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Chapter 115: An Oath

Miller and Watson sat in their room, the events of the day still fresh in their minds. The air was heavy with a mix of frustration and determination as they contemplated their next steps. Watson, ever the thinker, broke the silence.

Watson: "You know, Miller, maybe there's another way we can get stronger and protect ourselves. We could build robots or invent some advanced technology."

Miller looked at Watson with a raised eyebrow, finding his suggestion amusing.

Miller: "Robots? Really, Watson? Do you think we're in a science fiction movie? I don't think that's a realistic option for us."

Watson: "Hey, it's worth considering! We have to think outside the box if we want to level the playing field."

Miller pondered for a moment before a new idea sparked in his mind.

Miller: "What if we focus on learning martial arts? We could train ourselves physically and mentally to become stronger and more skilled in self-defense."

Watson hesitated, his lack of physical prowess making him skeptical of the idea.

Watson: "But Miller, we're not exactly the athletic types. Martial arts might not be the best fit for us."

Miller: "That's exactly why we should do it! It's a challenge, and it'll push us to our limits. We need to step out of our comfort zones if we want to make a change."

Watson considered Miller's words, recognizing the truth behind them.

Watson: "Alright, I see your point. We need to find a way to become stronger, to protect ourselves and stand up against bullies like Jason."

Miller's face lit up with a mischievous smile.

Miller: "You know, Watson, there is one other option. What if we become mutants? Imagine having extraordinary abilities and being able to take down anyone who stands in our way."

Watson burst into laughter, finding the idea both ludicrous and exciting.

Watson: "Mutants, huh? It sounds like something out of a comic book. But hey, let's not forget the failed experiments of people trying to become mutants. We wouldn't want to end up losing our memories and waking up as completely different beings."

The room filled with their laughter, the absurdity of their ideas bringing a moment of levity amidst their determination.

Miller: "You're right, Watson. Maybe we should stick to more realistic methods. But hey, let's not forget about the important things in life. I need to tell you something."

Watson's curiosity piqued, his eyes locked onto Miller's face.

Watson: "What is it, Miller?"

Miller took a deep breath, his voice tinged with a mix of nervousness and excitement.

Miller: "I... I think I'm in love with Emily."

Watson's expression softened as he felt empathy for his friend's confession.

Watson: "Oh, Miller. I can understand why. She's an amazing person. But you should know... she's currently dating Jason Turner."

Miller's heart sank at the revelation, a wave of disappointment washing over him.

Miller: "Of course she is. The universe really has a twisted sense of humor, doesn't it?"

They fell into a thoughtful silence, their minds swirling with thoughts of their current predicament.

Watson: "You know, Miller, despite everything, we should focus on the positive. Our world may be tough, but there are people out there who are working to make a difference. People like President Blythe Pemberton."

Miller nodded, finding solace in Watson's words.

Miller: "You're right, Watson. Blythe Pemberton is an inspiring figure. He's leading the way to a better future, and we should strive to do the same in our own lives."

The conversation continued late into the night, Miller and Watson discussing their hopes and dreams, their fears and frustrations. Their words carried a mix of determination and camaraderie, intertwining their paths and solidifying their bond as friends.

Eventually, exhaustion took over, and the two friends drifted off to sleep, their dreams filled with visions of a world where they could overcome their weaknesses and emerge victorious. Little did they know that the challenges they faced were just the beginning, and the road ahead would test their resilience and push them to their limits.

As they slept, a new day dawned, brimming with endless possibilities and unknown adventures.


It was still night time..... and it was in the middle of the night....when almost everyone had already slept.....

Inside what looked like a forest inside the confinement of those gigantic School walls. The trees in this place were very thick. It was a place someone could easily get lost inside.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" A man said to another. This man's name was Alexander Reynolds; one of the Werewolves.

"Don't worry, it would be fine" Another replied. The Person that replied was Benjamin Carter.

"What are you waiting for, just set them on fire" Alexander Reynolds said with Urgency in his voice.

"Do you think burning their bodies could hide their evidence, you know how those creatures are, they are more faster than us; Werewolves". Benjamin Carter said to Alexander Reynolds.

Alexander Reynolds paused for some second. He knew what Benjamin Carter said was through.

"Besides those Kids are not yet here..." Benjamin did not complete his sentence Because before he could complete it. The kids he was talking about had arrived.

The kids were all Currently Second Year Students and they were all Werewolves like them. Although not experienced like They were; These Eleven Kids were still Strong werewolves for their age. These kids were Christopher Morgan, Daniel Thompson, Ethan Mitchell, Gabriel Anderson, Henry Roberts, Isaac Johnson, Jacob Williams, Olivia Davis, Jessica Bennett, Samantha Jones and Lucas Roberts. They were all thesame Werewolves Miller had scanned the other day with his inspect skill.

"You guys never seize to amaze me" Benjamin Carter said.

"Did you bring the body" Alexander asked.

"Yes, we have the body of William Strong Smith" Christopher said.

They dropped the body of William Strong Smith with other bodies that were there. The other bodies had pale skin. The bodies looked like they were all lifeless. William Strong was clearly a Werewolf.

He was still in his Werewolf appearance, and he was dead.

"No WOUNDS. It's the WRAITH, i am sure it is from THE WRAITH" Alexander said.

"What of the Vampires won't they find out what we did to their kind?" Isaac asked.

"Forget about the Vampires for three days, Alexander had been using our Super smell and we have not been able to sense any of them. I am not sure, the Vampires know what we did to Their kind....." Benjamin Carter words were cut short by Isaac' words who replied in panic:

"Right now, they might come for us later, if they realize we..." Isaac could not also complete his sentence as he was shouted at by Benjamin Carter who had a hot temper.

"Don't talk, when i am talking, keep Quiet!" Benjamin Shouted at him.

"Let's just get to business" Alexander said: "What did you tell his wife, Sophie Smith?"

"I haven't told her anything, she is still applying to become a teacher in this school. The school has not yet approved her". Benjamin said.

"Let us make an oath that none of us will ever Tell Sophie Smith what we truly did to her Husband". Alexander said.

And with those words all the Werewolves Hardened their right index fingers and made a small cut on each of their left palm. Blood dripping from the cut.


They poured all their blood in a container and they all drank each others blood. The drinking of each others blood was an oath they wouldn't tell Sophie Smith what they really did to her husband.

"So let's just burn them" Alexander said.

One of the Male Students named Daniel Thompson brought out a gallon of fuel and a matches. All of the. shifted backwards and within seconds.


Daniel had set the dead bodies ablaze, burning all the source of evidence. As all the Werewolves looked at the fire, the only prayer they had in their mind is that: Sophie Smith and the Vampires wouldn't find out what they really did.



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This chapter continues from the previous chapter. It's still talking about Miller's and Watson's Previous school life.

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