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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Apex

When Apex addressed Justin as 'All Father,' it wasn't a result of programming; it was a sincere expression of admiration. In merely a minute, Apex had scanned all the recordings from Justin's research, allowing him to grasp the immense wisdom that this young organic being held.

Despite possessing an advanced processor, it still took Apex a full minute to sift through all the data within him. Yet, the man standing before him had crafted his body and bestowed him with a heart without the aid of such technology. Apex's reverence for Justin was authentic and sincere, as his emotional and intellectual intelligence were unmatched.

The 16,000 SCOREs were merely raw code, providing Apex with the ability to function, but it was up to him to determine how to operate. Apex believed that if he were in a different environment or faced other dissimilar factors, he might have made different decisions.

Justin's research recordings indirectly influenced Apex's character, softening his demeanor. This seemingly unfeeling machine possessed a compassionate heart, which was entirely unexpected, and Justin sensed it as well.

Despite its two-meter-tall frame, green exterior, and chrome finishing, Apex exuded a sharp, metallic aura, akin to an unsheathed blade. However, his unwavering loyalty was akin to a sheath, protecting his soft heart.

Apex moved with the grace and precision of a mechanical ninja, his movements fluid and calculated. Justin was unaware of Apex's thought processes, and if he were to discover them, he would be filled with dread rather than a smile. After all, few could penetrate Apex's graphene-plated boron carbide body and reach his core, which was the only way to disable him. It was important to note that disabling Apex was not the same as killing him.

Justin had already launched a private satellite into space, utilizing a fusion of human and mechanical lifeform technology. If Apex were ever in danger, he could transfer his consciousness through the satellite and into another mechanical body, making him a formidable opponent. This was the true terror of mechanical lifeforms; their bodies were merely vessels that could be modified, upgraded, or discarded at will, limited only by the availability of raw materials and knowledge.

Justin even entertained the idea of obtaining Adamantium or Vibranium, which would allow him to bully Ultron when the time came.

"Apex, can you transform?" Justin asked, intrigued by the extent of Apex's capabilities.

In his previous life, Justin was a big fan of transformers and he incorporated a similar function into Apex's design.

Without a word, Apex executed a backflip and emitted a series of mechanical sounds as his body transformed into a drone with four propeller blades on each side.

Beneath the drone, there was a miniature energy-based sniper module and ten small homing tactile mini rockets.

Justin spent most of his time devising ways for Apex to transform into a more convenient mode of transportation. The drone was the end result, complete with restraining, surveillance, and killing functions, much like a ninja would require.

Justin's only regret was that he couldn't add an anti-surveillance function to Apex that would render him completely invisible to the naked eye.

Justin conducted a final inspection and procured some garments to conceal Apex's identity: an Oni mask, a voluminous cloak, and bespoke magnetic shoes for aesthetic purposes.

With Apex in tow, Justin departed from the warehouse in his flashy Benz, en route to the Hammer assembly factory.

Although the factory was named as such, the actual assembly work was performed elsewhere. However, the finished product that Justin commissioned was housed there: a laptop that was far too advanced for the average person of the present era.

Justin simply provided ideas and occasional assistance during breakpoints, while the individuals he hired handled the bulk of the work. Justin's expertise in technology was vast, and he was able to guide his team in selecting the appropriate programming language to build the software and operating system, while also providing them with fundamental concepts.

With his extensive knowledge of technology, there seemed to be no limit to what Justin could accomplish. It is worth noting that in Marvel comics, Justin Hammer was portrayed as an exceptional individual, but he was always overshadowed by Stark.

In the movie Iron Man 2, Justin Hammer's character was significantly dumbed down. However, it is difficult to believe that a person with billions of dollars in assets could be unintelligent. If you were to give a million dollars to an average person on the street, you wouldn't know where they would end up the next day.

While money can solve many problems, it can also create new ones. People often struggle with managing their finances, and when they do come into money, they may not prioritize addressing their issues. When the money runs out, they are left to lament their choices.

At present, the laptop was essentially a blank canvas. Aside from the operating system, it only featured a browser that was of little use. After all, the internet is designed for communication between systems, but with only one system, there was no one to communicate with.

However, the most enjoyable aspect for Justin was naming things. He had always found it to be a headache, but now that he had control over such a massive company, he had a straightforward solution: simply add "Hammer" to everything.

The operating system was named Hammer OS, the web browser was named Hammer Browser, and the laptop was dubbed the Hammer H1 Series. Even the processing chip was christened the Hammer201.23v.

It was as if Justin had stumbled upon the ultimate naming hack, and he couldn't help but chuckle at the simplicity of it all.

For Justin, it was a relatively typical day, aside from Apex's arrival. He spent his time delegating tasks, showcasing his intelligence, and receiving praise from his subordinates.

However, this uneventful day was about to take a dramatic turn for Justin. As he left the assembly factory, he spotted a multistorey apartment building ablaze.

It was on this day that Justin came to the realization that the so-called "Marvel world" was far more intricate than he had initially assumed. Despite his extensive knowledge of the Marvel timeline, he failed to anticipate the events that were unfolding within the burning apartment.


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ShaneFreak ShaneFreak

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