once more. "So his name was Katsu!" he chortles, amused by the boy's protectiveness. Suddenly, the spirit leaps forward and punches Nobu heavily in the stomach, causing him to double over in pain. He then generates water from his hand and sends Nobu flying a second time.

Reina, enraged by what he had just witnessed, cloaks his katana with arcane energy and attempts to slice his foe. But the spirit is too quick for him, grabbing Reina's hand and commanding, "Water Magic: Water Prison!" A sphere of water forms around Reina's hands, rendering him powerless as he floats helplessly in mid-air,

Reina stammers and struggles as the spirit draws closer to Nobu, fear and desperation rising within him. "Hey!" he yells, desperate to stop the spirit from hurting his friend. "Your business is with me, not him! Leave him out of this!"

"That's not for you to decide!" The spirit laughs mockingly, striking Reina with a bolt of water that sent him tumbling into unconsciousness. As he turns his attention back to Nobu, the boy grits his teeth, holding onto his Soul-Edge with a shaking hand.

"Nobu, was it?" the spirit sneers, his smile turning malicious. "You're correct. I'm draining Katsu's magical energy." Nobu's eyes widen in horror as he realizes the spirit's power. "And let me share something else with you," the spirit continues, reveling in the boy's fear. "The more magic I use, the closer your friend gets to death."

Nobu's fury burns hot within him as he charges forward, his Soul-Edge blazing along. The spirit, undeterred, kicks him again, sending him flying through the air. But Nobu is determined to win this battle, no matter the cost.

With a swift motion, Nobu switches positions once again, appearing right above the spirit's head in a lightning-fast movement. With a fierce cry, he attempts to strike the spirit with a devastating kick, but the spirit was too quick for him. He grabs Nobu by the leg, his eyes fixed on the young warrior with a deadly gaze.

"You're really... weird," the spirit whispers, his words dripping with an unstable fear that made Nobu shiver. "I don't feel a single drop of magical energy in you. And yet, your physique is too impressive, and you move too swiftly as if you're controlling space itself, not to mention that you're the one who defeated Kuroguiri. And that sword of yours... it's no joke indeed."

The spirit throws Nobu to the ground and smiles, amazed by the boy's talent. "You are an exception, it appears," he chuckles, raising his hand to create a shimmering water orb. "No personal feelings, but I need you dead, so you wouldn't grow to threaten Warhammer."

Nobu grits his teeth, his heart pounding with fear and determination. He knows that he has to act if he wants to get out of this mortal danger, but he just... "I can't do a thing, to save myself", Thinks Nobu to himself, still struggling to even stand, "I'm just... So weak..."

As the spirit prepares to strike the killing blow on Nobu, a figure suddenly appears out of nowhere. The man's sharp gaze locks onto the spirit, and with a single swift motion, he nullifies the water orb with a slice from his greatsword.

The spirit looks at the man, clearly irritated by his sudden appearance. "Who the heck are you?" he mutters, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

Without even acknowledging the spirit's question, the man punches through the spirit, causing him to disappear in a flash of light. It was as if the spirit had never existed at all.

Nobu looks at the man in awe, trying to be grateful for his sudden appearance. He and Reina had been putting their lives on the line against the spirit, and this man had made short work of him with ease.

"I don't need to tell you who I am," the man mutters, putting his greatsword back on his back. His voice is deep and commanding, and there's an air of danger about him that's making Nobu shiver.

As Nobu holds a handful of dirt in his hand, he feels a sense of emptiness and weakness wash over him. He can't believe that he had once again been saved by someone else.

"I don't remember asking for your pity," Nobu says, his voice laced with anger and tears welling up in his eyes.

The mysterious stranger looks at Nobu with a calm expression. "Her majesty said so though," he replies cryptically.

Nobu becomes confused by the response. "What... Does that mean?" he asks, feeling even more frustrated by the stranger's vague words.

Finally, the stranger introduces himself, "I am Shinso," He says, "A sacred soldier who's going to train all of you along with Kaeya."

"You better get ready, newbies!" Shinso exclaims, his voice booming with authority as he kneels to look into Nobu's eyes. "Your journey as a sacred soldier starts today!"

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