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Chapter 3: Leveling up.

I walked into the waiting room and started a trios match. I set everything as needed in my load out and went into the box with my two random teammates.




Class Skills- twenty percent speed boost when shot at or hit. Pistol weapons deal plus ten extra damage.

Class weakness's-twenty five less health,cannot trade with battle guards, cannot use snipers.


Sun Coin-1

Gold coin-1000

Silver coin-0


Leader board rank #2

I hold of my shotgun looking at the attachments.

"Wait are you the real night." Rose.

"Nice equipment on that shotgun what they do." Lily.

"Will you can find out once the game starts." I reply to both their questions.

[Map Forest]

I spawn in a log cabin while the other two girl spawn separated as well in their own cabins. I make my way out to meet up with the them grabbing a heal on the way out. We started our into the dense pinewood forest as gunshots went off. They were far off so we focused on our positioning in zone.

The game was down seven team when a single shot went off right over the red he line. We got over the redhead line to see three teams in a stalemate below. One team was on the roof of a large wood cabin. The second team was outside behind a rock trying to take cover. I could just barely see a gun poking out from inside the building showing one person or team was inside.

I sat down on the ridge line next to a tree as the girls looked at me confused.

"Why are you sitting down."Rose said

"Will eventually someone below will try and make a move. When that happens it will be chaos. When things cool down after that we drop in while their low and finish them." I say as they both sit down listening.

As I had said someone made a move and everyone pushed inside the building. At this I stated running to get behind the teams inside. I pulled out my shotgun a see the door was broken off. I do a quick peep inside and see them still fighting. I walk inside turn around and jump against the wall going in the air towards my left to hit off the wall and shot someone for 90 as I landed behind a staircase. The smgs started firing and the girl threw a grenade in knocking two players. I get behind one of the players and unload an another pistol mag into him doing 150 damage knocking him. I get shot from behind but my skill let's me get a speed boost in time to get behind a wall. I'm at forty health and know that the person who shot me will be chasing me. I quickly jump off the wall to my right going off to the left. When the guy rushed behind I turned around to see him trying to turn towards me but I was aiming down sites and had the angle on him. My sight did as it was suppose to and the shotgun pellets did not spread buy focused for the same spot hitting in the head for 180 damage knocking him. I press my foot against the wall behind me taking off toward the downed person. I finish and start reloading my shotgun going up the stairs.

I hear someone coming from above and jump off the railing left and right going forward until I jump straight forward at the turn place my feet on the wall midair to see the guy was aiming for the corner but I was not taking the stairs so he had to turn to shoot me. By then I hit him for 150 with my shotgun. He starts shooting at me with his smg but I'm sliding left and right while still going forward. He unloaded the entire mag into the air and I get right I front of. I place the barrel of the shotgun to his chest and pull the trigger. The game ends declaring us the winner.

Night-3 kills

Damage 680

Accuracy- 98% shots hit.

"You really are the real one. Can we play another."Rose says

I took at their stats for this.

Rose-kills two


Accuracy- 55%

Lily-kills zero



"Why not I sent you friend requests."

"Thanks you won't regret it." Lily says to me before we get teleported back to the waiting room. I had gained a crown but still needed levels. If I wanted to level up fast I should go for duels.

Duels are one verse one game mode done inside a single building with no one being able to go more than five feet away from it. Both players would fight best out of three and the winner would get a small xp boost reward to activate at any time. If you win multiple games in a row without losing a round you can get better items and better xp boosts that can last for an entire day and give three times bonuses.

But for now he had another game with this too ladies.

The game went by well with with me getting seven kills and dealing two thousand damage. I told them what I was going to do and feel free to play again in the future.

[MAP, broken building.]

I spawned at the bottom floor and awaited for the countdown to end. Both players could talk to each other with the mic like in battle royal in this.

I made my way for a door next to some stairs. After hearing a few second I peaked up the staircase and took twenty damage as I sled backward going for the elevator. It was only the shaft bu I jumped up and turned mid air bouncing off the wall gettin got the second floor. I ran for the door my right and slammed it open. He was still peaking down the stairs as he looked behind I hit him for 80 and continued the run up the stairs. When moved around the stairs going behind door I guessed he was blocking it, I was on third and sled into the shaft bounced forward at the right time into the second story room.

"Surprise" I said I did a barrel forward landing on one knee I shot him mid heal. He clearly hadn't thought of someone using the elevator shaft to get in here. He was at ten health and I sled my left so before he could close the door one bullet ended him.

Winner- Night.

"Wait your Night, I guess it makes since because your so good"Random.

"Yes that would me."I say to him.

" don't stand a chance against you." He says.

"Will you were close." I say.

"You should really stream. I bet a lot of teams would take you in for anything."He says as the next round starts.

The same thing happened just about only except he didn't deal damage. I played for a while longer before getting off to go buy some food and other great things.

When I got home I placed the recorder device to the pod and ate some fresh made pasta. With pc I could go into the game and get a extra option to stream to different sites. If I got enough viewers the screens in the wait room that people use to watch other games would play mine as well now. The more like and views I get the more money I can make in the future.

I go outside for a little while to take a walk to a nearby restaurant as it was almost ten at night. When I enter they take me a seat in upper right corner next to the chiefs giving order. When I sit down I see three people from my school look at me in shock. One of those people was Emilia Henderson. I order a steak and potatoes. The steak was cooked perfectly and the potatoes had JSU the right amount of butter and seasoning. When the waitress came over to take my payment I pulled my phone out. She scanned my code from the game Lost Souls and it costed twenty gold coins. I think the students who saw this were in shock as I left. Emilia finished her food as well and started walking towards me. I had order a driver to take me home and they were already waiting. I showed the code on the phone and I got inside before Emilia could catch up.

That was quit the place. It all tasted so good but it was time to go to bed. As always I had a dreamless sleep and woke at eight leaving for school. When I arrived to my last class of the day Emilia stared at me the entire time.

"Listen I recommend you stop staring before someone gets the wrong idea." I whisper to her as it seemed to break her from trance.

When class ended she block my path out the room on purpose.

"Are you really him." She says.

"I am indeed." I say.

"If it's possible do you think you could join us in a better against the bone guild." She says.

"I would even if I didn't want to. But I do considering what the bone guild has and I want." I say.

"What would that be." She asks.

"I want revenge on them from a past life of mine." I say while walking out the door going home now.

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