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Chapter 3: Re-enrollment to school



Forgot about hangovers.



This isn't a hangover.



"Should be enough for now" a male, cocky and slightly psychotic voice sounds out.

"Isn't that a bit too much for now?" another male, bored but intelligent sounding voice responds.

"Shut u~p. You don't really care anyway. Besides he should be at least this strong to join us"

"Hmm. Fine, but I'm not taking responsibility if he dies"

"Of course I'm gonna take responsibility but you won't take credit if this works!"

"Sure, whateve-. Oh. He's awake"

"Fine let's leave. Don't disappoint me"


A finger snapping sound comes out and my head instantly becomes clear.

"What the he-"



This time it's close to my stomach.

No, a bit higher

Something inside.

My heart.

*Gasp, gasp*


After 30 minutes.

Finally, it stopped hurting.

What was that?

And who were those two?

Their sounded a lot like me vocally but with different personalities.


I sit up and see almost every furniture I ordered and received last night.

Except my bed.

I look around to see Bella sleeping on the couch while Kevin and Noah are on the floor.

El was sleeping in her bed.

*Knock, knock*

"Delivery for Mr.Roy"

I get to the door and open it.

"WHAT THE-" the delivery man screamed.

"Oi, what happened" 2 others come out from behind a carriage without any animals in the front.

"What the hell?!" an older looking man said.

"What? What is it?" I asked in confusion.

"No, nothing. It's probably just tiredness. Are you Mr.Roy" the older man asked me.

"Ah yes"

"Just sign here please"




40 minutes later.

"Alright sir, we've finished putting your bed together, thank you for choosing our company"


*Creak, bang*

"You guys saw that right?"

"Yeah what the hell was that?"

"It was like looking at three faces at once"

I heard their conversation from inside.

Three faces?

I look at the mirror and see just my face.


I look around and talk to myself.

"I should get someone to build a toilet"


By the time I get back from my business Noah was just getting up.

"You good Noah?"

"Fine. Just got a headache" he replied with a tired voice.

"Have some water, it helps" I handed him a bottle of water.


Magic really is great huh?

You can even mass produce plastic products and not generate any pollution because the omnipotent bullshit that is magic exists.

I look at the other two.

"For nobles they for sure know how to drink huh?"

"Mhmm" Noah replied with a slightly stronger voice.

"You too. You drank quite a bit y'know"

I'm lying, he fell asleep after half a can of beer.

"What?" Noah asked with a bit of panic.


Is he shy?

"Yeah I was so surprised to see you singing and dancing after getting all drunk"

"What?" this time his voice was weak and his face was getting red.

Isn't this kinda fun?

Tortu-I mean teasing friends?

"He's bullshitting you" Kevin said as he groaned and sat up.

Noah glares at me.

I look at him and try not to laugh.


"Pffft, sorry but your reaction was just so funn-GAH. Hey! Why'd you throw that?"

I stare at the half bottle of water on the floor.

Then I stare at the bottle of water in Noah's hand.

"SHUT UP" screamed Bella from the couch.

I look at her with for a second and look away.

Kevin and Noah also look away.

"What? Why are you guys looking away?" asked Bella.

I just point at my chest and walk away to the fridge to get breakfast.

"AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" a high pitched screeching comes from behind me.

There it is.

"Why didn't you guys tell me?!"

"How are we supposed to tell you that the top part of your clothes, which specifically hide your chest area was down" Kevin said.

*Whoosh, thud*


"Pervert, why would you say it like that?"

I look back to see Kevin knocked out and Bella having lingering mana on her hand.


Women are scary.

"Do you guys want anything for breakfa-"


"Oh come on, I JUST got that door fixed"

"PRINCESS! WE HAVE COME TO SAVE YOU!" the guard at the front screamed.


I sigh and head to broken to door to fix it to some degree while Bella was dealing with the knights.

I guess locking the door does nothing in this world since everyone that came here just busted it open.

The door's bent quite a bit but I can turn it back to usable condition using mana.

Should do for now.

I turn around and



"YOUNG MASTER KEVIN ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!?" another squad of knights come in using brute force.



For fucks sake.

I rub the middle of my forehead and look around.

I was surrounded by knights pointing their weapons at me.


"Jonah my friend, it is good to see you" Warren greeted Jonah happily.

"Well, it has been quite a long time since we've last seen each other" Jonah replied joyfully.

"Anyways we shall deal with those matters later, for now" Warren stares at me and Noah kneeling on the ground.

Thankfully these two are the most sensible of the nobles and haven't thought about hurting El.

"So who are you two?" Warren said while him and Jonah sit on the couch in front of us.

"Roy, no last name"

"Noah, also no last name your majesty"


Forgot to say 'your majesty'

God damn it.

Do I have to face a troubling situation everyday I'm with these guys?

"Tell us what you were doing with Bella and Kevin?" Jonah asked from the side.


I can't just tell them that we were drinking.

Thank god we gathered all the cans and threw them out.

"Just hanging out, your majesty" I replied with the best poker face I could give.

"Then let me ask you this, why was both Bella and Kevin reeking with alcohol?"

Damn those heavy drinkers.

I give a side glance to Noah.

'What the hell do we say?'

'I don't know'

After feeling like I just had a full conversation with Noah I replied.

"We bumped into a drunkard who accidentally spilled beer on Kevin and Bella"


Am I gonna die now?

Just three days after going to a new world?

That's bullshit.

"Your highness and lord Ralia we have found 20 empty beer cans in a nearby trash can" a guard holding a familiar trash bag says.

Should I sell those two out?

I can make it out alive then right?

"Eh, in my defense your highness, it was their idea to drink, me and Noah only joined in when they said it was uncomfortable to be the only ones drinking" I said while mustering up the courage to look up.


These fuckers.

They knew and they're smiling


"HAHAHA! No hard feelings young one! I only wanted to joke with a friend of my daughter" Warren said while laughing loudly.

"Haha, yeah, funny"

Fuck I'm mentally exhausted now.

"Are we having a party?" a childish voice asked.

All eyes turned to El who had just sat up on her bed.

"What is it?" El asked while tilting her head.

"Oh it's nothing El these men are all gonna leave soon" I told her.

"Ok then"

El went back to sleep almost immediately.

She did stay up quite late last night.

"Well then I hear that my daughter has invited you to study at Randheight academy" Warren said to me.

"Yeah she just invited me out of nowhere and after a bit of talking I ended up agreeing, on a few conditions though"

After he nodded.

"I can grant those conditions for you but you will need to prove that you are worth investing in" Warren told me.


"Quite simple, when the entrance exam starts I want you to place at least tenth place, easy enough right?"

"In the top ten, seriously?"

"But of course, I'm giving you quite a lot of resources for one person"

"But it's two people"

"Boy, you're child is going to get a private tutor that teaches only the most noble of noble children, I don't think you can complain right now"

God damn it, he's right.

Well who cares, hiding won't do much for me anyway.

Graduating from Randheight would get me a better job too.

"Fine, I'll accept" I said while sighing.

"Good, I'll see you at the entrance exams"

"Warren we're done here let's go" Jonah said from behind the couch.

"Alright, alright. How about we go drinking since it's been a while" Warren said while smiling.

"You really think we can drink peacefully in public"

"Yeah, you're right. Well boys we're leaving and don't disappoint us" Warren waved while leaving.



It was just me Noah and El left now.

"Well that was a tiring experience" I said while sitting on the couch.

"Yeah" Noah said while looking like his soul was leaving.

"Where were you by the way?"

"I was talking with Kevin's father"

"About what?"

"Joining their knight family"

"Well did you accept?"



"Just didn't feel like it"

"Ok then"





"Let's eat breakfast shall we?" I asked quickly.

"Yeah let's do it, what do you have left?" Noah said with a red face.

"Mainly bread and leftover chicken"


After getting El some breakfast I decided to go grocery shopping and Noah tagged along since he had nothing to do.

"Don't you need to train your body or something since you're a swordsman?" I asked Noah while holding bags of food and drinks.

"I have a specific training schedule and time, if I stop or try to do it any other time my body will get sore and disrupt everything"

Didn't know that.

"Are you confident?" Noah asked me.

"About what?"

"About the entrance exam"

"Sure I am, what about you?"

"I'll be fine, probably"

"Cocky aren't we?"

"Wha- no I'm not, besides aren't you the cocky one here, talking to the emperor like that?"

"No I'm confident and you're cocky"

"That doesn't make sense"

"Pfff, of course it makes sense"

"Oh yeah how?"

"Because I'm confident" I smirked.

Teasing him is pretty fun.


For a week, I've been training with my spells and Noah has been doing an absurdly difficult training for 5 hours every day.

Quite frankly, just looking at it made me exhausted.

I got El a few books to read.

At first I got her a book for children but I ended up getting her a book even I couldn't understand.

How can she be so smart yet so dumb at times.

Guess it has something to do with her being a child.

"Alright be a good girl and pay attention in class ok?" I told El.

"Yes I will" she said while smiling.

"Hehe, then I'll be going now" I said while patting her head.

"Come on let's go" Noah urged me.

"Fine I'm coming"

"Why are you complaining, we're almost late"

"Doesn't matter let's go, we're almost late" I said while running ahead of him.

"Wha- you asshole" Noah angrily said and ran after me.

After spending a week with him almost every hour of the day, we ended up getting quite close.

And here I was ten days ago thinking how I should avoid the main characters.


In a humongous room with thousands of desks and chairs.

"The exam starts in ten minutes, please prepare yourselves" an instructor said.

I didn't know there were theoretical exams.

Anything magic related should be taught inside the academy so this should be all mathematics and IQ quizzes.

Since this is somewhat set in the medieval times, it shouldn't be too bad.

No this world is much more advanced due to magic.

*10 minutes later*

"This is so hard"

"Fucking, what the hell is this"

"I knew the thresh hold for passing would be hard but this is too much"

All around me people were complaining.

I sit in silence and look at the paper.

Should I fail on purpose but get enough points to get in the top ten.

I should try to avoid at least the top three spots since I don't want too much attention.


This is just the theoretical exam, I might not do well enough in the practical one.

I'll try my best.


Answer should be x=-3/2 and x=1/2


The equations were a bit annoying but nothing worth stressing over.

The practical exam is more worrying.

It's set to begin in thirty minutes.

"How was it" Noah asked me.

"It was fine, what about you?"

"I just needed to know the formulas and it was pretty easy"


He's also pretty smart.

"Well the practical exam should be harder" I told Noah.

"Yes it's two parts, one monster hunting and the other was testing strength"

"Should be easy, no? I saw you breaking a couple ribs of someone with one kick"

"That was just pure physical strength and he wasn't using mana to protect his body"

"Don' worry~, I know you'll pass"


"I have my ways"


"See ya at the exam, I'm gonna use the toilet"

"See ya"


"Please gather around, the exam will begin shortly"

I heard a female voice in my head.

Seems like the instructor is using magic.

"What took you so long?" Noah asked me.

"There was a long line"


"Yes really, why are you doubting me?"

"Perhaps you should say that after wiping the cream off your face"

"Oh didn't notice"

Noah continued to stare at me.

"What? They were selling really good parfait and I couldn't just skip out on it"

"How did you manage to reach the shop, buy it, eat it and get back here on time?"

"I just ran"

"..." Noah just continued to stare at me shocked.

"Want chocolate?"

"...yes, I'll have a piece"

"Alright attention people, I will be explaining the rules of this exam" the previous instructor exclaimed.

"During this exam you are to hunt monsters that we have placed in the forest and you'll get more points the stronger the monster you've hunted is. We won't tell you how much it's worth, but we can tell you that only the monster rank counts, not actual combat strength. You can steal the prey of others but you are not allowed to hurt other participants on purpose, and don't try to act like it was an accident after hurting others we will know whether you're lying or not"

Were there others who tried something like that.


What forest?

There are no forests near this place though.


Suddenly the walls and ceiling started shaking.

"What the hell?!"


"Good luck" the words of the instructor rang and the whole place went dark.



I opened my eyes and I was lying on some grass inside a forest.

Did they teleport everyone inside that room at once?

That's crazy.

"Where the hell am I though?"

I look around and all I see are trees and vegetation.


I look behind me to see a pack of wolves that have red fur and flaming paws.

How the hell hadn't they burned down the forest yet?

I channel a bit of mana inside my right hand to use an ice spell but the wolves all run straight at me.

I channel mana inside left hand and prepare a light spell.

Right as they got within 5 meters of me.

An extremely bright light flashes the area and the wolves get distracted for a second.

I use this second to pull up ice spikes from the ground and impale all the wolves.

*Thud, thud*

Bodies of 5 wolves fall to the ground.

They're quite weak.


I'm just too strong.

Technically speaking, I'm one of the strongest beings in the human domain.

The downside to this is that I don't gain any battle experience from this.

I'm already holding back by using only mana manipulation and not any spells.


I should get this over with fast.

And I know just where to look for a nice prey.


By following a mana trail for thirty minutes I finally found it.

A wyvern.

A subspecies of dragons.

At the level most students seemed to be, this wyvern should be serving as an absolute predator in the forest but it's sleeping right now.

They don't have the stupefying amount mana and control over mana.

The only thing these wyverns share with dragons are their elemental breaths and their wings.

How to kill it efficiently though?

Should I just stop holding back and kill it instantly.

I thought as I began to gather mana slowly.

It's probably gonna wake up soon so let's just kill it and be done with it.

"Binding ice"

Multiple chains of ice shoot from the ground and impale the wyvern, holding it in place.

I began to channel a large amount of mana to my finger.

Let's do cool shit yeah?

A huge flaming ball of flames form, burning away the surrounding plant life.

"Miniature sun"

I lower hand and point at the dragon.


A gigantic explosion erupts burning everything in a 5 mile radius.

I realize my mistake and at the last second put up a large dome around the explosion.


After the shock wave and explosion died out I finally put down the mana shield around me.

I look around to see everything charred black and what seems to be a nearby lake had been completely dried up.


I went too far.

Hope that didn't kill anyone.

That could ruin my chances of joining the academy.


I really went too far.

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