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Chapter 68: Real Heroes sacrifice to save others!

The next day

Bullet was much more quiet, just training as normal. Momo wanted to talk to him but didn't get a chance.

Izuku noticed but he was thinking of something else.

The night arrived and the classes were separated into scarers and scarees. Class-1B would be scaring Class-1A and vice versa.

Bullet was wearing only one of Stain's knives with his mask in his pocket. His binding cloth was wrapped around his arms as the groups went into the forest one after the other, when there was a sudden smell.

Not only that…

Figures appeared from the forest and stood in front of everyone who was still waiting.

They immediately took down Pixie-Bob stepping on her as she was thrown from the forest.

It wasn't just one or two villains…

They all looked at Bullet and grinned, "Ah… The target." Bullet frowned as he looked at the 4 of them. One guy with scarred flesh, a lizard, a guy with big lips, and a guy covered in leather with only his mouth exposed.

Bullet frowned deeply as the scarred guy said "Alright, come on. Don't make us hurt you…" The lizard guy grinned, "You took out Stain, right?! You should join us instead, kid! Welcome to the League of Villains!"

Bullet put on his mask and said "Funny. Good joke! Comedian?!" as he shot forward, pulling a gun from his back!

He hid one!

He threw out the knife, getting blocked by a giant sword made of swords but Bullet pulled back the knife as he was dragged to a giant guy with a clothed item. Bullet twisted in the air as a guy covered in leather lunged at him.

Bullet pulled the trigger to everyone's shock and blew the leather guy's brains everywhere! The lizard shouted "Moonfish! Damnit, Magne! Get him! I'm gonna kill him!" Bullet turned and threw out the knife, firing three shots at the scarred guy, turning him to a corpse!

The scarred guy turned into mud suddenly but the leather guy was really dead.

Bullet was smashed by the cloth weapon and sent flying back.

Bullet threw the gun out at the lizard guy jumping at him. He landed on the ground and swung his leg back, smashing the giant sword to pieces.

The Lizard guy grinned and picked up the weapons jumping at Bullet, who was being dragged around by the magnet guy! Bullet turned to him and threw out the knife like a bullet, the magnet guy pressed out and the knife bounced back as Bullet pulled it back, rolling on the ground, swinging his leg back, hitting the lizard guy in the chin, sending him flying.

He rushed the magnet guy and leaned back under the weapon before tackling his chest, raising the knife.

He stabbed down and the guy turned to mud.

Everyone was shocked and looked at Bullet in fear.

Momo shouted "Bullet! Watch out!"

Bullet turned his head only to get smashed by a clothed weapon again! He flew back and landed in front of the group, rolling to Momo. He slipped the knife in his pants at the back and slid into a three point stance.

Magne chuckled, "Spinner, come on… These clones are cool!" Spinner got up and sighed, "Sucks about Moonfish…" Magne waved "That guy was nuts anyway! But the kid killed him! Look at everyone's looks… he has no choice now!"

Spinner grinned at the scared kids, turning to Bullet, saying "Look! See how they look at you?! They hate you! Come and join us! We won't give you these looks! You'll be our friend! Isn't that what you want?"

Bullet ignored him and Spinner sighed, "I hoped that wouldn't be the case… Dabi!" the scarred guy came back, saying "Yeah, yeah, I heard." his hands lit up with blue fire and it shot to the sky.

Dabi stepped forward and said "Let me give you a choice, kid. You come with us now, or we kill every last student here."

Momo shouted "Like you're so powerful?! A little blue flame, I'm shaking!" she sneered and Dabi laughed happily, asking "Did you think I was as idiotic as Moonfish? Damn retard got his head blown off! Nonono… I'm much smarter than that!"

Dozens of clones of all three of them appeared, surrounding the students. Mandalay and Tiger were dealing with clones in another area with Aizawa and Vlad King.

In short, there were only students here.

And an unconscious Pixie-Bob.

Bullet looked at all the clones and Dabi waved "Hurry up, I hate wasting time!" he made a blue flame on his fist and pointed it at a trembling student from Class-1B.

Bullet frowned and held his hand behind his back, Spinner held the gun, saying "Ahh! Don't move! Put your hands up and we'll come get you!"

Momo frowned and held her hands together behind Bullet as he said "You leave everyone alone. We swap. Me for Pixie-Bob." Spinner nodded, saying "Magne, bring Pixie-Bob." Magne smiled and walked over with Pixie-Bob, dropping her on the ground.

Bullet said "Stop! I walk. You back off." Spinner frowned and said "Hey, we're calling the shots!" Bullet frowned and said "Listen or fight! Understand?" Dabi waved impatiently, "Hurry up! We don't care about this trash!"

Bullet swiped his hand over his mouth while taking off his mask, putting it in his pocket and holding his hands up, walking over slowly.

Everyone froze as Bullet gave himself up. Spinner grabbed his hands, smiling "See? How easy was that? Don't worry, soon we'll be friends! Hahaha!" Bullet didn't say anything and they took him away into the forest, leaving with the clones.

Momo clenched her fists and teared up. Damn it!

The rest weren't feeling too good either…

Momo ran into the forest, saying "Get the teachers! Damn it!" Ojiro ran off in an instant.

Bullet was being dragged into the woods and moving quickly, dozens of clothes still around them. Bullet frowned and Dabi grabbed his head, saying "Ah ah… Don't move. We can still go back, you know? It's only a single order away… Not to mention, there's a Nomu here… Can they handle one?"

Bullet froze and frowned slightly, not moving anymore.

Spinner laughed, "He's a tough cookie! HAHAH! What's your name, pal?" Bullet didn't open his mouth, just looking out into the dark forest with a flat look. SPinner shook him and said "Hello?"

Magne laughed, "Leave the cutie alone, Spinner. If he doesn't want to talk, he doesn't have to. It's fine." Spinner chuckled and nodded, "He'll talk later!"

Bullet was brought to the rest and he froze on the spot, his eyes wide as he stared ahead of him. Himiko blinked at him and Bullet stared at her, tearing up. Himiko smiled gently and a guy in a mask leaned in, saying "Ah?! You know each other~? Young love~! Wow! Didn't think you were the type, Toga!"

Himiko ignored him and Bullet smashed the back of his head on Spinner's face, lunging at Himiko, tackling her to the ground. She was stunned and Bullet turned around, crouching over her body like a wolf protecting his cubs.

The villains were stunned and Dabi frowned, "What the hell…" Spinner laughed, "Hey! He's already protecting us, I like him… My nose hurts though…" Bullet moved Himiko behind him and frowned at the villains, seeing a few new ones.

Like that guy with a top hat and mask that just appeared before getting slammed into the ground by Izuku, Shoto, and Shoji.

Bullet picked up Himiko and flipped her to his back, not saying anything. Himiko rubbed her face on his cheek and smiled "I missed you, Bullet." Bullet smiled slightly and nuzzled her, not saying anything still.

But she hugged his neck, saying "But I'm part of the League of Villains now." Bullet froze and looked at her in shock, feeling very betrayed. He shook his head and looked at her hopefully, the meaning was clear, kidnapped? Threatened?

Himiko looked away and shook her head. Bullet closed his eyes and tears dripped as she wiped them away, biting his ear and whispering "You come with me… I'll help you escape." Bullet nudged her and looked at her hopefully, she smiled sadly while shaking her head.

Bullet closed his eyes in pain, not able to believe this.

He felt like it was all his fault.

Spinner grabbed Bullet again, holding him hostage as the three froze.

Spinner held a gun to Bullet's head, saying "Don't move! I'll shoot! He's not a clone by the way." The mask man jumped back and patted his clothes as Shoji revealed the two beads in his hands.

The masked man chuckled, saying "Inevitably… You're all part of the show." as he moved his mask, revealing 2 beads on his tongue.

He stepped back in a portal with Dabi and Spinner, who was holding Bullet hostage.

Suddenly, a laser smashed the man's mask, tossing the beads out!

Shoji and Shoto dove for the beads as Izuku went after Bullet, only to fall to the ground, pain all over his body.

Bullet watched as Dabi caught a bead and said "Release 'em." The bead snapped, turning Bakugo back to normal in Dabi's hands as Dabi laughed, "How sad for you, Shoto Todoroki…" but suddenly, Bullet stabbed Spinner through his own shoulder.

Spinner pulled the trigger, but only a click came out as Bullet swept his leg out, kicking Katsuki to safety as the portal closed in front of Katsuki, Shoji, Shoto, Izuku, and Fumikage.

They all looked at Bullet, who smiled kindly, the portal disappearing in an instant.

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