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Chapter 5: Chapter 5

As Jack reviews the past cases on a fine morning, his phone suddenly rings.

It was a close buddy of his, Criminal investigator Collins, from the neighborhood police division.

Collins says: "Jack, please assist me. We have another case, and I believe you're the perfect person to get everything taken care of."

Jack: " What's the situation?

Collins says: "It's a homicide. The suspect is his wife, and the victim is a well-known businessman. However, there is more to this than first appears. I believe we are dealing with a corporate espionage game with high stakes."

Jack was intrigued right away. He had forever been entranced by cases including complex connivance and secret plans.

Jack: " I'm in. What do you really want me to do?"

Collins says: "I need you to represent Mrs. Emily Thompson, the suspect. Despite the overwhelming evidence against her, I maintain that she is innocent. To discover the truth, you will need to dig deep."

Jack began his investigation after accepting the case. He went to a meeting with Mrs. Thompson and listened to what she had to say.

Mrs. Thompson: " My husband wasn't killed by me. We had our difficulties, but I would never have done that."

Jack: " I trust you. However, we must demonstrate it in court."

Mrs. Thompson said, "I comprehend. But where should we begin?"

Jack: " We need to thoroughly examine the evidence. We will use the flaws in the prosecution's case to create a defense."

Jack put in a lot of effort on the case over the following few weeks. He looked over statements made by witnesses, looked at photos of the crime scene, and talked to forensic experts. He started to piece together a different story than the one the prosecution was telling slowly but surely.

The trial finally began. The time had come for Jack and his team to present their case.

Jack: " My client, Mrs. Emily Thompson, has been accused of a terrible crime, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. However, the prosecution's evidence is merely circumstantial. They lack direct evidence that Mrs. Thompson was the one who caused her husband's death."

The prosecution used Mrs. Thompson's motive for the murder, her husband's substantial life insurance policy, a lot in their presentation. However, Jack was prepared for them.

Jack: " Yes, my client stood to benefit financially from the death of her husband. However, she is not responsible for that. The indictment has not introduced a solitary piece of actual proof connecting Mrs. Thompson to the wrongdoing. Additionally, their witnesses' accounts are at best questionable."

Jack called his own witnesses, one of which was a forensic expert who challenged the prosecution's theory about how the murder was committed.

It was finally time for the concluding arguments.

Jack: " Lovely people of the jury, the indictment has neglected to demonstrate their case for certain. Mrs. Emily Thompson, my client, is not guilty. I urge you to find her not guilty of any charges."

Before returning with a verdict, the jury deliberated for several hours.

Judge: " Please allow the defendant to rise."

As the judge read the verdict, you could feel the tension in the courtroom.

Judge: " How are you able to locate the defendant on the charge of first-degree murder?"

In charge: " Not liable."

As Mrs. Thompson was cleared of all charges, the audience gasped in shock and relief.

Jack spoke about the case with Detective Collins following the trial.

Collins says: "I must admit that I was uncertain about this one. But you managed it. You tracked down the openings for their situation."

Jack: " Collins, I appreciate it. It wasn't easy, but in the end we got there."

Collins says: "So, what are your next steps? Any new cases not too far off?"

Jack: " One, in fact, has been keeping me awake at night. The police have no leads after the body of a young woman was discovered in her apartment."

Collins: " That sounds like an intense one. Do you have any suggestions?"

Jack: " Not yet, but I hope to investigate the case and find out what I can. There must be more to this than meets the eye, I suspect."

Collins says: "All things considered, I have most likely that you'll make quick work of it. You have repeatedly demonstrated your self-worth."

Jack went through the following couple of days pouring over the case records and talking any individual who could have data. He figured out that the person in question, named Emily, was a youthful craftsman who had been battling to become famous in the serious workmanship world.

Jack: "This may have something to do with her career, in my opinion. It's possible that someone didn't want her to succeed."

PI: " That's definitely an option. Have you conversed with any of her partners or rivals?"

Jack: " Yes, but nobody appears to be aware of anything. She is said to have been friendly to everyone."

PI: " What about her friends and family?"

Jack: " I spoke with her parents, but they had little to say. Naturally, they are devastated, but they were unaware of anyone who might have intended to harm her."

PI: " Well, we need to continue digging. There has to be somebody out there who has some knowledge."

Jack: " Agreed. Keep working on it."

Jack received a call from an old friend, a detective by the name of Rodriguez, as they continued their investigation. Rodriguez had information that might be relevant to Emily's assassination, but he was working on a separate case at the time.

Rodriguez: " Hello Jack, I caught wind of the case you're dealing with. Perhaps I have something for you."

Jack: " Really? How much do you own?"

Rodriguez said, "I came across a name while investigating a drug trafficking organization that might be of interest to you. Marcus Lee is the name of the man. He is an art dealer who has a history of getting involved in questionable transactions."

Jack: " How about he be associated with Emily's homicide?"

Rodriguez said, "It's conceivable. Although I lack concrete evidence, it merits investigation."

Jack: " Rodriguez, thank you. You owe me one."

Jack and the PI began to concentrate on Marcus Lee with this new lead. They went to his art gallery in the hope of learning more about his business dealings.

Lee: " Can I be of any assistance?"

Jack: " We are investigating Emily's death. We were informed that you knew her.

Lee: " I did indeed. She was a young artist with talent. It's unfortunate what she went through."

Jack: " We were told that you sell art. Is that accurate?"

Lee: " Indeed, that is right. I specialize in modern art. For what reason do you inquire?"

Jack: " We are just trying to learn more about her world. We're contemplating whether there could have been any agreements or conflicts that might have prompted her demise."

Lee: " I see. Indeed, I can guarantee you that I didn't have anything to do with it. Emily was a companion, and I'm crushed by what has been going on with her."

Jack noticed something odd as he and the PI were leaving. Lee had a little cut on his hand, and there was dried blood around the edges.

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