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Chapter 226: CH - 221 Sixth Great Ninja Village?

The news of the duel's conclusion spread like wildfire across the entire ninja world, marking the end of the peculiar conflict that had gripped their attention.

Yet, the revelation of the Grass Village's victory sent shockwaves across the entire ninja community. Initially, many had presumed that Konoha would emerge triumphant. How could the seemingly lesser-known Grass Village stand against the might of Konoha? After all, Konoha not only held status among the Five Great Ninja Villages but also boasted the reputation of being the strongest among them.

However, the unexpected outcome flipped these assumptions on their heads. Despite the unconventional nature of the conflict, now termed the Ninja Tournament, a victory remained a significant feat, particularly against Konoha. After all, It seemed implausible that Konoha would willingly concede victory to the Grass Village.

Moreover, the Grass Village's decisive actions against the Sand Village, followed by their subsequent confrontation with Konoha, had reshaped perceptions. After all, They have even forced Konoha to acquiesce to the demands of the Grass Village. In the aftermath, the entire ninja world found themselves reassessing the Grass Village's standing.

It became apparent that the Grass Village had ascended to a position of prominence, capable of rivaling even the esteemed Five Great Ninja Villages. Some even murmured about the potential emergence of the 'Sixth Great Ninja Village,' a title that had eluded the Rain Village in the past but now seemed fitting for the Grass Village's remarkable achievements.

"The Sixth Great Ninja Village!" Hanzo exclaimed with excitement as he clutched the intelligence in his hand, his enthusiasm palpable even through his mask. Akihiko couldn't help but sense the jubilation radiating from Hanzo, despite the impassive facade of his mask. "To witness Rain Village ascend to such heights is truly remarkable!"

Akihiko's expression twitched at Hanzo's words. "This is the Grass Village, not Rain Village."

"Oh, who cares about details!" Hanzo waved his hand dismissively, entirely absorbed in the intelligence before him, akin to a child fascinated by a new toy. His lifelong aspiration had been to elevate the Land of Rain to the status of the Sixth Great Ninja Village. Once deemed an unattainable dream, he had now achieved it in his later years through unexpected means. "Regardless, we've achieved our goal of becoming the Sixth Great Ninja Village. Hahaha! Rumors even suggest that Sand Village may no longer deserve its place among the Five Great Ninja Villages. I can just imagine the envy boiling within that old hag Chiyo!"

Observing Hanzo's exuberance, Akihiko shook his head in a mixture of amusement and resignation. The notion of the Sixth Great Ninja Village, while celebrated by many, was more a product of the ninja world's admiration for Grass Village's recent developments and the outcome of this war rather than a genuine recognition.

As for Sand Village, their swift retreat in the face of Grass Village's advance had significantly diminished their standing in the eyes of the ninja world. Many now questioned whether Sand Village still deserved its esteemed status among the Five Great Ninja Villages.

Yet, Sand Village had been grappling with its own challenges. The strained relationship with the Daimyo, which had shown signs of improvement, was once again under strain due to the actions of their Fourth Kazekage. This recent conflict had only served to exacerbate tensions further.

In the intricate web of politics and power dynamics, the ninja villages operated independently, with the Daimyo's influence limited to a certain extent. However, the weakened position of Sand Village following this war underscored their vulnerability and lack of leverage in such matters.

"What's our next move?" Hanzo set aside the intelligence report and turned to Akihiko with a furrowed brow. "Despite our victory in this duel, if Konoha retaliates with full force, we may find ourselves at a disadvantage."

Akihiko, however, dismissed Hanzo's concerns with a shake of his head. "It's unlikely that Konoha will instigate another conflict at this juncture."

Hanzo's expression mirrored his skepticism as he awaited Akihiko's explanation.

"The rapid progress of Grass Village has surpassed the expectations of the Five Great Ninja Villages, and the recent series of conflicts has taken its toll on Konoha," Akihiko explained. "I doubt Konoha will risk further exhausting themselves by initiating hostilities while other villages recuperate. Additionally, I believe the Third Hokage recognizes that resolving our issues will require more than Konoha's efforts alone. They're likely to focus on regaining strength and planning for the future, rather than immediate retaliation against us."

With a solemn nod, Akihiko concluded, "Konoha will likely bide their time, waiting for the opportune moment to deal with us decisively, rather than rushing into another confrontation."

As Akihiko concluded his thoughts, Hanzo let out a soft sigh. "It seems the Third Hokage's weak nature has made him hesitant. But in the future, Grass and Rain will undoubtedly encounter significant challenges."

He contemplated the passage of time, recognizing that he might not be around to witness the culmination of their efforts. However, he took solace in the thought of the next generation, believing that as Grass and Rain continued to forge unity, they would grow even stronger. The era of him, the legendary ninja would eventually fade, replaced by the capable hands of the younger generation.

"So, what's our next move?" With a lighthearted smile, he inquired. He shook his head, directing his gaze at Akihiko. "What's the plan for us?"

Akihiko responded with enthusiasm, "Our next course of action? We continue with our current endeavors – development, commerce, and, poac..*ahem* recruitment! Let's aim to draw talent from all the Five Great Nations. By the way, the graduates of this year should be ready soon. I wonder if Obito has managed to complete his homework?"

"Of course, we must also remain vigilant regarding Konoha's actions," Akihiko continued, his tone tinged with amusement. "They're likely facing challenges of their own now. I can't help but wonder about our 'esteemed' friend – Danzo. How is he faring amidst all this?"

In Konoha, as Akihiko foresaw, the atmosphere was indeed somber. The news of Grass Village's triumph cast a shadow over the village.

Unaware of the significance of the jinchuriki, both the daimyo and the villagers grew increasingly discontent with Konoha's decision to engage in a conflict over what they perceived as a mere monster. With heavy losses and a sense of humiliation now added to their grievances, their dissatisfaction only deepened.

The daimyo, in particular, was rumored to be considering drastic measures. Some proposed bringing Konoha under direct control and establishing the Twelve Guardian Ninja, a force comprising formidable ninjas from within the Land of Fire, tasked with restraining Konoha's influence.

This predicament posed a significant challenge for the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. He likely hadn't anticipated Konoha facing consequences akin to those endured by Sand Village. Unlike Sand, Konoha boasted a formidable reputation as one of the strongest ninja villages, having emerged victorious in three consecutive Great Ninja Wars and effectively compelling other villages to retreat even in defeat.

It was a scenario beyond anyone's anticipation that they would find themselves bested by a mere Grass Village. Despite the duel not being a full-scale conflict between ninja villages, a loss was still a loss. Though, One couldn't help but wonder if Konoha would have yielded to Grass Village's demands if not for the pressure exerted by Sand Village.

Nevertheless, the development of this once-looked-down and small village had surpassed all expectations. Upon receiving Nara Shikaku's report, Hiruzen Sarutobi took a deep breath and uttered, "I am aware. This situation is not your fault. It's simply that Grass Village... proved to be more cunning than anticipated."

Who could have foreseen such strategies employed in the first match? It wasn't that Asuma was defeated by Grass Ninja Village per se; rather, he fell victim to their cunning tactics.

As for the second match, the idea that Grass Ninja Village would dare to dispatch Rogue Konoha Ninja caught them completely off guard.

"I sincerely apologize," Nara Shikaku bowed his head. "It's my negligence that allowed Grass Village to succeed." After a brief pause, he added, "But at this moment, Konoha..."

"Don't worry; I understand that Konoha needs time to rest and recuperate," the Third Hokage nodded, his tone carrying a hint of melancholy. "Go get some rest."

"Yes, Hokage-sama," Nara Shikaku replied, aware of the many challenges awaiting the Third Hokage in the aftermath of this significant incident.

As he rose to leave, Hiruzen Sarutobi's voice reached him again, "By the way, what are your impressions of this trip to Grass Village?"

"Grass Village..." Nara Shikaku halted in his steps, a hint of surprise coloring his expression. The Third Hokage's question prompted memories of his experiences in Grass Village, including the impactful banner he saw as he departed. Sighing with a mix of emotions, he answered, "A group of diligent and devoted ninjas!"

Hiruzen glanced back at Shikaku with a puzzled expression, surprised by the description of Grass Village.

"They are relentless in their pursuits. Especially Uchiha Obito... Kakashi mentioned that since arriving in Grass Village, Obito has been constantly learning. It's allowed him to catch up with Kakashi in ninjutsu, to the point where Kakashi was shocked enough to cough up blood," Nara Shikaku remarked with emotion. "You see, Obito... never showed much interest in studying back in Konoha."

As he finished, Hiruzen Sarutobi fell silent for a moment, his expression complex as he muttered, "Is that so? A group of diligent ninjas?"

Never could he have imagined that a former academic underachiever in Konoha would develop a passion for learning upon arriving in Grass Village. He sighed, "In this aspect... it appears Konoha is indeed lacking!"

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