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Chapter 5: Bone Guild




Class Skills- twenty percent speed boost when shot at or hit. Pistol weapons deal plus ten extra damage.


Air step-the user gains an extra step mid air.

Ice wall-create a eight feet long wall of ice that black all damage. Wall is stopped by structures.

Class weakness's-twenty five less health,cannot trade with battle guards, cannot use snipers.


Sun Coin-1

Gold coin-950

Silver coin-0


Leader board rank #1

- 🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷🔷

The Ring Of King Alfred.

Item rank-server owners rank.

Summon swords of ice to attack enemies.

Freeze the ground below your feet freezing enemies in place for five minutes in a mile radius.

Gain double so while wearing the ring.

All who are killed by the user of this ring lose all levels and skills.

Attacks with swords deal fifty extra damage.

Gain three hundred health while wearing this ring.

Speed is doubled while wearing the ring.

Allows access to the army of ice weapon stash.

Cannot use In the primary game modes.

I walked out the guilds base making my way quickly towards the bone guilds base. U wanted something very important. As I came up to their property five young men started running towards me. My sword flew through the air plunging into their chest.i made my way forward as they ruined to pixels. I blasted the doors of their mansion open.

"If you leave now kid we might let you live." One of the man at level eight said.

I froze the ground trapping them as they yelled. I took out my shotgun blasting some of them to pixels. I walked up to the man looking into his worried eyes.

"I'm sorry. Please don't kill me. I worked hard to level up." The man say while still stuck.

"Tell me where your boss is and you get to live." I say as a evil aura engulfs me.

"His through that door up there." He says pointing behind him.

I walk up and open a door as a shot goes off. I had already expected this and with my skills moved behind the door as I opened it. I slug myself over the door sliding inside. I catch in the corner of my eye of a man throwing a sniper down pulling something else out. I ran towards a wall as the bullets graze my back right behind me. I bounce off the wall with my left foot as aim for the shot midair.the man goes pale but still tries to move. But the shot went off dealing 185 damage. He reloaded his smg and started firing at me but my swords made a x shape in front of me blocking all of them.

"What do you want." The man says while on the floor in fear.

"I want revenge for what you will do" I say aiming my shotgun at his head.

"What you even mean will do." But as the last word leaves his mouth the shot rings through the mansion.

"What a nice hand cannon." I say picking up a gun he dropped. To think this hand cannon would become one of the best weapons in the game one day. Will it's mine now.

When I walk out I see how everyone was waiting with their guns aimed at the door.

"Just because you killed him doesn't mean he won't come back." The man says.

"True enough but I'm afraid I'm not in the mood for this." I say as hundreds of ice swords take form behind me.

Everyone drops their weapons one by one as I walk forward someone pulls a pistol but a sword slices them in two. I see the crystal that us used for clan wars and shoot it once with the hand cannon.

BOOM and the glass sphere shatters as a message appears before everyone in the ice rose guild.

I exit out entering back into the waiting room thinking I should try to level up after all this. After all the only way you can level up is by playing the battle royal and one verse ones. I notice some of the bone guild players entering and think about how they came here to level up and most likely get revenge.

I walk into one of the gun shops that had a wide arching door with neon lights all over it. The hand cannon counted as a pistol so I think I might want to upgrade it. I walk around the shotguns and see one that catches my eye. A diamond tiered shotgun sat behind a glass case. When I approached I saw the blue box appear in front of it showing the stats.

Name- double tap pump.

Tier diamond.

Damage, 180 if all pellets hit. Max is 210 if all hit the head.

Abilities- auto reloads while not being held.

Price-400 gold, adding attachment costs spectra 100 for each.

If I attach my black tier sight to this it might become the best gun in the game. I send the amount through the system along with the shotgun bolt and sight costing me six hundred gold. My soul dies inside me. How could a gun cost this much.

I walk out entering a duos match ready for a full out battle.

"All special abilities from the ring will be cancelled while inside." The system says inside my head.

I spawn inside the box holding my shotgun while the hand cannon was holstered under my coat.

Hand cannon.

Damage, 40 damage, 60 for headshots, magazine size four, must wait five second before reloading.

The guy that was my partner loads in next to me.

"Wow your level ten. You must be really good. Wait I think I know your username." He says while thinking.

"I'm guessing you just started playing considering your only level two" I say looking at his weapons.

"Ya. I chose the shield class and went for the assault rifle and basic pistol." He says showing them.

The games load us into the map finally.

[MAP Neon City]

I spawn next my teammate named Oliver inside a building with floating hologram screens and perfectly white clean consoles and walls. I take off forward grabbing some of the basic heals that could stack while making my way up. This map was one of the smaller ones because the buildings were much bigger. I reached the top floor and did something quit risky. I rush forward jumping off the balcony while twisting my body as fast as possible. My hands find their grip and throw myself upward landing on the roof.

"How did you even do that." My teammate says.

"I don't know. I kind of just did it." I say a little shocked I actually did that.

I look around seeing other roofs connected by elegant white bridges.

"Okay Listen. You stay here while I look around, if somebody come near you let me know. I say walking across the bridge.

The sky was a bright blue with clouds. The huge white and blue glasses building towered over the city floor and high ways. I pull my hand cannon out as I exit out of the bridge tunnel. I look across to see two other people walking on the other bridge that connected to this one on my left. I run and jump onto the roof on the tunnel and wait for them to exit hopping they hadn't saw me.

"As long as we can play smart we should be able to win this." One the players says.

They walk out the glass tunnel with me crouching on top. As they are still walking out past me I shoot.




140 damage in total as they run for cover I pull out my shotgun and slide off. The player I hadn't hit turns around shooting wildly with his smg dealing ten damage to activating my skill. I place my foot on the corner of a plant container attached to the roof and kick off. I fly through the air and slid behind a bush blocking where they had tried to go. One of them rushes up on me and starts to shoot me with his assault rifle as I pull the trigger on my hand cannon downing him instantly with one shot.

My health had just be drained down to fifty health as his teammate runs and jumps over the bush landing behind me. I shoot him with my new shot gun, I quick scoping while moving to my right. He starts to shoot but I fire my shot and thank the lord my aim was good.

-210 instant kill.

They dropped their heals and I picked one of the high tier healing kits. I walk inside the buildings roof door and start to heal.

"Are you Okay night" Oliver asks seeing my health had dropped.

"Yes I got both of them." I say looking at his location on the map.

"Why are you running towards me." I ask seeing him coming up to the door.

"I'm coming to help you." He says when I hear bullets fly.

I move away from the door while Oliver slams it open jumping for the stairs as bullets hit him in the back I close the door. Just as I close the door a bullet sneaks by downing Oliver mid jump. He falls onto the stairs straight down.

"They were on the other roof and shot me in the back damn it." Oliver says but not very angry.

I run down the stairs and start to revive him. Just as his almost fully revived I hear a very loud shot and the door above brakes open. Two people look in seeing me and try to get a angle to shoot but Oliver is up and me behind him. we take for the door below us and take cover inside. I am the hand cannon at the door while Oliver uses his shield ability allowing him to create a shield to hide behind.

When no comes down I start to wonder if they thought it wasn't worth it. After all we would have been able to shoot their feet. The glass shatter behind me as the window breaks. The team went back across the bridge to get an angle for the window shot. To make things worst I heard another team coming up the stairs from below.

The_Kings_Author The_Kings_Author

I plan to upload at least 1-2 chapters a week as I take my experience from a game I play and incorporate it into my writing. For obvious reasons I won’t give the name of the game itself but this book is still very much original. I only use the gameplay to figure out the fight scenes. Please leave comments as I do read them and consider all ideas.

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