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Chapter 5: Chapter-5

The bonfire cast an orange glow over the jungle as Garp roasted a huge crocodile, speared over the flames. His grandsons, Ace, Sabo and Luffy, Raven sat around the fire eagerly awaiting their share of the meal.

"This is gonna be delicious, just like old times. I can already taste those juicy roasted Crocs!" Raven grinned, eyeballing the massive reptile.

"I am hungry, Gramps, Make it quick!" Sabo whined.

"Zip it, I am concentrating here." Raven looked at the meat, getting all cooked, as juice flowed through.

"No sharing this time brats, this is all for me!"

"I could always make you quiet, permanently..." Raven shouted as Raven cut a tender piece of meat. "And for your last meal, why not try it raw?"

"Raw? Ew, no thanks Raw, I like mine well done." Ace shuddered.

After a long day of horsing around, their human stomachs growled loudly in anticipation.

Grrr... Blurp...! And if those weren't gorilla growls, I'll eat my hat.

The jungle was alive with the sounds of laughter as Ace, Sabo and Luffy ran through the underbrush, pretending to be pirates on the high seas.

"They look just like Pirates, I would say they would be if they weren't my grandsons and one hilarious hitchhiker." Garp laughed, as he enjoyed the say.

"You think, they're probably just cosplaying or something," Raven whispered faintly.

"Before the night is out, I, Portgas D. Ace, will declare myself a pirate!" he announced boldly.

Sabo's eyes widened while Luffy whooped loudly, pounding the ground in delight.

"You're just a Pirate, I will be King of the Pirates!" Luffy stuck out his tongue, childishly mocking Ace.

Raven rolled his eyes playfully. "And what will I be, the queen of the pirates?"

"No, you'll be my pet parrot!" Ace joked, causing everyone to burst out laughing. "A sassy parrot!"

"Sit down, all of you! " Garp bellowed, instantly silencing the boys. His eyes were stern as he gazed at each of them in turn. "You are Marines, damn it! Marines! I raised you better than to openly declare yourselves pirates!"

Ace flushed in anger at being reprimanded like a child. Sabo glanced away, acting like he didn't listen. But Luffy simply grinned, dumping his plate of crocodile meat into his lap.

"Ace and I are gonna be pirates together, Gramps!" Luffy exclaimed joyfully. His unrestrained laughter contrasted starkly with the tension and outrage in the air. Sabo found himself laughing too, remembering simpler times.

"It's confirmed, We are all gonna be pirates." Ace promptly continued.

"No, you're not!"

Baam... Baam....!

The first of love slammed on the head of Ace and Luffy.


"That hurts!"

And just like that, the argument was defused. Garp rolled his eyes, hiding the brief smile that crossed his face.

The fire had dwindled to embers, shadows lengthening across the jungle. Ace, Sabo, and Luffy lay curled up asleep, full of roasted meat and juices.

Garp sighed, smiling down at their peaceful and contented faces.

With the boys asleep, Garp looked towards Raven who seemed too focused on the fire.

He looked at him oddly, Garp said gruffly, "Those rascals in there will never become pirates? Pirates always have a bad end, Always. Nothing good ever comes out of it"

Raven blinked, surprised but not disbelieving. He knew how Garp felt, having been trained by him since childhood.

"Don't worry, Gramps. I'll make sure they have a really bad end. Just kidding... or am I?" Raven said nonchalantly.

Garp eyed him and squinted, confused about whether to laugh it as a joke or just sucker punch him.


Raven sat at the bar of his favourite dive, nursing a cola and plotting for something from his expression.

'There's nothing more delicious than knowing you're contributing to the extinction of an entire species. Bon appétit, change my mind.'

A loud, obnoxious laugh interrupted his musings. A teenage boy, dressed in an expensive suit and sporting designer sunglasses, sidled up next to him. "Hey kid, you're in my seat," the boy sneered.

Raven turned and raised an eyebrow. "The toilet's that way, Brat. Scoot."

Bradley flushed angrily and poked Raven in the chest. "My father Bradley has a bounty of 8 million berries. Do you know who I am?"

Raven snorted. "Your mirror does. Now beat it before I call the marines for harassment."

Bradley grabbed his arm in an angry, tight grip.

Raven shook him off roughly, sending Bradley stumbling back.

His features shifted instantly, taking on a sinister, inhuman quality.

"I've warned you twice now, you little punk. Don't make me hurt you." Bradley-II voice was deeper, more menacing.

Raven snorted. "Wow, you're really making me reconsider my life choices, Bradley-II. Maybe I should just retire and become a priest of lord bardley. Or maybe not."

"You are just a brat, Goto your mom or something. This is place for adults." Bradley snorted.

Bradley's face turned an interesting shade of purple.

Raven sighed, shaking his head. "Oh, Bradley-II, forgive me for not recognizing your greatness. But even with your daddy's money, you're still no match for Raven."

Enraged, Bradley lashed out and kicked Raven in the stomach, sending him toppling to the ground.

Raven hit the floor hard, sliding a few feet. But he swung back up in an instant, eyes blazing red as fury built inside him.

'How dare this punk!'

"You'll pay for that," Raven growled, letting his devil form emerge as he punched Bradley, sending him flying.

As Bradley crumpled to the floor, Raven stalked over to him, loosely wondering if he was going too far.

Raven hauled Bradley up by his collar, throwing him into the table, and crashing face first on to the wall.

"Oh Bradley-II, you naughty boy. You just can't help but cause trouble, can you? Well, I suppose I'll have to teach you a lesson. Don't worry, it won't hurt...much."

Raven cracked his knuckles, as he lunged over Bradley.

Bradley slid to the floor, helpless to stop the flurry of blows raining down on him.

"Please, stop!" Bradley groaned, voice muffled by his battered face.

Raven froze, staring down at the wreckage. His fury drained abruptly, leaving him shocked at the damage.

"Well, this is a fine mess I've gotten myself into. Who knew that being a spoiled brat would involve so much property damage?"

After a long, stunned moment, Raven shook himself. His form shifted back to normal as he stepped away from Bradley.

'He'll live... Barely.' Raven nodded, unsatisfied but unwilling to inflict more harm.

The patrons stared at him, shocked into silence at the display of such power from a kid.

Raven slid onto his barstool as if nothing had happened, signaling the bartender for another cola. "I am paying, don't sweat it."

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