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Chapter 2: Lukewarm welcome

The crowd that was ecstatic moments ago was magically transformed when Crini was passing in front of them. Deep frowns and stern looks were replacing the bright smiles and cheerful atmosphere. Like a wave of ice - a cape on Crini's shoulders - freezing the people around them and silencing the crowd.

The awkward change in mood made Crini drop her head down and look at the ground as she did for many years. Avoiding direct looks and shrinking herself was the best course of action in times like this.

She knew she was unwanted. An alien species found by unfortunate games of fate on this planet. Unknown if she's in the same galaxy as Earth, or a completely different universe. Becoming invisible was easy until the day she was dragged into this tournament.

Crini felt her chest rising and falling with increased speed as stress was flowing in her veins along with her blood shells. Her heartbeat increased in pace, with the constant pumping sound - that was similar to a horse galloping - breaking her ears.

The crowd starts jeering at her. Some are whispering, throwing daggers at her with their eyes. The air becomes thick with disapproval and hate. Crini - feeling like prey ready to be devoured by the horde of predators - looks around to find a place to escape. Panic flows out from every cell of her body. This is so wrong.

A baritone voice - speaking in a dialect Crini couldn't recognise - crushes like thunder, scattering the suspicious looks and whispers full of spleen. The crowd starts to walk away after that incident, revealing an Encreean, dressed in a beige gown with gold details around the sleeves and hem, standing tall and smiling towards them.

"Bless nature, you're here" the Encreean speaks with a gentle tone and sincere smile watching each one of them. "I'm Yuma, representative of the Council of Eight. On behalf of them, I welcome you to the city of the golden tree," he adds, giving a deep bow. "Such a pleasure to see that lord Helion is safe and sound back in the capital."

"Nice to see you, Yuma" Helion returns the warm greeting. The two Encreeans extend their right arms, with their hands circling the arm just below the elbow, in a strong grip that Crini thought is the way they greet each other. "Where is the father? I need to see him."

Yuma's smile starts to disappear, making Crini think of the worst about Helion's father. "I'm afraid Count Xikon is engaged at the moment. He asked me to give you his warmest greetings for returning safely home and congratulations on your journey so far. He was sure you'll make it."

Crini lets a puff of air out of her lungs as Yuma explains the situation of Helion's father's absence. She could swear his face was dead serious.

"Worry not. Everything has been arranged. Let me show you your rooms where you can have some rest and refresh. A feast has been organised for the night to congratulate everyone that has made it this far. Please follow me."

Yuma turns and begins marching further into the carved core of the giant tree. The shade the dense leaves provide, makes Crini shudder with a shiver. Circling her arms around her torso, gently rubbing her arms, she follows the small group.

She manages to hold her mouth from dropping in time as they turn and she watches a plethora of halls, carved into the tree's core. Amazed by the view, she stops and stares at the mastery of the Encreeans in forming these channels of roads.

Yuma floats with elegance through the halls with the rest of the group following right after him. One after the other, Loftak, Poinary and Helion vanish from her sight as they take turns, entering their rooms. Crini's room is at the end of a long and darker hallway at the far end of a branch on the lower floor.

As the sun begins to set, the halls are getting darker making Crini difficult to navigate in her new environment. She stops short in her tracks when with a snap of Yuma's fingers, two series of flames - wrapped in floating bubbles - magically appear from each side of the hall, gracing the halls with faint shadows of gentle dancing flames.

"This is your room." Yuma shows at the wooden door. He pauses, stepping aside to let her pass.

Approaching the door, Crini reaches out for the knob. Turning it slightly to the left, a soft click reaches her ears and the door starts to move. Yuma's voice, however, stops her before she makes a move to go in.

"Human Crini, I apologise but there has been a change of events."

Crini turns slowly back to him, a questioning mask spreading over her face. "Has something happened?"

Yuma takes his apologetic look again. "The Council of Eight has requested to meet you. For the record, it is a great honour to be summoned by the Council. So, what do you say?" he asks with a smirk.

Contemplating the options in her head, Crini tries to check her alternatives. Refusing the invitation would cause possible dislike by the Council and worsen the image almost all Encreeans have already for her. The condemnation was evident in their deep frowns and that image was hard to be erased from her memory.

On the other hand, the Council of Eight is a prestigious body of Encree and gaining their favour may help her in the future. And she could have as much for her benefit as possible.

"I can't refuse them, can I?" she attempts to make a joke to lighten up the atmosphere, but Yuma's unamused face sends a clear message of the opposite.

"Very well, please follow me," Yuma instructs as he turns around and gestures to Crini to follow him.

Every corridor is lit with the same small bubbly flames at this time of the day. The sun has surrendered to the darkness. With the moon on its way to take over the throne, Crini follows in tow.

Unknown to her surroundings, Crini keeps walking fast to reach Yuma's pace. However, she ends up bumping into him when their path has come to a stop.

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