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Chapter 2: Totally a normal day

The vibrant city of Tokyo awakens to the rising sun, casting a warm and gentle glow on the bustling streets as students make their way to Sakura High School, the prestigious institution known for its sleek modern architecture and the beautiful cherry blossom trees adorning its campus. But beneath its pristine exterior, lies a world of drama, competition, and teenage romance, where anything can happen.

As Hiro wakes up to the sound of rushing water, he panics realizing that his sister, Obi Natsumi, known as the summer beauty of the school, is taking a bath and has probably used all the hot water again. Hopeless, Hiro rushes to prepare himself for school, hoping for some luck today.

"Good morning, Hiro ni!" Obi greets him as she steps out of the bathroom.

"Please don't tell me you used all the hot water again," Hiro begs, his voice trembling.

Obi rolls her eyes at him. "Of course not, Ni San! This isn't some anime, you know?"

Hiro, the resident otaku, blushes in embarrassment. "Fine, just wake me up next time."

Obi smirks as she walks away. "You're about to be late, and your kouhai is waiting for you again. Hurry up!"

After a devilishly cold shower, Hiro quickly puts on his school uniform, grabs his backpack, and rushes to school, dodging bicycles, cars, and pedestrians along the way. He stops at a shop to grab a bento box, knowing that not everyone can be a harem protagonist and have time to cook. The old man behind the counter greets him.

"Ah, Hiro-san, the usual?" he asks.

Hiro nods, feeling grateful for the comforting familiarity of the routine. "Yeah, Hitoshi-san, the usual."

As he pays and says goodbye, Hiro bolts towards the school, catching a glimpse of the towering buildings and cherry blossom trees in the distance. His sense of purpose renewed, he quickens his pace.

But his hopes are dashed when he sees the student council president waiting at the gate with a fierce look on her face, ready to punish every late student with her punishment machines.

"Late again, Hiro-kun?" she scolds him.

Hiro feels his heart sink. "I'm sorry, President Yui. It won't happen again."

But Yui raises an eyebrow skeptically. "That's what you said last time, Hiro-kun. But I'll let it slide this time. Consider yourself lucky."

Hiro breathes a sigh of relief, grateful for the mercy. As he makes his way towards his classroom, he feels the gaze of his fellow students on him, and he knows that being late is not the best way to start the day.

But as he takes his seat, he realizes with dread that he left his homework on the kitchen table this morning. He tries to ignore the feeling of despair in his stomach, hoping that his teacher won't notice. But just as he is about to take out his textbook, he remembers that he also left his pencil case in his locker.

With a heavy sigh, he gets up from his desk and heads out into the hallway. He can't help feeling frustrated with himself for being so forgetful. Why can't he be more organized like some of his classmates?

But as he approaches his locker he sees a familiar figure leaning against it, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Hey there, Hiro-kun," his kouhai, Sakura, greets him.

Hiro feels his cheeks heat up. "Sakura-chan, what are you doing here?"

Sakura shrugs. "Just waiting for you. You always forget something, so I thought I'd be here to remind you."

Hiro can't help but smile at her thoughtfulness. "Thanks, Sakura-chan. You're a lifesaver."

Sakura giggles. "No problem. But you owe me one, okay?"

Hiro nods, feeling grateful for the unexpected help. As he grabs his pencil case, he realizes that he has never been more thankful for his kouhai's presence.

As they make their way back to the classroom, Hiro can't help but feel a sense of warmth and belonging. It's moments like these that make school bearable, even enjoyable.

But as they enter the classroom, they are greeted by a stern-looking teacher, who notices Hiro's empty hands.

"Hiro-kun, where is your homework?" she asks, her voice sharp.

Hiro gulps, feeling a sense of dread wash over him. "Um, I...I left it at home, sensei. I'm sorry."

The teacher sighs. "This is becoming a habit, Hiro-kun. You need to be more responsible."

Hiro bows his head in shame, feeling the eyes of his classmates on him once again. He can't help but wonder if he'll ever be able to live up to their expectations.

But just as he is about to sink into despair, he feels a gentle tap on his shoulder. It's Sakura, who hands him a sheet of paper.

"Here, you can copy my homework," she whispers.

Hiro looks at her in surprise, feeling a sense of gratitude and relief. "Sakura-chan, thank you so much. You're a true friend."

Sakura smiles, her eyes sparkling with kindness. "Of course, Hiro-kun. That's what friends are for."

As Hiro begins to copy the homework, he can't help but feel a sense of warmth and happiness. Maybe school isn't so bad after all, he thinks, as he glances over at his kouhai, who is busy scribbling notes in her notebook. Maybe today won't be soo bad after all.

Just as Hiro finishes copying his homework, the bell rings, signaling the start of class. The teacher begins the lesson, and Hiro does his best to pay attention, scribbling notes as he tries to absorb the information.

But as the class continues, he can't help but feel distracted. His mind wanders to thoughts of his crush, the beautiful and mysterious Akira, who sits a few rows in front of him. He wonders what she's thinking, what she's doing, and if she's even aware of his existence.

Lost in his daydream, he barely hears the teacher call his name. "Hiro-kun, can you solve this equation?"

Hiro snaps back to reality, feeling a flush of embarrassment as he realizes he wasn't paying attention. He looks at the equation on the board, feeling a sense of panic. He's never been good at math, and the problem looks like it's in another language.

But just as he's about to admit defeat, he sees Akira glance back at him, her eyes meeting his for a brief moment before she turns away.

Hiro feels a jolt of energy surge through him, his heart racing with excitement. If Akira can believe in him, then maybe he can believe in himself too.

With renewed confidence, he begins to solve the equation, feeling a sense of pride as he arrives at the correct answer. The teacher nods approvingly, and Hiro feels a sense of satisfaction.

As class ends and Hiro packs up his things, he catches another glimpse of Akira, who is walking towards the door. Without thinking, he calls out to her.

"Hey, Akira-san! Wait up!"

Akira turns to look at him, her eyes meeting his once again. Hiro feels a flutter in his stomach, wondering what she'll say.

But before he can speak, she smiles at him. "Good job on the equation, Hiro-kun. You're smarter than you think."

Hiro feels a rush of joy, feeling as if he's on top of the world. Akira knows his name, and she thinks he's smart!

"Th-thank you, Akira-san," he stammers, feeling as if his heart might burst.

Akira nods, her eyes twinkling. "See you next period , Hiro-kun."

As she walks away, Hiro can't help but feel a sense of wonder. Maybe anything is possible, he thinks, as he watches her disappear down the hallway.

With a smile on his face, he heads towards his next class, feeling as if he's ready to take on the world. High school may be full of drama and competition, but with friends like Sakura and the support of his crush, Akira, anything is possible.

Suddenly, the school bell rings, interrupting Hiro's thoughts, but Hiro's mind is still on Sakura's kindness. He wonders how he can repay her and show his appreciation.

As the day goes on, Hiro tries to find a way to thank Sakura, but he can't seem to think of anything that would be worthy of her generosity. During lunch break, he sees her sitting alone on the rooftop, lost in thought.

"Hey, Sakura-chan," he greets her. "Mind if I join you?"

Sakura looks up and smiles. "Of course not, Hiro-kun. Have a seat."

They sit in silence for a few moments, enjoying the view of the city skyline. Hiro takes a deep breath and decides to speak his mind.

"Sakura-chan, I just wanted to say thank you for helping me out earlier. You didn't have to do that, but you did anyway. I don't know how to repay you."

Sakura waves her hand dismissively. "Oh, don't worry about it, Hiro-kun. I was happy to help."

"But I want to do something for you," Hiro insists. "You're always helping me out, and I feel like I'm not doing enough in return."

Sakura looks at him, her eyes softening. "Hiro-kun, you don't have to do anything for me. Just being your friend is enough for me."

Hiro feels his cheeks heat up, realizing how lucky he is to have such a kind and understanding friend. "Thanks, Sakura-chan. You're the best."

Sakura giggles. "I know, right?"

They continue to chat and laugh, enjoying each other's company until the bell rings, signaling the end of lunch break. As they make their way back to the classroom, Hiro feels a sense of contentment and gratitude. Maybe school isn't so bad after all, he thinks, as he walks beside his kouhai, who is humming a cheerful tune. While in the distance around the corner Akira Chan Hiro's crush is watching the scene with envy as she gets ready for the period after lunch. But she not the only one watching the scene with envy Hiro sister Obi Natsumi is also watching the scene this time not with envy but with anger.

As Hiro and his kouhai approach the classroom, they notice Natsumi standing in the hallway with an angry expression on her face. Hiro can already feel the tension building between them and he isn't sure what to do.

"What's wrong, Natsumi?" Hiro asks, concerned.

"I can't believe you're hanging out with him," Natsumi replies, glaring at Hiro's kouhai.

Hiro's kouhai looks surprised and confused. "What did I do?"

Natsumi crosses her arms. "You're always with my brother, and it's starting to annoy me. I don't like it."

Hiro rolls his eyes. "Natsumi, can't you just be happy for me? I finally found someone I enjoy spending time with at school."

Natsumi huffs. "It's not fair. Why does he get to have fun while I'm stuck with boring classes?"

Hiro puts a hand on Natsumi's shoulder. "I'm sorry you're not having a good time, but that's not his fault. Maybe you should try to make some friends, too."

Natsumi looks away, still pouting. "Fine, whatever."

Hiro and his kouhai exchange a look, both feeling a bit uneasy. As they enter the classroom, Hiro can't help but wonder how he's going to navigate this sibling rivalry.

Later that day, Hiro is sitting in the school library trying to study for an upcoming exam. He's having a hard time focusing, though, because Natsumi's words keep echoing in his head. He knows she means well, but sometimes he feels like he's not allowed to have any fun.

Just as he's about to give up and pack his things, he hears someone calling his name. It's his kouhai, and he looks worried.

"What's wrong?" Hiro asks, concerned.

"It's Natsumi," the kouhai says. "She got into a fight with some other girls in the hallway."

Hiro feels a pit forming in his stomach. "Is she okay?"

"I think so," the kouhai says, "but she's pretty upset. I thought you should know."

Hiro thanks him and rushes out of the library. He finds Natsumi sitting on a bench, tears streaming down her face. He kneels beside her and asks what happened.

"They were making fun of me," Natsumi sobs. "They said I was too uptight and that I needed to lighten up."

Hiro puts an arm around her. "I'm sorry, Natsumi. That's not true. You're a great sister and you're always looking out for me."

Natsumi looks up at him, her eyes red and puffy. "But I don't want to be like this anymore. I want to have fun, too."

Hiro smiles. "Then let's have fun together. We can find things to do that we both enjoy."

Natsumi's face lights up. "Really?"

Hiro nods. "Of course. You're my sister, Natsumi. I want you to be happy."

They spend the rest of the afternoon exploring the city and trying out new things. Hiro can't remember the last time he felt this carefree and happy. As they walk home, Natsumi links her arm through his and gives him a smile.

"Thank you, Hiro," she says. "I'm glad we could do this together."

After catching up with Natsumi, Hiro returns to the festival with a renewed sense of purpose. He spends the rest of the day exploring the different booths and attractions with his friends, but he can't shake the feeling that he wants to spend more time with Akira.

As the sun begins to set, Hiro decides to seek out Akira and spend the remainder of the festival with her. He spots her standing in front of a booth selling handmade jewelry, admiring a pair of earrings.

"Hey Akira," he says, approaching her. "Those are really nice earrings."

Akira turns to face him, a smile spreading across her face. "Hiro! I'm so glad you're here. I was just admiring these earrings. Do you think they would look good on me?"

Hiro takes a closer look at the earrings and nods. "Yeah, they would look great on you."

Akira grins and takes out her wallet. "In that case, I think I'm going to buy them. Want to come with me to check out some of the other booths?"

Hiro nods eagerly and the two of them spend the next hour exploring the festival together. They try different foods, play games, and even participate in a group dance competition. Hiro can't remember the last time he had so much fun.

As the festival comes to a close and the crowds begin to disperse, Hiro and Akira find themselves sitting on a bench, watching the sunset. They talk about their favorite moments from the day, and Hiro can't help but feel a sense of contentment and happiness wash over him.

"I had a great time with you today, Akira," he says, turning to look at her.

Akira smiles at him. "Me too, Hiro. I'm really glad we got to spend the day together."

Hiro feels a rush of courage and reaches out to take Akira's hand. "Akira, there's something I've been meaning to tell you."

Akira looks at him expectantly, her hand still in his.

"I really like you, Akira. Like, more than just a friend."

Akira's eyes widen in surprise, but she doesn't pull away from his hand. "Hiro, I had no idea. I like you too."

Hiro feels a rush of excitement and relief wash over him. He can't believe that Akira feels the same way.

As they sit there, holding hands and watching the sunset, Hiro knows that this is a moment he'll never forget. He's grateful for the festival that brought them together and excited for what the future holds.

The rest of the night is a blur of excitement and happiness. Hiro and Akira exchange numbers and make plans to see each other again soon. As they say goodbye, Hiro can't help but feel a sense of hope and optimism for what the future holds.

The school festival may have started off with a mix of excitement and dread, but in the end, it brought him closer to Akira and reminded him of the importance of family and friends. As he heads home, exhausted but happy, he knows that this is a day he'll remember for a long time.

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