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Chapter 16: Volume 1, Part 14: Early Years - Letters.



It was a bright morning. I had just finished sparring session with Paul. I was about to change my clothes and then go to meet with Sylph on our usual meeting spot.

As I changed clothes, I saw letter arrive.

Letters from Julian. Normally, I just move away since he doesn't write anything for me, that arrogant prick, but this time I was stopped by Zenith saying that he had sent a letter exclusively for me.

Finally missing me, yeah? You fucking pickled ass rodent.

Anyways, I took the letter from him and moved to my room, ready to read what my dear little brother had sent to me.

To my dear brother, Rudeus. I hope this letter finds you in the best of health. I am sure by now you would have mended your relationship with Sylph. Letting her go would've been your loss anyways, in the end. Other than that, I am sorry for not meeting you when I was about to leave. I thought the sooner I leave, the less painful it will be for our parents. I hope you are doing well with your training in the sword. Since, your magic talent is already matchless for your age, I am sure you'd do well. Irrespective of all this, I have something very important to talk about. It is actually about something related to Lilia. While this might seem or sound as some sort of blasphemy without any form of proof, I think things might get a bit sour amidst our family. I am sure you can take care of it, but if worse comes to worst, knowing our parents, they will ask to give our opinion as well. Since, I am not there and won't be there for a long while, you can relay the message that I am fine with whatever decision you make. I believe in you. The space available on this tiny piece of paper is limited so I will end this letter here. I wanted to write to you as well, but I never received a letter from you, so I thought it'd be better I don't send anything to you. Anyways, take care. I will leave our family in your hands. Don't botch it.

Well, that was quite a heart touching letter. I might cry..... if I lie.

Anyways, what is this about Lilia being the cause of discord between our family. I know he is close with her but what could it be that can threaten the foundations of our family? Guess, I'll have to wait and see.

>Flashback end<

The first to break the silence was Zenith. She took the initiative of the emergency family meeting. I finally know what Julian was talking about. Well, Paul's degenerate behaviour was not hidden. Not surprised that he caught on to it as well.

"Well, what are you going to do now?" Zenith spoke up. From how I look at it, Zenith was exceedingly composed. She only gave her husband who committed adultery, a mere slap without falling into hysteria. That's quite the mental fortitude she has. Paul's face still had a red handprint.

"Please allow me to quit this job after helping Madam give birth." The one who replied is Lilia. She was also exceedingly calm. Perhaps in this world this is a very common thing. The owner and the maid with an affair. Once it becomes a problem, she leaves the house.


If it's the usual, I will be interested in such a tragic story. But this atmosphere is making me unable to even twitch. After all I have restraint. Unlike Paul.

Julian too, put a lot of emphasis on something in the ending note of the letter. Don't let Lilia go. It was something he put really emphasis on. I guess spending so much time with her really had its effect on him. He was a kid after all.

Just so you know, Paul is curling up in one corner. A father's dignity? The heck is that?

"What about the child?" Zenith asked, her tone eerily composed.

"I plan to raise him in my hometown after I give birth in Fedoa." Lilia replied, her eyes down, looking at the edge of the table but her head up.

"Your hometown is in the south right?"


"You will be exhausted after giving birth, and you probably can't take the long journey, right?"

"......Perhaps, but I don't have anywhere else to go to."

Fedoa is placed at Asura's northern section. From my knowledge, the cities at the southern side of the Asuran Kingdom require a full month's journey even on horse carriages. Even if it's only a month, Asura's kingdom security and weather is quite good. If you take a carriage the journey isn't very harsh.

But that's only for ordinary travelers. Lilia doesn't have money. If she doesn't have the money, she can only walk. Even if the Greyrat family gives her the fees for traveling, the danger doesn't change even if she takes a carriage. A mother who just gave birth setting off alone to journey. If I'm a bad guy, what will I do if I meet her?

Of course I'll attack her, that's a golden goose right there. It's asking others to "please attack me". Taking the child as a hostage and then imprisoning the mother. Stealing all her money and belongings first. And there seems to be some form of slavery system, it will be a done deal if the mother and child get sold too.

Even if Asura is the most secure place in this world, it doesn't mean there are no bad people out there. She probably has a high chance to get attacked. Zenith is right. Physical strength is a problem. Even if Lilia manages to endure it, what about the child?

Can the child last a full month's journey? Impossible right?

Of course, if Lilia collapses, the child will also accompany her. If they fall sick, they also don't have the resources to look for a doctor, and at the end they will go down. My eyes can already visualize the scenery of Lilia carrying her baby collapsing in the snowstorm. I don't want Lilia to die in that manner. And I don't want to get cut down by that little prick.

"But honey, that's really..."

"Shut up!!" Paul tried to argue by stammering, but after Zenith's flat rejection, he curled up like a child in the corner. In this matter, he has no speaking power. Hmm. Looks like Paul has already been eliminated out of the equation.


Zenith bit her fingernails in pain. Looks like she's hesitating. She doesn't hate Lilia to the point of killing her. Actually, the relationship between the two is very good. They have been maintaining the household for 6 years together, one can even see them as good friends.

If the child in Lilia isn't Paul's.

If Lilia got raped in an alley and got pregnant because of that, Zenith will definitely allow... no, she will forcefully protect her, and let her child be raised here. From the flow of the conversation, this world doesn't have the concept of aborting a child.

I think there are two conflicting feelings in Zenith's heart.

The feeling of her fondness for Lilia and the feeling that she has been betrayed. I think Zenith is plenty admirable that she's not leaning to the latter emotion. If it's me, I will surely be jealous enough to chase her out. The fact that Zenith is able to keep her cool has something to do with Lilia's attitude. Lilia isn't finding an excuse for herself, and only plans to take responsibility. Taking all the responsibility towards the family she has betrayed, that she has always served.

But the one who should take responsibility in my opinion, should be Paul. It isn't right for Lilia to take all the responsibility. This farewell cannot happen in such a terrible way.

I decided to help Lilia. I have received plenty of care from her. Even though we didn't have much interaction and she rarely speaks to me, but she has taken very good care of me.

Every time when I am soaked with perspiration from practicing sword techniques, she will have prepared a towel for me. If I got drenched from the rain, she will also prepare hot water. During the cold nights she brings me a blanket. When I forget to pack the books back to the shelves, she will pack them fastidiously.

And most importantly.

The most important, and that is of most importance.

She knows the existence of the stolen Divine Artefact, but she kept it a secret.

That's right, Lilia knows.

Back then when Roxy still hadn't left.

It was raining then. I was studying the botanical encyclopedia in my room with complicated feelings. It was then when Lilia entered and began cleaning. I was absorbed in reading the book and I didn't notice Lilia cleaning near the hiding place of the Divine Artifact. When I noticed her, it was already past redemption. Lilia's hand was holding on to the Divine Artifact.

I was utterly shocked. It's true that the 20 years of my neet life, that my room was completely messy without caring if there's anyone beside me. There's even a folder on the computer's desktop with the file name [Erotic pictures]. That is perhaps why my hiding techniques have grown rusty. But I didn't expect it at all that it was found so easily. I even tried earnestly to hide it... Is this the living thing called a "Maid"?

Something in my heart starts to crumble, and the blood started to leave my brain. The witch hunt had begun.

Lilia said: "What's that?"

I said: "Wwwwwwwwwhat's that, ttttttthat."

Lilia said: "There's a smell to it."

I said: "Ses-- That may or may not be the smell of sesame oil?"

Lilia said: "Whose is this?"

I said: ".........Sorry, it's Roxy's."

Lilia said: "It's better to wash it."

I said: "How can that be washed!!"

Lilia threw the Divine Artifact back into the Divine Holding Place (the hiding place). And she left the me who was trembling, and left the room.

Oh, how I miss the sweet scent.....mmmmmmh~

I swear on my name I will kill the one who stole it back from me. I mean, it definitely isn't Julian, since as much as I hate to admit it, he doesn't seem a little bit interested in it.

Anyways, on that night I was prepared to face a family meeting. But nothing happened. I was shivering the entire night. But when it turned to the 2nd morning, nothing happened at all.

She didn't tell anyone. I'll repay this favor. "Mother, I can get two siblings at the same time, why is the atmosphere so heavy?"

I must be like a child. Lilia's pregnant. That's great, there are even more family members. Why are you getting angry? I try to cut in based on this type of feeling.

"That's because she and your father had done something that's not allowed." Zenith replied with a sigh. Bottomless fury creeped into her voice. But that fury isn't pointed at Lilia. Zenith knows it clearly herself.

Who has the most fault?

"Is that so. But can Lilia resist father?"


So, even if it's unfair to Paul, he has dug this grave himself. Please bear all the blame.

Sorry, not sorry. I don't owe you anything, Ha.HA! PAUL! You did it to yourself. Sucks to suck, i guess.

"I know. Father's holding on to Lilia's weakness."

"Eh? Is that true!?" Zenith seemed to believe my random lies, looking back at Lilia in surprise. Maybe this is because she think an innocent kid like me will never lie.


Lilia was expressionless as usual, but she seemed to have an idea about this, and her eyebrow moved a little. Is it really true that she had some weakness. But from how it looks, the one whose weakness has been caught is actually Paul...

Whatever. That's just as well. "Earlier, when I went to the toilet and passed by Lilia's room, I heard father saying... If you don't want 'that' to come into open daylight, you better obediently spread your legs or something like that."

"Wha!! Rudy, what are you saying..." Paul stammered, his face reflecting a look of sheer betrayal.

"You shut the hell up!!" Zenith piercing shriek cut Paul off. "Lilia, is what he said true?" Zenith continued.

"No, that kind of thing is..." Lilia wanted to say something, but her eyes wavered. Well, the letter said that it isn't Paul's but rather Lilia's fault. It can be the case since I do not know much about her, and Julian is closer. Perhaps he knows that Lilia is attracted to Paul?

I really have a stud for a father. Curses!

"That's true, you can't say it out loud from your mouth..." Zenith arbitrarily comes to an oh-so convenient understanding of her own based on Lilia's attitude. Paul seemed flabbe discombobulated with his eyes darting in confusion, even though his mouth was wide open he couldn't say anything---like a goldfish.

Good. Now for the finishing blow.

"Mother. I feel that Lilia isn't in the wrong."


"It's father who is in the wrong."


"Father is in the wrong, but Lilia's getting punished, this is too strange."


There's not enough of a reaction...... A little more, hehe!

"I'm really happy to spend time with Sylphy, so I think it's better that my siblings should have friends of the same age."


"Also, mother. To me, both of them are my siblings."

".........I got it. Sheesh, I really can't win Rudy." Zenith took in a deep breath, raising her hands in the air as she let out a sigh of resignation.

"Lilia, stay in our home. You're already one of us!! I'm not allowing you to leave by yourself!!" She laid down the order. Paul opened his eyes wide while Lilia was in constant tears as she covered her lips with her hands.

And thus, this matter comes to a close.

Now, I just need to write a letter to Julian. Toodoloo. You owe me one now, hehe.

(3rd person POV)

A mushroom shaped smoke rose up, scattering by the interlinked network of leaves as they shuddered marginally. A figure sat atop a heap of low-level monsters, a huge cape on his head while a few strands of pure golden draped over his face.

His hands were placed on his knees, his chest rising up and down in a calm rhythm, a stark contrast to the brutality around him---monsters and humans slaughtered and dismembered alike. With a nonchalant look on his face, he swayed sideways as if enjoying a symphony.

"Ahh, I wonder if I'll get another brother or sisters this time." He spoke to himself, and the corner of his lips curved into a soft smile before returning to the usual stoic one, the slight tingle of affection dissipating within a fraction of a second. "Hm, I am getting attacked too often. I wonder why." He questioned while looking at the small heap of a dozen heads of a party that he had just killed.

With a shrug he leapt off his throne of mutilated monster's bodies and landed on the ground. "I wonder when Rudy will send me a letter." He said as he started to move towards the adventuring guild.


Just like that, all the blame has been gathered onto Paul, and things settled down. In the end, Zenith looked at Paul as if a pig is going to be slaughtered. In some professions this might be a reward, but my balls shrank for that moment. Zenith brought that harrowing look in her and returned to her room alone.

Lilia was crying. She still had the empty, expressionless look, but her tears kept flowing from her eyes. Paul's hesitating whether he should hug her shoulders.

Well, I'll leave it to the playboy.

I chased after Zenith to the master bedroom. If this incident causes Zenith to divorce Paul, it's also a problem. I knocked on the door, and Zenith immediately came out. "Mother. The earlier stuff I said was a lie. Please don't hate father."

I said without any preface to it. Zenith looked dumbfounded for a moment, but she immediately smiled wryly and stroke my head. "I got it. I didn't think that I will like that sort of bad guy. That fellow is stupid and lustful, so I had prepared myself for when it ever turned out like that. But it just happened so suddenly that I was too shocked."

"......Is father that fond of women?"

I pretended to not know anything and ask.

"Yes. He was better recently, but he didn't care about the consequences in the past. It might even be possible that there's Rudy's older brother or sister out there somewhere."

Well talk about the ancestor of Aegon Targaeryen. Good going Paul. Keep spreading that seed like its some sort of pollen season. UGH!

As Zenith talked, the strength of the hand stroking my head became stronger and stronger. "Rudy can't turn out to be that kind of adult, okay?" She rubed my head firmly, no, she's grabbing my head with more and more strength...

"You can't treat Sylphy lightly okay?"

"Ow, ouch, of course mother, ouch~"

I feel like my actions from hence forth have been severely warned. But, it looks like things should be fine now. Whatever happens will be Paul's effort. But, our family's father is really mischievous.

There's no 2nd chance, mister.

"Yes mom." I replied as she let out a long breath, "Don't be like your father." As if to make her words dig into my brain, she gripped my hair once more.


Things have been sort of non-compos-mentis lately, or in simple words, crazy.

I was able to jump ranks rather quickly. After clearing 5 consecutive E rank jobs, and 10 consecutive D Rank jobs, I was able to become rank C pretty quickly.

However, the main issue, in all of this was the fact that most missions for Rank C required one to be in a party, it started to hinder my progress. I was invited to join a B-Rank party with 6 members in it. However, it turned out they were an infamous group who would recruit promising newbies to milk them and then dispose of them.

Being a B-Ranked party attracted them and many fell to their tactics. Thankfully, the receptionist told me that they were suspicious of this party despite the lack of evidence.

However, this hints to a new problem. All of the are dead.

Apart from 3 gold coins and a sword, I didn't steal anything else making it look like a revenge massacre instead of a robbery. Currently, I am back in the Adventurer's guild.

The looks I get often makes my social anxiety kick in, but I tend to ignore them. While I don't like to gather any sort of attention, climbing up ranks quickly was the only way to get some benefits out of this activity.

Ignoring the prying gazes, I went towards the receptionist. "Oh, Julian! You're back!"

"Good afternoon, Sarah." I greeted, taking my hood off from my head. I thought it would be a good thing to befriend her. Turns out, contrasting to her harsh looks, she is pretty easy to talk to---a physical embodiment of don't judge a book by its cover.

"How was the job? Where are those mugs?" She whispered, inching closer.

"Hm, sadly they died. I couldn't save them." I replied, trying to put on a sullen look.

"Really!?!" She replied in an extremely ecstatic tone as every head towards us. Covering her mouth with her hands she lowered herself, "I mean, that is very sad to hear."

"It is. I couldn't do anything to save them, sorry." I spoke up, a little louder. I could hear a dissatisfied grunt from somewhere. I mean, I wasn't very good at lying, neither did I had the energy to do so.

"As long as you are alive, Julian, heh." She replied with a grin and took a pouch of money out. "Since you're the sole survivor, you can keep the prize money."

"Oh, thanks." I replied, immediately taking the money from her hands. I can finally eat something good. Yay?

"Also, Julian, you have a letter, again." Sarah spoke as I turned towards her.

Looking at the sender section I saw a name I wasn't expecting.


"You seem happy. Is it a lover, perhaps?" Sarah asked as I looked up at her.

"Do I look happy?"

"More than usual. So?" She leaned forward, a typical look of gossip-loving woman on her face, "Is it a lover?"

"She was my teacher. Well, my brother's teacher to be exact. She was my first friend."

"So you aren't denying that is she is a lover???? Tell me more about it. Pretty please???" She almost fell over the desk on my side, begging for some tea.

"I am 6, Sarah. And no, she isn't my lover."

"6? Oh, you're old enough."

Maybe I am.

"See you later." I replied, turning around.

"Oh no. At least tell me who it is."

Sarah's voice slowly started to mix in with the busy bustle of people chattering around us as I moved towards a corner seat in the far corner beside the notice board. Opening the letter slowly, I read it.

Hello, Julian. How are you? It has been a few weeks since I last heard from you. It had me really worried. You shouldn't worry your friend like this, you know? But then again, you might be busy with all your adventuring and other things, so I guess if you ask for it, I might let his one pass. Anyways, how is your adventuring going on? I hope you aren't being targeted already. I can't help but feel that you have a natural inclination towards attracting attention and trouble. Even though you hate it...... you know I miss our strolls in the village. They were always refreshing. Even though I was there to teach you and your brother, I always ended up learning something new from you. I really envy your talent in magic and hate your lack of interest in it. Oh, speaking of talent, I recently became a King-Ranked Water Magician. I realised it while writing it to you...... but this doesn't seem like much since you can do it too, if you tried. I am currently staying in the castle of the capital of Kingdom of Shirone. Feel free to drop by..... only if you want.

Take care of your health. I will be praying for you. Good luck and goodbye.... only for now, heh.

Hm, she said Kingdom of Shirone. I looked up at the notice board.

(1) Rank of the job > C Rank

(2) The job > Escort

(3) Reward > Single gold coin

(4) Job Details > Roa to Shirone.

(5) Job Owner Name > Anonymous

Guess, I will meet her sooner than expected.

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