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Chapter 2: CHAPTER ONE


💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎¶The petite omega bit her lip and tried to push down the lump that was swelling in her throat, as she felt her heart beat faster, her hands crumpling the skirt of the baby blue silk dress she was wearing as cold sweat ran down the side of her face,  her beautiful blue eyes gazed at the ground not wanting to look at people she was  in front of her. She didn't understand this, today was supposed to be a special day after all, that's why she had told Miss Catherine to make her look her best, she didn't want to look shabby. Her normally flowing silky locks was done into a very neat bun,with strands of hair cradling her Cupid like  face, she wore the most expensive earrings and necklace she had, polished blue agates did cost a lot since she didn't have much money on her at all,and she even wore light make up so she would met up to their qualifications. So why? Why did the man in front of her stare at her coldly? As if he regretted her existence and she didn't miss the as his scent flared up in anger which made her let  a small whimper escape through her pink lips, she could hear people from the crowd faintly whisper and laugh mockingly at her state. Tears had started to form at her the corner of her eyes and she let them roll down her cheeks, to afraid to make a move and wipe them away. Again she questioned herself in where she went wrong today was supposed to be perfect, because for the very first time in the past eighteen years of her life she had gotten the opportunity to meet her father and the rest of her family, she had been dreaming about it for the past week, making up scenarios in her head,as the all gave her sweet smiles and hugs and welcomed her home, gushing over how much effort she had put into her etiquette lesson as she would courtesy to great them all with grace and maturity, those delusions were broken immediately her eyes met with her father's and the older male didn't even bother to hide his disgust. His own blue eyes we're a bit darker than hers in colour and sharper from the years of politics and war,  they still glowed the same way as his did, giving him no doubt that she was his offspring and that realization seemed to make him even angrier. The man took in a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, not wanting to make the atmosphere even more unbearable for himself, he walked closer to the young woman's small frame,ignoring how she flinched when she heard his footsteps drawing nearer to her form. Standing in front of her and completely towering  her,he studied her more closely, 'She looks exactly like that wench' he thought bitterly to himself, but he couldn't deny that she was beautiful, even though the tears smeared her cheeks,she still looked stunning,it gave her a naive and submissive look and her scent had made him do a double take when she had first entered the hall,but he had managed to control his emotions from displaying shock. Marrying her off to build stronger connections wouldn't be a problem,he could practically hear the alphas present in the hall going crazy in their spots trying to fight back their primal instincts,so they wouldn't do something they would regret, after all the lord of the Cashmire house didn't take any mistakes,except for the one standing in front of him. Letting out a tired sigh he turned around and started walking away, "You have a lot to learn, because watching you show case your manners, was a complete disappointment and eyesore. I know you didn't have any formal education, but a woman of your age is supposed to have learned how to do a proper courtesy by now. You have a long way to go and with such little time too,  I bet you don't even know the basic fundamentals of Månå and even a child knows that. Taking you now that your not properly educated might bring shame to the house name and destroy all the effort I and my children have put into making this house great..." He  said the words nonchalantly not missing how her shoulders had began to tremble and more tears rolled down her cheeks. He didn't care how cold he sounded, the girl needed to know her place in the family "...but if you can manage to do well in all your studies then I don't mind accepting you as my daughter , but until then..."  At this point the white haired omega had managed to pry her gaze of the floor only to instantly regret it, as her puffy eyes met the intense eyes of the man  in front of her who had stopped and turned his face to her, his eyes now glowing and his next words made her knees lose all feeling and drop to the ground. "Don't you dare show your face in my presences "  and with those words he walked out of the hall, leaving the shaken woman alone.

She didn't understand why, she was meant to be happy today. So why couldn't she be?¶     


Four years had gone by to quickly for M/N's liking, before he even knew it the novel's plot was beginning to start. The white haired male sighed as he stared at his reflection in the full screen mirror. Well at least in wasn't a total waste of time, in the last four years he had managed make his, ditzy, naive sister into a somewhat smart,woman ready for the aristocratic society( he had given himself a Pat on the back for that accomplishment), even though her naive and child like traits in the book still remained, he could have at least have a rest  of mind that she wouldn't easily be snatched away or fooled by some other trick. He smiled to himself about that thought , and he had even manage to teach her a bit of magic. Something she never had in the novel

In the original book the heroine had a vast amount of Månå supply, meaning if she could have used magic she would have been able to escape from most of her obsessed lovers and had a better chance at surviving since her cunt of a father cherished children who could use magic and he would have guarded her well, maybe even taken her under his wing   but due to not having a formal education and the old hag Maria secretly feeding her, Nervina pills that were gradually shutting down her Månå reservoir until she had completely lost the ability to ever have the powers to posses magic.  That made her a very easy target for the nobles to mess around with and  gave her father a good enough reason to discard her, ignoring her cries for help while the rest of her family took it upon themselves to 'educate' her. 

But currently unlike the novel he had manage to teach her the basics of Månå control and dispose of the pills Maria had hidden and with the previous knowledge he had from the being invested with how this worlds lore worked, had even taught her some S class protection spells by himself ignoring her pestering on how he knew how too, it wasn't his fault she needed them in case she ever got in trouble, which starting from today would be a lot, too bad he couldn't use Månå as well. It seems that even though he was the heroine's brother he flunked out on some cool plot armour, because if he gathered all the magic juices he had present in his body, he would only be able to lift his calligraphy pen a few inches off his table before it would crash back down to the wooden surface. Yes it was that bad, but he didn't  seem to mind, he didn't really find the interest in studying it anyways[lies he was salty about it] . He focused more on sword tactics and building up his physical strength when no one was watching and not to mention practising moved he had watched in anime and self defense sports made him have at least a small advantage compared to other skilled knights and warriors in this world, having magic would have made it easier, but again he didn't mind, because being one of the biggest tycoon in  kingdom did give him a whole lot of opportunities. He had managed to strengthen his business and he already had a  major impact on the kingdoms economy, well at least his  alpha persona was the one that had made such an impact in public eyes. After all omegas weren't allowed to start businesses unless they had being given permission by a high ranking noble alpha to do so or they came from one of the esteemed five houses then they could do whatever they pleased. See what he meant when he said he missed out on major plot armour?.

Now the male omega didn't have access to the first one and he would be damned if he asked his family for help, and he wouldn't have being able to access them until today anyways, so with his sister's help and a bit of cloaking magic, he turned himself into Xavier stone an alpha from the neighboring kingdom that had travelled to Litho to get a name for himself and after four years of  been in the game he had made a huge name for himself, nobles and merchants from all over we're trying to get him to partner up with them, but he couldn't get carried away by trivial promises and greed struck nobles, he had a goal after all  and he hadn't yet-

A knock on his door snapped him out of his thoughts "Brother are you ready yet? " the female twin's soft voice called out from behind the male's door " I'll be out now , hold on " he called our grumbling under his breath as he , went to his drawer by the bed and opened it, bringing out two small rings, before grabbing a black cloak and walking out.

His blue eyes locked unto his sister's smaller frame and he ignored the annoyed look she sent his way, "And you complain I take to much time dressing up" she said folding her arms across her chest , " you still do I was just looking for something" he retorted, making the yong woman sigh in defeat, knowing it was futile to argue with him. A smile made its way to her lips forgetting about their little bicker and she twirled around in her dress " so? How do I look big brother" she asked smiling sweetly at him, he stared at her for a while taking in her the dress and hat she was wearing, frowning a bit when he noticed her breasts were practically about to spill out, but other than that she looked really beautiful, the dress looked 'pure and innocent' and it fit her description perfectly, but what kind if brother would he be if he confirmed that "As ugly as always Celeste" he said with a a small grin on his face making his sister frown at him and huff at her brother's antics.

 Celeste turned away from him and the male couldn't help the laugh that left his lips at his sister's fussy attitude " Says you! you look exactly like me so if I'm ugly, your ugly too "  the young woman bit back turning her face to look at him. Well she was right in that aspect M/N would agree, he looked exactly like her that if anyone saw the two of them together for the first time, they would be mistaken for twin sisters (much to the male Omega's displeasure). Again with the lack of plot armour he just looked like the knock off tomboyish version of his sister and not the cool slender manly alpha he thought he would grow up to be. He had her milky white skin, long snow white eyelashes and plum pink lips, small frame and wide hips that his current Out Fit didn't help to as it hugged his curves, showing off his figure   the only thing he had against her was that he was a few inches taller, but the shoes she was wearing had heels so they were pretty much the same height now. 

Rolling his eyes the male walked forward to meet his sister and held out her hand in his smaller one, confusing her for a moment, but she simply watched as he slipped on one of the small rings he brought one her pinkie finger, her eyes widened in recognition at the silver accessory "isn't this a scent blocker?" She watched as her brother just nodded his head and slipped his own ring on. She tilted her head to the side waiting for an explanation and the petite male sighed out " We don't know how badly our scents would affect the others at the grand hall, and you don't really have a hold on your pheromones, so I got these rings for us to wear just to be safe" he explained wearing his cloak  over his close to hide his figure and kept walking down the hallway and his sister followed right behind him. 

The book had described Celeste's scent as thickly sweet and alluring, and it wasn't a surprise because her scent was completely food based. Vanilla, strawberries and honey that was how her scent was, it wafted off her wherever she went, attracting people to her like bees with flowers, but her scent didn't have any affect on him, and he chalked it up to the fact that they were siblings, he had noticed the faint scent around her , but she didn't seem to notice, she always argued that he smelled sweeter than her. Chocolate, blueberries and vanilla, that's what Celeste had described his scent as, he had noticed it himself but he didn't think it was anything special, but then he remembered that that sweet scents attract attention and he didn't want any attention of any kind, so the rings were an alternative he was gladly taking. 

The two walked down the hall way in comfortable silence, until they both walked out of the run down manor, seeing the carriage that would take them stationed a few feet away, was surprisingly fancy to an extent, his surprised that they had picked something nice for them to arrive in. He  watched from the corner of his eye as his sister stared carriage in awe, 'oh well at least she's happy' the white haired male thought to himself, he hooked her hand with his and started leading her to the carriage "Young master! Young mistress!" The loud voice made them turn their head back to see a disheveled oldy lady and the male omega couldn't help the sadistic smirk that made it's way to his plum lips. Miss Maria stood their panting trying to catch her breath, her hair flaying everywhere, her usually tidy maid uniform was rumpled and squeezed, an their where noticeable bags under her eyes. She moved forward her eyes wide in disbelief "Y..young master I thought you said that the meeting was next month?" She mumbled out weakly "oh! Did I? Silly me it must have slipped my mind~" that was bullshit and all three of them knew it. M/N was never one to forget things, the little bastard had planned this the entire time and the way his eyes glowed maliciously confirmed her suspicions. The aging beta looked over to the female omega going on her knees pleading, the dumb girl would agree to wait for her she just needed to look pitiful enough, she couldn't let  them go alone, who knows what Lady A*e*l*a would do to her if she let these bastards go unattended "young lady, could you please wait for me I'll get dressed-" "No" the old lady stopped in shock and stared into the usually warm eyes of the pretty young woman only to see them staring coldly back at her  and she felt her body shudder in fear?. "" She made a noise, not being able to find her voice "did she stutter? My sister said no so don't bother us" M/N said and turned away from her and continued to lead Celeste to the carriage, before he stopped, urging his sister to take a seat before him,then he turned and looked at the woman, before putting his hand under his cloak,fishing something out from the pocket of his trousers "oh I almost forgot" he said and throw a plastic bottle in her front, the contents inside rattling around, and the old lady's already sickly white skin became even paler as the sudden sense of impending doom filled her to the brim, recognizing what the bottle she lowered her gaze to the ground. 

It was  the bottle of Nervina pills that the Lady had given her, but how did the young man find it? She swore she had hidden them well, heck she didn't even hide them in the manor grounds so how did he?. A sudden realization hit her, if the male had the pills,then what had she being slipping into their tea? " Melon pills" M/N started as if he had read her mind, " they look exactly like the ones in the bottle, expect instead of stunning Månå growth it helps boost it just a bit, and since they look exactly like those pills and dissolve without a trace In hot liquid I knew you wouldn't be able to tell the difference" he finishes and tilts his head giving her a sweet smile , before closing his eyes and talking again sealing her fate. "You have exactly two hours to get your things and leave this place,the kingdom if you can, because if I come back and see you here.." his eyes open and he glares at her his blue hues getting darker and glowing making her whimper and his next words sent her scurrying off  for dear life "I'll decapitate you with a kitchen knife , you understand, miss Maria Terlac?"

The two siblings watched her stumble away and the male turned to look at his sister who was already by seated in the carriage waiting for him, having witnessed her brother confronting their care taker and curious about what he said to the woman that made her run away like that and what was in the bottle he throw at her, but seeing the smile on his face made her pout, he was telling her not to ask questions, so she listened to him for now and he patted her hair softly in gratitude.

He signalled for the coach man to start moving and soon they we're off. The male let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed his temples, they weren't even their yet and he could already feel a headache coming up. Oh well at least he had managed to get the witch away, his eyes hardened, now he needed to face the ignorant cunt that's supposed to be his father, from the corner of his eye he watched as Celeste stared around them in wonder and it made him relax a bit, before he hated her childishness, but now it reminded him that sometimes the simply things in life could make one happy, but after today, he wasn't sure his much she would be able to smile again.


​​​​​​       Hell hath no fury like an omega scorned



As always stay safe out there❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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