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Chapter 8: Chapter 7

"Come on Mercury let's go," Jaune said while stepping down the ramp and out of the bullhead. He was now wearing a pair of loose white pants, a long sleeve shirt, and a pair of white gloves.

Looking back Jaune saw the starstruck expression of Mercury causing him to smile while shaking his head and making his way toward Junior's club.

Mercury, seeing Jaune walk away, quickly ran up to catch up to him.

As the two walked through the city Jaune couldn't help but smile seeing his men helping around the citizens of Vale. When he finally establishes his kingdom these people will flock to a place that will actually protect them.

It didn't take long for the two to arrive at Junior's club; the two bouncers that stood at the entrance took one look at Jaune and quickly let him in. Of course, the people who were standing in line began to shout but they were quickly dealt with by the bouncers.

Once Jaune and Mercury stepped inside the sound of music and dancing flowed into their ears and once they got to the dance floor it got even louder.

But Jaune didn't pay attention to the drunk patrons but instead headed to the bar. There he saw Junior standing behind it cleaning glasses.

"Yo boss. What's up?" Junior asked after giving him a nod in greeting. While he usually wouldn't be this respectful to anyone, but watching said child pull the soul out of someone will make you respect them.

"Nothing much Junior, just going to head to the back," Jaune said while grabbing some apple juice from behind the bar. "Also this is the kid I was talking to you about the son of Marcus Black, Mercury Black."

Junior's eyes opened in surprise before looking to the left and seeing the carbon copy of the assassin Marcus Black, only the boy Mercury showed his age with his face still having baby fat on it, unlike his father whose face was always set in a hard scowl. "Well, I'll be damned so Marcus is off the face of Remnant huh."

"Yup, now if you'll excuse me I got a meeting to attend," Jaune said, taking a sip of his apple juice and heading to the back of the club followed by Mercury.

As the two boys headed further inside the sounds of music began to get quieter until it was only a soft beat that traveled through their bodies.

"Alright, we'll wait here, Mercury," Jaune said as he opened the door to a large room with velvet couches around the room with one of the Holo TV projectors in the center and a small bar filled with snacks and drinks of all varieties.

As soon as he stepped inside Jaune stopped and released a hearty chuckle feeling the person in the room thanks to [Aura Sense]. "Come on out Neo."

The room was silent for several seconds with Mercury looking at Jaune in confusion thinking he had gone crazy, before the sound of shattering glass was heard and a girl appeared before she hugged Jaune.

She was a cute little thing with hair that was half brown and half pink with white streaks on the pink side that reached down to her back. She had heterochromia eyes with her left one being brown and her left one being pink.

After setting her down Jaune took a good look at her new outfit. It was a white cropped wide, broad-tailed jacket with a pink interior, collar, a single pink button, and large pink cuffs. Under her jacket she wore a brown overbust corset, curved in the middle and at the bottom, exposing her hips. Brown pants with a dark belt that has a gray buckle and an additional narrow belt under it. A pair of black and white spat styled under the knee boots and a pair of black gloves.

After the girls from the prep school were situated Jaune had gone to meet Trivia. Of course, that also meant he met Neopolitan, an illusion created by Trivia thanks to her semblance, overactive imagination. Neopolitan was all the things Trivia wanted to be so she unconsciously created Neo to express the girl she was on the inside hidden by her parents and their controlling ways.

It was quite tense at first but after promising her the freedom she desired all her life she readily accepted him. From there Jaune would help her with her semblance after he copied it via the [analysis] sub-skill of [Predator] at the time, and got the skill [Overactive Imagination] before it was integrated into [Illusion Creation] via [Degenerate].

"So how have you been since I left? hopefully not causing too much trouble I hope." Jaune said with a smirk.

Neo in response used [Overactive Imagination] to create a speech bubble over her head.

(AN: \Neo Speaking./)

\I've been good this entire time and I've only caused a little bit of trouble./ Neo said with a mischievous smirk across her face.

Seeing her face Jaune sighed before sitting down and taking another sip from his apple juice. "I'll deal with whatever you did later for now I have a gift for you."

\Oh?/ She said with intrigue.

"Alright, just don't resist Neo," Jaune said while using [Gluttony].

Neo, seeing the purple energy wrap around her, didn't fight back. After all, Jaune had never lied to her.

Once she was fully absorbed Jaune used the sub-skill of [Gluttony], [Provide] to give Neo the skills [Aura Manipulation], [Aura Sense], [Self-Regeneration], [Aura Regeneration], and [Thought Acceleration]. With a thought Jaune released Neo causing her to appear where she just was.

\So what was that?/ Neo asked with excitement while looking over her body.

"I gave you some of my skills, you should be able to use them without issue. Just don't use [Aura Sense] too much as all the information could fry your brain to a crisp." Jaune said seriously not wanting to see Neo off herself using [Aura Sense]. The only reason he hadn't fried his brain yet from using the skill nonstop was due to [Great Sage] filtering all the unnecessary feedback from his surroundings.

\Got it Jaune./ Neo said with a smirk before walking over to the couch and laying down on the couch and beginning to play on her scroll.

"So what was that anyway?" Mercury asked from behind Jaune.

"Well, I guess you can think of it as magic as I told you about earlier since my semblance is just aura amplification," Jaune said while sitting down and connecting his scroll to the holo TV to play the equivalent of Super Smash Bros that was in this world. "Now Mercury the question is now that you work for me how do you plan to fight? Will you be an assassin like your father? Or do you want to fight up close and personal?"

Mercury was silent for several seconds, his face set in concentration before he spoke again. "No matter how much I hate the old man, he did teach me some useful skills so I think I'll stick with assassinations and learn some close quarters on the side."

"Got it now I'm going to grant you some useful skills that should help." Jaune said before giving Mercury the skills [Illusion Creation], [Shadow Movement], [Body Armor], [Sticky-Steel Thread], [Aura Sense], [Aura Manipulation], [Thought Acceleration], and [Aura Regeneration].

"Wow!" Mercury said in awe as he subconsciously used [Body Armor] causing the white body armor to appear on his arm.

"And that's just the tip of the iceberg now let's wait for the others to get here," Jaune said before continuing his game, Mercury continued to play with his new skills, and Neo sat closer to Jaune and watched him play.


After half an hour of waiting Alice along with the other girls finally arrived.

"It's a pleasure to see you again my lord." They all said in unison.

"Stand up my faithful assassins, there is no need to prostrate yourself before me," Jaune said with a cramped smile on his face.

"I cannot allow that, my lord. To not bow before you would be highly disrespectful to you, the future demon lord of Remnant." Alice said with indignation at the mere thought of disrespecting her lord.

Jaune could only sigh at Alice and her stubborn nature. "Alright Alice, now onto why I called you here," Jaune said, causing them all to snap to attention. "I recently acquired a skill that has the ability to give a copy of my skills to my subordinates and I'm going to do the same for you."

The girls were extremely excited. They had seen Jaune's skills in action so being told they were about to receive the same skills was exciting.

Jaune gave them all the same package of skills as Mercury. "Now Alice tell me about the mission."

"Understood my lord," Alice said with a nod while pulling out her scroll and pulling up a map of Vale. "We have been going around the entirety of Vale and saving and helping any villages we come across. About 25% of the villages of Vale are under your command."

"25% huh," Jaune said, humming in thought. 'With 25% of Vale under my control, I think it's finally time I start heading to Mistral to deal with Raven and get the relic of knowledge since they're the least defended with Leonardo being compromised.' Jaune thought before looking at Alice. "Alice, I want you to tell the others to continue their missions in Vale while you come with me to Mistral.

"Understood my lord I shall begin packing my bags at once," Alice said before using [Shadow Movement] to move out of the room.

Neo who was sitting on the couch got up and stood in front of Jaune and began using her semblance. \Why Mistral?/ She asked in confusion.

"I'm going to finally start getting out of Vale and my first stop is Mistral where I will deal with Raven Branwen and get the Relic of Knowledge from the vault under Haven."

\Then take me with you then./ Neo said with a pout. \We've barely hung out these last six months./

"Alright fine you can come with just try not to cause too much trouble for me."

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