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Chapter 2: Dr. Green

As Titan was being rushed to the hospital, he couldn't help but think about the intense fight he had just been in. His arm was broken in several places, and he knew that he needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

Titan was writhing in pain as the ambulance raced through the city streets. He looked around the ambulance and saw the worried faces of the paramedics. His arm was broken in several places, and every bump and jolt sent waves of agony through his body.

The paramedics were doing their best to keep him comfortable, but there was only so much they could do. They had to make a makeshift splint to hold his arm in place, but it wasn't working very well.

Titan tried to stay still, but every time the ambulance hit a pothole or turned a corner, he couldn't help but scream out in pain. He had never felt anything like this before, and he was terrified that he might never be able to use his arm again.

The paramedics tried to reassure him, telling him that they were doing everything they could to help him. But Titan could tell that they were worried too.

As they pulled up to the hospital, Titan's arm was still not moving. The ambulance came to a screeching halt outside of the emergency room, and the paramedics quickly rushed out with Titan on a stretcher. As they wheeled him into the hospital, a beautiful woman with black hair and green highlights stepped forward to take charge.

She was the head doctor of the hospital, and she had heard about Titan's fight with Razorblade. She knew that he was a superhero, and she was determined to help him in any way that she could.

As the paramedics handed Titan over to her, the doctor introduced herself. Her name was Dr. Green, and she had a warm and friendly smile that put Titan at ease.

Dr. Green examined Titan's broken arm, and she could tell that it was going to be a long and difficult recovery. But she was determined to help him in any way that she could.

She asked the paramedics about the fight with Razorblade, and they told her about the intense battle that had taken place. Dr. Green listened intently, nodding her head in understanding. She knew how important it was for superheroes like Titan to keep the city safe.

Dr. Green was preparing for an intensive surgery that was coming up in a few minutes. She had just finished scrubbing in, and was now in the operating room with her team. Her nurse, Sarah, was getting the tools ready and making sure everything was in order.

Dr. Green knew that this was going to be a difficult surgery, but she was determined to do everything in her power to make it a success. As she looked at the patient, she noticed that something was different. The patient was Titan, the superhero who had just been in a fight with Razor Blade and had gotten a fractured arm as well as broken ribs.

Dr. Green was surprised, but she knew that she had to stay focused. She took a deep breath and began to focus her energy.

She closed her eyes for a moment and concentrated on her power. Dr. Green had a unique ability that she called "Recovery Double." It was a power that allowed her to use her medical knowledge and skills to help with difficult surgeries.

As she focused her energy, Dr. Green felt her power begin to surge through her body. She opened her eyes and looked at Sarah, who was now ready to assist her.

"Okay, Sarah," Dr. Green said. "Let's get started."

Sarah handed Dr. Green the scalpel, and she began to make the first incision. The surgery was intense, and Dr. Green had to use all of her medical knowledge and her power to keep the patient stable.

As the surgery progressed, Dr. Green noticed that Titan's wounds were healing much faster than usual. She realized that her power was working even better than she had expected.

The surgery was a success, and Titan was now stable. Dr. Green and Sarah were exhausted, but relieved that everything had gone well.

As they left the operating room, Dr. Green turned to Sarah and said, "Great job, Sarah. You were a huge help in there. I couldn't have done it without you."

Sarah smiled and said, "Thanks, Dr. Green. It was an honor to assist you."

Dr. Green nodded and said, "Let's go check on Titan and make sure everything is okay."

As they walked down the hallway, Dr. Green felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that her power had helped save another life, even if it was a superhero. She knew that being a doctor was a difficult job, but she was grateful for the opportunity to use her skills and her power to help others.

As Titan was recovering in his hospital room, the routine nurse came in to check on him and change his IV. She was friendly and professional, but as she was finishing up, she suddenly leaned in and tried to kiss him.

Titan was surprised and caught off guard, but he remained calm. As a satisfied nurse left titan's room. Dr. Green is down the hall as she has heard of titan waking up.

Dr. Green made her way down the hospital hallway, her mind preoccupied with the task at hand. She had an important question to ask Titan, and she knew that his answer could make all the difference.

As she turned the corner, she saw the rosy nurse leaving Titan's room. Dr. Green felt a pang of jealousy and anger. She knew that Titan was a handsome man and that he had a way with the ladies, but she couldn't help feeling upset that he was spending time with another woman.

Shaking off her emotions, Dr. Green approached Titan's room and knocked on the door. Titan called for her to come in, and she stepped inside.

"Titan, I need to ask you something," she said, trying to keep her voice steady.

Titan looked up from his bed, his eyes brightening at the sight of Dr. Green. "Sure, what's up?"

Dr. Green took a deep breath and asked, "Why were you fighting Razor Blade without backup? You're a B-class hero, you don't need to take on such dangerous missions."

Titan's face grew serious as he explained his reasoning. He told her that he wanted to prove himself and show that he could handle the toughest challenges. He knew that he wasn't the strongest or the most experienced, but he was determined to make a difference.

Dr. Green listened to his words, her heart softening. She realized that Titan had a lot of heart and courage, and that he was willing to risk everything to protect others.

"Titan, I'm sorry for being so hard on you," she said, her voice softening. "I didn't realize how much you cared about making a difference. I respect that about you."

Titan smiled at her, his eyes twinkling. "Thanks, Dr. Green. That means a lot coming from you."

Dr. Green felt her heart skip a beat at the sight of his smile. She knew that she had been too hard on him in the past, and that she needed to be more understanding and supportive.

As she left his room, she felt a sense of warmth and excitement. She knew that there was something special between them, and that she wanted to explore it further.

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