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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Jaguars


"His ears is bleeding and nose, someone bring me a towel!"

She does not understand what just happened but all she knew is that her mate was in pain. She's in in pain just knowing her mate is in pain. As her pain arrived it stopped and thankfully the nan stopped screaming, it was getting really annoying. She tried her best to clean the blood but the bears eyes are amber.

"Kai. Let. Me. Go."

The man brought her into his arms, he shook his head as if he was still trying to get a hold of his senses. This is the first time the arrogant man actually looks unsure about something. The moment she saw the now panting Alex and her some what raddled mate who shook it off. He got up and faced Noah then the omega holding on to him.

"You trying to fight forces that are not fighting fair. What I can tell you is to keep that one away from the darkness. As for you, I will not allow you to get harmed or worse... We leaving, this is not my fight and it is not yours either."

What is going on? She can't just leave without ensuring at least Ora, Xander and the others make it out. With glossy eyes she did something she knew she would regret, she begged her mate...

"I will stop running... I will live with you... Whatever. Mate, I want you to save my family and friends."

Her mate groaned again but this really means a lot to her. They both know she will find her way back here regardless of his tactics so turned around.

"Well since you asked so nicely, who would refuse?"

Kai took the knife again and slit her wrists which immediately healed then Alex's that did the exact samething, she healed too..

"Get out of the water we need to talk."


He looks at her and motions she comes closer to him... She does but she is moving so slowly she wanted to ruin the fun of him teasing her. She's basically playing games with a man that is strong enough to carry her like she weighed nothing.

"Such defiance. Little mate you made the deal."

"Yeah I did. But I do not remember saying I will comply to your every command, you've already got your staff for that."

For the first time Kai actually laughs at her sass and humor. His smile when it is not drenched in sarcasm makes him look more approachable and defied the odds by being more appealing. She looked away wondering what's gotten into her, she can't be thinking of the man that some how manipulated her.

"I am the big bad bear, do you not fear me now?"

She laughs and shake her head, Kai can't do anything to hurt her. Unless you count...

"I am your mate and that means you will not harm me."

"Will not does not mean can not... You right though, I have no desire to actually harm you."

She wanted to get up but Kai pulled her down on her and she growled elongating her nails.

"Oooh I'm scared."

"You should be, you taking me to your place."

He already got personal references of how troublesome she is and he the audacity to undermine that or think he can tame her. Hilarious. He let go of her hand so she got up and joined the omegas who were listening in from the kitchen.





In one trip he managed to get his insane mates temporal compliance. He is in under no delusion of her character, this woman will constantly find a ways to escape but right now he took the win. After in depth investigations on her past records led him to conclude that his mate is not the most sane but his confident that he can tame the wild cat. Someone cleared their throat beside him, oh yeah he stayed for this. He studied Alex from head to toe and his eyes caught her attention.

"There are many reasons why you should not fall into the wrong hands. It has to do with the fact our beings are beyond a nature or a useless status."

He showed the woman his eyes and the tired woman did the same unconsciously. He smile satisfied his observations, he got up showing the woman part of his full form. Her eyes widened at the sight of his claws, eyes, elongated teeth and the magnitude of his power without his full form.

"Our blood bring chaos and destruction. Unfortunately our world will also be impacted by the frivolous darkness coming our way. I assume they are trying to bring forth a blood moon and in order to activate it's complete chaos they will need chaotic blood. The moon will drive alphas to a point of aggregation that they will kill their Duecalion and driven to insanity to kill eachother.

The blood moon activated will bring complete and utter havoc, pain, loss and a lot of deaths. We are called blood- jaguars, the moon's does not affect us or our kind the way it would affect other shifters. No offense we are better than regular shifters... We faster, we are more wise, more calculative and more confident. Omega, our confidence in our abilities is the most important part of our strength."

He turned back to look at his mate who's eyes is wide open, not with fear but wonder. Yeah his chosen mate is not sane and he kinda made peace with her way of thinking. Crazy plus chaotic madness leads an army of of strong warriors, together the blood moon means nothing.

"I don't understand."

Oh yeah his still doing this whole thing pretending to give a fuck about wolves thing. This one (Alex) is his people and belongs with his kind, they can protect her and make her stronger than she can ever be.

He looked at the omega and sighed, he got up and indicated every one go to one side of the room. His going to teach this woman how his brothers taught him how to fight was a child, by thowing her in the deepend. He first has to show her that it is possible to control both sides while treating them as one.

He first shifted to her large bear and shifted again to jaguar who was more harder to control. He taught himself control his chaotic side because his mother hid his power form his brothers and father. He then finally shifted back to his clothed human self, taking a breath to reign in that chaos of a bear and jaguar trying to coexist.

"Our jaguar is more difficult to control due to it will but it is the most protective part of you... So if you ever in danger I recommend you trust your jaguar, her strength, speed and survival nature is useful."

"I can't do that."

He rolled his eyes then walked up to the beautiful woman then slapped her. The slap rang across t room and with the corner of his eye he saw the rest of the alphas holding the pissed mate back who roared his disapproval.

"Calm down. If Alex is able to defend herself it will be better for everyone involved. Common Alex get angry. Fight!"

Alex did not but hold her cheek he regretted hitting mostly because she did not wrong nor deserved such treatment. He roared frustrated with himself and the omega who just stared at him with this adorable eyes wide.

"What about I hurt your mate then? Will you fight? Believe that you can take me and fight!"

He made his way to the alpha and held him still semi asking for his cooperation.

"Hold still. She seems to care about you... Don't worry when she shifts I assure you, I will surly pay for my transgression. This might hurt... remember to stand back when she shifts."

He got closer to the alpha and slowly cut his neck with a single claw and the sight of blood made the women's eyes flash fury. All he did was take his jaguar's claw, the cut must have probably healed by now but omega did not think about that. He held the alpha in front of him and cut the other side which also healed but seeing the blood made the furious omega rage.

She roared claw, fangs and eyes a clear indicator of what she wanted to do next. He quickly let go of of the alpha who moved out of his way, in fact seeing the woman change made everyone move to the other room they looked in. His glad his lover decided to follow the crowed to a more secure place, he smiled at the alpha and his mate.

"This is about to get fu-n-"

Alex slammed him against the far room and he slammed against the wall, he got up and dusted his expensive clothing. Her eyes changed to a violent red, so did her speed and the fury bound to make her unstoppable. He noticed the woman kept depending on her wolf with her speed and efficiency. Her fear gave him the advantage of holding the omega by the neck.

"How pathetic are you skills? If I was actually serious you and your pathetic mate would be dead by now. I said fight! Unless you want me to prove my theory and start with-"

Alex shifted to his wolf sunk her sharp and painful teeth into his arm. She then shifted to her jaguar to target his side before her human slamming him against the wall again. He laughed satisfied with the progress, he caughed out blood but he healed from the bite marks.

Alex grew more mad at his blatent taunt and brought her claws, pleased to see she shifted to a mixture of his two animals. He smiled with so much pride knowing that this would be the true test he has to survive to evaluate. He is still fighting Alex as a human, he is trying not to use his animals because his not trying to hurt the omega. Finally a shot hit and she noticed the fucker stabbed her and the claw targeted her stomach.


He rolled his eyes and dusted himself since the wound has already sealed itself, his over this little fight. Alex had already turned his attention on his mate actually that is he drew the line. He jumped infront of where his foolishly fascinated mate stood. He stopped the woman from moving with a single hand before he roared his dominance. He let the women go when she shifted back to her normal human form and her eyes shift to their normal color.

"You were strong and fast enough to let a shot hit."

Sam ran to him and punched his arm before lifting his shift to check on the violent attacks that already healed. His mate was about to punch him again but he took a stop back and held her to prevent her from falling.

"How do you do that? You a beta."

Kai laughs at his mates question.

"I shared enough secrets for the day. Look I healed that one, that one and this one that stabbed me. Not to mention, I made this one strong enough to protect herself against whatever demon she's keeping to herself. I say my job is done here?"

"I am still worried for my family. They are pregnant, they don't know what they fighting exactly and I have a strange feeling Alex is keeping something."

"Mhmm you can't protect everyone. Alex I have to apologizes for slapping you, I extend my apology by offering you my services of protection. Somehow I believe you will stick it out here so just remember as long as you have your anger or confidence you will be able to do anything. We will take our leave now..."

His mate released a sigh when the door open and an older but gracefully beautiful woman stepped in.

"Miss Zheng."

Every one greets, she nod her greetings respecting the woman as her elder.


One of the omegas he helped ran to the woman.

"Who made this mess?"

Everyone looked at him and his finger pointed towards the person actually responsible. She now sits on the couch sketching something on some book.

"Mom. Is everything fine back home?"

"It's nothing your father can not handle, why did you tell me to come here? It look like you guys had a fight in here."

He walks over to his mate and stood behind her. In order to let the blood on his shirt goes unnoticed. He watched Mrs Zheng go to her son in law. Her face froze and everyone walked to to see why when he saw it.

"Why are you both surprised by her drawing?"

Noah asks and his mother gives him a slap behind his head.

"That is a Blood- moon. Son that is the moon's temptation, it make sense now.... Someone is trying to manipulate the moon and if they succeed it's over."

ZinBlac ZinBlac

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