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Chapter 12: Awakening

His eyes slowly flickering open, Ragu groans as he tries to sit up, his body flaring in pain.

Looking down he realizes that from top to bottom he is covered in bandages.

Remembering his fight with Lazarus, he can't help but chuckle, a soft smile forming on his face.

The feeling of adrenaline rushing through him and his instincts completely taking over is like a drug, and the after effects feel incredible.

Despite the pain, he feels almost as if honey was wrapped around the pain, making it mostly negligible.

Pushing these thoughts aside, Ragu glances around to find himself in the dimly lit dorm room.

Noticing a soft familiar feeling on the limited exposed skin of his chest, he glances down to see Kaida's long silky black hair sprawled across his body with her cheek resting on his chest.

His movement seems to have disturbed her sleep, causing her to dig her nails into his arms, as if ordering her pillow not to move.

"Kaida. That hurts." He groans, playfully placing his hand and gently running it through her hair. The long silky strands soothing to the touch.

Kaida's eyes open up, seeing Ragu. She smiles, her pearly white teeth enchanting as always, "Hmm. I'm glad your awake." She murmurs.

She slowly climbs off the chair, pulling herself into his arms laying on the bed with him, cuddling into his muscular frame, careful not to hurt him.

Ragu blushes as the beautiful woman curls up to him. Putting his arm around her smaller frame, he holds her in a comfortable position.

"Tell me Ragu. What was that power? I've never seen you use a technique like that before. I know I didn't teach it to you." She asks curiously, her sparking orange eyes looking at him with admiration, and a hint wanting.

Ragu groans before replying, "Hm. I don't know. It just felt natural. It's just instinctual."

"Hm. Well, whatever it was, it was hot." She whispers in his ear, her voice causing his eyes to widen.

Unable to resist, Ragu leans up, kissing the tip of her nose. Kaida can't help but to blush, her face turning a dark shade of red.

"Hm. Your lucky your so injured right now." She playfully threatens.

After the two sit in silence for a few moments, Kaida snuggles up and closes her eyes.

Ragu, doing the same, falls back asleep, a soft smile on his face and his hands wrapped around Kaida.

The two can't help but feel comfortable in each others arms. It's only been two days now since they had arrived at the academy, one of which Ragu was passed out for after his fight, but the two can't help but to grow close.

The last words that Kiad hears before she drifts off into a deep sleep, are a very muttled, "I love you."

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Ragu and Kaida launch up out of their positions on the bed. Kaida blushing realizing that she had fallen asleep with Ragu.

However, now is not the time to deal with…. Whatever this is.

Standing up, Kaida pulls the cloak over her and walks to the door, opening it.

Upon doing so, she sees a familiar togruta woman. She has light blue skin with long montrals. She is young, but maybe a few years older than Kaida and Ragu.

"Is master awake?" The woman, who is Alina, asks politely, bowing her head respectfully.

"Alina…. Yes your master is awake." Kaida answers curtly.

Alina, realizing the woman's distaste for her bows her head even further. "Please allow me to see him. I have yet to greet him properly."

Kaida nods, gesturing for Alina to come inside. Following behind the Sith woman, Alina looks around the room in surprise.

The room is much larger than her own, nearly triple in size! Her room is a simple one room dorm with only the necessities.

As her eyes dart around the room, they land on her master. Originally she hadn't been able to see the man's appearance, but now she can see him clearly.

She can't help but almost gasp in surprise at how young the boy is. Being a slave, she had expected the boy to be an older man brought to protect lady Kaida.

Seeing that he is a young man, probably a year or two younger than herself surprises her.

This doesn't shock her for more than a moment. Quickly clenching her right hand, she places her fist on the ground and bows her head, "I, Alina daughter of Karoth, officially greet my master."

Seeing Alina acting like this, Ragu can't help but to question her motivations. Originally she had only agreed to spare her own life. Yet now, she acts as if she truly wishes to be his disciple.

Ragu can't help but ask, "Why accept me as your master. We are all aware that you are talented to be taken as a disciple of a Sith teacher. So why do you wish to accept me a fellow student, as your master?"

Kaida has similar thoughts to Ragu, however, unlike him, she believes she knows the answer.

Alina, with her head still bowed responds saying, "I am betting on your future."

"My future?" Ragu replies curiously.

Alina nods.

"Your power is more impressive than mine, making it so that I already have some to learn from you. However, what I'm truly interested in is your potential. Your strength will far surpass any teacher I can find within this academy. As such, I am placing my trust in your strength, my master." She explains, her head still bowed.

"I see." Ragu mutters with a smile.

He has known for some time that he is talented, however to have another acknowledge it is always flattering.

Kaida nods to herself. It's as she thought.

Then Alina hesitates before continuing, "I apologize if I'm stepping out of line, but your not really her slave are you?""

Hearing this, Kaida growls, "And what makes you think that?"

Realizing her mistake, Alina back tracks, "My apologies. Please forget I said anything."

Unfortunately for her, Kaida isn't having this.

"No, explain." She demands, her eyes flaring up, a excited grin on her face, waiting for the girl to take one more misstep.

"Well…. Errr…. Why would you catch the body of a slave from hitting the ground…"

Hearing this, Kaida sighs to herself, without showing any change to her outward appearance.

It's as she thought. Her actions that day would make this more complicated.

Nodding, she states, "It's as you suspect. Ragu is my ally, not my slave. We are currently keeping up the facade to ensure that we are not separated. As long as he 'belongs' to me, others cannot force their will onto him for fear of offending my father." She states, explaining it while leaving out any important information.

Hearing this, Alina smiles, glad that her assumption is correct.

Nodding, Alina then turns back to her master. "I must leave now master, I plan to attend the basics of sith philosophy class."

Hearing this, Ragu leans up, swinging his feet over the edge of the bed and grabs his robes from the desk next to him.

Dawning them, he reached for his weapons when Kaida asks, "Ragu? What are you doing. You need to rest."

Ragu shakes his head, "Sorry, but I am not going to spend my first days in the academy in bed. I have healed enough to move decently thanks to you, so I am going to attend the class with Alina."

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