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Chapter 8: Buried

Jon sat on the hood of a car staring into the first floor of the building at the massive, infected looming just on the other side of the glass.

Figures twitching as he looked at his status and all the points that it contained.

Jon Fairchild

Lv. 21 93%

Race: T-Virus Enhanced Human




AP:54 SP: 4

He could power up instantly to dominate the fight, but it wouldn't benefit him as much as a struggle would though he was considering rounding out all of the stats to twenty-five at least.

A moment's hesitation followed before he did exactly that inputting the points as his drained stamina seemed to come back with each breath his mind sharpening.

Yet there was no expected alert or new abilities popping up like he had thought that there would be instead it was just dead silence making Jon grit his teeth.

He wasn't willing to spend any more of the points as he had no way of knowing if this thing would be able to take away the strength it had granted or the knowledge that came with each skills increase.

Though that was a common trope that most had Jon just wasn't willing to trust such an unknown thing with his life or anything that could affect his ability to defend it.

Though he could also tell that he was being overly paranoid at the same time all the jumbled thoughts causing Jon to finally just slap himself. Blinking against the stinging pain and what was definitely a split lip he refocused on the present staring at the infected monster.

Hopping off of the car Jon walked up to the glass staring at the zombie that was now leaning all the way down to stare at him teeth bared and blood dripping off of its massive hands.

"S...sub...subject." The words were a surprise to Jon causing him to back up a little to really examine the massive face spotting the similarities to the man he wasn't able to finish off on the helicopter.

"So, you didn't die even after all that damage."

Gripping the handle of the sword Jon kept a loose hold on it as he began to examine the glass that was covered in numerous cracks spread all along the length of the first floor.

Obviously, it had been trying to get out for a while the bigger windows on the other floors probably providing the means of escape for the first few zombies that had started the widespread infection.

This town had truly been meant to be destroyed from the start as not only had the virus been released into it by accident the xenomorphs had arrived at the same time.

There was no way that Umbrella was going to let this town survive but they would at least try to allow themselves the time to capture a few drones.

They were all about bioweapons after all and the thought of the horrors that they could unleash with a single xenomorph was enough to send a chill down his spine.

Finally holding the handle hard enough for the blade to spring out Jon turned his attention to the massive form in the building tapping the tip of the blade against the glass.

"Lets you and me settle up before I worry about anything else yeah?"

A roar was the only response that Jon got out of the fading mind of the zombie.

Slashing crudely with the sword the glass had a clean cut put in it the infected taking to striking the pane from the other side as well more cracks spreading as they seemed to work together for a moment.

Finally, the glass gave way under the assault a meaty fist bigger than Jon crashing down towards him.

Spinning out of the way the blade arched out a few fingers dropping to the ground alongside a good amount of blackened blood though no pain seemed to register.

Ducking low Jon missed having his head taken off by a massive foot by barely an inch blade heading up as the foot retracted his muscles straining as the weight and momentum behind the return almost tore it from his hands when he buried the blade to the handle in the bottom of the foot.

Blood splashed again as the foot was almost cut in half due to its own momentum Jon making sure to push off of the ground as hard as he could the foot wriggling as it started to mutate.

Pistol coming up Jon fired off a few rounds watching as they did minimal damage to the zombie not even frowning as he figured that would be the case. Going to dive at the zombie again Jon didn't even get the chance to move forward a foot before he was smashing through a glass wall across the lobby of the hospital.

Blood dribbled onto the floor below him head fuzzy as he tried to process what had just happened in that single instant that had left him with a wide cut a foot along from one hip to the other. He had seen a flash of something almost dark red shoot out of the mouth of the zombie.

Looking over the desk that he had landed behind Jon could see clearly what it was that had struck him a long almost razor tipped tongue was slowly being pulled back into the zombies' mouth.

"Eat you!" The zombie roared as it charged across the lobby each step shaking the room.

Jon could honestly say that he had never wanted to know what it was to have a train of muscle and raw violence charging at you but boy was he getting to experience now as he struggled up.

Holding one hand to the wound pressing the flesh together to help out his healing Jon gripped the sword tighter at his side spitting a few globs of blood out.

"That really smarts."

Giving the desk a hefty kick from underneath Jon sent it sailing up at face height with the zombie racing along behind it trying to use it for cover a small grin on his face. Shards of wood rained down after a few seconds the desk being destroyed with a sweep of the meaty arm.

An arm that joined the shards on the ground a moment later as Jon sailed through the air past the zombie barely managing to curl up into a ball right as the tongue shot out again lashing across the ceiling.

Hitting the ground in a roll Jon kept the momentum going for as long as possible stopping with a screech behind a pillar as the enraged roars came out of the zombie.

Smashing sounded out across the lobby alongside the angry roars an intense trembling building that put Jon on edge getting him to peer around the pillar he was hiding behind to see that a tendril seemed to have sprouted from the stump of the cut off arm.

It was dancing wildly in the air smashing through the support pillars in a thirty-foot radius of the zombie rapidly weakening the building.

Then the real hell began as the enraged and possibly seriously injured zombie turned its attention back to him the tendril stilled before lashing out at the same speed as the tongue shattering the pillar and sending pieces of concrete and stone spraying over Jon.

Wound on his chest partially sealed up at the ends and in the center, he had to get a move on but even he knew that the building was going to collapse soon enough so he had until then to end the fight because a little instinct whispered that this one wouldn't let him leave until one of them was dead.

Cracks were already spreading along the ceiling as the two returned to fighting it out Jon slashing off a few pieces of the new appendage while dodging the tongue panting as the fight kept going with almost no end in sight.

Dribbles of blackened blood were gathering in all of his wounds making them sting but other than that no notifications had been sounding off leading Jon to ignore it as he fought for his life backing up slowly towards the front of the lobby.

Downing a backhanded slash Jon managed to remove a chunk of flesh from the zombies' neck when it went in for a bite causing it to recoil the ceiling cracking furthered at the enraged stomps that followed a few chunks falling in front of the glass.

"Got to get out."

Having seen out of the corner of his eye that the ceiling was finally giving way Jon turned completely abandoning the fight to try diving out of the one broken window. Except he only made it to the edge sunlight touching his fingers before the ever-familiar tendril wrapped around his waist whipping him deeper into the lobby.

Bouncing along the floor Jon finally lost his grip on the sword his back hitting the marble wall with the handle sliding up next to him on the floor blood trickling out of a few new cuts on his neck and chest.

More chunks of the ceiling were falling now a few striking the now obviously berserk zombie as it swung at thin air one eye destroyed and the head lolling heavily to one side thanks to some of the neck muscles missing.

Laughing quietly to himself Jon watched as the roof began to give way in a cascading effect towards him the zombie disappearing in seconds under tons of stone while Jon just leaned against the wall eyes closed.

If they had been open, he would have seen the ghostly young man that appeared in front of him a green shield of energy appearing around both of them as the larger stones landed against it not even seeming to cause the young ghost any discomfort.

Danny POV

Danny spared a glance back at the newbie finding that he had already passed out wounds still trying to stitch together slowly while the shield barely rippled with tons of stone and metal falling on it.

Even now Danny knew he shouldn't have interfered with what was happening, but he couldn't put his hero ways down as easily as he had thought when he accepted the offer that brought him here.

[Danny Fenton you are in breach of your contract]

[Cease and desist all actions within the next fifteen seconds...]

That message puzzled Danny the system as he had been informed never did warnings it just acted without care so if it had really wanted him to stop protecting the newbie it would have simply activated his ability to phase and shut off the shield or outright killed him.

"You have got someone's attention on you."

Danny waited watching the timer tick down as the last of the rubble fell finally letting the shield fall with a few seconds left turning invisible immediately.

"See you around Newbie."

Danny drifted out of the rubble above the city staring down at the fights for survival and the uncountable number of enemies swarming over the place and not far from the hospital he could see them. Standing on a roof watching the hospital or at least the biggest one was.

Floating down Danny stood shoulder to shoulder with the much larger alien looking out over the rubble of the hospital as a final notification appeared in his vision.

[Do not tempt the system again Danny Fenton or your family and friends will return to the grave]

That made Danny clench his fists tightly the aura around him leaking out as a light layer of frost covered the ground and crept onto the armor of the Predator.

"It would have been better if we had all stayed buried together."

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