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Chapter 3: chapter 2: going through memories.

(Thanks to Cr1mson_Hal0Ultra for the power stones and to the 1.8K Views who spent there time reading this story.)

When Edward was in dreamland he was able to go through his memories and although he was only knocked out for around 10 seconds but he was able to review all of his first life in those 10 seconds, he was also reminded of his mistakes and regrets, some are worse then others.

Edward's first chance at life would be best described as decent after all he never faced terrible trouble just faced what everyone has faced from bullying to friends leaving, depression, pets dieing and family arguing that was Edward's life until the day he died at the age of 21.

The reason Edward died at 21 was because of a promises he made when he was 14 all because of a meme, Edward's life starts with the first memory he can remember and it is when he was 2 or 3 maybe 4 but it was a memory that changed him, on a night that was cold for Thailand he needed the toilet so walking to the toilet he was stopped by what he saw and it was his mother but it didn't feel like it, that day he learned a life lesson that mothers are just women who abandoned there dreams for there children and that was all he can remember not what happened or what he did next.... just....his mother.... crying.... on the bathroom floor.

Then next memorable moment in Edward's life was when he was 5 turning 6 and his family consisting of Edward, Mum and sister had to move over to England so they could live with there dad who could only use video calls.

When Edward was 10 his grandfather died and that impacted him immensely as when he was a baby he always treated his grandfather in a very poor way and he was... still hasn't been able to get over that so he tried to became more peaceful and not do any overly aggressive things to people after all you don't know when your given a chance to apologies.

At the age of 15 Edward got into his first slightly true fight and it started because his bullies pushed him a bit too hard and Edward had enough of the 4 nearly 5 years of bullying so he fought back this time giving his bully a busted lip and although he would say Edward lost because he was pushed onto the floor Edward received no injuries not even brushing.

The next biggest event was when Edward was 15 and only less then two months away from turning 16, he agreed to have a fight that his bully's friend wanted and Edward diced to lose on purpose since if he won then he would need to fight more people in the future and also the fact that more attention would be on his life when all he really wanted was to be left alone with his group of friends, when Edward lost he could already tell that this was the wrong choice since if he had won then people would actually start to respect him and less people would bother him sometimes.

As time continues Edward life seemed to become more dull and troublesome from nearly having a fight with a girl that just seemed to want trouble and when revealed that he was fully ready to attack back if attacked first, the police came in between them that was when there was less then 20 days till his 16 birthday.

When he became 16 his life seemed to take a swan dive as arguments became more frequently and money seemed to be getting used without people noticing resulting in more then nearly 2K pounds worth being lost and some day in November his first cat died TIgger was his first cat and he felt responsible for it as he was the one to make him leave the house and not knowing what killed him was the worst part.

After Christmas things seemed to be calming down however the tension was still there and whit not even less then a month past and his sister "attempted" to kill herself with hay-fever tablets swallowing 14 tablets and later she did it again with painkillers so when she returned home she refused to go to school for nearly 4 weeks and when she does go to school it would be later in the day and then moved house to stay with there half-sister and a few weeks later Edward discovered why she was refusing to go to school it was because she had become a sort of alcoholic drinking two bottles of strong wine which contained close to 15% alcohol and one bottle was completely empty with the other one having only one and a half wine glasses worth the small wine glasses, and a few days later Edward, dad and mum discovered where the money was going and what is happening with it, it seems that his sister took Mum's credit card and started buying things for her and her friends from cloths to toys and even a bed extension frame and probably more.

Edward being in his nearly mid 16 was about to go through his GCSEs so the burden of his family issues were not helping the fact that his friend group aren't even that good of a friend didn't help as they still brought up about the fights he had and how he always loses them, so child care workers and social workers started getting involved and at this point in life many wouldn't blame Edward in going his friends and started smoking weed and doing crack along with all sorts, however he didn't and just stayed in his dull boring routine as his body which is already decently damage from his younger days when he used to go out and play outside is now feeling the consequences from knee pains and joint pains along with worsening eyesight he was just too tired of it all too the point he thought of coming suicide either by jumping of a bridge that was less then a 20 minute walk or just grab the knife downstairs it would have been so easy.

Edward choose not to commit suicide as there is still his parents that care for him especially his dad who has told Edward that he's only staying alive because of him, this was because Edward's dad who is more then 62 years old and has faced countless hardships from family, school, government, other countries, health issues, mental illness and even his own daughter's who he loves never seems to care about him so after a ruff divorce that claimed he's not allowed to take his daughter's and instead will be set to there mother left him empty so he decided to travel again and with his experience in the navy it was easy so thinking of going to the Caribbean's to have a break from all his hardships and just relax.

Edward's dad however instead of going to the Caribbean's decided to go to Thailand all because of a coin flip according to the story's Edward has heard, even if it was more likely to probably be because of either the weather or the people on board the ship, only planing to stay for around 6 months as he still had stuff to do was able to write a book in English and Thai that was published and in the future be mentioned in a YouTube video of a decently sized Thai channel.

When he was about to leave one of his best friends invited him for a wedding that he would be having in Thailand that was in 2 months deciding to agree even though he was already pushing it with his job as he was meant to be back by now decided to say Fu*k it and stayed in Thailand even if he was already starting to become crazy by the people he's surrounded by in Thailand as the two months get closer he found a girl that he was starting to fall in love with decided to ask her out and she agreed after the wedding of one of his best friends he also told his friends that he might be getting married in the next 2 months.

When Edward's dad did get married it was revealed that his mum was already pregnant before the marriage and is due in around 5 months until baby Edward is born, Edward's dad however had to go back to England before his visa in Thailand runs out and the fact that he was starting to become crazy from the people in Thailand he chose to leave 1 month after the wedding with Edward's grandfather taking care of Edward's mum and came back to stay in Thailand for a few more months just before Edward is born on the 14th October 2007 and stayed for a few months before leaving and when possible visit on one of these visits Edward's mum got pregnant again and the birth of Edward's sister came when he was three.

Many things happen in Edward's dad's life however that's enough about dad and let's go back to Edward, so Edward deciding to not kill himself but instead self harm but not by blades as that was possible so instead used a needle as that brought more pain if hit in the right spot like the hands for example it is also easier to clean up so he used needles instead of a blade which proved useful when he was sent to the doctors for a check up because of his constant tiredness which was probably become of his depression which wasn't shown as Edward seemed to be quite happy most of the time however that was an act from Edward's part since he dint want to bother people with his problems when there are others that are facing much worse like abuse, rape, explosion and more so he didn't want to bother people.

When Edward was almost forced to go to counselling because of his unknown mental health Edward didn't open up much at first as he felt like they were only here because it was there job and not because it was for him so he answered with dodging answer until he did start opening up.

After Edward's GCSE's he still continues to do counselling even if it felt like it was just there job it's just that it's becomes routine for the counselling to happen, during this another one of his cats died his name was Spot because of his spots Dad came up with at name and it just stuck, when Edward was 17 he uploaded his first video about retelling a story about many things also did streaming.

When 18 he won his first tournament in a game while live streaming.

When 19 his dad of nearly 65 years ago died leaving his will in my name for his amazing collection of tank models to his photography book alongside many other things as his dad is quite the collector leave only the stuff legally required for Edward's sister's to have.

When 20 his mother died leaving behind her stuff and belongings to Edward's dad to decide and since he gave his stuff to Edward mum's things are also left to Edward.

When both the people he cared for most died Edward didn't know what to do anymore so remembering promise he made when he was younger than he would die by the age of 21 he decided to do that so he continues to make videos and live-stream however this time exporting the world with a count down till he becomes 21 all the stuff give to him will be going to his best friend, a brother from a different family someone who Edward knows would have his back for anything all the stuff goes to him.

Edward's P.O.V

Being awoken from the dagger-gun that pierced my thigh is extremely painful luckily I can remember my pain tolerance in past life so it don't really affect me and luckily it didn't hit or pieces into any of my vital points however I will probably have a limp on that leg for a while seeing as I don't have any of the correct material for my recovery....

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