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Chapter 2: 2

I hunted 3 more goblins before I found a adventurers corpse, it had tattered clothes but all of their belongings were gone, I carried the clothes till I found a small crack large enough for me to fit inside.

But there was no door to shelter me from the outside so I improvised and covered the visible part with patches of cloth and leather, kind of like a blanket almost.

-Not very comfy but I can now sleep. I should use this as a home for now and return here after hunting. I close my eyes, loaf and rest my head on my paws and fall asleep.

**IMAGE** (of a cat sleeping like a loaf)

My eyes flutter awake and I groan internally as I walk out and push the thin pieces of clothing deep in to the crack.

-I should try and be more productive today and hunt more than I did yesterday. Now that I am awake I notice I feel a bit more powerful, like when you know you can increase your weight in the gym. Although it is a very subtle difference, to compare I'd say before I could do 5 reps now I can begin the 6th rep.

I didn't feel this yesterday so I think it only takes effect after I have rested. I begin walking the tunnels again, but this time I leave marks on the walls every 30 meters with my sharp claws sharpening them in the process too.

It is not long before I find opponents only 5 minutes of walking or around 200meters from my home.

It's another green toddler but also a teenage werewolf with a dark grey coat. I pounce on the goblins ankles and try to cut its heel, this time I successfully cut the tendon before retreating.

The werewolf tries to kick my stomach but misses and hits my left leg, it's blunt nails evidence of it being a newborn do not pierce me but they do leave a mark.

I am flung backwards a meter by the impact but keep a posture ready to slice and dice at a moments notice.

The goblin leaps towards me, it avoid it easily but I keep my distance from the kobold.

-If it is stronger then it is probably smarter. The kobold then tries to dive at me head first meaning my hypothesis was incorrect, I tear through its flesh with my canines and break its spine.

It suffers for a few seconds before finally succumbing to death. The goblin was not idle and jumped to by strong will, it leaps at me and comps down on my back

Fear spreads to my body, Adrenalin pumps through me and I immediately start struggling, tearing of a piece of my hide but releasing me from the goblins bite and i force myself away from the goblins grasp.

-I hiss at the goblin, it struggles to stand upright. I hurry behind it in a moment and immediately tear flesh off from where its spine is located killing it.

The goblin drops a stone which I eat immediately, I notice that blood stops flowing from my wound because of it.

The kobold did not drop anything else other than its stone, it's size being a bit bigger than the goblins.

-sigh* Damn goblin got me but I am glad he died and not me in the end. I'm lucky it's only a flesh wound next time it may be fracture for even a limb I lose.

I shutter at the thought of trying to live as a weak cat with a missing limb, I unconciously change my decisions to become a bit more defensive in action.

But motivated by my own display of growth I continue my hunt with a lust for more.

Rocks fall to the floor and cracks appear on the wall with three more appearing on the other.

-Damn toxic dungeon. I remember that the dungeon is alive and spew curses internally. The wall barfs up a kobolds head, i claw out is eyes and the kobold screams, it's hand punches me and it along with the rest of the gang are fully birthed by the dungeon.

They growl and charge at me including the blind one but it runs into a wall. They have no strategy and bump into each other, number one kobold tries to kick me but I avoid it and cut its Achilles tendon and it falls down on one knee, kobold number 2 then tries to scoop me up from the floor but I retreat yet I am scratched by its nails.

It and the other number 3 kobold pincer me from two directions, 2 tries kick me which I avoid at the last moment just in time for the other number 3 to dive to where I was, catching a foot in its face.

I pounce on its neck but am interrupted by kobold 1 who has slowly moved to me, it leaps and tries to catch me but I slip away. The blind kobold that I had not paid attention to kicks me in my ribs.

I hiss from the pain of my damaged ribs and immediately scurry to the left left the blind one my paws making no sound when I walk.

I cut both of its Achilles tendon, it falls face first and I kill it by ripping its neck to shreds. Kobold 3 tries to kick me up but I avoid at and go for its heel, it had anticipated I would and prepares to stomp me but my reaction time is fast so I notice, and I pounce on the other heel.

Cutting its tendon it falls on one knee, I climb its back and sever its spine killing it. Number 2 tries to punch me when I sever the spine but miss when I fall to the floor after killing the kobold.

The kobold sees a dark flash escape the dark mist, its tendon is then severed, it falls forward, I sever its spine and it dies.

I notice that the blind kobold is lost and relax for a moment, then finish the hunt by severing it's tendons and spine.

-Dungeon must be nuclearly toxic to try and murder a very cute cat. Still I am really proud that I was able to kill all of them. I then walk over to the stones and find that it additionally dropped a kobold claw which I joyfully gobble up with the stones.

I ponder what it that's inside of the stones that makes me stronger but give up because I don't want to strain my brain to hard. Instead I ponder about what familia I should choose, I know that hestia familia is cool but I'd rather be in the Miach familia.

Miach is a good person and so is Naaza but they need to pay off a huge debt. My mother once was forced to take a loan because of my sister, she was bratty and forced mom once to lend her money. She'd burn it on unecessary products like makeup and perfume.

Mom did not want to tell me but I found out after I saw her in a mall, wearing really expensive clothes and a especially expensive looking bag. I asked mom why she could afford it because mom is very nice especially with us and my sister only worked part time at a convenience store.

I talked to mom over a cup of tea and asked her seriously why she could afford it. Mom started crying and told me how she gave her money because she needed it for rent then she continued lying to mom that she needed more money.

Eventually she forced mom to do give her money, mom did not have enough so she needed to take out a loan to be able to afford it. I told my mom there and then, I will treat her exactly like I would have treated myself If I was her.

So I did, I planned a to break into her apartment so I could punish her. It took a month of planning but I was successful, I slapped her across the face enough times to knock her unconcious and konck out three of her teeth, I demolished any electronic device in her house other than her phone I wrote many times in her calender the same rule I followed, treat others like how you yourself want to be treated.

I ripped of the cover and back, the used pages and then placed it on of her and then left. The police came the day after to investigate and I was not deemed a suspect in fact they didn't deem anyone as having enough motivation so it is still ongoing.

I started doing uninformed visits to mom, always making sure my sister was not there. She was after all my sister and I knew her well, enough reminiscing of the past I am in a new world now so I can't focus on the past.

I resume my hunt and stalk the tunnels of the dungeon. 2 minutes of walking later I hear fighting. I turn the corner and find A white haired adventurer wearing a brown jacket, he's struggling against a group of 3 goblins and a kobold.

-Is that bell? I inch closer to the scene and see him about to be hit by a goblin, I hurry there and loudly meow, all heads turn to me except for Bells who uses the moment of distraction to cleave of a goblins head.

I help him and attack the kobolds heel but it avoids me and counter attacks with a kick, I tank the hit but is sent gliding across the ground. The hit makes my arm feel as if it vibrates painfully, (I would compare it to hitting a hard surface as hard as you can with a metal bat).

I look back and see bell fighting the goblin, I focus on my opponent and wait for it to make a move. The kobold tries to scoop me up but I avoid it then run straight forward, locking on to its tendons I sever one then the next.

It falls but immediately tries to stand, I don't watch and pounce on its spine, severing the nerves and else it dies. Few seconds later bell is finished with the goblin and looks at me naively and thankfully, I take my share and eat it. Bell looks at me questionly and then of regret, he scoops me up.

-You were not supposed to eat that, I really needed it for my goddess, he starts scratching my head, sending a wave of pleasure similar to scratching a year old itch on your back I unconciously purr and Bell smiles.

-What the hell, keep yourself together. I stop purring and put on a serious aura, jump out of his arms and begin writing on the dungeon floor.

-What are you doing mr? He leans down and recognizes the sentence; I want you to lead me to the surface to join a familia, I continue writing; preferably as a tamed monster as I mean no harm you have no need to be wary of me, I have read from a book about familias and wish to join Miachs. I understand they have a very large debt and is why I want to help them, aslo keep my intelligence a secret please I would rather not attract a lot of attention.

Bell stares at nowhere, needing a few seconds to process I notice and become a bit amused at his expressions. Waking up to reality he pinches himself and holds me up.

-Huh, you're actually real. He says, with pupils turning small as he looks a bit shaken.

-Meow* Yes, I am.

-Right lets get going then, It's only 7 am so I can defintely help you and Miach is a close acquaintance of my familia. We start walking at a fast pace as we are still in the dungeon obviously.

-So uh, why can you write or understand language?

I stop and write;I dont know, maybe in my past life I could?

-I guess that makes sense. Bell ponders about it for a minute, He makes a expression of being deep in thoughts.

In the distance I spot a pair of goblins and meow to gain Bells attention, he thanks me and we prepare for battle as do the goblins. We kill them rather easily and I eat a stone.

As we near the exit we notice the large crowd of people there walking up the broad stairs.

-Can I carry you? I might lose you during descent, he whispers to me. I climb his clothes and loaf on his shoulder, he is surprised at my actions but also happy that I did.

We begin our descent down the stairs, many adventuresrs that pass us pet me, I don't protest as I would have done the same if not more (I would take the cat home).


Goal- 2000 words

Wordcount- 2187 words

WalnutToad WalnutToad

Do y'all want me to share my view of the worldbuilding, excelia and ascending to godhood, how monster gain poewr etc?

Comment a picture of your cat if you have one, (this is not negotiable and mandatory)

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