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Chapter 5: Chapter-5

Ryuuen looked up from the maps spread across his desk as the doors of his chamber burst open. His henchmen appeared, dragging a maiden between them, shackled at wrists and ankles.

The henchmen yanked the maiden to a stop before Ryuuen, bowing low. "My lord, we have captured the woman you sought."

Ryuuen rose and came around the desk, studying the captive girl appraisingly. She was kozuki's daughter, Ryuuen had been keeping his eyes on her and recently ordered her capure. And capture her they had, just as he had demanded.

"Release me at once, you vile snake!" Hiyori shouted, struggling violently.

Hiyori gritted her teeth, glaring at Ryuuen in sullen silence.

Ryuuen eyed Hiyori appraisingly as his henchmen brought her before him. There was a certain admirable strength to her spirit that he couldn't help but respect.

"Komurasaki, is it not?" Ryuuen asked softly, smiling at the flicker of surprise in her eyes. "Now regarded as most beautiful women, most likely to become courtesan of Orochi. Also known as Kozuki Hiyori."

Hiyori stared at him in silence, undisguised defiance and wariness in her gaze. Ryuuen chuckled, rising from his seat and descending the steps of his dais to stand before her.

"Do not worry, I have no intention of killing you," Ryuuen said in a caressing tone, reaching out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind Hiyori's ear.

She jerked her head away from his touch, but Ryuuen merely smiled again. Her revulsion only made this more amusing.

"You have a lot of things to hide" Ryuuen continued, now circling Hiyori to study her from all angles.

Hiyori bit her lips, refusing to give Ryuuen the pleas and cries he craved. She would not give him the satisfaction. Ryuuen could almost respect that.

Almost. But for now, this little blossom would bloom in darkness. Her withering spirit would make for a beautiful tragedy.

Ryuuen clapped his hands, summoning his henchmen again when a sharp sound entered his ears. He turned as the great doors of the chamber swung open with a crash. Orochi stalked in, looking vastly irritated.

"Ryuuen, this had best be important," Orochi growled, angered eyes flashing. "And also, Release that girl this instant, She belongs to me as courtesan"

Ryuuen bowed languidly, unfazed by Orochi's temper. He had witnessed - and endured - far worse over the years. "Hah, simpleminded sheep bleating out foolish protests"

Orochi glared at him suspiciously. "What does that mean?"

Ryuuen smiled, keeping his secrets. Let Orochi discover the truth in time. "Leave!"

Orochi studied Ryuuen for a long, searching moment. Whatever his animosity toward her, capturing her when he planned to make her courtesan was audacious.

"NO," Orochi rasped. "Find someone else you filthy beast."

"Of course," Ryuuen said smoothly.

Ryuuen snatched one of the snake swords and threw it with deadly accuracy. The blade pierced Orochi's shoulder, pinning him to the wall.

Before Orochi could rally from his shock, Ryuuen drew a pistol and aimed it between Orochi's eyes. "Say farewell, Orochi."

Ryuuen pulled the trigger, but the shot never came. A katana had deflected the pistol barrel, sending the bullet ricocheting off into the shadows.

Ryuuen stared at the man who now stood before him, blocking his path. Kukai Mito, Orochi's most loyal retainer, glared back with cold contempt.

"Please forgive him, Lord Ryuuen. He is tired from working hard these days" Kukai kneeled, unsheathing his katana.

"Take the dog out of here, before I put him on a leash," Ryueen said, looking down at Orochi with a smug face.

"What you have belongs to me, Orochi," Ryuuen said. "And the girl? She. Is. Mine."

A tense, electric silence fell in the wake of his words. Ryuuen could see the rage building behind Orochi's eyes, matched only by his own. Their alliance was fracturing, shattered by greed and the thirst for conquest.

Orochi grits his teeth, rage coursing through his veins. While leaving the room, humiliated.

Ryuuen gazed down upon Hiyori with disdain and contempt. "Father will most like to make me shogun of Wano, but I have important things to take care of than rule a country."

Hiyori spat at Ryuuen's feet, angry and defiant. "What plot are you hatching now, Ryuuen? " she demanded.

Ryuuen sighed, annoyed at her stubbornness. "Your dear brother poses a nuisance. Once he reaches here, he will try to claim his rightful place as shogun. I will eliminate that threat. "

Hiyori gasped, horrified. "How dare you speak of my brother that way! He is the hope of Wano. "

Ryuuen shrugged, unbothered by her protests. "He is a kid and a fool. My sister won't take the lead, Orochi is a tyrant who wants to torture the people of Wano, while my father is not interested in some samurai persuading. It's a pain if I think about it. I want those samurai with me, an army of samurai."

Hiyori shook her head vigorously, rejecting his vile offer. "Never! The people would never follow a tyrant like you. Only a ruler of Kozuki blood can lead Wano. "

"I know that I am here to fix the loose strings that might create trouble."

Hiyori cried out in terror and defiance. "You monster! Release me at once before I- "

Ryuuen cut her off with a sneer. "You are done here, send her on suspended animation." Ryuuen waved his hands, and guards clutched and dragged her out.

"Just wait, My brother will return and free Wano."

Ryuuen heaved a sigh.

"Stubborn! Like my father, who is sure that one-day Joyboy will defeat him and free Wano... if it exists. He is waiting for him... to get a nice fight." Ryuuen murmured, taking a pack of ice on his face.

"Lord... We received a message!" Other henchmen informed as Hiyori was taken away.

"What is it now?" Ryuuen said, looking annoyed, after the long conversation.

"Big mom, She is interested in the proposal." He replied, with a sullen face.

That news brought a smile over Ryuuen's face, as he leaned back on his seat. "Good... Very Good... Excellent!"

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