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Chapter 11: The Invasion (2)

After successfully hunting the horned snake, Neo and the lieutenant decided to take a detour and visit a nearby town. The town was known for being ruled by a noble family who were known for their strict laws and order.

As they walked through the main road, they visited several shops to replenish their supplies. Neo was interested in finding a new sword as he had outgrown his old one. They eventually found a blacksmith who specialized in making swords and Neo was able to find a sword that felt like an extension of his arm.

After buying everything they needed, they decided to grab a bite to eat at a nearby tavern. The tavern was bustling with people and the smell of roasted meat filled the air. Neo and the lieutenant found a table in a corner and ordered some food and drinks.

As Neo and the lieutenant were eating in the tavern, a group of rowdy locals entered and started causing trouble. They began insulting and pushing some of the other patrons, clearly looking for a fight. Neo and the lieutenant exchanged a knowing glance, both sensing trouble brewing.

Without warning, one of the locals shoved a nearby woman, causing her to spill her drink all over herself. Neo stood up, his hand instinctively going to his sword hilt. He tried to calm the situation down, but the locals were too drunk and belligerent to listen.

Things escalated quickly, with fists flying and chairs breaking. Neo knew that he couldn't just walk away from a fight, so he accepted the challenge. The lieutenant stood by his side as they faced off against the rowdy men. The fight was short but intense, and Neo was able to hold his own against the rowdy men. In the end, they emerged victorious and were able to leave the tavern without any further trouble.

Neo and the lieutenant were on their way back to estate when they overheard two guards talking about a group of Orcs heading in the same direction. The news made them both anxious and they decided to hurry their journey. Neo's father's land was located in a secluded area of the human empire, making it an easy target for Orcs. They couldn't risk any danger reaching their family.

The two continued their journey in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Neo was worried about his family's safety and wondered how many Orcs they were dealing with. Meanwhile, the lieutenant was planning their strategy in case they encountered the Orcs. They were prepared for anything.

After a few hours of riding their horse, they finally reached the outskirts of Neo's father's land. They saw smoke rising from a distance and knew that something was wrong. They quickened their pace and soon saw the devastation caused by the Orcs. The fields were on fire, houses were burned down, and there were dead bodies everywhere.

They could see that a fight was still going on in the estate and hurried their. As Neo and the lieutenant arrived at the estate, they saw that the orcs had already breached the walls and were attacking the defenders. Neo's father was leading the charge, but he was outnumbered and overwhelmed. Neo and the lieutenant joined the fight, but the orcs were too many, and they were slowly losing ground.

As the battle raged on, Neo's mother appeared on the walls, urging everyone to fight harder while using spells towards the Orcs. But in the heat of the battle, an orc arrow struck her, and she fell to the ground. Neo watched in horror as she took her last breath. His father, consumed by grief and rage, charged at the orcs, but he was surrounded and outnumbered.

As Neo watched in horror, one of the orcs lunged at him with a jagged sword. Neo deftly sidestepped the attack and countered with a swift blow from his sword. He managed to take down a few orcs, but soon he was outnumbered and overwhelmed.

One of the orcs managed to knock Neo's sword out of his hand and another one grabbed him from behind. Neo struggled fiercely, but he was no match for the brute strength of the orc.

As Neo's father faced off against the Orc captain, the air around them grew thick with the auras of their respective powers. Neo watched in awe as his father's sword began to glow with a fierce blue light, as if enchanted with the power of the wind.

The Orc captain's own aura was a deep crimson, emanating from his body in waves that seemed to make the very ground shake beneath their feet. His axe was similarly enhanced, shimmering with a dark energy that made Neo's skin crawl. Neo quickly realized that the Orc was a higher-ranked knight than his father.

Neo watched in horror as his father, with his sword in hand, clashed with the Orc captain. The strength and power of the two combatants was awe-inspiring, as they traded blow after blow, each causing shockwaves that shook the ground beneath them.

The Orc captain towered over Neo's father, his muscles rippling with every movement, and his axe gleaming in the sunlight. Neo's father, despite being vastly outmatched, fought with a determination and skill that Neo had never seen before. His sword danced through the air, parrying and striking with a speed that belied his age.

The two warriors clashed, their enchanted weapons sending shockwaves through the air with every blow. Neo could barely keep up with their movements, their strength and speed more than a hundred times greater than that of a human.

But as the battle raged on, Neo's father began to tire. His strikes were no longer as precise as they had been at the start of the fight, and the Orc captain was slowly gaining the upper hand.

But even with all his training and experience, it was clear that Neo's father was no match for the brute strength of the Orc captain. The Orc's massive axe cleaved through the air, shattering Neo's father's sword into pieces. With a swift kick, the Orc sent Neo's father crashing to the ground.

Neo watched in horror as his father rolled in the ground, a deep gash across his chest. As Neo's father lay on the ground, the Orc captain loomed over him, ready to deliver the final blow. But even in his last moments, Neo's father looked up at the Orc with a small smile on his face. It was a smile of pride, knowing that his son was watching, and that he had fought bravely until the very end.

With a final swing of his axe, the Orc captain ended Neo's father's life. Neo watched in despair as his father's body went limp, and the Orcs around him cheered in victory.

As the orcs captured him, Neo felt a deep sense of loss and anger. He vowed to avenge his family's deaths and to take back his home from the orcs. But for now, he was helpless, a captive of his enemies.

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