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Chapter 24: Chapter 24

AN: Get this into ranking and I will pump more chapters.


[ Class match battle Open! ]

[ Coffin Keeper vs Kamizaki Keiichi ]


The manual once said that higher rank Players rarely decline a match, but even though that was the case, I am still having a hard time trying to find a match since, for some reason, my battle invitations were getting ignored.

Thankfully though, after some time, someone finally accepted a match with me.

Upon the announcement of the battle, I was immediately teleported to the place where my opponent should be at the current moment.

I was the one who got teleported since I am the one who initiated the fight.

"Oh, nice spot."

After getting teleported, I suddenly found myself standing in the middle of what looked to be a construction site. It was pretty vast and empty, there's not even a single barricade here that can be used for hiding... Just how I like my fighting place to be.

Well, the place is indeed empty and void of any people, other than me and my opponent that is. Cause looking ahead of me, I immediately saw the guy who was supposed to be my opponent. Now if I can describe the guy in a few words, then it would probably be, a mob-looking dude with a buzz cut.

Making a pretty huge contrary to my first opponent that in my opinion, has an overall vibe that can probably give anyone a heart attack just by looking at him.

In any case, I immediately scanned my opponent's overall body, just to look for any obvious sign about what he can probably do. Though I saw nothing cause unlike me, his Sigil is probably within himself and doesn't materialize in order to be used.

Well, if he has something hidden within him then I would not be able to notice it anyway cause he's wearing a pretty baggy outfit.

That's why I decided to not think much of it.

Now, for this fight, at least for me, I don't have any plan to do some talk no jutsu since my opponent is obviously, a B-rank Player. As much as I want to make fun of him, unlike me, he might have gotten to where he is right now through pure skill and experience. So I really can't waste time by talking sh*t around.

Well, at the very least, my opponent probably wants to have a conversation with me before we start this bloody battle cause I saw that his mouth moved. Only for a little bit but I saw it happened.

Now don't get me wrong, I would have loved to have a conversation with him, especially since he looks like a charming guy carrying lots of interesting stories.

That's why it's very unfortunate that I didn't get to hear what he wants to say cause, can't blame me, I move fast.

Cause just seconds later after getting here in this place and finding out where my supposedly opponent is, I already, immediately, released the safety lever of the already-unpinned grenade that I was holding to before this battle even happened.

And much to my sadness, just when the moment came when he was about to say something, I had already cast the [Teleportation] spell that made me instantly appear behind him. Making him pause...


And before any of us can even comprehend what just happened, I already chunked the grenade below him then quickly recast the [Teleportation] spell to disappear and reappear in a new spot that is pretty far from where I had just been.

Then, literaly in an instant after that...


A loud explosion happened... followed by a loud notification sound coming from my phone.

[ Match Over! ]

[ You Win! ]

Confirming that I actually won the fight.

I tried walking back to the scene where I last saw my opponent just to confirm it myself but, I saw nothing but splattered blood everywhere and one human-shaped carving on the ground. Meaning, that one grenade really did the job for me.

Not gonna lie, this fight is pretty anticlimactic. It ended fast. Way too fast for my liking actually.

Now I wouldn't know whether the new spell that I would get in this fight has any correlation with my opponent's Sigil cause I didn't even get to see him use it.

Godammit. I guess that's what I get for being too logical in an anime fight.

Oh well, I guess I gotta do less better now huh?


[ Air Blast ] NEW!

Rank: Common

Proficiency: 0%

Description: Emit a strong burst of air that can knock the Target away. Can be charged. Power, Area of Effect, Casting Speed, and Casting Cost, greatly depends on the level of Proficiency.


[ Class match battle Open! ]

[ Coffin Keeper vs Eigo ]

Now for my next battle, It's now in the middle of Shinjuku.

Well, there are no people in sight but it greatly weirded me out still cause if I think of a fight, this is really not a place that would come up in my mind.

As for my opponent though, I don't know. As I said, there are no people in sight. Including my opponent that is.

[ Battle Start! ]


Though it seems that I don't have to look for him anymore since when my phone rang, indicating the start of the battle, all of a sudden, a noise that I immediately recognized as gunshots started going off from the skies.



Thankfully, I always have a Light Barrier cast on me that's why all the bullets were blocked. It received some cracks and is now on the verge of breaking but as always, I will just recast another Light Barrier spell and it will return to its brand-new state again. It's not a problem at all.

Unless I literally ran out of stamina, that is.

Anyways, now that I don't have to worry about barrier-breaking anymore, for quite a moment at least, I now took a glance at the skies just to see who is this rude person that just started shooting at me out of nowhere.

Not very anime of them.

Well, It didn't even take me that much just to see my supposedly opponent for this battle cause the moment I look up, I immediately saw a grown-ass man, wearing full tactical bulletproof armor throughout his body while firing a silenced rifle in his hand.

All while floating mid-air.

"... A flying Sigil huh?"

Oh well, it seems that I don't need to worry about me finishing the battle so quickly anymore since my opponent himself decided to show me what his Sigil was right off the bat.

I guess I can now end this battle without any worries at all.

Anyways, before I make my move, I reach down to my pocket first to take the grenade pin I had put in it earlier, and then, insert the pin back into the grenade that I was holding.

Put into perspective as well that while this is happening, I was still getting rained by bullets from the skies.

In any case, after making sure that the grenade was completely sealed again, I then stuffed it back in my inner packets. Finally freeing one of my hands from its responsibility of literally holding back a thing that could possibly end me if I decided to relax even for a bit.

Now as to why in the world would I even do this... Well, I deemed that I wouldn't be able to use it anyway cause my opponent right now is literally floating up there in the skies. There's no way my grenade would reach it. Plus, I'm in the middle of the city right now, I don't think that throwing a grenade up in the air would be a very great idea.

On another matter though, I am now ready to fight.

So, upon freeing both my hands, without any hesitation at all, I immediately grabbed the dangling assault rifle beside me, aim at that fucker in the skies, and I...

Started blasting for myself.


Now after seeing me firing back at him, my opponent seems to have panicked for a little bit since he started wiggling in the skies in order to dodge my bullets.

Then after wiggling around for couple more seconds, he suddenly started flying away.

"Smart fucker."

But if he thinks that he would be able to just go in and out as he pleases, well, he's dead wrong. He greatly underestimates how persistent I can be.

That's why immediately after realizing that he wants to fly away, I quickly teleported to the nearest tall building, and from there, I started shooting at him again.

This process would continue as he would just fly away then I would teleport near him and then shoot at him from the ground.

Though my Spell book quickly made me aware of one fact that I seemingly, chose to ignore. That my Teleport spell, eats WAY more stamina compared to my other spells, that's why only after four continuous use of my Teleportation spell, I was now panting heavily.

I am already pretty close to running out of fuel. I don't think I can even cast another Teleportation spell at this point cause if I do, I might just pass out due to extreme exhaustion.


Thankfully though, before any of that could even happen, It seems that I finally managed to take a good hit on that flying fucker as all of a sudden, he started descending from the skies.

While looking oh so terrible.

Well, throughout this whole time that I was constantly firing at him, I was actually hitting him already in different kinds of spots. Like in the leg, foot, arm, etc. I mean, he is indeed wearing some bulletproof armor, but it's not like he can actually protect all parts of his body with it.

But still, even though he was already dripping blood this whole time, he still kept flying away. Showing how persistent he can also be. Though unfortunately for him, on that last teleport of mine, and ironically, on my very last mag as well, one of my lucky bullets got a pretty good angle at him, causing it to slip through his heavy armor and then... putting a hole right through his neck.

Making the blood burst out uncontrollably.

Now there's no way he can still fly with that.

He controlled his Sigil pretty well and still descended from the ground as smoothly as possible given his situation, I at least commend him for that. But that's pretty much it. He's still helpless.

From my spot, I watch him struggle for his life. But seeing how much pool of blood he already made on the spot he's in, even if he gets help right now, then there's no way he'll survive from that.

That's why moment's later. That guy finally stopped moving.

And I finally got the soothing sound of the game's notification.

Confirming that I just won the battle.



[ Fly ] NEW!

Rank: Uncommon

Proficiency: 0%

Description: Allows the caster to fly. The spell cost and spell duration, greatly depend on the proficiency level.


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