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Chapter 47: A freak

A group of experts stood before Sora, the aura of these experts had yelled that they were experts. unmatched under the heavens. they were the strongest experts and Sora became the realm ruler within, they were at level 6 Qi refinement,

"Just who are you, and where did you come from?" an old man asked coldly while stepping forward, amongst those here he was the strongest one,

"Brat, you should know how to treat your elders. I may look young but I lived thousands of your lifetime." Sora said calmly, he indeed was old. under time acceleration, he was super old. but the old man's face darkened upon hearing such words, but with a hint of SOra aura, all of them dropped to their knees horror swallowing them all

"To you all, I'm god. I can kill and breathe life into you all as I wish. don't think because my cultivation is the same as you all that we are equal. I had to lower myself to not destroy this world. I care not for your tricks are whatever, annoy me and I will kill you. forget your places and all of you are dead, do I make myself clear or should I kill a few of you to make my point clear?" Sora asked calmly,

"w-we understand," they said in horror, to which Sora smiled happily while pulling his aura back

"you would be long dead by the time I improve this world, so I have no interest in any of you. leave my sight, and be smart enough for your family members to know their place, I will be looking toward you if bugs start flying around me." Sora said before shooting up into the sky, the group of old people watched as he shoot to the moon, which had transformed

"A bit overkilled right?" Fang Mei asked seeing how rough Sora was with them, Sora shrugged lazily at her words.

"I care not, I want to build a clan here. over time, this would be a world where only those with my blood exist." Sora said with a smile, making Fang Mei blush slightly. Sora smiled slightly before he pointed to the sky,

"I call this realm the Heavenly Dragon Realm, let's send a signal to nearby worlds, to draw them over to try and swallow us," Sora said with a cold smile, and within the void, the heavenly dragon realm unleash an aura that all realm rulers nearby sensed, drawing them over to try and eat such a weak realm

"as for the realm, let's increase its time flow," Sora said softly, with a thought, time in this realm began moving billions of times. Sora was of course using his energy to increase the time flow of this space, and thanks to how weak this world was, the cost of energy was not much.

"Haha, this is power," Sora said with a smile while looking down at the planet which was moving super fast. In just 1 second, more than 5 years went by. How does a realm grow?

the first and most common way was having the experts within a realm cultivate and die, allowing the refined and strong energy to return to heaven and earth. in a way, heaven and earth were cultivating, using all cultivators as resources.

this is why even when one reaches the peak of a realm, they dare not face the heavens, the law ancestor was powerful, yet even he needed countless years to forcefully become a realm ruler.

Now that time suddenly began spreading up, this realm began to have many experts born and die by the second. Sora of course helped out in strengthening these experts, throwing out resources to help them improve,

the second way for a realm to grow was to devour other realms. this was what beings like the demon lord and countless others out there were doing. this was the fastest way.

anyways, the portal to the Giga Chad realm was not destroyed, if they wanted they could open it and go pay a visit. but they didn't leave and took time to help build up the 12 heavenly dragon sect within this realm, of course, they used clones while their main body saw the improvement of cultivation within this realm, using it as a chance to comprehend the laws

a few days after Sora became realm ruler, Sora sensed a realm coming over towards his realm. the next moment, the Heavenly Dragon realm shook. Sora watched as another worldly battlefield slowly formed, connecting this realm to this new realm.

"How foolish, a new realm ruler so cocky and showing off such a weak realm. let me show you just how big this world is." The realm ruler of the attacking realm sneered in disdain, but his disdainful look slowly disappeared as he saw someone stepping into his realm.

how does one devour the realm? it was simple, take the realm core. this was hard depending on how big the realm was, the bigger the harder is it to find and the stronger the realm would be.

Sorea reached out, forcefully taking hold of the core which was within the realm ruler's body. and so a painful cry sounded as Sora ripped the core out, and went on to control his realm to devour.

Sora disappeared and appeared back in his realm, where he watched his planet get bigger. this was only a lower realm, and its fusing with his realm didn't give Sora an extra planet, instead, the two planets fused.

"So, why should I kill you?" Sora asked while looking at the former realm ruler, Sora sat on a throne which was located on the moon, overlooking the planet below.

"I surrounded." the realm ruler shook in horror, Sora might, Sora's aura and his show of power were too much leaving him horrified.

"then I shall leave you with a bit of the power you had as a realm ruler, make yourself useful," Sora said calmly, the former realm ruler didn't need Sora to explain anything. Instead, he nodded and left, making himself useful,

Sora was not the type who wants to waste time on training armies, managing stuff, and so on. For so long, Hong Ying was doing it, but Sora knew she was unwilling to keep doing it, so Sora planned to catch a few realm rulers.

of course, this former realm ruler had a slave imprint on his soul which Hong Ying placed on him, any thought of him trying to betray Sora would cause him to suffer great pain.

So, Realms came, and Sora devoured them all. thanks to Hong Ying, Sora knew how to strengthen the foundations of his realm, so slowly the planet was reaching a state where it was as big as solar systems.

but as time passed, the less the realms came. So, Sora had to search for them. creating portals to other realms, Sora placed marks on many realms and rushed over to devour them, so a few months after Sora became realm ruler, Sora watched his realm breaking through, becoming a Higher realm.

With this, not only was another planet forming, but the limit of cultivation has reached the Moutain and river tier, meaning that The Seeker and the others could become immortals if they take that step.

"Uncle," Sora said softly, it had been years since he has last seen his uncle, but he had a feeling that the old man knew what he had been up to. for a while now, he had been waiting for his uncle to pop up, but the guy never showed himself, So, Sora was calling out to see if he would answer.

Sora waited for a few hours but seeing the guy not appear, he sighed before turning around to leave, but just as he turned, he saw his Uncle sitting on a rock, looking at him with a smile,

"Can this heal you?" Sora asked while throwing a Senzu bean at him. Sora's uncle caught the bean and looked at it closely. he had of course seen Sora eating this thing and knew the effect of these beans, but he was sure they couldn't heal him.

"What I'm suffering from is Dao Injuries, they are far more complex than simple law injuries." He said with a smile while eating the Senzu bean, but his eyebrow raised once he took a bite. sure he was still injured, but he healed slightly, a few thousands of these beans and he could be at 100%

"... your soul is something." He said softly while looking at Sora, there were a few things he understood from Sora. Sora's soul held something unique, similar to how Giga Chad's soul carried over his physique, something similar happened with Sora, but on a greater scale.

"what do you mean?" Sora asked in confusion, to which His uncle shook his head slightly, not explaining his words.

"Sigh, it does not affect me. it's pointless," He said with a smile, making Sora's eyebrows raise as he expected the beans to have some effect on the old man, but it seemed like he was wrong.

'He has a past hidden from even the likes of the strongest experts, these two have a bright future.' He thought with a smile while looking at Sora, who had a deep frown not expecting the Senzu beans would be of no use

"You have a bright future, I'm a cripple who's taking a step closer and closer to death door by the second... You should have seen how I got crippled, a few years before your birth our enemies attacked, it was too sudden so I rushed out to buy us time." He said softly, to which Sora nodded as he remember how his uncle found an endless wave of enemies, he killed so many that he created a planet purely of his enemies

"what you saw was only the main event of that battle. I bring this up because, through it all, I managed to get something." He said while holding a hand out, which glowed with a devilish aura that sent chills down Sora's spine

"This is a fragment of our enemy world, holding many laws... you walk a path like none other, so use this to reach that peak of that path." He said softly, Sora hesitated for some time before he took the aura, but it went out of control, fusing with his realm,

Sora watched as his realm began to grow and evolve, adding these new laws to it. His uncle watched all of this godown, before he secretly moved, breaking a seal on Sora's necklace which his mother left behind.

"In our clan, it's rare for males to fall in love. but when we do, we grow attached. I spent most of my life on the battlefield and never bothered to have children... but I can't help but see you as mine." He said softly, causing Sora to look over only to see his body slowly breaking apart,

"..." Sora opened his mouth but had nothing to say, His uncle smiled lightly, before he completely disappeared. Using his life, a seal appeared around Sora's realm, hiding the devilish laws, but Sora didn't notice, and didn't care for such a thing. the only parent-like figure he had just died,

He took a few hours to ease his chaotic heart and mind before he sighed. now he had someone held he had to bring back to life. Sora shook his head, and look at the world and its changes,

the planet had grown, Sora thought it had reached its peak being the size of a Star system, but it had more than doubled. the size of his realm was now about 120 light years, yet it was empty with just one super large planet and one super large star

The star within a realm was unique, it was the heart of a realm, and it was also the main source of life for a realm. the stronger the star, the stronger the lifeform would be. Of course, this means those too weak might end up dying, too weak to survive the changes

Sora let out a deep breath, his realm was not only stronger than Giga Chad's realm, but the chances to this realm made Sora birth a wild thought.

Hong Ying had told Sora a lot of stuff, and the importance of being a realm ruler was one such thing. when one becomes an immortal, they begin to form a world within their dantian. the importance of this world was great.

for one, this world would give one auto cultivation, meaning one cultivation would improve on its own if given time. all that was needed was to have lifeforms within your world, which would cultivate, give birth, and die. As the cycle goes on, it improves one cultivation bite by bite.

secondly, it gives one extra energy to draw upon. your energy would leak into this world, not only strengthening the world over time but the energy to get stronger. so if you have a whole universe's worth of energy to call upon, you pretty much have an endless amount of energy.

the mountain and river tier is the first level, at this stage, one has just formed their inner world and is birthing a planet. This is also why the power level for called such, the stronger and more refined a planet was, the greater one power would be.

above this was the sun and moon tier, where one not only forms a moon but a star. In this realm, the power levels are no longer Moutain and rivers, but Moons.

The importance of being a realm ruler was that one can fuse their realm with the realm within their domain, to not only greatly boost the size of your realm, but also boost your strength. the stronger the realm, the stronger you shall become

Sora wanted to do something wild with his realm... why not make this realm as overpowered as him? he wanted to build a realm capable of birthing life forces that should only be birthed by those realms above it.

as for how he would do this, it was simple. he would simply make sure this realm reaches its absolute limits, before allowing it to evolve to a higher realm. so, with this in mind, Sora forced the realm to return to a lower realm and had everything be focused on the growth of this planet.

other than that, Sora went on to create a time accusation chamber, thanks to the growth of this world, although the boost of strength Sora got was little, his law on the other hand did get a boost, so he could create a much better chamber. 1 day on the outside was 750 years within.

Sora created many of them and had his clones get within to comprehend these new laws. it didn't take long for Sora to find out that the necklace around his neck was different. its effect of allowing him to comprehend the laws far better had increased, Sora was sure he could do such things hundreds or even thousands of times better and faster than before.

this shocked him, but he realized this might be what his uncle doing. With a sigh, Sora got to comprehend the laws, but these new devilish laws were far more complex and weird than he expected. it was as if they went against this world as if they were from a whole new cultivation system.

Shocked, sora had to go get Giga Chad to see if he knew about this. To say the least, Giga Chad was shocked upon sensing these laws. he was even more shocked by Sora's idea to comprehend them and add them to his law, after some thought Giga Chad agree and he too began to try and comprehend them,

what left Sora speechless was that even without something like the necklace, Giga Chad had an easier time comprehending these laws. but Giga Chad had no experience with such laws and helped Sora understand them as well, which helped Sora out greatly. but Giga Chad didn't give Sora too much help, after all, this was his rival. what Giga CHad did was just repay Sora for showing him this new path

Time passed, and soon Sora got the news that Giga Chad was at war with the Fang Clan which suppressed GIga Chad heaven and earth, allowing an immortal to appear within his realm, hearing this, Sora rushed over to see, and upon stepping through the portal he sensed Giga Chad who was locked in a battle with 5 immortals, all with a power level which was at 10 Moons.

they were only at the Moutain and River tier, and it was clear to see they were talented as they were at the easy stages of the Moutain and River tier. Sora was now stronger than Giga Chad,

Sora can unleash the power of over 5,000 Moons. Sora had done many things to improve his strength, he mastered the techniques given to him and got his hands on a new bloodline, plus he had the new cultivation arts, The Divine Heavenly Beast Cultivation art. Sora's strength was more than enough to slap these 5 experts to dust,

Giga Chad was no longer as strong as Sora, but he was still powerful. with a power level of around 2,500 Moons. he would be far stronger, but his cultivation was falling behind his comprehends of his law, So Giga Hcad was holding back, wanting more and more powerful experts to come so he could devour them to improve his cultivation,

His law now had the power of 10 billion laws, and Sora's law now only had the power of 1 billion laws. if not for his cultivation being higher, Sora might be in trouble. But Sora was not worried at all, why?

that was because SOra fused most of his transformations, meaning that he could be thousands or even millions of times stronger than he was right now. but his body would not be able to handle so much power. at the same time, he fused the eye of killing which boosted his current eye's capability.

with such improvement, Sora True Saiayn State no longer boosted its strength by 100,000 times, it instead boosted its strength by 1 million times.

His true Super Saiyan Saiyan state no longer boosted his power level by 1,000 times. it instead boosted his power level by 10,000 times.

His unique Eyes boosted his power level by 10,000. pedals which he formed 4 off, now boosted his Power power level by 50 times. He could now use Kaio Ken times 1,000 without trouble,

together, Sora's power level came to be 6,250 Moons. One should know that 1 Quadrillion Moutain and rivers equal 1 moon. Sora could fart and the law ancestor could die from the power behind such an attack.

One should forget about Ultra instincts, Sora's martial arts capability had improved greatly, he was capable of fighting those 5 times stronger than himself. this was shocking as everyone knew that someone with a power level 1.25 greater than yourself was considered almost untouchable unless your skills were high.

Sora could fight someone 5 times himself. this was simply because every part of Sora's body, down to even his hair had a mind of its own. Sora's pinky muscles were not simply strengthened, but they were refined to such a level that it was no longer useless. no part of Sora's body was unless it was a deadly weapon.

This was not taking into account that he could grow extra hands and a head. Sora might be able to fight those 10 times his power level. so someone with a power level of 62,500 Moons might be within the Sora range.

Sora was a freak, the fact there was a True Super Saiyan 2, a True Super Saiyan 3, a True Super Saiayn 4, A True Super Saiyan God, and many others to yet appear, Sora was a bit too overpowered.

Let's not get these forms would be fused with many other forms or the fact that Sora had yet to create the dragon ball and wish for his potential to be wakened. but he would not do that until his realm is big enough to hold his balls.

But one shouldn't forget that Giga Chad had barely awakened 0.000...1% of his physique, yet already he was a rival to Sora. the two were freaks, but just who was more freakish?

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