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Fate's Warrior Fate's Warrior original

Fate's Warrior

Author: DestinysValkyrie

© WebNovel

Notes for the book moving forwards

Stages of Grief


Cultivation levels:

Major realms: Basic, Body Strengthening, Qi gathering, Core Formation, Qi tide, Qi void, Ancient, Immortal, and Celestial (Special for higher level beings: Cosmic, Primordial, Divine, Original, Universal Ruler)

Competency levels: novice, apprentice, journeyman, master, grandmaster, expert, lord, king, emperor, and sovereign (Special for higher level beings: Celestial Tutor, Ancient Administrator, Divine Embodiment, Original Creator, Supreme Authority)

The dubious and radiant family tree of Laura

Ra (Great x37 grandfather) (SSS)

Montu (Great x36 grandfather) (SS)

Bast (Great x35 grandmother) (S+)

Khepri (Great x33 grandfather) (SSS-)

Hathor (Great x32 grandmother) (SS+)

Anyanwu (Great x31 grandfather) (A+)

Mawu (Great x30 grandmother)(S+)

Magec (great x27 grandmother) (S+)

Lucifer (Great x25 grandfather) (SSS-)

Hyperion (Great x20 grandfather) (SS+)

Päivätär (Great x15 grandmother) (B+)

Mithra (Great x14 grandfather) (SS)

Endovelicus (Great x13 grandfather) (S)

Khors (Great x12 grandfather) (S+)

Aine (great x11 grandmother) (S+)

Malina (great x10 grandmother)(A+)

Sulis (Great x9 grandmother)(A-)

Tawa (Great x8 grandfather) (SSS+)

Huitzilopochtli (great x7 grandfather) (S+)

Uriel (Great x6 grandmother) (SS)

Apollo (greatx5 grandfather)(B+)

Helios (Great x4 grandfather) (A-)

Ah Kin (Great x3 grandfather)(A)

Chup Kumoi (Great great grandmother(B-)

Aditi (Great grandmother) (SS+)

Shamsun (Grandmother) (A+)

Aurora (Mother) (A+)



Moira Belladori: Short, multi ethnic girl, roughly southern egyptian skin color with hair of every conceivable human color and type. Eyes the color of the deepest visible parts of the ocean. Springs into existence at 14, in the dead of winter, with nothing much going on for her but her residual power. Has lived 700 years just to come the long way round to 14.

Sarah: Young witch introduced early on, taught by Moira witchcraft and the worship and service of both Gaia and Nyx. Mother is a staunch Christian.

Yulia: The last name of this woman has been lost to time. She has been Moira's wife for 500 years at the start of this novel. True form is a nearly 10 foot tall avian-human hybrid vampire, with both vampire and fey strengths and weaknesses. Her human form is a magically and genetically enhanced supersoldier of about 7 feet tall. Russian heritage and bone structure, middle eastern complexion. Has the quickling deviant gene, which means that anything occurring on a mortal time scale seems rather drawn out to her. This problem is exacerbated further by the trifecta of supersoldier reflexes, fey time dilation, and vampire instincts. Her strength has been enhanced and trained to the point that she once flew an aircraft carrier into orbit on a dare. Probably the fastest thing on foot, surprisingly slow in the air. 120 ft wingspan, her wings are a startling combination of blues and whites. Can magically fold in wings so they sit nearly flat against her back. Muscular would be an understatement, as every surface of her body ripples with muscles. Very athletic temperament and easily bored.

Laura Diaz: Relatively tall midwestern girl with traces of both hispanic and eastern heritage. Skin is a dark tan but still would be called white by most. Hair the color of morning sunlight and eyes the color of the sky, with tinges of deep gold.

Mackenzie: Objectively tall and massive black girl who grew up with a relatively stable homelife. Using her hobby as a weightlifter to make money to pay for her education since scholarships don't cover everything. Starts with low level super strength, which only increases. Huge muscles, large chest (for multiple reasons), Broader face, flatter nose, kind brown eyes and beautiful hair which hangs down in small dreads.

Allison Mudrost: looks suspiciously like the goddess Athena if she were mortal

Wendy Fengari: looks suspiciously like the goddess Artemis if she were mortal.

Alice Guaritorre: Tall, slender, and nearly as dark as midnight. Her vibrant golden brown eyes are a stark contrast to her dark hair and skin. She grows curvier with every passing year. She has a lame leg but the power of the Healer.

Chloe Athanasia: Very pale, Ebony hair, green eyes

Clarissa Starlight Bingham: White, brunette, piercing blue eyes. Member of the crows, seer, and mate to Svetlana.

Phyllis: Mentioned once, dying siren, can change her hair and facial features.

Svetlana Mari Volkov: Werewolf Alpha, lynchpin of escape plan.

Alexandra Volkov: Svetlana's twin sister, trans.

John Luciel: Germanic and Swedish heritage, grew up in rural Minnesota, failing marriage and police career. Eventual mate to Moira.

Amya Starr: Black and cajun heritage mixed with her weredragon heritage to make a stunning beauty who is nonetheless more infamous for her studies, magic, and strength.

Gisela Blossom Belladori: The first of Moira's adopted daughters, Redhead, has a lot of supernatural and superhuman genetics, made in a lab. Specializes in modulating output. 50% Moira, 10% aphrodite, and the other 40% was a mixture of mechanics, witches, and psychics, most of whom happened to be redheaded.

Sigarda Buttercup Belladori: The second of Moira's adopted daughters. Blonde, has a lot of supernatural and superhuman genetics, made in a lab. Specializes in obfuscating targeting and protection. The blonde was 40% Moira, 40% Laura, and a couple girls that Moira had not encountered yet, some of whom seemed to be unawakened angelic nephilim.

Brunhilde Bubbles Belladori:The third of Moira's adopted daughters, specializes in enchantments and a burgeoning wundersmith. Made in a lab.60% Moira, 20% Chloe, and a couple of pugilists and seemingly a few unawakened demonic nephilim.

Bliss Ava Belladori: The 4th of Moira's adopted daughters, specializes in buff spells, invulnerability magic, and is a burgeoning goddess and frontline tank. Made in a lab. 55% Moira, 20% Amya, 25% Mackenzie.

Aphrodite: Titaness and exiled olympian, still has powerful charm spells, immeasurable beauty, and a love and sex divinity. One eye has been badly damaged and she is covered in scars. As time goes on, she discovers the divinities of adoration, devotion, and war.

Madison Alva: Great grand daughter of Titania, also a guard. Powerful portal magic. persuades entire shift to leave but leaves with the girls instead.

Filipe Juanes Castro: Tall, well built man with superhuman strength, speed, and reflexes. Father of Moira's child and her rapist.

Maximilian Draco: many times great grandson of a roman senator with high ambitions, and direct son of Sarah Everett. Low level psychic. Lower end of upper class. The source of Moira's final insult.

Franklin Guaritorre: Alice's dad and chief abuser. Almost kills her and her mom in a fit of rage.

Emily Guarritorre: Alice's mom and Franklin's chief enabler. Almost dies and still refuses to testify in court.

Elizabeth Brown: Clone of Moira and a crow, she is host to the Assassin.

Stefan: Rogue vampire leader, has Chloe kidnapped in an attempt to force a mate bond. Thwarted by Laura and killed by Chloe.

Regis Dominic Athanasia: Coven leader of a large group of vampires, father of Chloe. A strict authoritarian who is secretly terrified of letting those in his care get hurt.

Shaina: Gaiaborn vampire who has terrifying power but is found in a state of vulnerability.

Konstantin Volkov: Father of Svetlana, an Alpha now lacking the strength and dominance to continue as Alpha, but not willing to cede control of the pack to his daughter.


Ancient being:

(Emotional stability multiplied by 2. Sanity capped at 70.)

Favored by an Original (Reality arranges itself to benefit you in many small ways. Initial relationship with other Originals set to "Distrust")

YHWH's Hatred (Your deep sisterhood with Moira Belladori and casual friendship with the Warrior she hosts has put you on YHWH's blacklist. Relationship with YHWH fixed at "irrational hatred". You will now have a starting relationship of "Dislike" with all nuns, priests, angels, and other beings in service to him. When entering an area sanctified in his name, you will spontaneously combust.)

Equivalent Exchange, Bloodlines: (You have willfully severed your bloodline connection with Olympus. You have been offered the following bloodlines of equivalent grade based on circumstances to replace it: Aesir Bloodline, Fateweavers Bloodline, Warrior's Bloodline)

Sapphic Dual Cultivator: (You passively build up yang energy, which you cannot cultivate yourself. While lying with your lover, it can be released fully, allowing them to cultivate it. Failure to do so regularly can harm your cultivation and your physique)

Late Adolescence (max emotional stability x.5, Effect of Wisdom stat x.15)

Early Pregnancy (max emotional stability and focus x.8, all physical stats x.97, healing x.7)

Favored by Fate (Luck stat dramatically increased but negative life events significantly more likely to occur)

Early Adulthood (Emotional stability multiplied by .85. Focus multiplied by .28)

Vampire history/types/alternate names

Super/proto-vampires: The progeny of humans and demons

Class 1 vampires: Bitten by super vampires. Mindless ravening beasts

Class 2 Vampires: The first of these was a nephilim that was attacked by a super vampire and a class 1 simultaneously. Awakened their angelic blood before they were turned, have more self control, can subsist off of animals, faster healing. Introduces lesser immortality.

Class 3: The descendants of Caine, have bullshit magical powers and many of the traditional vampire resistances, introduces the light sensitivity/combustion thing.

Class 4: Have superhuman strength and a minor healing factor when glutted on human blood, when subsisting on anything else have no healing at all but has all the normal vampire vulnerabilities.

Class 5/Gaiaborn: The Earth Mother deliberately mutated a breed of vampires combining many of these traits and also reforming them from living diamond. Immune to sunlight, mood ring eyes, usually have one or more unique trait based off of their personality.

Class 6: Vladislov Dracula and Samantha Moon are both good examples. Have super strength and enhanced senses and speed at night, weak as a human during the day. Weak to silver bullets and staking. 3 types, slave, noble, and count. Introduces life mates and technically under the authority of the night goddess, Nyx. Noble and above can transform into certain animals, and count and above have a special combat form.

Class 7: A natural evolution of class 6 vampires. They are more conscious of the influence of Vampire within them. Though they have morality inertia (the choices you have made limit the choices you can make) they can in fact change over time. Can develop resistance to sunlight, silver, nightshade, curses, and holy energy over time, but never a full immunity. Like class 6, grows stronger with age and cultivation. Types include slaves, commoner, baron, viscount, count, marquis, duke, royal, and progenitor. All class 7 vampires can evolve along this track.

Special Vampires:

Vampire-Bred: When two class 7 vampires successfully interbreed, they create a vampire-bred. They usually acquire traits from both parents and have a synergistic bloodline. Have a lessened weakness to sunlight and don't need blood until puberty. Cannot recognize lifemates until late adolescence. Can also be produced by one count grade class 6 vampire and a commoner and above class 7.

Dhampirs: Class 5 and above can interbreed with humans, lycanthropes, and some fey, and create hybrids that have traits of both parents.

Not Vampires:

Atlanteans: These have special immortality granting medical nano's that require blood to fuel them, have many vampiric traits but are not subject to morality inertia and the pull of Vampire.

Nyxborn: Specifically called vampyres, they have their own special system that mostly works for them. A special variant mixed with class 4 vampires in the early classical era to produce class 6 vampires.

Bloodborne-Archangel: a fallen Archangel who has succumbed to bloodlust. Not actually a vampire.

Emotional vampires: Your mother in law is not a vampire, Keith.

Energy Vampires: Actually a type of fey, usually a product of glamor or mana starvation in the womb or early childhood. Child abuse isn't cool, guys.


Vampires are weak to sunlight, holy energy, rowan, antivampiric enchanted metal, and silver. They are paralyzed by the inadvertent consumption of nightshade and at least 70% are unable to enter an inhabited dwelling without an invitation. They are not immune to the ravages of time, despite being unaging and immortal. They will slowly go insane as time goes on. This can take more or less time based on various factors, and vampires with life-mates can be pulled back even from the brink.

Lycanthrope types/variants/history

Wolf demons: Early paleolithic demons

Wolfbred: Interbreeding between the above and humans, usually women, who themselves were usually witches and therefore had the mana to sustain a pregnancy.

Class 1 werewolves: Infected by the above, they are normal individuals most of the time. During the nights surrounding the full moon, they become ravening beasts who devour humans and livestock like it is nothing. No sentience while transformed, cannot control transformation.

Class 2 werewolves: The product of a nephilim being bit by an early werewolf. Have bullshit angel powers and can understand most of what they do when transformed, cannot control transformation.

Class 3 werewolf: The product of a class 2 biting one of Caine's descendants. Have bullshit magical powers which synergize with their angelic powers. Forced to feed off of corpses if they are leaning towards good, living people if the opposite.

Class 4: A minor devolution. Instead of having bullshit powers, they just transform into a normal wolf during the full moon. No real upside.

Class 5 Lycans: The children of the moon titaness, Selene. Literally. Worship the moon, stronger during the full moon, no longer forced to transform during full moon, only have access to a powerful upright form, wolf spirit and human side two separate individuals.

Class 6: weakness to silver and wolfsbane more pronounced, tend to have habits much like actual wolves, including forming packs, being incredibly community minded, and adoring children. Unfortunately brought back the class 4 diet during the full moon. Every time they shift with the full moon, they come back just a little bit larger than before. Gained a weird affinity for the trickster god, Loki.

Class 7: All werewolves can shift into their wolf spirit, usually a larger than average wolf that has some level of magic power and still has their full sentience. More powerful werewolves can assume an upright combat form, and also a much larger form of their base wolf. They reproduce the normal way, by finding their goddess-fated mates, rather than through biting. Their venom is really only for completing a mate bond. Werewolves who are mated to humans can transform them by biting them and giving them a blood transfusion, and then praying to Selene. Ironically, they have a similar power structure as class 7 vampires, but the very first class 7 progenitor werewolf was the product of a wolf mating with Fenrir.


Class 7 can manifest as any type of animal shifter, though the truly solitary species will be more community minded than the normal examples in nature and the more community minded will manifest a more individualistic temperament, mirroring their human half.

Were-blood follows the one drop rule. If even one drop of your bloodline came from a shifter, you can awaken as a shifter later in life, especially if you mate with one.

Werewolves and most other shifter variants follow the following organizations: A powerful leader, usually called an Alpha. A second in command, usually called a beta. Two thirds, usually called gamma's. 5 Delta's. Most other werewolves are more normal. Omegas exist outside the pack structure, and usually have special empathic powers to help mediate conflicts. They are not less powerful than Alphas.

All mixing trends upwards, so a beta marked by an alpha will grow to a similar power level as an alpha. The children of a beta and a gamma will be a beta. Even normal wolves mated to wolves with alpha bloodlines will give birth to, at the very least, betas.

Certain-moon blessed women who would have been witches had they not been born as shifters are born as Celestial Guardians, and have a greater than normal share of divinity, magic, and angelic power. They are always alphas but are never directly involved in the command structure of a pack unless mated to one of the commanding wolves.


Werewolves are vulnerable to death energy, silver, and wolfsbane. A werewolf poisoned by wolfsbane will be cut off from their wolf, unable to access their normally superior senses and instincts, shift, or heal. Silver prevents healing and automatically causes injuries it inflicts to worsen with time. If silver reaches their heart, they die. A wolf who has lost their mate will likely become suicidally depressed and will likely follow their mate to the afterlife within a week or so.

Common language and hybrids:

Rogues: A vampire or werewolf who is not part of a coven or pack. Usually, this is because they were exiled due to various factors, and they are a direct danger to human life at all times.

Werepire: A werewolf and a vampire mated, and the result was a hybrid with traits greater than their parents. While technically dhampirs, they are far more powerful than average. If assigned mates, Selene and Nyx will come to an agreement first before doing so.

Nightborne: If a single individual is attacked by a lot of vampires and lycanthropes in quick succession and gets a certain amount of their blood in their mouth, they will become nightborne. Grants many of the weaknesses of both during the day, and many of the strengths at night. Instead of a class 7 vampires combat form, they are assigned a wolf spirit and can assume a Crinos transformation like lycans. Need blood to survive, but less than vampires.

Dracopire: A dragon trolling around in humanoid form f*cked a werepire. Not a complicated concept. Think dragon girl, but also has weak vampire and lycanthrope traits, including advanced healing.


Nature spirits given humanoid form

Elves: Think of a variant of elf, they probably exist. Forms a magical bond with the very first person they ever have sexual intercourse with, which is equivalent to a matebond between shifters or the lifemate bond between vampires. Gay sex definitely counts. Very few elves are poly. Have powerful charisma and magic, but run the normal human gamut of personality types. Tend to have supremacist ideologies regardless of personality.

Pixies: Can assume a form three inches tall with butterfly wings or one about 4 and a half feet tall with really big butterfly wings. In either form, punches with the force of a low velocity bullet. Intrinsically tied to nature, and mate with werewolves by tricking them into licking them in their smaller form. Generally pacifists, but not immune to their share of sociopaths and fully capable of defending those they care about.

Dwarves: Are these even fey? Who knows? Who Cares? As a race, they have a natural predilection to mining, artifice, and wundersmithing. Dwarven women are far more likely than other races to develop PCOS and other ovarian issues. Low fertility.

Redcaps: Their caps magically never stop shedding the blood of their enemies for as long as they are led by a powerful and worthy sidhe. They can eat anything and are built like a twisted version of elves, if the elves in question were about 3 feet taller.

Sidhe: Look a lot like elves, but have normal ears. Powerful magic blessings from nature, the worship of mortals, and even their goddess, Danu. Mostly Immortal, even to the extent of being able to carry their severed heads back from the battlefield to seek medical treatment.

Slaugh: The Unseelie wild hunt, specifically the cthulhu-esque bits. Nightflyers, basically anything with a tentacle, and crone type fey.

Wild hunt: The Seelie version of the slaugh. Full of magical horses, unicorns, beautiful doves, and cute terrier breeds and pegasi, but when set upon those who have violated the admittedly archaic ethical code of the Seelie fey, they are all vicious killers.

Seelie Ethics: Like all fey, those of the Seelie court or of Seelie blood cannot lie. They abhor kinslayers, traitors, and child murderers, but also many minor esoterica about etiquette can get you on their bad side. They value beauty and public image both, and they love to form contracts with seemingly fair terms without the other party's consent. Being branded any of these things is a good way to flee from the wild hunt until you are eventually torn to pieces, trampled, and ground to dust.

Unseelie Ethics: They cannot lie, and they also despise kinslayers, traitors, and child murderers. They also despise those who refuse to stand up to their enemies and those who cannot do what needs to be done to protect their people. They value pragmatism and efficiency above all else, and abhor those who refuse to get their hands dirty for the greater good. Think a good idea for a party is a blood bath and also avoid contracts like the plague.

Trolls: Big. No, Bigger than that. Bigger than that too. Dial it back a tad, now you are thinking of lesser giants. Tend to have mediocre to poor intelligence, but incredibly honorable and straightforward, for a fey. For each oath they have made, and still keep to this day, they grow in power and physical prowess. Breaking an oath unwillingly strips them of their strength for a year and a day, while doing so willingly kills them within a fortnight. Many of them unwittingly made oaths to guard bridges. Have powerful regeneration but a weakness to fire.

Brownies: Love to be of service, usually Seelie, if driven mad by grief or rage can become a boggart.

Leprechauns: what internet trolls were before the internet. Thrive off of assholery. Also about 3 feet tall, making them shorter than most dwarves. Have a lot of luck based magic. Usually broke, despite their legends. Enjoy a good drink to the point of literally screwing themselves over.

Goblins: Danu did not see fit to make female goblins, but did see fit to give them the ability to natively conjure fireballs. In order to continue their race, they have to interbreed with elves, sidhe, or humans, but they will basically take anything they can get. Since they are not conventionally attractive, have teeth like a shark and scales like a lizard, and are only 4 feet tall, they tend to have to form groups to take their mates by force. Ill-liked by almost all races.

Sirens: Have an attractive humanoid shape, like to sing, can transform into a form more adapted for water when they enter the water, but still humanoid.

Mer-people: People having a humanoid top half and a fish like bottom half, though there are variants for octopi and squid as well.

Nymphs: Nature spirits taking the form of attractive women, tend to forget the events of the day at each sunset. Don't believe in clothes.

Dryads: Nature spirits bound to a specific tree, usually can also take the form of an attractive woman. Any mate they may have will also be bound to their tree.

Hama-dryad: Bound to a forest, not a tree.

Manaed: Nymphs who got fed up with people's shit and forcibly evolved themselves to be able to eat people raw. Reproduce themselves by luring men into the forest, mating them, and then eating them whole, starting with their dick. Because they hate men.

Ultra-dryad: Dryad bound to a world tree, and subsequently the energy of an entire planet.

Fae Construct: People who have been magically transformed by wild fae magic or by a wish, they may develop any or none of the above traits, and tend to have hyper specific traits as well.

Elder Fae: Beings who transcend mortal understanding and cannot be categorized here.

Avian-human hybrid: A well developed species of Fae Construct, they have powerful predatory traits, nigh immortality, healing, and resilience. They also tend to be unable to lie, like most fae, and to develop at least 3 other major fae traits.

Common Fey Weaknesses:

Cold Iron: Iron from a specific set of bogs in northern Ireland that has been cold worked can make effective weapons against glamour and the fey who wield it.

Glass: Elves, Sidhe, and most Nymph variants are especially vulnerable to modern glass, and can be killed by it quite easily if cut by it, as the wounds will not heal.

Bullets: Most fey are not especially bullet proof. However, normal bullets have to hit something fairly important to do lasting damage, and the major issue with the bullet will actually be the modern manufacturing methods, so if the bullet is removed they will fully recover.

Stake through the heart: piercing the heart kills all fey who are not fully immortal, like most other beings.

Hand grenades: The shrapnel in modern grenades bypasses their glamour easily and can seriously harm or even kill them.


Dragons have a lot of different types and variants. They tend to live in realms other than earth, because we chased them all off, though they might have interpreted events differently.

Chromatic dragons: Dragons of only one color correspond to only one element or energy type. All dragons age slowly and grow throughout their very long lives, often to the point of being too large to function in their old age. Greed tends to overwhelm their good sense right around early adulthood. The survivors temper this greed with cunning and experience.

Metallic Dragons: dragons of a metallic color also only have one element or energy type, though the correlation to their metal may seem obscure. Tend to allow their high ideals to trump their greed by late adolescence. Both are tempered by wisdom and a certain inherent nobility by middle age.

Weredragons: Descended from dragons who assumed human form generations ago and interbred with mortals, they eventually created a lineage of humans who receive a dragon spirit from selene around the age of 18-22, at which point they will shift into a dragon at the next full moon. After their first shift, they will count as a full dragon from that point onward, with were peculiarities and weaknesses.

Dragonkin: Descendants of dragons and mortals, created humans with dragon traits.

Dragongirls: Specifically not dragonkin. This is a specific variant of a dragon's humanoid form that allows them many of the benefits and none of the downsides of being a dragon. Mostly, allows them to communicate with mortals face to face, but still gives them claws, wings, and horns. Tend to have scales on their back and outer thighs, but not on their inner thighs cause reasons. The name is a little meme-y and of course male dragons can do similar things.

Conceptual dragons: Dragons who embody a concept, may explicitly be more than one type of energy or element. May even correspond to something not fully able to be defined by energy or elements.

Love Dragons: Dragons who fell for it and fucked a love goddess will receive their progeny in the godly mail 9 or so months later, leaving them to raise a dragon embodying a powerful but strange concept.

Death Dragons: Laverna is not one of the lonely Milf's in your area, start having some self respect dammit!

Solar Dragons: embody the heat, light, and gravity of the sun.

Moon dragons: Embody the spiritual fascination mortals hold for the moon, can absorb elemental affinities through friendships with spirits.

Many dragons take many sexual partners throughout their lives without claiming any as their mate. However, if one of those partners was able to get the dragon to submit in any context, then they will become a dragonrider and the two will be mated.

A full 45% of dragons are asexual, but more than 60% are aromantic. This means that they will either only have sex for benefits, or out of curiosity. These dragons either do not experience sexual attraction or romantic feelings.

Dragons are weak to siege weapons and heavy artillery in much the same way you might consider a tank weak to those things. In human form, dragons can be poisoned with dragonsbane, and if they embody a concept things embodying an opposing concept can be anathema to them.

Their wings and bellies tend to be less lightly armored than their limbs, faces, and backs, and this means their wings are prime targets for aerial harpoons, ballistas, and heavy cannon.

Female dragons will nurture a dragon as an egg within their body for up to 18 months before laying it, at which point it must be infused with its related concept and a crapload of mana before it hatches in 5 months or so. The mother will guard its egg zealously and murderize most anyone who approaches.

If mated in their humanoid form, they will instead bear their young in 9 or so months like normal. The resulting progeny will default to their human form rather than dragon until puberty, at which point anything can happen.

Male dragons who knowingly mate with another dragon will guard them until the egg is hatched before abandoning them to return to their own caves.

Dragons are fully sentient before they even learn to walk, and can communicate fluently in most languages by age 3.

Dragons are often naive and arrogant in equal measure, looking down on others as lesser beings until their demise at the hands of such a being.

At the start of my book, most all dragons have left Earth for better climes. A few dragon eggs still remain in concealment or circulation, but many of them have remained unhatched. Baby dragons are not exactly at the top of the food chain for the first few months of development, and often fall victim to the cruelty of nature before they get a chance to grow up on Earth.

Angels and Demons

Angels are primarily divided into two primary groups: angels, and Angels.

Angels were created right around the same time as time itself, and they often serve one of the 7 originals. For some reason, this is usually YHWH. They are incredibly powerful and often unique, and the most powerful among them are named Archangels. They can interbreed with most sentient humanoid races, and the children will have powerful angelic traits. These children are called nephilim, unless they are born to and by Angels, in which case they are also Angels.

Lowercase a angels were created by lesser beings, usually in response to some event, and they embody less of the divine and celestial spark that marks their more powerful brethren. Nephilim exposed to evil or demons will awaken as angels. They tend to be focused around a very specific concept but may share that concept with many others.

Fallen Angels are angels who used to embody one concept, but eventually fell victim to the insidious whisperings of its opposite.

Demons are the embodiments of the sins of mortals given form. Some of the more powerful demons may indeed be fallen angels, but many of them came into being spontaneously.

A notable exception is Lilith, who was cursed by YHWH to be a demon because she wanted to be the top in her relationship with Adam. Literally. She is the very first succubus and is said to be the Mother of all Demons.

Some of the early fey are said to be cross breeds between demons, angels, and eldritch beings.


Witches are mortal or semi-mortal beings who have attained magical power through a connection with a spirit. This is not necessarily a contract, as even a friendship can help. Most witches tend to be aligned with the Earth itself, but many of them have made deals with devils, demons, angels, and fey beings in order to amass the power they wield.

Witches grow stronger by mastering and training their magic and by strengthening the bond between them and their spirit.

A special type of witch is known as a cleric, or a witch who has made a special connection with a god. They can channel their gods' divinity and often wield it in their name. Variants include monks and paladins.

Witches often take time to cast their spells and are otherwise mortal, though powerful ones may be more resistant to various attacks and energies.

Witches are vulnerable to unimaginative and illogical arguments, as well as posse's of religious fanatics running around rounding them up to drown, stone, and burn them.

Children of witches will also have magical powers, and if left untrained, the magic will outgrow them and then violently explode. This fate is thankfully reserved only for those whose magical potential is great enough to generate an explosion.

Known Avatar's:


The One Who Provides-Warrior of Warriors-Moira

The One Who Makes Whole-Healer-Alice

The One Who Fills From Within-Divine Throne-Throne (Montana)

The Lightbringer-Lucifer

The One Who Takes From Others Their Very Selves-Great Usurper-YHWH

The One Who Brings Chaos-Berserker-Clint

The One Who Fills With Darkness-Dark Throne-Felicia

Other Notable Avatars








Elementals (all types, not the same person)




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