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Chapter 22: 21. Morgan's whisper

A/N: Greetings, esteemed readers and followers. I hope this missive finds you well. I wanted to inform you of a brief hiatus in the release of chapters. It's not a disappearance act, fear not! Yours truly is taking a short respite to delve into the depths of inspiration, ensuring that the forthcoming chapters surpass your expectations.

During this interim, there won't be regular uploads, but rest assured, it's all in the pursuit of enhancing the overall narrative. Your patience is greatly appreciated, and I look forward to returning with rejuvenated creativity to continue our literary journey together. Until then, stay tuned, and thank you for your understanding. 📚🖋️


Overwhelmed by the surreal and overwhelming encounter with his sister-turned-wife, Arthur's senses began to blur. The tight embrace, coupled with Morgan's bizarre expressions of affection, proved too much for him to handle. As his vision dimmed and the mutterings in his ears faded into a distant echo, Arthur succumbed to the intensity of the situation.

In a moment that felt both prolonged and fleeting, Arthur passed out, his consciousness surrendering to the peculiar reality that had unfolded. The last sensation he experienced was the tightness of Morgan's hug, an embrace that had shifted from endearing to suffocating, leaving him in a state of unconsciousness.

The system dutifully recorded the event, capturing the peculiar dynamics between the summoned entities and their master. Arthur's unexpected journey, marked by strange missions, noble phantasms, and now a sister with an unsettling twist, took another unforeseen turn. 

As Arthur slowly regained consciousness in the confines of his room at the Boreas mansion, the memories of the bizarre encounter with Morgan, his fairy queen sister, flooded back. A part of him hoped it was all a dream, a surreal vision conjured by his subconscious, but the reality of the situation began to solidify.

Just as the thought of it being a dream lingered, a voice shattered that fragile hope. Jeanne's calm and composed voice echoed in his mind, addressing the peculiar events that had transpired, including the intense hug from his sister.

"Good morning, Arthur. That was quite the warm welcome you received," Jeanne's voice resonated in his consciousness.

As Arthur slowly regained consciousness in the confines of his room at the Boreas mansion, the memories of the bizarre encounter with Morgan, his fairy queen sister, flooded back. A part of him hoped it was all a dream, a surreal vision conjured by his subconscious, but the reality of the situation began to solidify.

"Are you awake, Master?" she inquired, her gaze penetrating with a keen understanding that seemed to reach beyond the surface. Arthur, still trying to reconcile the events, responded with a hesitant affirmation.

"Yes, I... I think so. Was that... all real?" he mumbled, half-expecting Jeanne to reassure him that it was a mere illusion. However, reality had other plans.

"That hug was quite intense," Jeanne remarked, her expression betraying a subtle amusement. The confirmation struck Arthur, dispelling the fragile hope that clung to the possibility of it being a dream.

Before he could dwell further on the peculiarities of his situation, a presence entered the room. Morgan, the Lostbelt Queen ruling over Faerie Britain, materialized with regal confidence. Her cold and ruthless demeanor remained intact, but Arthur couldn't shake the memory of her unexpectedly affectionate embrace.

"Morgan's gaze met Arthur's, and a mischievous glint appeared in her eyes. "Ah, my dear husband, you've awakened," she said with a tone that sent shivers down Arthur's spine.

Arthur, still processing the aftermath of the peculiar encounter, managed to compose himself. "Morgan, that hug... It was... quite something."

Morgan's expression shifted to a mischievous grin. "Oh, did you find it overwhelming? I couldn't help myself. You're so cute, after all."

Arthur sighed internally, grappling with the surreal nature of his current predicament. The room, adorned with medieval aesthetics, felt like a stage for an otherworldly drama where his past and present collided in unexpected ways.

As the conversation unfolded, Arthur decided to take a proactive approach. Turning his attention to Jeanne, who was the only person in this room who didn't give him a headache, he spoke with a determined tone.

"Jeanne, I need your assistance. I want you to go to Buena Village where my family resides. I'm not entirely sure what threats may arise, and I want them protected."

Jeanne, with her usual composed demeanor, acknowledged his request. "Understood, Arthur. I shall watch over your family and ensure their safety."

Arthur appreciated Jeanne's willingness to assist. However, he faced a more delicate issue with Morgan. Aware of the complexities of dealing with his fairy queen sister, Arthur hesitated to share too much with the Boreas Greyrats, who shouldn't know about the existence of Morgan or the true nature of his family.

"Morgan," Arthur addressed his sister, "I need you to stay invisible. I know you have your way of doing things, but for now, your presence must remain a secret to the Boreas Greyrats."

Morgan pouted, displeasure evident in her expression, but she reluctantly agreed. "Fine, my dear. I'll stay invisible as you wish, but you better not ignore me completely."

Arthur nodded, acknowledging the challenge of managing his sister's peculiar personality. With Jeanne set on her protective mission and Morgan agreeing to maintain invisibility, Arthur felt a semblance of control in a situation that bordered on the fantastical.

My apologies for the oversight. Let's revise the narrative to include Arthur's realization about the system capturing the moment before he became unconscious.

Angry and puzzled by the bizarre events that transpired during Morgan's summoning, Arthur couldn't contain his frustration. Directing his ire towards the system, he demanded an explanation.

after Morgan disappears and Jeanne goes to do her job Arthur finally has time to relax alone yet his moments of peace do not last long as he remembers something that happened right before getting suffocated by morgans intense hug so he questions the obvious culprit "What the heck did the system do during the summoning?" Arthur inquires, his tone laced with annoyance. He couldn't shake the feeling that the system had captured compromising images of him suffocating under Morgan's overwhelming embrace.

Suddenly, a realization struck him, and hesitantly, he added, "Did it... capture everything?"

To no one's surprise, the system remained silent, offering no response or clarification. Frustration deepened as Arthur felt the lack of control over the unfolding situation. It was at this moment that his recently acquired skill, Great Sage, chimed in.

"Arthur, the system may not provide the answers you seek, but I can offer some insight. The system's nature is to remain neutral, functioning as a tool without personal involvement. It doesn't answer queries that might compromise its stance or reveal too much about its capabilities."

Great Sage's voice resonated with a calming reassurance, providing a semblance of clarity amidst the confusion. Arthur, though still perturbed, recognized the wisdom in Great Sage's explanation.

"Understood," Arthur grumbled, accepting the limitations imposed by the system's neutrality. He pondered the implications of navigating a world where even the entities aiding him had their enigmatic agendas.

Arthur, still grappling with the uncertainty of the situation, turned to Great Sage for clarification.

"Great Sage," he inquired with a hint of trepidation, "did the system capture everything? I need to know what might be documented from that... moment."

Great Sage responded with its characteristic composed tone, "Indeed, Arthur. The system can record and capture various aspects of your experiences. It is designed to document significant events and interactions within the world it governs."

A sense of discomfort settled within Arthur as he considered the implications of this revelation. The realization that his private moments might be cataloged by the system raised concerns about the extent of his autonomy in this magical realm.

"Can it be deleted or erased?" Arthur pressed further, hoping for a semblance of control over the recorded events.

Great Sage paused briefly before responding, "The system operates autonomously, and its recorded data is integral to its functioning. Deleting specific segments may not align with its design. However, I can offer guidance on navigating and understanding the system's intricacies to the best of your abilities."

As Arthur absorbed this information, he felt a growing sense of unease. The interplay between the system, the summoned entities, and the unpredictable twists of his journey became increasingly complex. Despite the challenges, Arthur steeled himself to navigate this enigmatic world, determined to uncover the truth while acknowledging the inherent mysteries that surrounded him.

As Arthur contemplated the implications of the system's recording capabilities, Morgan materialized before him like a ghostly apparition. Her presence sent a shiver down his spine, and she spoke in a whisper that carried an eerie sweetness.

"How cute, little brother," Morgan murmured, her voice a haunting melody. "Trying to erase those dark moments? But you can't escape the watchful eyes of the system. Every blush, every struggle, it's all etched in its archives."

Arthur, unnerved by Morgan's spectral manifestation, felt a surge of frustration. "Morgan, why are you here? Can't you give me a moment of peace?"

She chuckled softly, her form flickering like a spectral flame. "Peace, dear brother? In a world dictated by strength, You should know better."

Arthur, unnerved by Morgan's ghostly manifestation, struggled to find words. His attempt to exert control over the recorded memories now seemed feeble in the face of the supernatural force that mocked him.

"You can't escape the shadows of your past," Morgan continued her words echoing with malevolent glee. "They weave into the very fabric of your being. Embrace them, for they are an integral part of the story unfolding."

As quickly as she appeared, Morgan's ghostly form dissipated into the ether, leaving Arthur with a lingering sense of disquiet. The boundaries between the tangible and the spectral blurred in this arcane world, and Arthur grappled with the unsettling realization that his attempts to conceal his vulnerabilities were subject to forces beyond his understanding.

In the silent aftermath of Morgan's spectral visitation, Arthur found himself in a contemplative state. Her haunting words echoed in his mind, prompting a self-reflection that delved into the recesses of his consciousness. The realization struck him with a sobering clarity: he had spent much of his life trying to escape the shadows of his past.

Whether in his previous existence or this reincarnated life, Arthur acknowledged that he had often sought refuge in the allure of new beginnings, attempting to bury the memories that haunted him. Yet, the constant reminders, orchestrated by the enigmatic system, seemed to suggest an unyielding insistence on confronting the ghosts that lingered in the corridors of his history.

In a moment of introspection, Arthur pondered the significance of embracing rather than evading the fragments of his past. Perhaps, he surmised, the system's relentless efforts to revisit his history were not mere whims of fate but a cosmic nudge toward acknowledging and reconciling with the layers of his narrative.

The realization unfolded like a revelation, urging Arthur to reconsider his approach to the complexities of his existence. Instead of resisting the echoes of his past, he entertained the notion of understanding them, of unraveling the threads that bound him to the enigmatic tapestry of his own life.

As Arthur grappled with this newfound perspective, he sensed a subtle shift in the paradigm of his journey. The past, once regarded as a specter to be avoided, now presented itself as a mosaic of experiences integral to his growth and understanding. With this realization, he resolved to face the enigmatic challenges ahead with a newfound resilience, embracing the echoes of his history as integral components of his evolving story.

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